Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='hustletron']The starting weapons it seems really take too many bullets to down someone.

When I use the M16 I get off 2 to 3 bursts to someone's torso and sometimes they die, mean while I watch the kill cam of the person who killed me, shooting at my legs and I die in a couple rounds. I don't get it. I'm really liking it, just played a couple One in the Chamber games, definitely intense, but the Core games just get annoying when it takes so many bullets to kill someone and I die in so few.

I was playing with a bunch of CAGs last night in Ground War, Attacking, Chernobyl, dmaul, everyone took so many rounds to die and I died in 1 or 2, I really don't understand.

MVP was killing me in a burst of Uzi rounds while I'm bursting him down with an M16 at like 100 yards on WMD I think the map was. I dunno if it's the gun or what.[/QUOTE]

That MAC11 is a fucking beast... Definitely give that gun a try. The M16 is good, but I think you just have to make sure you make your shots count.

Also sorry about leaving early the first time we played... I decided to hop off and to a couple things. In case you didn't know, those Ground War matches were 100% CAG if I remember correctly (there may have been one random in there the whole time). It had started out with 9 of us and then more and more of the regulars joined in progress until it became a full room of people on our friends list. I think there was only one person in there that wasn't on my friends list.

[quote name='Soodmeg'] This. I dont understand why everyone bust a nut for this mode. It is fun with 3 of your friends but I dont really get why people fall all over themselves about it. Although I find it kinda funny that people only do so when Treyarch makes a COD. No one seems to care when IW said it would be in MW2.

Solid mode but I think its vastly over rated by the zombie loving nerds we call brothers.[/QUOTE]

When did IW ever even say that?

I personally don't care about it, but it is fun for a little while. I think that so many people just love zombies in general that they will go for anything that has to do with it.

[quote name='A Happy Panda']I typically rocked the scavenger with the SCAR. IDK what SCAR you were using, but you didn't really need to burst unless it was a pretty long distance.[/QUOTE]

I gotta agree with you there... I used the SCAR-H early on, but I never thought of it as having bad accuracy at all. You could hold the trigger down from a distance and still be very effective.
[quote name='hustletron']The starting weapons it seems really take too many bullets to down someone.

When I use the M16 I get off 2 to 3 bursts to someone's torso and sometimes they die, mean while I watch the kill cam of the person who killed me, shooting at my legs and I die in a couple rounds. I don't get it. I'm really liking it, just played a couple One in the Chamber games, definitely intense, but the Core games just get annoying when it takes so many bullets to kill someone and I die in so few.

I was playing with a bunch of CAGs last night in Ground War, Attacking, Chernobyl, dmaul, everyone took so many rounds to die and I died in 1 or 2, I really don't understand.

MVP was killing me in a burst of Uzi rounds while I'm bursting him down with an M16 at like 100 yards on WMD I think the map was. I dunno if it's the gun or what.[/QUOTE]

That MAC11 is a fucking beast... Definitely give that gun a try. The M16 is good, but I think you just have to make sure you make your shots count.

Also sorry about leaving early the first time we played... I decided to hop off and to a couple things. In case you didn't know, those Ground War matches were 100% CAG if I remember correctly (there may have been one random in there the whole time). It had started out with 9 of us and then more and more of the regulars joined in progress until it became a full room of people on our friends list. I think there was only one person in there that wasn't on my friends list.

[quote name='Soodmeg'] This. I dont understand why everyone bust a nut for this mode. It is fun with 3 of your friends but I dont really get why people fall all over themselves about it. Although I find it kinda funny that people only do so when Treyarch makes a COD. No one seems to care when IW said it would be in MW2.

Solid mode but I think its vastly over rated by the zombie loving nerds we call brothers.[/QUOTE]

When did IW ever even say that?

I personally don't care about it, but it is fun for a little while. I think that so many people just love zombies in general that they will go for anything that has to do with it.

[quote name='A Happy Panda']I typically rocked the scavenger with the SCAR. IDK what SCAR you were using, but you didn't really need to burst unless it was a pretty long distance.[/QUOTE]

I gotta agree with you there... I used the SCAR-H early on, but I never thought of it as having bad accuracy at all. You could hold the trigger down from a distance and still be very effective.
[quote name='mvp828']
When did IW ever even say that?

