Call of Duty: Black Ops - Out now!


3 (100%)

Edit: If someone wants to hold a game night and/or wants to start a CAG server, let me know, and I'll update the post/link to your post. I probably won't be hosting for now, as I'm not around many weekends.

Server sponsored by a CAG member and his clan:
Name: .eleet Ranked S&D Non-HC (subject to change)
This is NOT an official (or unofficial) CAG server, but feel free to join -- you might find some CAGgers there. Clan members will get priority, though, if spots are full.

Seems like they're putting a little more attention towards the PC version this time.

Call of Duty: Black Ops PC Multiplayer FAQ

Full feature support: Confirmed
Ranked Servers: earn XP and currency. Wager Servers: gamble your currency. Customizable Unranked Servers. Combat Training against practice dummies. Theater. Create-a-Class “2.0.” Contracts. Emblem editor. Everything the consoles get. Implemented in a way that makes sense for PC (*cough* no lobbies *cough*).

PC Features: Confirmed
Dedicated Servers. New Server Browser. Dev console. /record. Customizable game modes, perks, killstreaks, classes, and higher player counts on unranked servers. Map rotation. RCon. Kick & Ban. MOTD. In-game custom Server Banners. And more.

Mod Tools: Confirmed
We will release mod tools sometime post-launch. We need to finish the game first. Then we will make sure any urgent issues are handled. Then we will begin work on tools. The extent of the mod tools package will not be known until this time.

Global Persistent Stats, Profiles: Confirmed
Your profile data is stored on servers for you and is accessible from anywhere on the internet. Stats, XP, COD Points, configs, etc.

Leaderboards: Confirmed
Yes, leaderboards – globally persistent leaderboards (i.e. NOT per-server based).

Steam Exclusive: Confirmed
Millions of Call of Duty fans are already on Steam. Their Friends are on Steam. Steam will provide the ease of auto-updating instead of manual patching. Auto-updating will also help keep the community playing together on the latest version. The Steam cloud will make your profile and configs available to you on any computer.

VAC: Confirmed
We are serious about protecting the integrity of this game from hackers and cheaters who would otherwise ruin the fun for the honest players. Used in conjunction with our own anti-exploit measures, Theater reviews, trusted servers, and supplemented by server admins with kick and ban powers we believe that Valve Anti-Cheat will be an effective solution for Call of Duty: Black Ops PC. We are committed to working closely and diligently with Valve to deal with new threats as they appear.

No “Public Server Files”: Confirmed
Many of these game features are predicated on having a trusted host or server. Otherwise these features would be wide-open to easy exploits and rampant cheating. Also, anti-cheat solutions can be significantly more effective on games that rely on trusted servers. We chose against “public server files” in favor of providing full feature support and protecting the integrity of this title. This doesn’t mean you won’t have customization or admin capabilities with your servers – because you will. This simply means we’ve partnered with an exclusive server provider. Exclusive: Confirmed
We have partnered with as the exclusive provider of dedicated servers for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Every dedicated server for this title will be running on top quality hardware and infrastructure with excellent bandwidth. There will be a ton of official servers at launch for everyone to play on for free. If you want to run your own server you will be able to rent one at a great price (which will never go higher than $0.99/slot). They are actively adding new server locations and staffing up to meet global demand. If you don’t see your location you can suggest it here:

Max Players: Not Confirmed
We have not yet finalized the maximum number of players in ranked or unranked servers. More playtesting is required to determine how high these numbers can go. This happens as late as possible in the project otherwise the game is likely to change in ways that could invalidate the results.

Minimum System Requirements: Not Confirmed (See Below)
Multiplayer Gametypes:
System requirements (via DirectDrive):

Call of Duty®: Black Ops Download Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows® Vista / XP / 7
  • Processor:Intel® Core™2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 or better
  • Memory: 2GB
  • HDD:12GB**
  • Video: Shader 3.0 or better 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GT / ATI Radeon® X1950Pro or better
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c

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I've had my copy reserved at Amazon for two months now. So pumped. I cant wait for the mod tools to get released so my friends and I can get some good scrims in (haven't played competitively since COD4).
That's better than me. I honestly haven't played an online competitive shooter...ever. Played my share of Goldeneye back in the day, and more recently, some Left 4 Dead co-op, but I figured it's time to join the party and see what all the hullabaloo was about.

