CAGWF - Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 League *Show Wednesday at 9 EST, KotR Round 1 Started*

Ultimate Matt X

4 (100%)
*Updated 12/6 w/ new roster info*

Below is the roster of the CAGWF so far. First is CAG name, then XBL name, and finally the wrestler that is being used.

Ultimate Matt X – Ultimate Matt X – Chris Jericho
Matt Young – X Matt Young X – Edge
Vulcan2422 – Vulcan7905 – The Rock
Scorch – ScorchX – Randy Orton
Sigma – CM Punk
JJSP – TipYourMerchGuy – Jack Swagger
Pure Apathy – Pure Apathy – Ted DiBiase
pimpster4183 – axl rose 4183 – Christian
007 – bergponch – HBK
lmz00 – Saint Jude II - MVP

12/6 Update: Removed some players who traded the game. Tournament info is still below.

Ultimate Matt X

Sigma (Winner, No Contest)

masked lemon
Matt Young (Winner, No Contest)

Scorch (Winner)

Just play standard singles matches for the first round and try to get these done as soon as possible. Maybe if we can get this round done we can start the second round at our Wednesday gathering, well at least the matches for those available.

11/7 Update: There will be a card Wednesday at 9 EST. Also, we are planning a King of the Ring tournament to crown an Intercontinental Champion. That will be played whenever works for everyone their opponents.
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The reason I think WWE is the best place to start is it lets us get up and moving without worrying about creating wrestlers and should be a little easier for dealing with storylines. I have some storyline ideas about how we'll initially bring in created characters.

Would do you guys think of the idea of cards? I think it would be good to pick days and try to design matches based on who is part of the party.
CAGWF...that's not like CAGFC is it? lol, just kidding :) As most could guess, I won't be getting this game. But good luck to you guys with the league! Hey, did anybody see South Park last night? ;)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']CAGWF...that's not like CAGFC is it? lol, just kidding :) As most could guess, I won't be getting this game. But good luck to you guys with the league! Hey, did anybody see South Park last night? ;)[/QUOTE]

HA! Yes I did! Funny as hell! Also if somebody else wants the Rock....I will take Ted Dibase.


1:The Rock
2: Ted Dibase
Don't have the game yet, but I expect to get it off of Goozex here shortly. I'd like Ted DiBiase first and Santino Marella as my backup pick.
[quote name='Scorch']Dibs on Randy Orton!

Secondary pick is CM Punk![/QUOTE]

We like the same guys, it seems. Over the last couple years, I've mostly used Edge, Orton, Kennedy, and Punk. I should have picked Randy. I'm better with him than I am with Edge. But perhaps we can resurrect Rated RKO on one of these shows. ;)
How about this? Tomorrow around 8 or 9 EST we put a party together and have a King of the Ring style tournament to crown an Intercontinental Champion. I figure we can start with something like that and then work our way towards crowning a champion for the whole group, brands, or however we do it.
I'd take Koslov. UFC 104 is on later Saturday night though so there's a tournament that starts later than 8 EST than I wouldn't be able to take a part of it.
Uh yeah, tomorrow night's UFC night. Do it on a weekday night where there's more notification and more of a chance that everyone can participate.
I'd be down to participate, but I'd have to wait until at least December... my travel schedule during the fall is fairly brutal.

If it's still going by then, I call dibs on HBK.
Okay we will skip the tournament tonight then, but I'm still down for a more informal party/card type thing. Also, I'll start updating the first post with roster info.
Okay the roster information is on the first post.

007, you're in unless some crazy HBK demand comes between now and December. I don't think there will be and even so you could just use someone else.

You guys tell me, what would you like to see updated on here? I want to keep this league active, but also I'd like to see it be more community driven as we're all wrestling fans and that takes precedent over some of the more competitive leagues. I don't mean that we have to throw matches or anything, but I want the whole experience to be fun and fairly casual.
Cool. I've got no qualms about using someone else, so no biggie. Though I agree, I doubt there's gonna be a huge HBK rush. Ha.

Just to clarify a bit, I'll be around sporadically until December, it's just going to be real hit or miss during the week. The only thing I'm worried about is just not being around during scheduled events... I don't want to be 'that guy', you know? If you guys get something set up and I'll be around, I'll post and let you know. If this'll mainly be a weekend kind of thing, I shouldn't really have any scheduling conflicts at all.
Fridays are NHL 10 team play nights for me, although I won't be home this Friday anyway.

Why not have a Wednesday card? That's one night during the week where there's no wrestling on TV.
Normally Wednesday is good and we can aim for that next week. I have a huge homework assignment this week though. Also, not everyone has to be at every card. So we could have a night that works good for NHL guys and maybe another night for others. I'll make myself available a couple of nights a week and eventually we'll have structured cards where fights can be done any time.
Hey just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still interested in doing this and I'm just waiting to get the game from Goozex. I'm currently 4th in line. Wednesdays would work for me. The only problem I see coming up is the day after Modern Warfare 2 comes out. I think I'll be playing that all day on Wednesday.
So is everyone happy with running a card on Wednesday around 9? I figure we can start a party and take it from there. If by chance we have a group larger than 8 we can figure something out.
Just wanted to let everyone know I still plan on being on tomorrow at 9 EST to make a party to run a little King of the Ring tournament to crown the IC champ or something along those lines.
I'll be sitting in on a class from 4 till 7 (west coast, so 7 - 10 EST), so I guess that counts me out. I'll try and catch the next show, but I'll be around (probably) most of the afternoon PST.
I'll add you to my friends list, Ultimate Matt X. Then I will win the King of the Ring tournament!

Because I am everyone's, straight edge roll model. After this win maybe some of the drugged out losers in the crowd's children will have a chance at living good lives by following, my C.M. Punk Program for a better and healthier life.
Speaking of promos, everyone feel free to make some vignettes or something through story mode so we can get a little plot going for tonight. I'm going to try and put something together, but it won't be too fancy. More of a practice in story making.
Well I've been in the game, but don't see anyone. I'll stay a little while longer, but if nobody hops on we'll work something out for another night.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Well I've been in the game, but don't see anyone. I'll stay a little while longer, but if nobody hops on we'll work something out for another night.[/QUOTE]

I was on, but was never invited to anything...
Yeah I am sorry I missed the match, but really Wednesday is just a bad day to do it on. I'd prefer Sunday because most people are off work early or don't work on Sundays. I ended up going to the bar and watching some of the World Series last night and by the time 9 rolled around I had realized that the tournament was supposed to be going on.
[quote name='Scorch']Why don't you give people more than a 24 hour notice? Good god dude, make like a 5 or 6 day advance notice.[/QUOTE]

I think I confirmed it about 5 days in advance actually.
[quote name='masked lemon']I was on, but was never invited to anything...[/QUOTE]

What's your gamertag? I added some people, but guess I didn't have your tag.
I think we'll aim for Wednesday again as far as having a party gathering, but I think we're going to have to have a structured card set up for the first show.

Confirm with me if you still want in and the first 8 people will get put into tournament brackets and we can play at our own pace. I'll take the first spot.
bread's done