CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

[quote name='Twick87']how do the sims work anyways? can 1 guy sim and the other guy play against his team? I'm assuming both teams will be simmed, but I could be wrong...[/QUOTE]

Well, people can set their team to have the CPU play for them...using the new "Build Your Own AI" feature (which basically amounts to "strategies"). That way, your opponent COULD play against the CPU for that game. But yeah, if a game is simmed entirely, the outcome is just decided by the game based on the skill of the team, the strategies the user set, etc.
Unless I'm missing it I thought their would be a single player season. All I'm seeing seems to be single games and then playoff games. Also in HUT do you only have a number of times to renew the player's contract? I see nothing showing the number of games left for the player and number of times the contract can be renewed unless I'm missing it.
[quote name='jza1218']They eliminated career lengths in HUT.[/QUOTE]

That's good. I was afraid it was like in the game I'm playing on my phone. I didn't want to build up a good team and then the max amount of contracts be used for a player and they retire. Also HUT needs a random name generator. It took me about 5 minutes to come up with a name that worked.

EDIT: I also have a player on my HUT team that is injured. I thought I read that they had to sit out for some games and when I go to add consumables I see for the healing cards it does say 2 games. I have had him sitting out more than the 2 games. So do I have to use the healing cards?
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Just a heads up, it looks like the code issues are fixed, so if you have one from a preorder at Gamestop or wherever, it should work now.
Copy from TRU came today. I guess I'll be keeping them in mind if they have decent sales. Receiving the game 2 days after the release date isn't bad.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Copy from TRU came today. I guess I'll be keeping them in mind if they have decent sales. Receiving the game 2 days after the release date isn't bad.[/QUOTE]

Lucky! My TRU copy is estimated to get here Monday. For $15 off and free shipping its not bad, but I still kinda wish I had gone with Amazon for the $15 credit and boost packs.
yea my tru copy hasn't left their warehouse yet.. but it's ok I went and snagged a copy from walmart yesterday. Then snagged a boost pack off ebay. Next year I'll just order from gamestop or bestbuy save myself all the hassle.
I've been playing the GM mode and overall i think 13 sucks more than 12... i turned injuries all the way off and i still get injury after injury. Were talking a faster rate than the wings or Dipetro put together... the other real annoying bit is i made a 6'9 275lbs player for hitting and he's been hurt or pushed down more than hurt another player... WTF EA? I made an "all star" team to fool around and get used to the limits of the game. Ovie shouldn't be getting knocked down THAT easily, although him getting 13 min of penalty time in one game seems accurate...
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Put me in for the panthers mr_hockey66 mr hockey66 everynight about 5-11 pn mon-Friday Saturday's and Sunday's any time.[/QUOTE]

Glad to have you join us, Mr Hockey! I'll get you added to the OP now.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well, lockout is looking imminent. What's the dealio now commish? Im itchining to start this![/QUOTE]

I'll probably get things set up sometime tomorrow. And then we'll see where this crazy journey takes us.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I've been playing the GM mode and overall i think 13 sucks more than 12... i turned injuries all the way off and i still get injury after injury. Were talking a faster rate than the wings Crosby or Dipetro put together... the other real annoying bit is i made a 6'9 275lbs player for hitting and he's been hurt or pushed down more than hurt another player... WTF EA? I made an "all star" team to fool around and get used to the limits of the game. Ovie shouldn't be getting knocked down THAT easily, although him getting 13 min of penalty time in one game seems accurate...[/QUOTE]

Fixed... I don't know how you can say the Wings get hurt all the time. Last year they had 16 players with 68 or more games played. That's more than most of the other top teams can say. Their shit luck is that they all happen at the same time. With this past season being late in the season and the year before it was fairly early in the year.

Back on topic... Did anyone else feel like the most recent Tuner set nerfed the goalies a little bit? Another thing I noticed is that in online HUT matches it seems like the player speed was turned down quite a bit. I really hope they take away the ease of the bullshit wrister top shelf being an almost automatic goal. I swear that is the only way I get scored on in online HUT matches.
my TRU copy came in yesterday! Looking forward to getting this league going, even with the sad news of the real-life lockout.

also, what is our policy gonna be on trades? Was reading the Madden thread debate this morning and hope that we dont have any similar issues.
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[quote name='mvp828']Back on topic... Did anyone else feel like the most recent Tuner set nerfed the goalies a little bit? Another thing I noticed is that in online HUT matches it seems like the player speed was turned down quite a bit. I really hope they take away the ease of the bullshit wrister top shelf being an almost automatic goal. I swear that is the only way I get scored on in online HUT matches.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, to me the tuner set seemed to definitely dumb some things down. AI defensemen are way worse too. Playing EASHL last night, we saw them just stand there and let a guy just walk through the slot and pick his shot on net, with no pressure at all. And when they have the puck, they don't know when to dump it anymore.

