Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - July Elite DLC out now, Terminal free for everyone

They have an elite website lol sounds alot like Neo-Geo Freak, or not, but just as gay.
I seriously can't believe people play this game so much, please change the title of the thread to COD8=a ton of shit
I had 3 prestige tokens and threw them into an extra Create-A-Class and 2 of the double XP. I probably should have used 2 for Create-A-Class, but that's just me. I like having the extra options.

When I was first playing this, it seems like the game doesn't match you up with people your level like every Call of Duty game otherwise did. Maybe it was just a fluke, but I was level 2-3 and I was getting put into matches with people level 20+. This is the kind of game where your level is really important when it comes to your unlocks, so that was a bit inconvenient. The netcode seems to be freaking out on me as well.
[quote name='eliter1']There is nothing more annoying than getting killed when you go around a corner and you feel like you're safe. Playing regular playlists is frustrating because the kill came always shows me not hitting the person that killed me even though my screen said I was hitting them. I remember having this problem with WaW and they didn't fix it quick enough and I quit, hope they do something to remedy this.[/QUOTE]

If i remember right, Black Ops had the same problem (plus a bunch more), and it got a patch maybe 3 weeks - 1 month after launch that fixed almost everything.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']When I was first playing this, it seems like the game doesn't match you up with people your level like every Call of Duty game otherwise did. Maybe it was just a fluke, but I was level 2-3 and I was getting put into matches with people level 20+. This is the kind of game where your level is really important when it comes to your unlocks, so that was a bit inconvenient. The netcode seems to be freaking out on me as well.[/QUOTE]

I've seen it happen a few times. I've been in matches where half my team has already prestiged and the other half is under level 15. What I've personally seen thats new is maybe 75% of the time I'm in a match with someone from my hometown. People from here are usually pretty...."proud" of where they live, so they always put their area code or something similar in their clan tag.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']Does anyone have a good strategy on using prestige tokens?[/QUOTE]

i've only used two so far. i used one on an extra custom class and another to unlock the MP7, which is my favorite gun so far. what pushed me to unlock the MP7 was the fact that it's not unlocked until level 74, which takes a while to get to.

i wouldn't waste them on either of the double xp's, you could just buy some mtn dew if you wanted double xp. and i dont really care about the unlocks for emblems or titles.
[quote name='Trakan']They really fucked up the netcode in this game. I do not understand why they changed it.

MW2's was so much better. I'm not even sure how it works in this game. There's been so many times when all twelve people in the game only had 3 bars. Not even the host has 4 bars? How is that even possible? My connection (30 down/1 up) was solid enough in the past couple of COD games where I would get 4 bars about 90% of the time. Now, I think I've had about ten games where I've had 4 bars in like thirty hours of gameplay. This is the first COD game where I actually feel like I can be seconds behind the person shooting at me. I get killed around corners more than Black Ops. I really hope they can patch it, and I hope they do it as soon as possible. It's really my only major complaint right now. I can live with shitty maps, I can live with shitty spawns, but the netcode is really bringing the game down right now.[/QUOTE]
Patches. They'll come. Just like every other COD game.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
When I was first playing this, it seems like the game doesn't match you up with people your level like every Call of Duty game otherwise did. Maybe it was just a fluke, but I was level 2-3 and I was getting put into matches with people level 20+. This is the kind of game where your level is really important when it comes to your unlocks, so that was a bit inconvenient. The netcode seems to be freaking out on me as well.[/QUOTE]

I noticed this also. This game seems to put a very low priority on matching skill level. I haven't played a whole lot, but I seem to get matched against people at a much higher rank than I am. Quite often I am the lowest rank and the next closest is 10 - 15 ranks above me.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']Does anyone have a good strategy on using prestige tokens?[/QUOTE]
If you plan on prestiging often then spend a token on Assassin. The number of UAVs that get put up make it the most useful perk in the game IMO. Blind Eye is a distant second but still useful. It unlocks quickly enough that you shouldn't have to spend a token on it. These two are the only unlocks that make a big difference between life and death in many situations. Beyond that just spend them on extra classes.