I personally don't care about it, but it is fun for a little while. I think that so many people just love zombies in general that they will go for anything that has to do with it.

They didn't. They even went out of their way to say there wouldn't be a Zombies mode in MW2.

[quote name='Soodmeg']This. I dont understand why everyone bust a nut for this mode. It is fun with 3 of your friends but I dont really get why people fall all over themselves about it. Although I find it kinda funny that people only do so when Treyarch makes a COD. No one seems to care when IW said it would be in MW2.

Solid mode but I think its vastly over rated by the zombie loving nerds we call brothers.[/QUOTE]

You do understand its because the Zombies mode is only in the past 2 Treyarch developed COD titles right...?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']They didn't. They even went out of their way to say there wouldn't be a Zombies mode in MW2. Also, when Soodmeg says "It's funny people only care when Treyarch makes a COD," ...its because only the past 2 Treyarch games have had Zombie mode. I hope he knows that.[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought... I follow all the CoDs prior to release and I was 99.9% sure that they never said a word about it. If he is trying to say that Spec Ops was the "Zombies" of MW2 he is crazy.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I think he meant to say that it wouldn't be included in MW2.

So who's got the next title for 2011? Infinity Ward, or Sledgehammer Games?[/QUOTE]

I believe it is Sledgehammer... There was just an article about it a couple days ago. I will edit with link if I find it.

EDIT: Found the link... Not 100% confirmed as Sledgehammer, but somewhat implied and is a safe assumption considering that IW is in a bit a rebuilding stage.
anyone buy the PE they are so cheap asses no batterys and no slip cover for the steelbook
I got to play a little bit last night. I was a guy who loved COD4, didn't like WaW nearly as much (prestiged once), and enjoyed MW2 but didn't spend much time online with it (25 hours). I played up to level 10 in combat training for the achievement and practice, and then played a handful of games online to get up to level 7. Really digging it so far. I hope I still love it with increased play time. Maybe I just needed a break from COD, like I did with Halo.
[quote name='mvp828']I believe it is Sledgehammer... There was just an article about it a couple days ago. I will edit with link if I find it.

EDIT: Found the link... Not 100% confirmed as Sledgehammer, but somewhat implied and is a safe assumption considering that IW is in a bit a rebuilding stage.[/QUOTE]

That's what I figured...thanks for the link.

[quote name='Jobbercho']I still can't get into a game by myself. To get into a game I have to party up, then somehow manage to get the party into a game. When I try to get into a game by myself, I sit at the 'waiting for x players' screen and I never get anywhere even after 15 minutes of waiting. Tips?[/QUOTE]

That sucks. Have you checked your NAT settings? Not sure if that would have anything to do since you say you can get in if you party yourself up. I'd say reboot your router too just to be safe.

I experienced some issues last night were it randomly kept dropping everyone from our party when we started the search but it didn't happen all the time. As with all new MP focused games, I'm sure there will be a patch soon that will address some issue, but not sure if yours is a common one.
[quote name='mvp828']That MAC11 is a fucking beast... Definitely give that gun a try. The M16 is good, but I think you just have to make sure you make your shots count.


As soon as I unlocked it today I used it cuz of your ass last night, I went 21 and 8 with it. No shit.

The M16 is still really underpowered I think.

I found out the hard way the RC XD has a time limit of how long you can drive it, pretty lame if you ask me, it starts beeping really fast then blows up if you take too long.
Great game, hooked after first game played online last night.. That level in the 50s in some neighborhood, it's real small. I played it on domnation last night, crazy amount of kills. I'm jonesing to play not, but at work. If anyone wants to team up hit me up on live axl rose 4183
[quote name='hustletron']As soon as I unlocked it today I used it cuz of your ass last night, I went 21 and 8 with it. No shit.

The M16 is still really underpowered I think.

