Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

I got GOW2 for single player, COD:waw for Multiplayer.

I really hate any level that has tanks now. Especially that one level, I forget the name but its huge, sometimes people get 3-4 tanks and just sit there driving around, its really no fun at all.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I got GOW2 for single player, COD:waw for Multiplayer.

I really hate any level that has tanks now. Especially that one level, I forget the name but its huge, sometimes people get 3-4 tanks and just sit there driving around, its really no fun at all.[/quote]

I actually don't mind that level (I call it the level with fields of grain ... is that the one?) ... especially if I get the tank.... There are a couple levels with lots of tanks actually! :bouncy: But if you don't have a tank, it's a heck of a trek. (played them on S&D ... what a walk ... ).
[quote name='Shan82']I actually don't mind that level (I call it the level with fields of grain ... is that the one?) ... especially if I get the tank.... There are a couple levels with lots of tanks actually! :bouncy: But if you don't have a tank, it's a heck of a trek. (played them on S&D ... what a walk ... ).[/quote]

Nah not that level, that one i do like. Its the dark one...upheaval or something like that? With the two sets of stairs on each end.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Nah not that level, that one i do like. Its the dark one...upheaval or something like that? With the two sets of stairs on each end.[/quote]

Ahhh, yes, that level :bomb:!! Snipers and tanks take over that level!! I enjoy that level when I can hide in a tank or the middle of the map and hence avoid sniperage (and tankage).

It's funny, but one of my favorite levels of the game (there are several) is Dome, which is the smallest map ever! I think I like it because you have to keep moving on that map. You can't easily sit and camp (or snipe)! :bouncy: I enjoyed using my shottie on it too!

Of the new maps (not in beta), Asylum is becoming a fast favorite too!
I cant stand Asylum. I cant figure the damn place out! I was playing HQ on there the other day and couldnt figure out how to get where I wanted to go! I agree with the upheaval map sucking ass, but I use my bolt action rifles there and play that map a lot differently. I just wait for people to run out in the middle and set up betties all over the place. Man I love those things!
What is everyone's favorite gametype? I personally play a lot of team deathmatch, but it isnt my favorite I just figure the most people play it. I love headquarters, but it sucks when you always get stuck on a sucky ass team. I play some CTF, and War, with the same results, my team sucks. I have been starting to get into hardcore team deathmatch, it is fucking nuts at times! Very realistic! Just wish that not everyone used camoflauge perk.
My most very favorite = Hardcore Search and Destroy! A close second is Hardcore Team deathmatch!! :D But then, there are gametypes that I have only tried once or twice and should give another shot before I determine that I will never play them again ;) !
Nope! I use that opportunity to get back to text messages/send emails, etc. I'm a huge multitasker!! ;) I just find that there's more strategy to S&D because you only have the one life to lose. In team deathmatch everyone (including myself) tends to run around like crazy people, but in S&D, you have to plan it out (not that I do, but the idea to do so is there ... ) . :D SO much fun!! :D

The one downside of S&D is that people will train and train so that at spawn they noob toob (and grenade) the entire other team :( ! I normally don't mind the noob toobs, but I do wish they'd leave them out of S&D. I once saw 5 people on a team wiped out at spawn!!
I favor hardcore team deathmatch, to me it's cleaner, more cut and dry. Also I feel like there is more risk but more reward, kills are easier and you have a better chance when you face two or three enemies at the same time
[quote name='Shan82']Nope! I use that opportunity to get back to text messages/send emails, etc. I'm a huge multitasker!! ;) I just find that there's more strategy to S&D because you only have the one life to lose. In team deathmatch everyone (including myself) tends to run around like crazy people, but in S&D, you have to plan it out (not that I do, but the idea to do so is there ... ) . :D SO much fun!! :D

The one downside of S&D is that people will train and train so that at spawn they noob toob (and grenade) the entire other team :( ! I normally don't mind the noob toobs, but I do wish they'd leave them out of S&D. I once saw 5 people on a team wiped out at spawn!![/quote]

This is why I don't like search and destroy at times. Other than that I have a fine time with it.

I REALLY like Capture the Flag, but not many in the group do. I still find it so interesting how many people across Live don't know how to play CTF because it wasn't in 4, but it's in almost every other online shooter.
I only play hardcore team deathmatch. I like it better because its more sneeking around. Regular team deathmatch people just run around with gun blazing, and it takes longer to kill someone. BAR's are useless in team deathmatch, but they are one of my favorite guns in Hardcore Team Deathmatch.