You have so many options available to you for weapons and equipment that it's not really worth spending anything to keep those unlocked. Avoid the two 2x XP options as they're done and gone before you know it. The emblem/title packs aren't really that great and should be considered once you've maxed out your custom classes.
[quote name='ufskenney']I noticed this also. This game seems to put a very low priority on matching skill level. I haven't played a whole lot, but I seem to get matched against people at a much higher rank than I am. Quite often I am the lowest rank and the next closest is 10 - 15 ranks above me.[/QUOTE]

I am level 23 right now and I just got out of a match where most of the players were in the 50s. What fuckin' chance do I have trying to learn this game since I have never played MP before. I get a few kills but I'm getting my ass handed to me most of the time. Still pretty fun though. :D
[quote name='ufskenney']I noticed this also. This game seems to put a very low priority on matching skill level. I haven't played a whole lot, but I seem to get matched against people at a much higher rank than I am. Quite often I am the lowest rank and the next closest is 10 - 15 ranks above me.[/QUOTE]

The ranks aren't really a reliable indication of skill, but rather time spent playing. Plus a lot of people stocked up on codes from Mountain Dew to get double experience points, so even if they're a higher rank they may have played the game just as much as you have. A 10th prestige guy takes a bullet to the face just as well as a noob does. The easiest way to level the playing field is to spend some time walking around and learning the maps in a local deathmatch game.
So I could have used one of my prestige tokens to unlock the ACR right away at level one instead of getting it at 51? I thought it would only work after you prestiged the first time. Oh well. I'll always have now.
[quote name='hustletron']Hate to beat a dead horse, but I've been saying this and then the responses I get are "you're bad" or "don't suck". There's something seriously fucked with this game.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I have to ask. We know you hate this game and you feel BF3 is so much better so why do you continue to troll the hate in the MW3 forum? I have BF3 and love playing it too but why continue to go into a thread of a game you don't like just to keep posting how much you don't like it?
I recently moved away for college and this game is an absolute blast to play with my buddies from back home. If it was just a matter of playing with a bunch of randoms I'd probably have looked to trade or sell this game by now, but playing with a bunch of friends IRL makes this game ten times more fun for me.
[quote name='Ziv']So I could have used one of my prestige tokens to unlock the ACR right away at level one instead of getting it at 51? I thought it would only work after you prestiged the first time. Oh well. I'll always have now.[/QUOTE]

That's right. The ability to instantly unlock an item becomes available after you prestige the first time, and then you can use those items once you unlock custom classes again at level four. You can buy extra custom classes and double experience points before your first prestige though.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']Ok, I have to ask. We know you hate this game and you feel BF3 is so much better so why do you continue to troll the hate in the MW3 forum? I have BF3 and love playing it too but why continue to go into a thread of a game you don't like just to keep posting how much you don't like it?[/QUOTE]

When did I say I hate this game? Why would I buy the game if I hated it? I play the game quite a bit with my local friends, just because I'm more vocal about the flaws than the things that are good about it doesn't mean I hate it. If anything it means I hate the flaws in the game because they're the same flaws that have existed since COD4 but then again I guess having a differing opinion is considered "trolling" unless Trakan happens to say the same thing I've been saying, but when I do it it's trolling. When Trakan says the same exact thing I've said everyone agrees with him.

I haven't played BF3 in a while up until today because I've been playing MW3.

Why don't you worry about what you do on your own time and if my posts bother you that much, there's an ignore feature for that. I don't come to your job and knock the broom stick out of your hand okay?

