Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - July Elite DLC out now, Terminal free for everyone

[quote name='Necrozilla']Sledgehammer Games is new, I.W. was gutted of its talent, and Raven makes good, not great games.[/QUOTE]

I.W + Sledgehammer Games are working on the single-player component.

Raven Software is working on the multiplayer, with obvious input from I.W etc.

Raven has made some good games though such as singularity, it will be nice to see what these 3 teams combined come up with
We have just received from an unlikely source – but very trustworthy source – of some big Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer details. Although unwilling to give further details, what with the official gameplay trailer tonight, our source said that further details of it will be unveiled ‘in the coming weeks’.

Our source did say that the game will feature cod points, but in a heavily ‘redesigned and refocused way’. This could mean you earn it differently, as he said that ‘wager matches are unlikely to return’. It could also mean you spend it in different ways, as he goes on to say ‘single player has a very multiplayer feel to it, with some interesting ideas to it’. We can only speculate that this may be the ability to buy weapons in single player with cod points, although our source said not to take his word for that specific point.

He also said that there will be ‘a huge improvement in the number of maps, modes and game types’, and to expect ‘more people on maps than you would normally expect’. 32 players was thrown about, but he didn’t want to comment any more on it. He did say whilst there will be no more wager matches, as he said Infinity Ward are in the mind of how they didn’t copy Zombies, they won’t copy wager matches, but he did say there will be some incorporated ‘similar modes’ to that of wager matches. He also let slip that ‘they might include teams of three for one mode’ although he stopped into going into any more details, sounding unsure whether it would make the cut. Finally he said there may be ‘up to 23 maps from launch, but they have plans for huge post-support DLC’. This echoes what fourzerotwo said on twitter about Infinity Ward having plans for longer post-launch support.

Question is: if true or not – will these enhancements be enough to keep gamers away from other franchise such as Battlefield 3, and stick to their Call of Duty roots? For most it would be, but I would wait until the unveiling to decide whether it will add enough to the experience or not.

We would remind you that this is all just rumours at the moment, and we expect some news to confirm or not what we have been told soon. Stay tuned for the latest Modern Warfare 3 news as we get it.

I definitely don't want to see COD points return. That made the game get boring quicker. I hope they go back to the old way of unlocking things. If it's strictly for the campaign, then that's fine.

23 maps seems like a lot. I don't think the number will be that high. 32 players also seems high. I can see them going to 12 versus 12 though.

EDIT: More info


I didn't want to hear that. Looks like MW3 will be a new engine. I have hope that it's just a modified MW2 engine, but now I'm a bit worried. If things like bigger maps and destructible environments are added, gameplay could change and 60 FPS could change.
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Blocked Already :/

Edit: NVM, found it elsewhere. Looks good so far, though someone needs to edit it to have the Inception trailer music.
Really unexciting after seeing the BF3 trailer.. it's pretty much the same just with worse graphics and the gameplay looks exactly the same as the mw2 and blops. I don't hate CoD, it's just the gameplay overlaps too easy and it blurs. they gotta think OUTSIDE the box.
Looks like more CoD...really can't care less about the Campaign. I'm sure it'll be fun, but I really don't care enough about it to get remotely excited.

Here's hoping they expand on the MP stuff during E3/
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Looks like more CoD...really can't care less about the Campaign. I'm sure it'll be fun, but I really don't care enough about it to get remotely excited.

Here's hoping they expand on the MP stuff during E3/[/QUOTE]

I hope so too, but I don't think MP stuff usually hits til July/August.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Looks like more CoD...really can't care less about the Campaign. I'm sure it'll be fun, but I really don't care enough about it to get remotely excited.

Here's hoping they expand on the MP stuff during E3/[/QUOTE]

They'll most likely just sample a brief couple minutes of a campaign level like they have been doing for the past few years and end it with extended footage of the trailer we just saw.
[quote name='Trakan']I hope so too, but I don't think MP stuff usually hits til July/August.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping GoW3's September launch date is gonna force more details to come out earlier at E3 and use July/August to push Gears.
MW3 directed by Michael Bay. The sequel to the explosive trailer also by Michael Bay, MW2. Sure it looks epic but that's all this series is now. A trailer for a Michael Bay movie. Hey look here are some explosions, and some more. Oh wait another. And another. Then the actual movie comes out. Explosion....zzz.....Explosion...zzz
[quote name='slickkill77']MW3 directed by Michael Bay. The sequel to the explosive trailer also by Michael Bay, MW2. Sure it looks epic but that's all this series is now. A trailer for a Michael Bay movie. Hey look here are some explosions, and some more. Oh wait another. And another. Then the actual movie comes out. Explosion....zzz.....Explosion...zzz[/QUOTE]

We get it, you hate COD.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']
Here's hoping they expand on the MP stuff during E3/[/QUOTE]

Good point. I spend a lot more time on mp than sp. I still haven't finished the sp on Reach, BC2 and Homefront.
[quote name='Trakan']We get it, you hate COD.[/QUOTE]
Sad thing is I loved Cod 4, but yea that pretty much sums it up.

Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to put my opinion in here. Could of sworn this was a discussion thread. Guess not
[quote name='slickkill77']Sad thing is I loved Cod 4, but yea that pretty much sums it up.

Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to put my opinion in here. Could of sworn this was a discussion thread. Guess not[/QUOTE]

Opinions, sure, but I think I've read like 10 different variations of "cod sucks" in the various COD/BF/FPS threads over the past couple of years.

Why even post?
[quote name='slickkill77']Sad thing is I loved Cod 4, but yea that pretty much sums it up.

Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to put my opinion in here. Could of sworn this was a discussion thread. Guess not[/QUOTE]

You must have missed it, you're not allowed to disagree.

While I agree with your summary of the footage, I enjoyed MW2's campaign a lot so I think I'll like this one.
Slick, you told this to someone on the BF3 forum:

We get it. You don't like the game. You've made your point. No need to continually argue and pound your anti BF3 views. GO THE fuck AWAY ALREADY

And now you are saying everyone can post their thoughts...c'mon.
I was kind of wary on the new MW3 after not really enjoying MW2 as I had hoped to. That new trailer looks EPIC. I'm actually stoked for this one.
Looks more of the same which is a good thing.
As long as the the hit detection/lag compensation is better then Black Ops it should be fine. You lag slightly in Black Ops and your screwed as of recent memory.
as one of the biggest fans of INFINITY WARD AND MODERN WARFARE NOT CALL OF DUTY AND TREYARCH, i want to buy this but the optional premium monthy cod service really turned me off. i am debating getting this game or not.
Trailer looks pretty sweet, I've preordered the game but keeping it will be contingent on a $15-20 credit from Amazon. I too am one of those people who always says they will wait on COD games but caves on release week when my friends are all going on about how cool it is. :lol:
[quote name='TAYL0R']as one of the biggest fans of INFINITY WARD AND MODERN WARFARE NOT CALL OF DUTY AND TREYARCH, i want to buy this but the optional premium monthy cod service really turned me off. i am debating getting this game or not.[/QUOTE]

For being the biggest fan you must be privy to information no one else knows.
[quote name='TAYL0R']as one of the biggest fans of INFINITY WARD AND MODERN WARFARE NOT CALL OF DUTY AND TREYARCH, i want to buy this but the optional premium monthy cod service really turned me off. i am debating getting this game or not.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='seanr1221']For being the biggest fan you must be privy to information no one else knows.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing... Pretty much the only things that have been spoken about are rumors and speculations. Even then, the same experience will be there according to this quote:

“While we are attempting to deliver new incremental experiences that have yet heretofore been unseen by our players, we are not attempting to monetize or take any experience away that currently comes as part of the value proposition of buying the game.”

i see you guys dont do much research so here you go guys.

i dont know i guess i should of put an "if" in my earlier statment because this "could" be just a rumor, but this is something i do not want to see as i am already paying for live. and i know it is optional but i get in to cod games and i will want to have it because i dont want anyone else to have an advantage that i dont have online.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that they later clarified that the new COD online only game for China or something was going to be the game where you would pay for stuff with real money, not the US console release.

Again, correct me if I am wrong, I could have sworn I heard that somewhere.
I just figure the online purchase may be like BC2 (which is just a guess). You could buy kit short cuts like for the medic, engineer, etc. You pay 1200 points and you unlock all kit-specific items.
[quote name='TAYL0R']i see you guys dont do much research so here you go guys.

i dont know i guess i should of put an "if" in my earlier statment because this "could" be just a rumor, but this is something i do not want to see as i am already paying for live. and i know it is optional but i get in to cod games and i will want to have it because i dont want anyone else to have an advantage that i dont have online.[/QUOTE]

What's maxconsole and thetechgame?
I love the mw campaigns. They're all intense and full of action. But the multiplayer gets old pretty quick.. And it seems like from the trailer, that there will be a "boat" moment again like in the end of mw2 when you chase a chopper with a boat. I just can't comprehend why the chopper chose to escape by following the river stream.. Rather than flying off to the ohh idk, the side?
[quote name='TAYL0R']i see you guys dont do much research so here you go guys.

i dont know i guess i should of put an "if" in my earlier statment because this "could" be just a rumor, but this is something i do not want to see as i am already paying for live. and i know it is optional but i get in to cod games and i will want to have it because i dont want anyone else to have an advantage that i dont have online.[/QUOTE]

One of your links is just a forum that links to the other link you posted, which is poorly written anyways and fails to include any of the actual relevant tidbits from the actual story.

