Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Newb question. In multiplayer what causes you to show up on the radar? Is it just firing your weapon? Does sprinting?[/quote]

Sprinting, throwing a grenade and shooting I believe. I believe those are the only three things that will make you show up on radar.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Newb question. In multiplayer what causes you to show up on the radar? Is it just firing your weapon? Does sprinting?[/quote]

Firing your weapon, also when the enemy gets a radar sweep. I'm not sure if grenades show you on the map.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Newb question. In multiplayer what causes you to show up on the radar? Is it just firing your weapon? Does sprinting?[/quote]

You show up on the radar if

1. You Shoot a weapon without a silencer or flash hider
2. The enemy uses a recon plane to find your location, you can avoid being seen by the recon plane using camoflauge.
Yo so i played the new maps for a while and I have to say......I like them.

Station could be a little shorter but overall I really enjoy the feel of the new maps. They have a completely different vibe than the normal maps where Treyarch felt that wide open space equaled a good time. Kudos to Treyarch for that in my opinion.

But on the other hand. The new maps just high light things that I just fundamentally disagree with. Playing station made me realize that dogs were the worst thing ever added to a franchise (but thanks for trying Treyarch) That tanks were implemented poorly and I thoroughly enjoyed not having to quit out of a map that has them.

But above all the new maps made just furthered the proof that the weapon balance is just plain broken and the weapons in general are boring. EDIT:
On second thought although I disagree with the damage outputs of some of the weapons..its just that they all are dwarf in comparisonEDIT:
When you can take 1 gun and use it in 12 separate locations for virtually everything from sniping to CQ to mid range something is off. The sheer amount of MP40s in this game is ridiculous. Now I am not knocking people for using them because it is clearly by far the best gun in the game, I am knocking Treyarch for terrible balance. Say what you will about the M16 but you at least had to aim it. Killcams showing some guy spraying me from 500 ft away using 90% this clip to get me.

But all in all the new maps along with Team Objective (I cant stand playing TDM) as brought me back into the game. Also my friends love the new zombie map and I cant say I hate it.

Map pack 8/10
Rest of the game still a 7/10
The new maps are pretty good overall, they can be really frustrating sometimes(especially station) Knee deep is my favorite of the three.

The zombie map is cool but i wish the difficulty went up gradually, it seems like they go from extremely easy to really fuckin hard too fast

And soodmeg, the amount of MP40s in core playlists is ridiculous...I agree the MP40 is overpowered in comparison to other guns, but the only suggestion I can give you is to play hardcore
Love Knee Deep and have enjoyed playing it every time it comes up. Even when people are trying to snipe you have a good idea where the snipers are usually at and they're noticable because they tend to be in the open on rooftops. Definitely my favorite of the 3 new maps because the action tends to move around is isn't normally focused on one specific spot on the map, every game its different. The map feels relatively large and fast paced. I wouldn't call it a perfect map, but it's a very good one that is better than most the multiplayer maps that shipped with the game.

Station is a decent map, it's a very long and narrow map with a few nooks and areas on the sides. I think it's a decent addition. Dogs will pretty much get you every time if they're called.

Nightfire is probably the map I dislike the most. It's a very chaotic map and tends to have a lot of camping in 3 main spots. The top floor of the building with a hole blown in the side, the garage looking area with the open window, and a small rooftop near the back of the map all seem to be the main locations for campers and snipers. Much of the time the map can feel very frustrating if you don't constantly run and duck. The center of the map is a great place to get sniped so the back alleys are the more convenient way to travel.

The new zombie map is by far a different expirience from the previous one. There is a lot more to it and requires even more working together with your team mates than before. People need to turn on their mics and communicate with their team mates on this one instead of activating shit and getting their team mates killed.

The new maps are probably worth buying if you frequently play WaW, but casual players might want to pass. Knee Deep and Station to me were worth the $10 to me as a casual weekend player.
Knee Deep is my favorite map as well, but it seemed like every round I played was a game of get the Japanese team out of the fort. It felt like with every new match the village area was getting less and less traffic.
[quote name='xcoax']Knee Deep is my favorite map as well, but it seemed like every round I played was a game of get the Japanese team out of the fort. It felt like with every new match the village area was getting less and less traffic.[/quote]
Of the 15 or so games I played on the map, there were games where both teams were shooting rooftop to rooftop between the 2 concrete fort type buildings as well as ones beside it near the bridge. Some where we were fighting it out around the wheat field. There was one where everyone fought down in & by the water way. There were a couple in the village area. The area that seem to get the least use is the trails back behind the village area. Most the time the fighting tended to move around between the concrete forts and the village.
I don't have the new map pack, but everytime I join a multiplayer game, I get kicked back out, telling me to buy them. I'm choosing "Core" then "Team Deathmatch." It's annoying to get 1 map in, then to be kicked back out of the game to be told to purchase maps. Is there a way to disable this?
[quote name='mtxbass1']I don't have the new map pack, but everytime I join a multiplayer game, I get kicked back out, telling me to buy them. I'm choosing "Core" then "Team Deathmatch." It's annoying to get 1 map in, then to be kicked back out of the game to be told to purchase maps. Is there a way to disable this?[/quote]