I'm going ahead and being optimistic and adding a poll.
Once the mod tools come out, I'm done pubbing, but I may be able to participate in a CAG gaming night for this initially. I'm available any day and time.
Treyarch does seem to be winning over the hearts of PC players with Black Ops. I would say that I'm one of them, except I'm still bummed about the $60 price point and the fact that the map packs will cost $15 each. But getting all of those great PC features that we're used to evens that out.

I'm still a maybe.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Treyarch does seem to be winning over the hearts of PC players with Black Ops. I would say that I'm one of them, except I'm still bummed about the $60 price point and the fact that the map packs will cost $15 each. But getting all of those great PC features that we're used to evens that out.

I'm still a maybe.[/QUOTE]

Simple solution, buy games from Amazon and continuously roll over the $20 game credits. I wind up getting new releases for $40. In the case of BO, I'm actually getting it for $36 with release date delivery.
[quote name='SEH']Simple solution, buy games from Amazon and continuously roll over the $20 game credits. I wind up getting new releases for $40. In the case of BO, I'm actually getting it for $36 with release date delivery.[/QUOTE]

True, but I currently don't have any Amazon credit and I don't know if I'm willing to bite the bullet and spend the $60 in order to be able to spend $20 less on a different game down the road (right now anyway). I don't buy too many games on release anyway, so that credit might even expire.
I think I'll get the PC version instead of the 360 version now that I see they have dedis this time around.

That's why I didn't buy MW2 until I got it for $20 off craigslist. (PC version, that is)

I'll be picking up that and FNV PC for $65 + tax total at Kmart next week. :D
WOW didn't know this had dedicated servers. I thought they were going to stop that with the COD games with MW2.
[quote name='sendme']WOW didn't know this had dedicated servers. I thought they were going to stop that with the COD games with MW2.[/QUOTE]

Nah, it was just IW trying to come up with something new that they thought would work. I personally didn't mind it as I liked being able to just hop on with some friends and mess around for a few hours and not have to worry about getting auto-balanced, or having to deal with servers switching to crappy game-modes.

The biggest problem with the system though was the lack of being able to vote kick players who are blatantly cheating or mic spamming. Had they just included that, the game would be a billion times more fun to play.

That said, I'm glad servers are coming back just because cheaters will get kicked and not be allowed to run rampant and completely ruin a game.
[quote name='SEH']Nah, it was just IW trying to come up with something new that they thought would work. I personally didn't mind it as I liked being able to just hop on with some friends and mess around for a few hours and not have to worry about getting auto-balanced, or having to deal with servers switching to crappy game-modes.

The biggest problem with the system though was the lack of being able to vote kick players who are blatantly cheating or mic spamming. Had they just included that, the game would be a billion times more fun to play.

That said, I'm glad servers are coming back just because cheaters will get kicked and not be allowed to run rampant and completely ruin a game.[/QUOTE]'
you might want to look as we will never know the whole story behind IWnet
Think I'm going to still hold out on a price drop for this. Looks like if I get the PC game at launch and all I get is the game I see no point in preordering.
[quote name='SEH']I've never seen any PC game at Kmart in my life. If they're actually going to carry it, then cool.[/QUOTE]

I see them there all the time. I know that they recently moved a few games into the $4.99 bargain bins in Manhattan like 'Wheel Of Time' 'Take 2 - GTA Double Pack' and a few others.
are they still only offering dedicated servers through gameservers though? last i checked they were exclusive to them, which is not bad by any means but still a set price point that smaller groups CAN beat but will not be allowed to.
Yeah, GS is the exclusive provider. We last used GS for COD4 and they were pretty good. Like you said though, it sucks that there wont be any competitive pricing.
My friends and I got our server purchased last night, it should be up Tuesday so I'll post back with the info then. Anyone picking this up Tuesday and looking for a spot to play, don't hesitate to jump on.
At first I wasn't going to get the game, but I'm definitely leaning towards a buy now. The price point bums me out (as well as the fact that it probably won't drop for over a year) so I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and get it at k-mart.
ill be playing on 360, although I may pick it up for PC later on for modded servers ( zombie mode FTW )

EDIT: this also is a fine display on how much love Treyarch has pumped into this version of COD

DOUBLE EDIT: grrr.. soo many times i kept saying out loud, " switch to your pistol!! "
Alright, got our server IP.