[quote name='MillerTime2523']I recently moved away for college and this game is an absolute blast to play with my buddies from back home. If it was just a matter of playing with a bunch of randoms I'd probably have looked to trade or sell this game by now, but playing with a bunch of friends IRL makes this game ten times more fun for me.[/QUOTE]

Which is EXACTLY why I play it and EXACTLY why I find it fun.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']Thanks for the ignore tip. I'm just tired of reading your worn out complaints over and over and.......[/QUOTE]

Unless of course someone else says it, then it's valid. :applause: Seriously get over it.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']And you posted a message right after I ignored you. What I miss most is that gaudy signature. Could it be any larger?[/QUOTE]

Sorry let me fix it for you.:booty:

EDIT: Why in the hell does the youtube linking still not work? It worked fine for Black Ops but now it keeps timing out.
anyone wanna add me I'm sick of playing with a bunch of randoms all the time and losing my gamertag is UrbanMusashi I mostly play team death match and have 1.84 k/d.
[quote name='Thrinn']The ranks aren't really a reliable indication of skill, but rather time spent playing. Plus a lot of people stocked up on codes from Mountain Dew to get double experience points, so even if they're a higher rank they may have played the game just as much as you have. A 10th prestige guy takes a bullet to the face just as well as a noob does. The easiest way to level the playing field is to spend some time walking around and learning the maps in a local deathmatch game.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree, but the people that are much higher ranks have more access to perks, weapons, etc. It also means they, most likely, have played a substantial amount (even with 2x experience) more than someone just jumping into the game for the first time.
[quote name='ufskenney']I don't disagree, but the people that are much higher ranks have more access to perks, weapons, etc. It also means they, most likely, have played a substantial amount (even with 2x experience) more than someone just jumping into the game for the first time.[/QUOTE]


IMO a player has everything that he/she need to seriously compete once your level hits the high 20s, which doesn't take that long. It's not like WoW where a level 30 character doesn't have a chance in hell against a level 70 character. The beauty of the prestige system is that the serious players are constantly resetting their characters and playing at levels lower than casual players.

Plus, a player's skill level eventually plateaus. Someone who has played the game for 100 hours isn't 10 times better than someone who has played 10 hours. They're maybe 1.5-2 times as good. I had never seriously played a console FPS game before MW2, and while I did get completely owned for the first couple of weeks while I learned the ropes, I eventually finished playing it with a 1.6 K/D ratio. I wasn't amazing, but I was doing well enough to hold my own.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The sales these games make is insane. Not unexpected, but nonetheless...[/QUOTE]

I have to admit, I'm a little surprised on how well it's sold. I'm sure a lot have already traded it in or sold it for the ones who didn't like it but with BF3 having the new engine (I like it a lot better than BC2) and other games out like Batman, Skyrim, Saints Row and Assassin's Creed, I figured MW3 sales would just come below or match Black Ops.
They can do whatever the hell they want with the game, it'll sell because it's Call Of Duty. I'm sure a majority of the sales are from kids who aren't old enough to play it, since it's the cool thing to play.

It sucks, really, knowing that this franchise will keep going until it's driven right into the ground. Call Of Duty 4 was the best shooter game I have ever played but since then it seems like it has been getting worse and worse. It's all about quickscoping and trickshots for montage videos on YouTube now.

My internet just (seemingly, according to my ISP) got fixed after a 2-month bullshit-connection marathon, so I'll probably get back into this a bit more. Couldn't play a single match without lagging out before. The game's alright, but when you compare the minimal differences between this and MW2 to the new engine and stuff like vehicles in BF3, I'm just enjoying BF3 more.

One thing I like about MW3 is that, considering the fact that I have trouble staying alive, the Support strike package is awesome. Really enjoying what I can get out of that, except I wish people would fall for Decoy Care Packages more. :(
[quote name='AlphaPanda']

One thing I like about MW3 is that, considering the fact that I have trouble staying alive, the Support strike package is awesome. Really enjoying what I can get out of that, except I wish people would fall for Decoy Care Packages more. :([/QUOTE]

