CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

Anyone that has to play St. Louis I will be on and off throughout the day. I will be playing Mass Effect 3. If you need to play me let me know. I have yet to get on NHL 13 so I have not checked the list.
I've contacted a couple of my opponents, but I haven't received a message from anyone. Sendme, we do have a game. I can play after 6-6:30 P.M. Eastern. Here's my list of remaining opponents:

Anaheim (x3!)
St. Louis

And just so you're aware, Minnesota is not set to CPU play.
[quote name='Matt Young']I've contacted a couple of my opponents, but I haven't received a message from anyone. Sendme, we do have a game. I can play after 6-6:30 P.M. Eastern. Here's my list of remaining opponents:

Anaheim (x3!)
St. Louis

And just so you're aware, Minnesota is not set to CPU play.[/QUOTE]

I should be good for that time.
The patch is live. I noticed a lot more penalties being called. Tripping is getting called a lot more on those stumbles. Hitting looks like it was botched though. Apparently turning down hits seems to have made them more effective and bigger. It also seems like the range is bigger. Poke checks also seem to be more effective even when protecting the puck.

Besides penalties, everything seems to be a step backwards.
EA needs to put the app on Android. it would make it so much easier for myself and others that have Android on our phones.

Looks like I'm playing LA at 5:30CST and Nashville at 7:30CST tonight. So everyone else that I sent a message to I'm free after LA and any time before the game against Nashville. Tomorrow I should be free most of the day.
[quote name='mvp828']The patch is live. I noticed a lot more penalties being called. Tripping is getting called a lot more on those stumbles. Hitting looks like it was botched though. Apparently turning down hits seems to have made them more effective and bigger. It also seems like the range is bigger. Poke checks also seem to be more effective even when protecting the puck.

Besides penalties, everything seems to be a step backwards.[/QUOTE]

Why would they turn down hitting? Hitting needed to be turned least for the players capable of knocking people down. Their explanation of accidentally taking into account the hitting power of the person being hit was hilarious. The reason people poke check spammed before is because both stick lifts and hitting were mostly broken (unless you were straight up head hunting).

I'm also fine with poke checking being more effective. It really shouldn't be that difficult to knock the puck off of somebody's stick. Maybe a perfect stab right on the puck is one thing, but if you're pestering somebody side by side, and tangling your stick with theirs, they shouldn't be dangling and twirling like a ballerina. As a lot of people have stated on the EA forums..."Don't like poke checks? Don't skate directly into someone's stick."

The lack of penalties was where these things became issues. If I'm head hunting and smash you face first into the me for it (hell, suspend me for it. I'd love to see it). If I'm chasing you from behind, trying to poke through your legs (or dive at your feet like a real idiot), make it an easy trip and call me for it. If I'm sticklifting you before the puck even gets to you, make it more likely to cause a penalty than if I had timed it to when the puck was actually on your stick. EA's idea that they can teach people how to play hockey by just making shit not work is infuriating. Everything should work. There should just be consequences for overly aggressive playstyles.
Anyone playing buffalo, I should be available to play by 10 EST tonight or after 7 EST tomorrow. Ill be on Xbox now but have prior arrangements for NHL and madden
[quote name='Matt Young']I've contacted a couple of my opponents, but I haven't received a message from anyone. Sendme, we do have a game. I can play after 6-6:30 P.M. Eastern. Here's my list of remaining opponents:

Anaheim (x3!)
St. Louis

And just so you're aware, Minnesota is not set to CPU play.[/QUOTE]

Just sent you a pm.

Anyone trying to play me, I know I said I'd be available today but I now will not be until 5 pm EST tomorrow.
Just played Matt Young and I'm glad I finally had a game with no lag at all. Game ended up being 5-3 St. Louis. I will even admit my first two goals were bullshit and I don't even know how I got them. The one had to be decided if it was kicked in or not. How Quick let them in I don't know buy he did. I'm just glad Halak didn't decide to venture out of the crease to the halfway point in the zone this time. It was a good game outside of the bullshit programming from EA. Some of my shots should have never went in and Backes steps out of the penalty box and somehow gets another penalty call for interference. I couldn't find the replay of it because it some how does not exist, but it seems like the door to the penalty box hit one of the players from LA or Backes stepped out in front of him. I'm sure their is no way in hell that would happen in a real game.
Good games with Phoenix and St. Louis tonight. Rinne was pretty strong in both. I've got Minnesota and Chicago left. Minnesota and I were supposed to play last night, but something came up and he hasn't gotten back to me since. If either of you guys are able to play tomorrow, I can play between 7 PM EST and 10 PM EST if you give me a time. I can't be on my Xbox that entire time, but I can get on if we have a time set up in advance. Just let me know.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Good games with Phoenix and St. Louis tonight. Rinne was pretty strong in both. I've got Minnesota and Chicago left. Minnesota and I were supposed to play last night, but something came up and he hasn't gotten back to me since. If either of you guys are able to play tomorrow, I can play between 7 PM EST and 10 PM EST if you give me a time. I can't be on my Xbox that entire time, but I can get on if we have a time set up in advance. Just let me know.[/QUOTE]