If you're looking for a place to play tomorrow, join up on

We'll be running S&D, Domination, and Headquarters. I'll be online all day to deal with any cheaters/douchebags if need be.
Ugh...GG Gameservers. Apparently, our Rcon login doesn't work. I'm also unable to go in and edit the server config (I know it's ranked, but there are a few tweakable settings).
I must be dense. How do I find a specific server? All I can find is the server browser listing a few thousand servers.

Edit: I might be able to find it by name -- can't seem to connect via IP.
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You cant join by IP, it's fucking dumb. Rcon also doesnt work in-game...that's how it's intended. So, you're forced to use the remote client. The downside to that, you have to alt+tab to open up the client, and alt+tabbing while in-game automatically disconnects you from your server. ARGHGHHHH

Oh, and the game is laggy as shit and runs like ass for no rhyme or reason. I get 20-30 frames, doesnt matter if the game is maxed or not. Meanwhile, people running old dual-cores with like a 9800GT get 60+ FPS constant.

This game is totally FUBAR'd at the moment.
thats fine by me, IWNET has been fubar'd since its inception [disconnects, hackers, failed host migration, terrible lag, repeatedly being stuck right back in the same f'ing game you just quit]. I'll be so happy to uninstall that POS from my PC when my copy gets here.
Anyone know where I can buy the game other than steam or direct2drive? neither of them take my paypal instant transfer and I don't have a CC :(
The servers in the game are they like they were in COD4 where you see a list and pick the one you want or like in BF2 where they are still dedicated but the game picks one for you?
[quote name='sendme']The servers in the game are they like they were in COD4 where you see a list and pick the one you want or like in BF2 where they are still dedicated but the game picks one for you?[/QUOTE]
Whichever one you want. You can pick "join a ranked/unranked match", and it'll pick a random server to connect you to, or you can see a list of servers and choose one.

[quote name='SEH']You cant join by IP, it's fucking dumb. Rcon also doesnt work in-game...that's how it's intended. So, you're forced to use the remote client. The downside to that, you have to alt+tab to open up the client, and alt+tabbing while in-game automatically disconnects you from your server.[/QUOTE]
No idea what half of that means :p I think I figured out the name of your server (thanks Google!), but still couldn't find it in the list, even after several refreshes. I had enough fun playing random strangers, though. Is it just me, though, or does absolutely no one use a mic? I played on a dozen different servers, and didn't hear the voice of a single person the whole time.

Also, a question: the manual says the 'z' key is voice chat. What does that key do? Do I have to press it while I'm talking? Does it toggle everyone else's chat on/off?

P.S. I actually only encountered one server with slowdown/lag, and it was obviously server-side, as the timer was even counting down slow. Not saying it's your machine, as it seems to be widespread, but it's definitely not universal.
Basically it means using admin on your own server is impossible to do while you're actually in there. It's retarded.

You have to hold down "Z" to talk.

My friends and I ran into our first two cheaters last night. One guy blatantly aimbotting and another walling. Both were promptly BANNED.
[quote name='SEH']You have to hold down "Z" to talk. [/QUOTE]

Hmm...that'd explain why no one was responding to anything I said last night. There's no way to change that, is there? Although I guess it'd be a lot rougher on the bandwidth of the dedis. Oh well, no biggie, I suppose I can get used to it.

There's gotta be a better way to find a server that's coming soon...right? :drool:
And this kiddies is why you ALWAYS have a beta for the PC version. My PC runs Crysis better than this unoptimized piece of shit.