The pay maps are not in the regular rotation yet. There is a free map, Makin Day, available and maybe it's because you don't have that map as it's free and comes in the regular rotation.
[quote name='MSUHitman']The pay maps are not in the regular rotation yet. There is a free map, Makin Day, available and maybe it's because you don't have that map as it's free and comes in the regular rotation.[/quote]

Hmm. Okay. I'll download that map right now and let you know if I have any other issues.

Can you "beat" the zombie levels? Do they ever max out? Are there any good strategies for them? The best my squad can do is level 15 on the intro map, but that's it.
Have not tried in a while but I think I got to level 20 or so. My best advice: 1) do not use the double barrel shotgun.
2) pray you get the ray gun from the mystery chest.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']Have not tried in a while but I think I got to level 20 or so. My best advice: 1) do not use the double barrel shotgun.
2) pray you get the ray gun from the mystery chest.[/quote]

Shotguns are one of the better weapons to use...
I'm loving this game. Another newb question. I got the tripod attachment (not sure of the right name) for one of my weapons that increases accuracy, but how do I deploy it?
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']I'm loving this game. Another newb question. I got the tripod attachment (not sure of the right name) for one of my weapons that increases accuracy, but how do I deploy it?[/quote]

Get to a flat surface like a windowsill, a crate, or a barrel, or go prone, and you'll be prompted to hold X to deploy the tripod.
I'm pretty sure you cant use the bipod while prone right now, people were using it as a way to get out of maps so treyarch just took it out until they get a permanent fix for it
[quote name='MSUHitman']The pay maps are not in the regular rotation yet. There is a free map, Makin Day, available and maybe it's because you don't have that map as it's free and comes in the regular rotation.[/quote]

I've had similar problems with MD itself even after numerous downloads. Any solutions?
[quote name='MSUHitman']Get to a flat surface like a windowsill, a crate, or a barrel, or go prone, and you'll be prompted to hold X to deploy the tripod.[/quote]

I'm doing that but not getting the option. I meant to say I have the bi-pod, and it is for the BAR. How do I use it? Thanks.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']I'm doing that but not getting the option. I meant to say I have the bi-pod, and it is for the BAR. How do I use it? Thanks.[/quote]That always works for me. Sometimes you can deploy on short walls and sandbag walls as well. Can't vouch for deploying while prone. Silly question, but when troubleshooting at work we always start with the most basic: After unlocking the bipod you did select it as an accessory in your BAR custom slot setup, right?
[quote name='jdawgg76']That always works for me. Sometimes you can deploy on short walls and sandbag walls as well. Can't vouch for deploying while prone. Silly question, but when troubleshooting at work we always start with the most basic: After unlocking the bipod you did select it as an accessory in your BAR custom slot setup, right?[/quote]

Ha ha. Yeah I did check it. That did cross my mind as well. Thanks. I'll keep messing around with it.
[quote name='nicecouch']I just got this COD5, stickly for the online mode and I got to say I like it more than the COD4.[/quote]

know dat is just crazy..more then cod4..i cant believe this answer

lie alert!!!!
[quote name='nicecouch']I just got this COD5, stickly for the online mode and I got to say I like it more than the COD4.[/quote]

know dat is just crazy..more then cod4..i cant believe this answer

lie alert!!!!
[quote name='MSUHitman']Get to a flat surface like a windowsill, a crate, or a barrel, or go prone, and you'll be prompted to hold X to deploy the tripod.[/quote]

[quote name='BL00DW0LF']I'm pretty sure you cant use the bipod while prone right now, people were using it as a way to get out of maps so treyarch just took it out until they get a permanent fix for it[/quote]

Yep, you can no longer mount the bipod equipped guns in prone anymore after the last update.
I decided to beat this game on veteran difficulty and I am about 75% through it, holy crap is it frustrating. I remember 2 and 4 being frustrating, but this game is on a whole new level. Maybe it's because Keifer Sutherland repeatedly tells me to do things that will get me killed instantly.

"Miller get on that triple 28!"
"fuck you Bauer, I'm playing on veteran, YOU get on the triple 28."

"Miller use tank for cover!"
"fuck you Bauer, you are the one who can't die, YOU follow the fucking tank."
[quote name='woodcan']Yep, you can no longer mount the bipod equipped guns in prone anymore after the last update.[/quote]

they've done it again....three cheers for treyarch! :applause: bring on the spawn kills and everything else that sends me into violent seizures.
Man, they might as well change the name of Station into MP40 haven. Christ. The last 30 games I have played has been nothing but MP40s with a few snipers and my trusty non scoop Mosin.