I really love the new strike packages, black ops made me dislike killstreaks that were based solely on getting kills from them, so the usual assault package didn't appeal to me(as it was the default in previous games) but Specialist is great, i love getting the satisfaction of a killsteak reward coupled with a bitching reward in another perk. I always wanted slight of hand and scavenger and extreme conditioning/marathon in one class while not hindering me by taking away coldblooded/ghost. Use it in almost all of my classes. I however hate how easy the support strike package makes getting UAVs. I swear that I have played games were the enemies average K/D spread was -8 yet there were UAVs up for the almost entire second half of the game. I just feel like they gave shitty players a chance to get a killstreak easily, especially one that can be as useful as a UAV(which is the lowest killstreak as far as kills needed understandably).
I'm not that happy with the multi-player on this game. This is more Black Ops than Modern Warfare 2.

They took all the variety of gameplay out of the multi-player. The only thing you do in this game is run around with a assault rifle. There's no tack knifing, sniping is pretty much removed from the game. Don't bother noob tubing as you'll need to direct impact them to get a kill.

Having marathon not give you infinite sprinting is unforgiveable in my opinion.

Some people may like all of the above but it's just too simplified compared to MW2.

I do really like the Suvival mode and the Campaign has been really good so far but the multiplayer gameplay broke my heart!!
Is it just me, or are the shotguns weak as shit? One thing I always looked forward to was Spas-12'ing it up in this, but it's taking 3 hits even up close to take em down. Did they tone them down a bunch since the SPAS was pretty hard-hitting in MW2? I can't see shotguns as a viable primary weapon.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Is it just me, or are the shotguns weak as shit? One thing I always looked forward to was Spas-12'ing it up in this, but it's taking 3 hits even up close to take em down. Did they tone them down a bunch since the SPAS was pretty hard-hitting in MW2? I can't see shotguns as a viable primary weapon.[/QUOTE]

That's another complaint I forgot. Why are shotguns primary weapons. There is just no need for it. Then they throw in overkill as a perk so you could use shotguns as a secondary. There was just no reason to make shotguns primary.

Damn the multiplayer is a step back from MW2. Hopefully there's still lots of people playing MW2 as that's what I'll be back to playing soon.
[quote name='tbassett']There's no tack knifing, sniping is pretty much removed from the game.[/QUOTE]The people that take issue with quickscoping would beg to differ. It's still usually a one-hit kill but now you don't tie up a perk to use Stopping Power anymore. While there's no wide-open levels yet, there are plenty of long corridors in some maps to use traditional sniping as well.

[quote name='tbassett']That's another complaint I forgot. Why are shotguns primary weapons. There is just no need for it. Then they throw in overkill as a perk so you could use shotguns as a secondary. There was just no reason to make shotguns primary.[/QUOTE]Shotguns were change to primary weapons in Black Ops, before the Overkill perk was introduced. Yeah, maybe Overkill was introduced in MW3 as a half-ass solution, but at least you have that option available to you should you see fit to use it. Shotguns are in a weird place. They're not currently powerful enough to be primary weapons but they're too powerful to be secondary weapons. I played a Spas class yesterday for a few hours and found that it was a one hit kill about 50% of the time as close range. It was a lot of fun but I doubt I'd use the class in any serious match. Hopefully they'll give shotguns a slight boost while not making them overpowered like the 1887s in MW2.
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That's all I'm really hoping for, just a slight beef-up to the shotguns. It's not like they don't do any damage, but it's not quite enough to warrant a spot in my create-a-class.
[quote name='Thrinn']The people that take issue with quickscoping would beg to differ. It's still usually a one-hit kill but now you don't tie up a perk to use Stopping Power anymore. While there's no wide-open levels yet, there are plenty of long corridors in some maps to use traditional sniping as well.