They were GREAT at this in the demo, seeming to flip the puck in anytime you got near the blue line. And EA's bullshit about having "more team systems" doesn't seem to apply to EASHL. You've got your forecheck strategy and your neutral zone strategy, and a slider for the bias. That's basically it. But the other "Build Your Own AI" settings of dump/carry, pass/shoot are nowhere to be found.

As players are starting to level up their skaters, the game is definitely starting to feel more like NHL 12. Outside of the skating, not a whole lot is different.

[quote name='GamerDude316']also, what is our policy gonna be on trades? Was reading the Madden thread debate this morning and hope that we dont have any similar issues.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't think people in this league will be as inclined to just get rid of their superstar players...but again, using the salary cap as a guide SHOULD be good enough. I think most of the people in here probably picked their team for a reason, and hopefully strip mining the entire team wasn't one of them. Maybe it's because of the popularity of fantasy football, but Madden always seems to have people who want to rip up their roster and start from scratch.
Ok, I'm about to set up the league, and apparently, there have been 3 tuner sets already (v1.00, v1.01, and v1.02)...which we're free to choose from. Does anybody think we should use the most recent one? From what I've seen, I don't really love it. But I'm going to try and look at the release notes to see what they claim each change accomplished.

EDIT - Ok, here's the official list of what the tuners did:

Tuner Updates:

Name: Pre-Release
Date: Pre-09/11/12 (Pre-Release)

  • Goalies taking a better angle to the puck short side. This makes the slot more effective than bad angle shots when taking a good settled wrist shot. (short side is still possible but takes the goalie being a bit more out of position and/or a great shot)
  • Increase in penalties across the board (with a specific look at tripping)
  • Significantly lowered the chance of the high percentage goal where players were skating backwards then pivoting back to their forehand around the goalie
  • Significantly lowered the chance of the high percentage goal where players would use protect puck to circle around the net and tuck it in far side
  • Goalies are more effective on breakaways. Scoring on simpler dekes is much less effective but players can still score many ways on breakaways (shots or dekes to all parts of the net).
  • AI on All Star difficulty and above are more aggressive.
  • Goalie will no longer try to cover pucks that are far beyond their reach.
  • Goalies react better to shots on the rush since they anticipate a shot more than when a team has setup and they have to track multiple players.
  • Backwards skating with the puck is less effective.
Name: 1.01
Date: 09/13/2012

  • Fixes the issue where every shift would begin at a faceoff in Be A Pro when a User would sim to next shift.
Name: 1.02
Date: 09/14/2012


  • Grades for Goalies in Be a Pro/EASHL – Tuned to how shooting percentage effected goalie ratings in NHL 12.
  • Tripping and Interference penalties increased

Based on that, I GUESS we should use the most recent one. The other changes seem minor...and increasing penalties definitely was needed. I just don't understand why the AI has seemed so much less aware lately.
I'd say recent. IIRC, the tuner option is changeable after the league is in place, but I'd have to double check.
As for as A.I. goes, are you basing your opinion off our OTP Games? If so, I'd say that it's more that people are leveling up. In general though, OTP aside, I'd even say that it probably seems a.i and goalies are worse just because people are figuring things out now as far as high percentage shots/tactics that exploit the a.i..
[quote name='moojuice']I'd say recent. IIRC, the tuner option is changeable after the league is in place, but I'd have to double check.
As for as A.I. goes, are you basing your opinion off our OTP Games? If so, I'd say that it's more that people are leveling up. In general though, OTP aside, I'd even say that it probably seems a.i and goalies are worse just because people are figuring things out now as far as high percentage shots/tactics that exploit the a.i..[/QUOTE]

Well, yeah...that's the game mode that I'm basing a lot of it on. But I'm not referencing things like "Oh, people are able to beat the AI down the ice now." It's more like "Why isn't the AI stick checking anymore?", "Why won't the AI dump the puck into the zone?" People leveling up shouldn't have any affect on those things.

But I agree, they do play better in non-OTP modes. I do feel like I need to spend more time in vs to see how things play in relation to this league. I wasn't really even sure what difficulty we'd want to play on (though that is something we can change after we start). But I just did a quick game of the Predators vs Red Wings, on Pro, and the CPU was still pretty damn tough. They were working the dump and chase just like in the demo, and they wouldn't let me breathe in the neutral zone.

I ended up outshooting them 14-13, but lost 2-1 in OT. That's another thing to consider too. Since it seems like there are so many OT games, are we going to get annoyed if a lot of games go to a shootout? Should we do continuous OT for all games...or would that be even more annoying playing marathon games all the time, lol. I know there was some interest in doing old school OT rules...with ties and everything. Not sure if that was just a couple people or a majority thing though. What do you guys want to do?
I vote current system (5 min 4v4, then SO) first, continuous second. Also lets use the most recent tuner set.