I played War in the beta and didnt really like it. Maybe ill try to do some other modes. Dont really like search and destroy cos i dont want to be the last one alive, with everyone watching my un-leet skills. :(
I think the BAR works pretty good no matter what. I use it similar to a rifle in the game and fire one or two shots at people rather than holding down the trigger. I love capture the flag, but hate it when my team is garbage!
CTF was actually one that I had a couple bad experiences (being REALLY bad) at and therefore, am not too keen on, but I would be willing to learn it a bit more before I judge it! I used to severely dislike S&D before I learned how to play it. :D Now it's my fav (in Hardcore mode). So Hitman, I'm down to play it with you some time! :)

And I agree with Ender! Hardcore is definitely more cut and dry (which is why I don't like going against his long distance shooting in hardcore ;) ) and allows you to take out more than one player if there's a group of them (which often happens near their spawn). It's not like they have time to feel you shooting them and then run away for cover while the others shoot you. I'm finding it harder and harder to go back to playing RTD! :)
I hear a lot of people like search and destroy. That is where you have to plant the bomb in either place right? I have played it a little, but prefer headquarters.
Not sure buddy. I did not have this problem with mine. By the way, played some Capture the flag last night and LOVED IT! You have got to work as a team more than ever, and it is really intense and exciting. Came back from being down 2-0 twice to win in the second round!

I just get frustrated when people on my team completely suck ass or dont even play! I was trying to play some competitive CTF and two guys on my team were signed in but not even playing! They went like 1-25 (probably a martyrdom kill)
[quote name='crave132']Nice, good shit. Glad to hear someone that likes it! I have read toooooo many negative things about this game, and am sick of it. It is a solid game. If you liked cod4, how can you not like the new one? it might have some bugs, but is a cool, fun game.[/QUOTE]

I like this game an awful lot too. The maps offer a nice mix and I'm adapting, slowly, to the tanks...they piss me off but it's almost like if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, so I'm trying to drive around and slaughter the opposition myself...even though I'm not too good at driving!

Finished the campaign last night. I must've died about 3X times more on Normal difficulty than I did playing COD4, but I remember having the same "cheap death" syndrome on Treyarch's COD3 also. But, once you figured what to do where the objective wasn't always clear (especially late in the game), it wasn't all bad.

Graphics are great, I love Kiefer doing the voice-overs also (hopefully they'll keep him around for COD5). It's not on the level of COD4 but it certainly doesn't "suck" and is definitely enjoyable with fun multiplayer obviously.
I can't say this game is better than COD4, but it is really fun and I love it. COD4 is gonna be collecting dust for a while. It has been out for over a year, and COD World at War is different, but probably about as good as COD4. Maybe a little less, but come on, COD4 is like the best game to come out for 360 so far IMO.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Why does my party privacy keep going back to "open" when i set it to "invite only" after i go back to the find match lobby? Thats pretty annoying.[/quote]

Yeah I got that problem to. I also have this one where it randomly boots people out of my part for some reason.

So, did anyone actually get the flame thrower yet? I have seen it once in a match and the guy barely used it. I am surprised that I havent come across it at all so far.
[quote name='cmart05']Can someone give me an honest opinion as to whether or not this game is just as good if not better than COD 4?[/quote]

I think its as good for sure. But i think i prefer COD4 guns/maps more. Maybe im not comfortable with the maps yet in CODwaw.

Ive also had the game enter me into regular team deathmatch, and another game mode yesterday when i was trying to find a hardcore team deathmatch game. Weird.
Maybe some people on here can help me with this. How do you people make the transition from college to working 5 days a week. When I was at school, I would wake up whenever I wanted, go to class (sometimes) or just play Call of Duty or some guitar hero. Eat when I feel like it, drink when I want, smoke all the time! Especially before gaming. Now, I wake up at 630am drive to work, get home at about 630pm and hardly have any time for anything. I want more COD time, but juggling a girlfriend, work, and video games just isnt working out for me...
[quote name='crave132']Maybe some people on here can help me with this. How do you people make the transition from college to working 5 days a week. When I was at school, I would wake up whenever I wanted, go to class (sometimes) or just play Call of Duty or some guitar hero. Eat when I feel like it, drink when I want, smoke all the time! Especially before gaming. Now, I wake up at 630am drive to work, get home at about 630pm and hardly have any time for anything. I want more COD time, but juggling a girlfriend, work, and video games just isnt working out for me...[/quote]

I used to go to school full-time... now I work full-time(wake up around 6:30AM, I commute into NYC from Jersey), go to school at night.. days I don't go to school I work out... weekends I'm usually out getting fucked up... and I still find enough time to play games, watch movies, and watch certain shows and I'm not absolutely beat from it...

