Call of Duty MW2 online noob


Finished Cod MW2, finally. I am generally able to finish FPS on at least Normal difficulty but had to shift down to Easy on this one (solo campaign) after I was repeatedly getting my ass handed to me on the Rio slum level.

I am not much of an online player but am tempted to try with this game since I am hearing so many great things about it. However, I have a feeling I will get destroyed if I go online and don't really feel like getting yelled at by a bunch of young 'uns in my free time (I am at a somehwat "advanced" age, let's say).

For you (more tolerant) Cod online players out there, would you recommend I play through the campaign again to get my skills up? Or just jump in feet first and take my punishment until my skills improve? If the latter, would it be better to start out in free for all so I don't piss any teammates off with my suckage?
Go for an older FPS game where there is only a community left willing to help show you how to play (maybe Rainbow Six Vegas or something along those lines). If you couldn't beat the campaign on normal, you are just going to get destroyed playing online (campaign wont help improve skill but so much, it is AI here...) and all you will do is annoy teammates in any other mode besides free-for-all. Killstreaks are a big part of this game and "not so skilled" players tend to help the other team get killstreaks which really screws your own team over.
Play online and take your lumps. Computer AI is nothing like real players, you can practice for months in single player and that won't prepare you for online.

Some tips:

- Don't get angry, you will get killed, alot. But eventually it will get better. You will have small flashes of brilliance, and those moments will come more and more often.

- Don't look at, or care about your K/D ratio. Waaay to many players are obsessed with this stat. If you play regularly and start to get the hang of things you can start to look at K/D, but ignore it for now.

- Learn to mute all the retards you hear on live, and never get into a verbal altercation with them. They only exist to piss you off, don't validate their existence.

- Find a play style that suits you. Some people sprint around everywhere, some people camp in one place the entire time. Some snipe, some go room to room with a shotgun. Somewhere in all that you will need to find a balance that suits your style.

- Match your weapons and equipment to your style. If you run around everywhere, a snipe rilfe is probably not what you need. If you stay in one place all the time, try out Claymores for protection (when you unlock them). Grenades will probably work better for you than a throwing knife.

- Match your perks and killstreak rewards to your playstyle. Pick perks that compliment what you do. Runners use Marathon and Lightweight. I suggest stopping power, as it shots do more damage and you'll kill ppl quicker, very good for new players. If you keep getting killed by helicopters, try using cold-blooded to make you invisible to them.

For Killstreak rewards, I suggest using the ones that require the least amount of kills. As a beginner, your not going to be going on 11 kill streaks alot, so using an AC120 killstreak is a waste. I suggest UAV (3 kills), Care Package (4 kills) and Predator Missle or Sentry Gun (5 kills). There is also a perk that lowers the kill count needed by one, so you could earn all three of these rewards with a 4 kill streak.

- Situational awareness. This is a big one and takes time to develop, but it's really what starts to separate good players from ppl who run around and get shot. Looka t you mini-map and know where the enemy is as much as possible. I get several kills a match by looking at that map and realizing that an enemy is about to round the corner. Be aware of any killstreak rewards flying around. If the enemy has harriers in the air, you should know that before they kill you. If your team has a helicopter in the air, watch for enemies staring into the sky at it, easy pickings.
Make use of UAV's and counter UAVs. If your team has one up, watch your minimap (u should be doing this anyway). If the enemy has one up, they can see where you are so be careful and stay hidden if possible. If your team gets a counter UAV, the enemy is blind, so it's a good time to be on the move.

- Learn the enemies behaviour patterns. If you just killed a sniper in a remote location, he's probably headed straight back to that same spot. If you look around a corner, and a sniper blows your head off, dont go that way again. Try another way, and try to flank around him. Many average players play the same way and do the same things every life. If you can notice their patterns, you can take advantage.

- Move with purpose! Once you learn the maps, know where your going and why. Stick close to walls, lead your crosshairs around corners, sprint through open areas if you have to move through them. THink of cat and how it walks around, it doesnt walk down the middle of the street, it goes under cars and lays low. Get to higher ground if you can, and stay out of the lowlands.

- Know the chokepoints and hotspots. This is another one that takes time, but once you know the maps, you will know which areas usually have enemies and which dont. You will also learn the exact locations of windows and doorways that enemies hang out in. When a good player rounds a corner, their crosshairs are already pointed at the window or doorway where an enemy is likely to be.

- Don't stand right in windows and doorways. I cannot stress this enough. When you stand right in a window or doorway, you stick out like a sore thumb. Stand back 5-10 feet from the window. You can still look out of it and not highlight yourself to the entire enemy team. Windows and doorways are deadly in this game.

- Watch your killcams! When you first start playing, each match you should earn the medal for 'most time spent watching killcams'. This is the greatest learning tool in CoD. You will be able to see all the dumb things you did and learn from them.