I found out the hard way the RC XD has a time limit of how long you can drive it, pretty lame if you ask me, it starts beeping really fast then blows up if you take too long.[/QUOTE]

Just wait until you unlock the G11. It's the classified AR. It's a three round burst gun capable of 1-shotting people, shoots faster than any other three round burst that's been in a COD game, and has a 48 round clip. The only negative thing about it is that you can't put anything but a scope on it, but it has great iron sights so that doesn't really matter. I'm betting it will be patched. It's that good.
[quote name='Trakan']Just wait until you unlock the G11. It's the classified AR. It's a three round burst gun capable of 1-shotting people, shoots faster than any other three round burst that's been in a COD game, and has a 48 round clip. The only negative thing about it is that you can't put anything but a scope on it, but it has great iron sights so that doesn't really matter. I'm betting it will be patched. It's that good.[/QUOTE]

I totally forgot about that gun, but I've seen some gameplay of it and don't really like the way it looks, no cosmetically it just seems like it overbears on the screen and I like the iron sights on the M16. Definitely gonna try it eventually.

I think what's kind of fucking me too is the damn aim assist/auto aim whatever you want to call it, I had it and HAVE had it disabled but it's still doing it's bullshit. I can't stand it.
[quote name='hustletron']
I found out the hard way the RC XD has a time limit of how long you can drive it, pretty lame if you ask me, it starts beeping really fast then blows up if you take too long.[/QUOTE]

I hate that fucking thing. I think the window of use should be shorter.
[quote name='paz9x']I hate that fucking thing. I think the window of use should be shorter.[/QUOTE]

I hate it cuz it constantly is out, I think the time limit should be unlimited and the required kills should be higher. I mean it's hard enough to shoot and yet people can get it after 2 kills with hardline.

It's nice it doesn't add to another killstreak but it's too easy to get which makes it fuck other people's killstreaks too easy.
So my tracking information said it was out for delivery at 8am, well the mail came around 5pm and i didnt even get my game. Hopefully ill get it tomorrow. :bomb:
I was playing one in the chamber earlier, love it by the way, and it came down to me and 1 other guy and the spy plane was up so he saw where I was and vice versa. The difference was that I had stabbed 2 people in a row and got 3 bullets, he only had 1 cuz he was one of the people I had just stabbed and he was on his last life.

We were at a stand off sitting in the same spot out of each other's field of vision so I thought I'd pop off a round to bait him out since he'd think I was empty, the shit worked and this fool comes inching around the corner, he fires and misses me, I fuckin miss with my second round and catch him with the last.

Definitely an intense game mode.
Anyone having a lot of inconsistency when trying to join a lobby?

Sometimes it takes forever (goes from 50 goes down from there, then spikes right back up to 50 within the span of 5 minutes) and sometimes it's almost immediate?

Anyways I am LOVING Wager mode. It is amazing, I really thought it would be too competitive or something for me, but it is truly spectacular and a blast to do these. I really don't like that Crossbow/Spetsnasz Knife/Tomahawk mode though, but all the others are amazing (I'm especially in love with One in the Chamber).
I have too... and several games have dropped everyone to lobby midgame and displays "you need an xbox live subscription to...blah blah"

Also, whats the deal with the ballistic knife? Does it have to hit them dead center to do anything?
So the MP to me is a little underwhelming. I had a lot of expectations coming into it, so it's partly my fault. But it just feels kinda... meh. I loved MW2, and so far I've logged almost 10 hours of play time. But this feels more like BF:BC2 than anything else. I hate how it takes a half a clip to kill someone. Aka I miss stopping power. Spawning is interesting because it prevents spawn trapping (Although a good team can still spawn trap). But damn I can't count how many times I've been shot in the back. The maps are really huge too. I think all of my classes use marathon as it's third perk.

Maybe the single player will make it worth it, but I'm glad I got a good deal on it and didn't pay full price. Anyone else feeling the same?
[quote name='DV8']But damn I can't count how many times I've been shot in the back. [/QUOTE]

Seriously... I hope this is something that they address. There's very rarely a fighting front... its always just frantic "they could come from anywhere."
I am having fun with the game but for some reason I think I will only be interested for a week or two unfortunately. I guess I will just want to get back to my other singleplayer games at some point.