I don't know how the hell I do it..
haha i can relate with you on about all of that. I commute from my small town to state college (penn state university), work out after work, party every weekend, but dont have any time to play! I think the main difference is having/living with my girlfriend. Unless she has homework or is studying, she expects me to hang out with her... ughhhh I have thought about selling everything and just going cold turkey, but I dont think I could survive without my 360
I went to grad school, am finishing up a Ph D and will be an Assistant Professor next year. So I choose to stay in academia with a flexible schedule. Of course being a professor is a ton more work and much less free time than being a student (as is being a grad student), but it's still nice to more or less set your own schedule, not have to show up early in the morning very often etc.

Less free time is just a fact of life when enterning the real world, but it's nice to at least have flexibility in hours and what you are working on.
[quote name='crave132']haha i can relate with you on about all of that. I commute from my small town to state college (penn state university), work out after work, party every weekend, but dont have any time to play! I think the main difference is having/living with my girlfriend. Unless she has homework or is studying, she expects me to hang out with her... ughhhh I have thought about selling everything and just going cold turkey, but I dont think I could survive without my 360[/quote]

hahaha, that's why you ditch the girlfriend for the 360. \\:D/
[quote name='cmart05']hahaha, that's why you ditch the girlfriend for the 360. \\:D/[/quote]
haha thought about it!:whistle2:$ But then I tell myself "It's just a game"
[quote name='The 7th Number']I think its as good for sure. But i think i prefer COD4 guns/maps more. Maybe im not comfortable with the maps yet in CODwaw.

Ive also had the game enter me into regular team deathmatch, and another game mode yesterday when i was trying to find a hardcore team deathmatch game. Weird.[/quote]

I like these maps better but I prefer COD4 guns, there was more variety I think...alot of the guns on this game feel the same
I guess I'll be the first to say it: I prefer these maps and guns. I think there is a better balance across each type. There are a lot more medium to long range weapons, which is balanced by those guns having a limited fire rate or lowered accuracy and the size of most maps. For example, a good, balanced in-between is the STG. In Hardcore modes, it has just enough power, accuracy, and range for longer ranged activities. In Core modes, it becomes a real medium range beast.

I also prefer these iron sights. I have yet to encounter a gun with an MP44 level of irritatingly awful iron sights.
[quote name='BL00DW0LF']I like these maps better but I prefer COD4 guns, there was more variety I think...alot of the guns on this game feel the same[/quote]

Agreed! I've been saying since the Beta, that I actually find WaW more fun (although there are, as always, a couple maps I don't prefer...). I like the guns ... can't wait to try out the flame thrower ... and have found zombie mode to be very entertaining! :D And I definitely think the guns seem to work better for me overall as well. :)
[quote name='Chase']I guess I'll be the first to say it: I prefer these maps and guns. I think there is a better balance across each type. There are a lot more medium to long range weapons, which is balanced by those guns having a limited fire rate or lowered accuracy and the size of most maps. For example, a good, balanced in-between is the STG. In Hardcore modes, it has just enough power, accuracy, and range for longer ranged activities. In Core modes, it becomes a real medium range beast.

I also prefer these iron sights. I have yet to encounter a gun with an MP44 level of irritatingly awful iron sights.[/quote]

The STG is deadly in hardcore, but it's not as good in core. It takes alot of bullets to kill someone.

The MP40? I like the iron sight on the MP40. I feel it's one of the easiest to use.
[quote name='Trakan']The STG is deadly in hardcore, but it's not as good in core. It takes alot of bullets to kill someone.

The MP40? I like the iron sight on the MP40. I feel it's one of the easiest to use.[/quote]

I believe that he was referring to the MP44 on a previous COD being irratating (not WaW)! ;) The MP40 rocks and is my gun of choice!! :D With a silencer, and some stealth, it's a lot of fun! :bouncy: I've just started using the STG (in hardcore) and am enjoying it a lot so far. It seems to be a really quiet, relatively steay gun!
Bill Nye says otherwise.
B-but it was so blocky. I didn't like how it obscured things and stuffs. :joystick: That, coupled with the recoil made it one of my least favorite guns.
I'm with chase on this one. I like the guns and most of the maps, and anyone who plays with me know i'm glad tanks are back. But I liked the modern look. It might be that i'm just used to cod4 because after 4 came out I missed ww2 from cod3.
[quote name='The 7th Number']What does it mean when your name bar is blue?

And after one of my matches i had a shield with 2 guns crossed on it. Whats that mean? (not the purple heart)[/quote]

I think both symbolize when you're in a party with somebody - at least I know that's the case with the blue lettering.
You know what's funny Chase? The STG44 is another name for the MP44. It's basically the same gun. That really says something for the weapons in the game when your favorite weapon in WaW was one of your least favorite weapons in COD4.

Overall, I'd say that all the guns in WaW are nowhere near as accurate as anything in COD4, but that's to be expected with the time period.
bread's done