Also, fudged up my HUT team already...entered my team name (BroCode, as a HIMYM reference) but completely spaced on changing the 3 letter abbrviation so every game I play now has the opponent letters vs "HUT". D'oh!
How do I stop the tips at the bottom left hand corner of the screen from coming up? They tend to get in the way. Also how do the injuries work in the game? It seemed like if I just sat the player out for a few games they would be fine but they never were. I had to use the cards to heal them. Do you have to use the cards?
[quote name='moojuice']My pref is current 4v4 then SO, Old School would be second choice. Continuous is last choice.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GamerDude316']I vote current system (5 min 4v4, then SO) first, continuous second. Also lets use the most recent tuner set.[/QUOTE]

Agree with all of this... ^

[quote name='sendme']How do I stop the tips at the bottom left hand corner of the screen from coming up? They tend to get in the way. Also how do the injuries work in the game? It seemed like if I just sat the player out for a few games they would be fine but they never were. I had to use the cards to heal them. Do you have to use the cards?[/QUOTE]

You have to make sure they are a Scratched player. It works the same as fatigued goalies. They must be in the active line-up/scratch in order to become fully healthy again.
[quote name='sendme']How do I stop the tips at the bottom left hand corner of the screen from coming up? They tend to get in the way. Also how do the injuries work in the game? It seemed like if I just sat the player out for a few games they would be fine but they never were. I had to use the cards to heal them. Do you have to use the cards?[/QUOTE]

For the tips, I think they appear when playing on rookie difficulty and I don't think you can turn them off.
Yeah, I think the answer is basically "play on a higher difficulty". They should go away after rookie.

I think I'm just going to make a poll for the OT question. So far, we've had 3 votes for the current system, and 2 for "old school". Might be surprised to see what the majority wants.
Ok, added a poll to vote on the OT rules. Keep in mind this is just for REGULAR SEASON overtime rules. In the playoffs, it'll be continuous.
[quote name='mvp828']Agree with all of this... ^

You have to make sure they are a Scratched player. It works the same as fatigued goalies. They must be in the active line-up/scratch in order to become fully healthy again.[/QUOTE]

So I just do the quick swap with them with Y and pick a different player?

[quote name='garrett007']For the tips, I think they appear when playing on rookie difficulty and I don't think you can turn them off.[/QUOTE]

Well time to get my ass handed to me by the CPU. Rookie was getting to be two damn easy, but Pro is a bitch for me.
Im surprised people would be ok having tie's...this isnt soccer people! :) I vote for current OT rules. Has the league been created yet? What should we search for in GM connected to find it? CAGLS I would assume?
Yeah, the league hasn't been set up yet. There have been 15 votes cast so far, and speaking of Surprisingly, 3 people voted for continuous OT. I guess they haven't played enough 5 OT games yet, haha. The funny thing is, I haven't voted yet. So, as of right now, I have the deciding vote anyway. Irony. :lol:
Hello again everyone. I hate to do this, but I think I am going to have to back out of this league. It's not looking like I am going to have the amount of free time needed to devote to this league that I thought I was going to have.
[quote name='jza1218']Just sold a Claude giroux hut card for 75,000 pucks. Winning? Me.[/QUOTE]

Nice work. I can't even get 5,000 for the powered blue Pens jersey

I'm gonna vote for ties I guess. Shootouts are kinda lame for this kind of league and I don't want to be playing a game for over an hour lol.
[quote name='jza1218']Just sold a Claude giroux hut card for 75,000 pucks. Winning? Me.[/QUOTE]

What a sucker.

I did sell a Lundqvist for 50,000 and a Stamkos for 30,00. At least I keep getting people to resell from packs.
I got the Tavares I sold from the Mega Pack deal that was going on. Used 440 points on that. Everything else has come from the standard Gold Pack. I actually think that's the best deal. I currently have over 60,000 pucks and bought a Carl Hagelin card for 800, which is pretty good given his speed, shooting and hands. Now if I could just find a cheap Marc Staal I'd be happy.
Did I see in an earlier post that the league was starting tonight? Has the league name been set yet so I can search for it and reserve my team?
The league will be created after the poll closes tonight. You won't be able to search for it until then. But you don't have to worry about your team. The league will be private and everybody here knows what team they have. You should have an invitation to join around 9 PM EST tonight.
Thanks for the update, Nate. Any plans to play OTP tonigh, or will everyone just play league games? I'm fine with either one as long as it's not too late when everyone's ready to start.
bread's done