I wish there was a little more game to the SP campaign. That shit seems to play itself sometimes. But man it makes Transformers seem like the Its a Small World ride at Disneyworld. KA-BOOOOm

[quote name='faceturd']Seriously... I hope this is something that they address. There's very rarely a fighting front... its always just frantic "they could come from anywhere."[/QUOTE]

Everyone wants to play TDM but I can't stand that shit. There is no front, like you said. All the random spawning is infuriating.

I grew up playing Counter-Strike in beta and spent many hours in Team Fortress 1/2 and America's Army. I cannot stand this kiddie shit. I'll spawn with one guy in front of me and one in behind me and squeal with delight!
[quote name='ChernobylCow']I am having fun with the game but for some reason I think I will only be interested for a week or two unfortunately. I guess I will just want to get back to my other singleplayer games at some point.

I wish there was a little more game to the SP campaign. That shit seems to play itself sometimes. But man it makes Transformers seem like the Its a Small World ride at Disneyworld. KA-BOOOOm

Everyone wants to play TDM but I can't stand that shit. There is no front, like you said. All the random spawning is infuriating.

I grew up playing Counter-Strike in beta and spent many hours in Team Fortress 1/2 and America's Army. I cannot stand this kiddie shit. I'll spawn with one guy in front of me and one in behind me and squeal with delight![/QUOTE]

This^ Times a hundred.

I finished the single player on Vet last night and it rips the control out of your hands so often that it felt like I was watching a extending cut scene the entire time. FAR FAR to many rail shooter levels, they make up at least 40% of the game.

Explosion, Explosions, Big Explosion.
Wow, someone mentioned game modes other than TDM and I'm all like "Whaaaa?" ... Somehow managed to completely avoid and forget about all other game modes. (playing too much Combat Training. 36 in CT, 10 in MP :lol:)

Totally gonna have to get in on Domination and Demolition. *puts on Flak Jacket* -- I'm gonna miss Third Person Team Tactical, though. I loved that mode. I wish they at least added it in as an option for private and CT.
I like playing Domination more than any other mode. Love capturing a flag then planting a C4 (in MW2, havent got the C4 in BO yet) then a little later I get the pleasure os seeing someone getting killed by it...ahhhh
[quote name='faceturd']Seriously... I hope this is something that they address. There's very rarely a fighting front... its always just frantic "they could come from anywhere."[/QUOTE]

I've learned to constantly be running and moving in 1 direction but doing a regular 360 turn, sprint down straight aways and when coming to corners stop sprinting.

I really don't know why, but I've been shitting on people on the PS3, getting 20+ kills consistently but on 360 I do just okay, there seems to be slightly less lag on the PS3 in comparison, I've been using the Mp5k since I started back at level 1 and people have taken noticeably less bullets to die versus 360.

Marathon, Lightweight, Mp5k with extended mag.
I have never favored SMG's in any previous COD, but they seem to be really effective in BO. There doesnt seem to be as many bigger, open areas as in MW2, which is a good thing because I have seen a drastic decrease in snipers (the no-scope nerf probably helped that as well) Steady Aim with SMG and dual pistols seems to be the way to go for me.
Been trying to get a game going for the last two hours. Was able to get a few Gun Games going, but no other multiplayer maps. Now nothing at all. Plus, it keeps kicking me from XBox Live. Have the day off and was really looking to an all day session, but now just sitting here listening to a music loop.
[quote name='irratebass']I like playing Domination more than any other mode. Love capturing a flag then planting a C4 (in MW2, havent got the C4 in BO yet) then a little later I get the pleasure os seeing someone getting killed by it...ahhhh[/QUOTE]

that tactic is awesome. I remember when I discovered that for myself in cod4. its hilarious, "losing b" nope, detonate. haha. yeah if im playing domination i have c4 equipped.
[quote name='willc23']Been trying to get a game going for the last two hours. Was able to get a few Gun Games going, but no other multiplayer maps. Now nothing at all. Plus, it keeps kicking me from XBox Live. Have the day off and was really looking to an all day session, but now just sitting here listening to a music loop.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably be on soon, and can add you, if what you said about playing with parties is correct. If nothing else, play Combat Training!
Got my game in the mail yesterday. I checked the past few pages, but didn't see any discussion about a game update. Was that game update out at game's release, or is it a new update that came out yesterday to fix the care package glitch?