I should be able to play right at 7:00 est tomorrow if you're done for the night. I'm about to hop on for an hour or two.
[quote name='chriscolbert']I should be able to play right at 7:00 est tomorrow if you're done for the night. I'm about to hop on for an hour or two.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it'll have to be tomorrow. Like I said, I can't do late nights during the week. 10 PM EST is as late as the boss (wife) will give me.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, it'll have to be tomorrow. Like I said, I can't do late nights during the week. 10 PM EST is as late as the boss (wife) will give me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was later getting on tonight because my boss wanted to watch Prometheus... lol
Wow, that douche Darktower! Ha Ha! j/k! Had a great game! Garon apparently forgot we were playing hockey tonight though. Lost 6-1. It's all good though. Had a fun game with these new physics....yeah new physcis. Ha ha
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Wow, that douche Darktower! Ha Ha! j/k! Had a great game! Garon apparently forgot we were playing hockey tonight though. Lost 6-1. It's all good though. Had a fun game with these new physics....yeah new physcis. Ha ha[/QUOTE]

Yeah, new spring loaded physics. Several hits in the game where players ended up going in the opposite direction they were hit. Funniest one was a play in the third when the game was pretty much decided so we started trying out dekes and a Tampa player headbutted Malkin during a jump deke and sent him flying across the ice.
Hey guys, sorry I have been off the grid lately, I was pulling double shifts for the last ten days and haven't had a lot of time to even read the thread from work. last time I was on was ten pages ago, so I have some catching up to do on my reading. On the good side of my life I am proud to announce that I am double dipping on Internet situation and I have the new provider coming in on Thursday to instal it. With two providers and too much $$$ going out I SHOULD never go down ever again *prays* I'm hoping to be back on the ice very soon.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I fully expect Jay-Z to be involved.[/QUOTE]

Maybe they will get him involved in marketing, probably will, but Wong maintaining ownership. (I think Jay-Z actually owns 0.00015% of the Nets yet he has full control outside of the roster it seems)
[quote name='Captain OBVIOU5']Hey guys, sorry I have been off the grid lately, I was pulling double shifts for the last ten days and haven't had a lot of time to even read the thread from work. last time I was on was ten pages ago, so I have some catching up to do on my reading. On the good side of my life I am proud to announce that I am double dipping on Internet situation and I have the new provider coming in on Thursday to instal it. With two providers and too much $$$ going out I SHOULD never go down ever again *prays* I'm hoping to be back on the ice very soon.[/QUOTE]

So I am going to assume its ok for me to play the CPU controlled Oilers tonight correct?
[quote name='Matt Young']I've contacted a couple of my opponents, but I haven't received a message from anyone. Sendme, we do have a game. I can play after 6-6:30 P.M. Eastern. Here's my list of remaining opponents:

Anaheim (x3!)
St. Louis

And just so you're aware, Minnesota is not set to CPU play.[/QUOTE]

Good game with sendme last night, and Flyersfan contacted me, so we're playing today. Still haven't heard anything from Minnesota. I wanted to get at least 1 game in with Shady (Ducks) of our 3 scheduled, but he didn't respond to my message even though he was on.

