CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

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I hope to pick upi the Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle w/free Guitar Hero III at Wal-mart. A $200 gift card would take car of it nicely.
i'll be going for the best deal on a 360 i can find.
so far the xbox 360 target deal is looking good.
although i wish there were deals on the elite
I think first im going to head off to BestBuy and pick up BioShock and World of Warcraft for $10 each also grab me Far Cry 2 for $38.

After that looks like im going to Circuit City for Dead Rising $10 and The Orange Box for $20. Gotta love saving money where ever you can!!!
Official gaming accessories hardly ever drop in price so seeing the PS3 Dual Shock for 29.99 at Radio Shack is an awesome deal. Or a 4GB memory stick for $20.00 that's crazy!
Burnout Paradise and Dead Space at Target for sure. I've been planning on getting Burnout Paradise (better late than never) for my wife anyway, and the deal on Dead Space is too good to pass up.
I'll be looking for a good deal on the Xbox 360 60gigabyte pro model like the $300 bundle at costco and Walmart
Dead Space - $30

Best Buy
End War - $37
Far Cry 2 - $37

The DS early bird bundle with the $25 off next purchase, maybe. I am not sure if my son would take care of one enough to buy it for him.
probably ninja-town for 14 at BB. man was really hoping for a Rockband 1 band set for 360 for only $100, or a lower priced Rock Band 2 since I prefer to just get that one. Guess I will have to wait unless I win the prize, but that wouldn't be in the spirit of cheapassgaming so I will just wait for a deal!
Target: Dead Space (PS3)

Radioshack: Dualshock 3

Circuit City: Xbox 360 Arcade Holiday Bundle + 20GB HD & Wireless Controller

Hope I can nab all these before they're sold out.
Since I'm in the market for a PS3 I'm thinking about the Best Buy deal: 80Gb PS3, Ratchet and Clank and Casino Royale for $399.00 mixed with an extra Dualshock 3 for $29.99 at Radio Shack.
Target seems to have the best deals this year.

Dead Space for $30 is very nice so I may check that out. Otherwise, I'm looking to pick up BIA:HH and Burnout Paradise for $20/each. Love those 360 games!
I have to say I'm a bit suprised by the lack of "really good" BF deals, but, I'll be in for the Turok for 14.99 at BB and Conan for 9.99 @ CC.
after hearing cheapy talk about the atmosphere of dead space i will be gunning for that deal !

either that or wombats recommendation of Bloom Blox !
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