I really like Combat Training, it's giving me a chance to get familiar with the maps, killstreak rewards, and unlocks before I jump online. First time I used the RC car, I pressed the right trigger, assuming it was the gas. The car blew up in my face. Glad I didn't pull that n00b move in online multiplayer.
Patch was out right at release... It was supposed to prevent glitches and other hacks. So far in about 6-7 hours of in game time, I have yet to see any glitches... Knock on wood.
[quote name='paz9x']that tactic is awesome. I remember when I discovered that for myself in cod4. its hilarious, "losing b" nope, detonate. haha. yeah if im playing domination i have c4 equipped.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sweet buttery justice.

Nice sig btw.
[quote name='mvp828']Patch was out right at release... It was supposed to prevent glitches and other hacks. So far in about 6-7 hours of in game time, I have yet to see any glitches... Knock on wood.[/QUOTE]

I got that too, only glitch I have seen is unlimited amount of copters in the air....damn.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Got my game in the mail yesterday. I checked the past few pages, but didn't see any discussion about a game update. Was that game update out at game's release, or is it a new update that came out yesterday to fix the care package glitch?

I really like Combat Training, it's giving me a chance to get familiar with the maps, killstreak rewards, and unlocks before I jump online. First time I used the RC car, I pressed the right trigger, assuming it was the gas. The car blew up in my face. Glad I didn't pull that n00b move in online multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

LOL :lol:. I totally did the same thing first time as well.
The spawn points are the only thing that really bother me in this game, everything else is better than the previous CoD titles.

Nuketown is a garbage map. The spawns completely ruin it. There are way too many times where I'll spawn next to an enemy that just spawned or I'll spawn in just a few feet from the guy who killed me while still in his line of sight.

You have to play this game with friends or CAGs, playing with randoms suck.
i'm sick of Team Deathmatch already. Played way too much of it on COD 4, WAW, MW2.

Objective games ftw. less mundane, people actually play the game instead of camp.
I totally disagree. Unless I'm playing domination with my friends my team will always lose because they just camp to get kills. That's the main reason why I don't play objective games. More often then not I'm one of the few people on my team trying to do the objective.
I'll be on and off all day today, anyone want to get in some zombies? Add me. Don't really have anyone to play with. (for zombies, that I know of anyway... they like competitive MP)

I also unlocked the Pentagon map if it matters (beat the campaign) =P

I assume the teddy bears you see around the map denote where a mystery box spawns?
[quote name='Rhett']I'll be on and off all day today, anyone want to get in some zombies? Add me. Don't really have anyone to play with. (for zombies, that I know of anyway... they like competitive MP)

I also unlocked the Pentagon map if it matters (beat the campaign) =P

I assume the teddy bears you see around the map denote where a mystery box spawns?[/QUOTE]

I might be up for some zombies later this evening, What is this Pentagon map you speak of is it Zombies or MP? I'm curious.
[quote name='irratebass']I might be up for some zombies later this evening, What is this Pentagon map you speak of is it Zombies or MP? I'm curious.[/QUOTE]

It's specifically for zombies... It's one of the two maps that you can actually play. Unlocked just by beating the campaign.

It's pretty cool, very unique. So are the characters. Hell, just the video that comes from starting Zombies on that map (at least in SP), or from beating the campaign, is worth it!
[quote name='Rhett']I'll probably be on soon, and can add you, if what you said about playing with parties is correct. If nothing else, play Combat Training![/QUOTE]

Thanks. Was able to join up with my nephew and play off of him. Curious. He dropped and I got a couple games in, but now I can get in a game, but the connections interrupts. When it does this it shuts my DSL modem down. Red light and everything. Have to reset it. CURIOUS.

Trying my damnedest to get to level 20 before the wife and kids get home. Doubt it will happen because I am horrible. Hopefully a little combat training will lift me from a .5 kdr to .75.

Enjoy . . . those that want to enjoy.
bread's done