Minnesota still doesn't have vs. CPU enabled.
Yeah, if I don't hear anything from Minnesota before this evening, I'll be temporarily booting him from the league so people can play the CPU. As I said, I was supposed to play him on Monday, but he messaged me to cancel, saying that his availability was "up in the air", but that he should be able to play Wednesday. He was supposed to get back to me, but hasn't. Whoever else needs to play him, I hope you can play tonight. I should have him booted no later than 7 PM EST.
I should be on tonight, have been off the XBOX for a bit as I been busy all week, long days and no desire to do much afterwards. Look for me after 9 if you need San Jose
[quote name='Twick87']what are we to do if we haven't heard from our opponents yet? are we allowed to play the cpu if it's the last night for games?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you've tried to contact them and they just haven't responded to you, they don't have much room to complain. On the day of the deadline, playing the CPU is fair game in that instance.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Wondering this too.[/QUOTE]


But I read it that he won't even have internet back until tomorrow, so I think that pretty much answers it.
Getting on now to boot Minnesota and to play chriscolbert.

Really disappointed that Canbanana never got back to me. I was looking forward to that game.
[quote name='chriscolbert']Thirded.

But I read it that he won't even have internet back until tomorrow, so I think that pretty much answers it.[/QUOTE]

I have you and Vulcan left to play, didn't hear back from him yet via PM, but I'll jump on at 11 to play you and then hopefully him.
[quote name='DestroVega']I have you and Vulcan left to play, didn't hear back from him yet via PM, but I'll jump on at 11 to play you and then hopefully him.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good.

Just had an awesome game with Nate. Got some lucky bounces and barely held on for a 2-1 win!
[quote name='Matt Young']Flyersfan had to cancel, but I actually won a game vs. the CPU! Now I just need one more win to move into the double digits...[/QUOTE]

Did anybody get hurt?:grouphug::pray:

I think I pmed everyone but if I missed you, go ahead and play my CPU.
[quote name='chriscolbert']Sounds good.

Just had an awesome game with Nate. Got some lucky bounces and barely held on for a 2-1 win![/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was a good game.

I felt really sluggish early on, and that ended up putting me in an early hole when a centering pass hit off my d-man's skate, went right to a Chicago player for a wide open net since Rinne was covering where the pass would have gone. The Blackhawks grabbed a 2-0 lead on a cross crease to Patrick Kane that I thought my d-man could intercept...he just didn't make the play. I was outshot 12-8 through the first two periods though.

In the 3rd, I tried to pour it on, and scored one goal early. A furious effort from Nashville in the final minute saw numerous shots, and a wide open net off a rebound that Sergei Kostitsyn shot wide. I ended up outshooting Chicago 11-3 in the final period, but it was too little, too late. Hard to win games when those types of things go against you. I'm just glad I was able to make a game out of it, as I really thought the flood gates would open up after that second goal.

One thing I just want to ask in here, and it's kind of an online etiquette kind of thing. But if you're the away team, you should be using your white jersey. I don't like playing with two dark jerseys because with so much action going on, sometimes it's easy to look at the wrong guy or think the wrong thing. I mean, after all, the away jerseys are white for a reason. chriscolbert switched to his home jersey, so I ended up going white...which just felt a little lame since I was the home team. It's not a huge deal, obviously, and it's nothing to cause drama over. Just, like I said, an online etiquette thing.

EDIT - Chris explained why he did it, and I guess the Preds standard gold jersey looked light on his TV. Considering how some jerseys look different in the matchup screen than they do in the game, I'm inclined to just blame EA here, lol. I've always thought the gold jerseys were pretty dark though...darker than Lakers gold for sure. Anyway, weird situation, but at least it didn't affect the game.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Play my Cpu if needed. This having a job, juggling hockey, and going to bed early stuff sucks. lol[/QUOTE]

At least it doesn't blow goats.

Dear EA,

I will literally buy DLC that will stop my players from getting injured. Just tell me how many zeros need to be on the check, mmkay?

Ninjas and I just had a "notsureifsrs" moment.

He put the puck on net and it hit Marty in the pads, literally right where his ankle bends. Puck should have reflected outwards but it defied physics altogether and went in between his legs. Seriously not amused with that.
Well, tried to play CPU Oilers and he has the roster issue mentioned last week. I know its not his fault as hes had internet issues, just hope none of my guys get hurt in the sim.
Weird thing is, they have a pic of a ref in a white helmet with visor and white skates. Not sure what to make of it as they say, see whats coming soon.
Hey guys just in case you didnt see it. There is a free hockey stick avatar prop on the canada xbox dashboard. you can two controller trick to get it to your main account.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Weird thing is, they have a pic of a ref in a white helmet with visor and white skates. Not sure what to make of it as they say, see whats coming soon.[/QUOTE]

WNHL...with all of our custom female skaters!
bread's done