Shotguns were change to primary weapons in Black Ops, before the Overkill perk was introduced. Yeah, maybe Overkill was introduced in MW3 as a half-ass solution, but at least you have that option available to you should you see fit to use it. Shotguns are in a weird place. They're not currently powerful enough to be primary weapons but they're too powerful to be secondary weapons. I played a Spas class yesterday for a few hours and found that it was a one hit kill about 50% of the time as close range. It was a lot of fun but I doubt I'd use the class in any serious match. Hopefully they'll give shotguns a slight boost while not making them overpowered like the 1887s in MW2.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Shotguns should be given a boost and be moved to secondary weapons. Machine Pistols should be in the same category as shotguns. Yet they keep machine pistols as a secondary weapon. Your mobility should suffer a little if you have a shotgun as a secondary weapon.

They've made shotguns completely worthless in multiplayer. If that was there goal they succeeded.
Looks like they patched a couple of glitches to get in/under the map in Outpost before I even encountered them in game.

That's good.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Is it just me, or are the shotguns weak as shit? One thing I always looked forward to was Spas-12'ing it up in this, but it's taking 3 hits even up close to take em down. Did they tone them down a bunch since the SPAS was pretty hard-hitting in MW2? I can't see shotguns as a viable primary weapon.[/QUOTE]

I recently got my SPAS-12 to level 28 and it seems to be a little random if it'll give you hitmarkers or a OHK. Just fire from the hip and strafe and sometimes you'll get a Longshot bonus for a kill.
[quote name='tbassett']I disagree. Shotguns should be given a boost and be moved to secondary weapons. Machine Pistols should be in the same category as shotguns. Yet they keep machine pistols as a secondary weapon. Your mobility should suffer a little if you have a shotgun as a secondary weapon.

They've made shotguns completely worthless in multiplayer. If that was there goal they succeeded.[/QUOTE]Their goal was probably too tone down the role of shotguns, either by placing them as primaries or weakening them. They took things a step to far and did both. I can easily see them boosting the shotguns in an upcoming patch.

Putting weapons that kill in a single shot never seemed appropriate as a secondary weapon. What other weapons can do that? Sniper rifles come to mind and that's a primary weapon.

Putting shotguns in secondary makes the other secondaries obsolete IMO. I never used hand guns as secondaries in MW2. Why even bother with them when shotguns were infinitely better? That's changed in MW3.

I have to disagree with putting machine pistols on the same level as shotguns. While their range is better they are much weaker, taking more bullets and more time to kill, and thus have to be reloaded much more often. Given the optimum circumstances, you can kill six people with a SPAs before having to reload.
I've just accepted the fact that HC is the only way to play for me. IMO HC is what Core should be but I digress. The M14 variant in the game rapes in either mode tho.
[quote name='Thrinn']Their goal was probably too tone down the role of shotguns, either by placing them as primaries or weakening them. They took things a step to far and did both. I can easily see them boosting the shotguns in an upcoming patch.

Putting weapons that kill in a single shot never seemed appropriate as a secondary weapon. What other weapons can do that? Sniper rifles come to mind and that's a primary weapon.

Putting shotguns in secondary makes the other secondaries obsolete IMO. I never used hand guns as secondaries in MW2. Why even bother with them when shotguns were infinitely better? That's changed in MW3.

I have to disagree with putting machine pistols on the same level as shotguns. While their range is better they are much weaker, taking more bullets and more time to kill, and thus have to be reloaded much more often. Given the optimum circumstances, you can kill six people with a SPAs before having to reload.[/QUOTE]

The fire rate of machine pistols make up for the lack of one shot power shotguns have. I would run around with akimbo g18s(w/ steady aim) and rip it up most of the time in mw2. In fact I though the range of the g18s was maybe a bit too powerful. I did feel the spas range in mw2 was maybe a bit over powered but not that big of a deal.

If shotguns are primary weapons they will not be used much in mw3. I just don't see it happening.