Only took a week before I was completely bored again with this game.

I really wish I wasnt lock into using SP with virtually everything in the game. I tried running 3 or 4 set ups of non juggy and non SP BA and it didnt work at all. Having to shoot someone twice with a BA is simply unreal.
I just beat the game on Veteran, and all I can say is that it was more a test of patience than a challenge. I hope that Infinity Ward finds a way to make MW2 difficult besides having infinitely respawning enemies that always know exactly where you are and throw grenades the second you leave their line of sight.

At least multiplayer is fun.
I found that Veteran was a whole lot easier once I stopped being cautious and just ran straight through. It helps out a lot once you know where all of the snipers are going to be and where the enemy/ally triggers are. There are a lot of moments where you have to clear out the non-respawning enemies first, then sprint out to the next trigger point and hope you don't randomly get shot.

Other than the sniper duel, I thought it was easier than COD4 (I had my share of cheap moments there too, like getting shot after taking two steps trying to go through the barn door on Hunted 20+ times, and I don't think I'm ever getting Mile High Club). I had a lot of trouble with Blowtorch and Corkscrew until I realized that
At the end, you're supposed to climb halfway up the ladder then back down, and the AI will take care of the rest.
Infinite grenades were pretty ridiculous, though.
Yeah, going through vet was a pain in the ass but G33 is right. I just spent my time sprinting from one check point to another not really worrying about killing that many people since you know....they respawn infinitely.

Those grenades were the biggest challenge since they simply appear at your feet non stop.
[quote name='pbnate88']where do you jump?[/quote]

You can also go to the back of Cliffside where the waterfall is and jump right there.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']I decided to beat this game on veteran difficulty and I am about 75% through it, holy crap is it frustrating. I remember 2 and 4 being frustrating, but this game is on a whole new level. Maybe it's because Keifer Sutherland repeatedly tells me to do things that will get me killed instantly.

"Miller get on that triple 28!"
"fuck you Bauer, I'm playing on veteran, YOU get on the triple 28."

"Miller use tank for cover!"
"fuck you Bauer, you are the one who can't die, YOU follow the fucking tank."[/quote]

[quote name='dropbearGSH']I just beat the game on Veteran, and all I can say is that it was more a test of patience than a challenge. I hope that Infinity Ward finds a way to make MW2 difficult besides having infinitely respawning enemies that always know exactly where you are and throw grenades the second you leave their line of sight.

At least multiplayer is fun.[/quote]

Glad I'm not the only who finds this more annoying than challenging. I beat both CoD2 and CoD4 on veteran. There were definitely difficult parts, but when I beat those, I felt like I actually accomplished something...well...if you can actually accomplish anything in a video game. In this game, when I finally get past some insanely stupid part, I just feel like I got lucky.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Why the fuck are most SMG as strong as HMG?[/QUOTE]

I get so tired of the mp40 juggernaut/camo crowd. I wish they would tone the smg's so people would take the time to use other weapons.
Again, the MP40s power simply breaks the game. I am not knocking people for using it beacuse it clearly is the best but it defies all logic and its not just the MP40 its all SMGs.

They have no cons what so ever where. That powerful, that mobile, that accurate and you wonder why its the only class of guns chosen outside the random sniper. The only reason not to pick a SMG is to prove a point because they are clearly superior to every other weapon.

Which is why I rock the Mosin unscopped or the SVT. I am on a Heavy Machine Gun kick now though rocking the MG42 or FG42. Its hard when by the time I lift the damn things up I am already dead from a SMG....that and the fact that the bullets from them are made from jelly beans beacuse I refuse to use Juggs/SP anymore.
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The SMGs are definitely the most powerful weapon overall, but the other guns have their specialties for sure. Heavy machine guns are useful during headquarters because of their huge magazines, snipers are great in open levels, etc.

If you're just playing team deathmatch, SMGs are the way to go for sure.
Map Pack 2 announced and planed for June.
\ Banzai - Battle for control over a bridge in a bright jungle map featuring a waterfall and hidden caves.
\ Corrosion - Face down your enemy in a shattered train yard.
\ Sub Pens - Wipe the monsoon rain from your eyes as you struggle over a bombed-out submarine base.
\ Shi No Numa (Zombie Swamp) - Featuring Perk machines, the deadly new Wunderwaffe DG-2, new Achievements / Trophies… and flaming Hell Hounds!

* PS3 forum has no official thread for this game. *
I wonder they'll discount Map Pack 1 once this is out (didn't get it). I only ever play Nazi Zombies in CoD:WaW and the new one with the Japanese could be worth it.
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