The thing is, as new player, your never going to be killing the elite players on a regular basis. What you want to do, is find the not as good players, the ones you can kill, and try to kill them as many times as possible in a match.

sorry for the book, I got on a roll! lol

if you play free for all you will likely never win a match. i say play team death match, it is easier to play as you have other people to work with./ fuck the other people that want to complain that you suck. i mute all those assholes from the get go anyway so i dont have to hear them.
[quote name='Puffa469']Play online and take your lumps. Computer AI is nothing like real players, you can practice for months in single player and that won't prepare you for online.

sorry for the book, I got on a roll! lol


Are you kidding? That was awesome - thanks for taking the time (and everyone else as well). I think I will print out your tips and give online free for all a few tries.
i say hop online.
what i do is play online and single player.
I am not that good probably a little less then average at best.
when i am on fire and kicking ass online i play for a bit when i, sucking wind i play single player.
good luck and feel free to add me to your friends list.
If you're having trouble with the favela mission on campaign, you probably need to work on knowing when to take cover. It's an unforgiving mission that really tests your awareness from all directions so you just have to focus on taking out one guy at a time. I struggled with it when I first bought MW2 as well, but eventually I beat it, and now I can beat the game on Veteran without much trouble.

Online, I'd say maybe you'd want to use a Heartbeat Sensor attachment in the beginning (I think you need 75 kills with a gun first), as this can help you get used to the game without being too surprised where people are approaching you from/camping.

It'll take time to get good at this game, but you'll notice yourself making progress eventually.
[quote name='funjoe']Are you kidding? That was awesome - thanks for taking the time (and everyone else as well). I think I will print out your tips and give online free for all a few tries.[/QUOTE]

Your welcome. I would advise against free for all. You can try it out to get some kills, but I think your much better off playing a team based game, as teams are the meat and potatos of the CoD experience.

Don't worry one bit about not being a contributor to your team. No one expects good teammates in a public match. Teammates will help you survive longer than in FFA, where everyone is looking to kill you.

Another tip - at first, try to avoid going it alone. Try to stick near at least one other team member. If the two of you come across a single enemy, the odds are hugely in your favor. You might not get the kill, but you will probablu survive at least.

You can get many kills by following behind someone and 'finishing off' an enemy that they engaged with and died fighting. Of course try to back them up so they don't die, but if they do, try to get the avenge kill. Or if you see 2 or 3 teammates setting up a defense somewhere, hang out and help them out. If your always alone, your just going to die alone.
[quote name='Puffa469']Play online and take your lumps. Computer AI is nothing like real players, you can practice for months in single player and that won't prepare you for online.[/QUOTE]

GREAT post Puffa:applause:! You just outlined EXACTLY how to play. funjoe, if you take 1/10 of the advice Puffa gave you'll be WAY ahead of the curve.
Good luck and don't worry to much about your kills in the beginning cause it will only frustrate you. JUST HAVE SOME FUN :twoguns::D.
Yeah,I think the hardest part for a new player will be knowing where people usually head to first. For example, in skidrow, there usually a person who goes behind the little cart and from the other side, there is a sniper or someone who launches a rocket propelled grenade to the end of the place. Just watch out for a random grenade in the beginning of the open levels.
I would NOT do the Rainbow Six games as where to learn how to play FPS's online because when the room leader sees how low a rank you are you will get kicked out of the room and even if you do get to play 1 game you'll likely get kicked out after that.

On the PS3, I would suggest MAG, the Resistance games, Battlefield 1943, or even Uncharted 2 as good starters before you jump into Modern Warfare 2 or Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Uh, MW2 is pretty scrubby as it is.

Anyway, half of FPS is map knowledge, knowing where people hide and stuff.

Also, if you don't want to get yelled at by kids, mute them. In fact, when I play, I mute everyone first thing when I get on.
Just hop online, it's how I get better at a game. If I play with the AI there will be a point where I won't be getting challenged much by the AI. While with humans you can improve your tactics and see what others do too.

With UT2k4 (Pretty old game) thats what I did with instagib mode, which is a one shot instadeath type of match. I wasn't that good at first, but eventually I started dominating matches in instagib and it became my favorite mode to play.

Just go for it, you'll get good. If you play only with AI I don't see how that could really improve you compared to actual players.
It's worth getting in on. You'll enjoy it. After a week of playing, you'll learn the tricks of the maps. The maps in MW2 are pretty simple to learn. I am looking forward to new maps if that ever happens, but for now, the current ones are good enough.

You'll get hooked if you play though, it's a piss to earn all of these titles, emblems, and level up. It's like the fun of an RPG mixed with the fun of blowing the hell out of people.

Anyway, what most people said here is pretty dead on. If you don't want to listen to people talk shit, just mute them. Though, I suggest giving your team a chance. Once in a while you get a good team, and they will also help you if you ask how they got somewhere, where the enemies are hiding, etc etc.

Regular Team DM - look for most people using dual shotguns, noob tubes, grenades, and cold blooded/ninja perks. It's frustrating because these are generally one shot deaths where an assault rifle can take almost a full clip at times to knock someone down.

Hardcore Team DM - no map, so you can get away with other perks more easily. Guns do massive damage, so something more accurate for longer distances is good. Give it a few levels until you start unlocking create a class, then you can set up your own classes. A LOT more fun then!
Play Mercenary Team Death Match. No parties, so you shouldn't come across a crew that is too well organized. Either that, or play Ground War. With 9 people on the other team, you can start getting some kills quicker that way and start getting weapon add-ons and improve your perks.

I never had MW1 and generally don't play too many shooters, so I took a beating at the beginning. After a while, you start getting better perks, better weapons, add-ons for weapons and you can "level the playing field" a bit. To be honest, I am still not close to knowing the ins and outs of every map, and I still do alright.
bread's done