As much as I loathe shooters on the consoles, I almost wish I had the Xbox version. I'd at least be able to be on the same team as my friends that way. I cant tell you how incredibly stupid it is to have no option to change teams. I've gotten to actually play on the same team with some buddies like twice.
[quote name='SEH']And this kiddies is why you ALWAYS have a beta for the PC version. My PC runs Crysis better than this unoptimized piece of shit.

As much as I loathe shooters on the consoles, I almost wish I had the Xbox version. I'd at least be able to be on the same team as my friends that way. I cant tell you how incredibly stupid it is to have no option to change teams. I've gotten to actually play on the same team with some buddies like twice.[/QUOTE]

Retail Fail.
I'm apparently one of those people with a so-so machine not having problems. Got a 6850 core 2 duo (Dual core 3ghz), 4 gigs of RAM, and a Geforce 250.

Well, not having problems isn't entirely true. I cranked the graphics up with 4X AA and max AF and all that jazz and seemed to be getting perfectly smooth framerate apart from the occasional small stutter. Apart from that weird stutter it's running as well as MW2 for me.

There does seem to be a lot of dumb things that were left out of the PC release for seemingly no good reason, like there is apparently no way to connect to a server by IP.
[quote name='SEH']You cant join by IP, it's fucking dumb. Rcon also doesnt work in-game...that's how it's intended. So, you're forced to use the remote client. The downside to that, you have to alt+tab to open up the client, and alt+tabbing while in-game automatically disconnects you from your server. ARGHGHHHH

Oh, and the game is laggy as shit and runs like ass for no rhyme or reason. I get 20-30 frames, doesnt matter if the game is maxed or not. Meanwhile, people running old dual-cores with like a 9800GT get 60+ FPS constant.

This game is totally FUBAR'd at the moment.[/QUOTE]

The game itself actually ran well for me Yesterday. Played for about 6 hours. BUT, it looks like the interface is half finished. How can you NOT be able to input IP for a server OR switch/pick team?? Also they only have enough Wager Match servers for like .5% of the PC players. I'm not gonna sit there forever trying to get into a Wager Match.

I'm hoping in a week or two they will have at least the gameplay stuff fixed as a lot of my friends are having problems with the stuttering. I don't know how long it will take them to improve the IP's for Servers or team choosing etc.

I may end up going back to COD4 until all this BS is fixed.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']I'm apparently one of those people with a so-so machine not having problems. Got a 6850 core 2 duo (Dual core 3ghz), 4 gigs of RAM, and a Geforce 250.

Well, not having problems isn't entirely true. I cranked the graphics up with 4X AA and max AF and all that jazz and seemed to be getting perfectly smooth framerate apart from the occasional small stutter. Apart from that weird stutter it's running as well as MW2 for me.

There does seem to be a lot of dumb things that were left out of the PC release for seemingly no good reason, like there is apparently no way to connect to a server by IP.[/QUOTE]
This was based on glancing at zombie mode and botmatch performance, which ran fine. I tried actual multiplayer and it's a massive mess and almost unplayably jerky, and obviously has something to do with the servers and not latency since I had slightly better performance on some UK server that I had 200 ping on than I did on a US server with 100 ping.

Kind of a shame they fucked up both the stability and a few things so obvious they shouldn't have been issues (No way to switch teams or party matchmake like MW2 to play with your friends). If they get it all fixed up I could see it being a great time though.
Well, sounds like I made a good choice in opting for the 360 Hardened Edition instead of buying the PC regular version.
Aren't there supposed to be different levels of buyins in the wager matches? Anyone figure out how to play anything besides the 500-point buyin games?
[quote name='madcatz1999']Aren't there supposed to be different levels of buyins in the wager matches? Anyone figure out how to play anything besides the 500-point buyin games?[/QUOTE]

My friends and I were wondering this as well. I've seen videos where winners have gotten 18 COD points and 3000 COD points. So far we've found no ways to change the buy-in.

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the PC version didn't have that feature.
bread's done