MW3 will be "free" to play (XBL costs of course) a pay-to-play CoD COULD be coming, but it will NOT start with MW3.
[quote name='TAYL0R']i see you guys dont do much research so here you go guys.

i dont know i guess i should of put an "if" in my earlier statment because this "could" be just a rumor, but this is something i do not want to see as i am already paying for live. and i know it is optional but i get in to cod games and i will want to have it because i dont want anyone else to have an advantage that i dont have online.[/QUOTE]

I would say most of us had done the research... It was you who failed to do the reading (you know the combination of words, left to right, up and down). It is almost as if you seen "pay" and instantly jumped to the conclusion that it was pay to play. Even in the links that you posted they say that you will still be able to get everything you have now in the current games, but that there will be extra content available at a premium.

[quote name='giantqtipz']I love the mw campaigns. They're all intense and full of action. But the multiplayer gets old pretty quick.. And it seems like from the trailer, that there will be a "boat" moment again like in the end of mw2 when you chase a chopper with a boat. I just can't comprehend why the chopper chose to escape by following the river stream.. Rather than flying off to the ohh idk, the side?[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree with you about the campaign. I have enjoyed all of them so far. People complain about how they are constant explosions and whatnot... Who the hell cares? It's a video game, and last time I checked they weren't supposed to be as realistic as possible (in terms of warfare). Now there isn't much replay value to them, but for me I could care a less. I'll play the campaign at some point in the first couple of months that it is out and then it is all MP from there anyway.
yes guys i did jump to conclusions that there will be some sort of monthy subscription because i was not able to find enough info to decide one way or the other. Thanks to A HAPPY PANDA for that article thats what i was looking for. mvp828 i dont know what your problem is i know it said it would be optional and it would be premium content and if you would read the post you responded to i actually said that. I dont know why you guys are so hostile.
[quote name='TAYL0R']yes guys i did jump to conclusions that there will be some sort of monthy subscription because i was not able to find enough info to decide one way or the other. Thanks to A HAPPY PANDA for that article thats what i was looking for. mvp828 i dont know what your problem is i know it said it would be optional and it would be premium content and if you would read the post you responded to i actually said that. I dont know why you guys are so hostile.[/QUOTE]

I know you did... The context of your first statement kind of implies that the optional content is a complete waste, when in fact no knowledge about the content is known yet.
Two good pieces of information from Robert Bowling on Twitter.

We are very aware of the balance feedback and issues with launchers in MW2 and have been addressing.

It will be locked at 60 FPS which means it will never go below it, its can always go above 60 FPS.
[quote name='Trakan']Two good pieces of information from Robert Bowling on Twitter.[/QUOTE]

Get rid of the grenade launcher attachment, that's all I ask.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Get rid of the grenade launcher attachment, that's all I ask.[/QUOTE]
Thats retarted i wouldnt miss it to much but that is a main part of the game. and i also cant wait to use the g36c again and i hope they set up a theater system similar to black ops and halo.
[quote name='TAYL0R']Thats retarted i wouldnt miss it to much but that is a main part of the game. and i also cant wait to use the g36c again and i hope they set up a theater system similar to black ops and halo.[/QUOTE]

Grenade launcher attachment is a main part of the multi-player? You must be one of those fangled "noob tube" kids.

If they don't take it out, limit it to a single round and make it so you can't pick up ammo for it. Any gun you pick up with the attachment on it has 0 ammo in it regardless of whether the person using it ever fired it.
[quote name='TAYL0R']Thats retarted i wouldnt miss it to much but that is a main part of the game. and i also cant wait to use the g36c again and i hope they set up a theater system similar to black ops and halo.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't miss it. I only use it in Nuketown in black ops to blow up the car near the bus that so many idiots seem to think it's a good idea to lay in in search and destroy.
I hope quickscoping dies.

Sick of seeing the last teammate in Search and Destroy die because he's trying to 360 quickscope people off of ladders for the sake of e-peen.

One of my buddies is that MLG trickshot kind of player...very annoying to play with. I remember one match an enemy was defusing our bomb, so he went up behind him, did a 360 spin, and tried to no-scope him. After missing, he actually let the damn guy defuse the bomb and said he "Didn't deserve to kill him after missing a shot like that". He doesn't have a capture card or anything, he's not making montages, he's just trying to impress people.

Just play the damn game. Everyone's so caught up in the trickshot crap.
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