I'm not trying to argue with you or anything like that. It isn't going to matter much to me as I'll be playing MW2 as soon as I'm done with the story.
[quote name='hustletron']I've just accepted the fact that HC is the only way to play for me. IMO HC is what Core should be but I digress. The M14 variant in the game rapes in either mode tho.[/QUOTE]

1 bullet kills should be standard? You're crazy.
[quote name='Trakan']1 bullet kills should be standard? You're crazy.[/QUOTE]

It's the same when whole teams are "quick scoping" in core. At least in HC I have a chance. I don't like the way the snipers feel, the RSAS is all right but I prefer an AR.
[quote name='tbassett']If shotguns are primary weapons they will not be used much in mw3. I just don't see it happening.[/QUOTE]
I can completely agree with you on that they won't be used in their current state. At first I didn't think they were too bad, but after using just shotguns for about three hours last night I went negative in the majority of the games I played in, even when sticking to CQC areas. I've never played that poorly before in any COD game.

I see where you're coming from, but can't imagine IW making such a drastic change from primary to secondary now that the game's been released. They couldn't even fix OMA or stop players from clipping through the giant rock in MW2. It just seems much more realistic to hope for a moderate bump in power to make them a much more appealing choice to players. I just hope the person at IW watching all the global game stats notices just how infrequently players use shotguns and takes any action at all.
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ive been running an AA-12 class and its dam fun. Im only on level 8 with it but with grip and kick, its a beast.

I hate them as primaries though. It really limits the maps you can use them on. They are insane on maps like Dome and Arkaden but of course you would be crazy to use them on outpost or lockdown.
This game frustrates the fuck out of me. Why am I getting put into games full of level 70s when I'm level 29? Unloading a clip into a guy and then getting knocked out in one's the same old shit from all the other games.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']This game frustrates the fuck out of me. Why am I getting put into games full of level 70s when I'm level 29? Unloading a clip into a guy and then getting knocked out in one's the same old shit from all the other games.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you've mentioned it before but how is your connection? I've had a couple of situations like that, but that's usually just when I've got a download running in the background, but once i stop it it seems to be pretty good afterwards.
My internet has been a little out of wack lately, I'm not one to blame lag for my shitty matches but maybe it is. It's that Type 95 gun that seems to be kicking my ass, anyone that has one of those is tearing people apart.

I'll start fresh with the game tomorrow, all the old annoyances I've had with the other Call Of Duty games are just flooding right back.
I haven't picked it up yet, but I've been playing MP on my roommate's disc. I've always put loads of time in the MW games, but I've been away from MW2 for a really long time... it's nice to play again. I'm under 6 hours in, level 40, and finally starting to get a grasp on the maps. Mostly playing Ground War.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']This game frustrates the fuck out of me. Why am I getting put into games full of level 70s when I'm level 29? Unloading a clip into a guy and then getting knocked out in one's the same old shit from all the other games.[/QUOTE]

What weapons/perks/equipment are you using?
The main class I've been using lately is an M4A1, M9, Semtex and Concussion, Sleight Of Hand Pro, Quickdraw Pro and Stalker Pro. The main issue I'm having is just that I don't understand why it doesn't have a matchmaking system for levels in this. It's obviously not an issue that there aren't enough people playing, I don't get why I'm being put into games with people such high level.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']The main class I've been using lately is an M4A1, M9, Semtex and Concussion, Sleight Of Hand Pro, Quickdraw Pro and Stalker Pro. The main issue I'm having is just that I don't understand why it doesn't have a matchmaking system for levels in this. It's obviously not an issue that there aren't enough people playing, I don't get why I'm being put into games with people such high level.[/QUOTE]

You should be on the verge of unlocking the Type 95. IMO it's the best gun in the game and should really level the playing field for you. At close and mid range you can kill someone instantly if you land a clean hit, even with a silencer. With a burst firing gun there isn't much of a need for reload often so can safely ditch Sleight of Hand Pro. Blind Eye is a favorite. Recon is amazing if you can get pro and Extreme Conditioning isn't bad either (but it is can be very dangerous to recklessly run around). Again, Assassin has my vote for the single most useful perk. It will save you from so many deaths that it's hard to pick anything else in the second tier perks for the mid-sized and larger maps.

I think the game prioritizes the quality of connection over matching you players of a similar level. Wish there was something that could help you out in that regard.
bread's done