Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

[quote name='dropbearGSH']So at first I hated the tanks; I thought they were way overpowered. Now I love them, but not because I like to use them. I just love blowing them up, now that I have figured out how to do it effectively. Nothing beats dropping C4 on the ground, waiting for one to drive over it then blowing it up. I get extra satisfaction knowing that I just pissed someone off cause they figured they had a fresh tank and were not expecting to get killed in one hit.

They do need to add an entering/exiting animation though.[/quote]

Agreed (though I like driving them too). I'd say the satisfaction of blowing up a fresh tank rivals that of a headshot "ping."

...especially when the tank has a turret gunner too.
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[quote name='dropbearGSH']So at first I hated the tanks; I thought they were way overpowered. Now I love them, but not because I like to use them. I just love blowing them up, now that I have figured out how to do it effectively. Nothing beats dropping C4 on the ground, waiting for one to drive over it then blowing it up. I get extra satisfaction knowing that I just pissed someone off cause they figured they had a fresh tank and were not expecting to get killed in one hit.

They do need to add an entering/exiting animation though.[/quote]

My problem with tanks is the fact that at certain times there are like 4 god damn tanks all rolling around at the same time. And once you blow them up another one will spawn within a few seconds.

And the risk reward for blowing them up is ridiculous, you get barely any points and if you do take them on half the time the driver will just jump out taking all of your points and wasting your ammo.

I am fine with having tanks and stuff in the game but they are poorly implemented in WaW.

Also, anyone feel like the Arty hurts your team way more than the opposing team? That shaky cam is brutal for your teammates to a point where it makes it almost impossible to do certain things. I have been killed by a shooting opposing player in the middle of a friendly arty strike.
[quote name='Soodmeg']My problem with tanks is the fact that at certain times there are like 4 god damn tanks all rolling around at the same time. And once you blow them up another one will spawn within a few seconds.

And the risk reward for blowing them up is ridiculous, you get barely any points and if you do take them on half the time the driver will just jump out taking all of your points and wasting your ammo.

I am fine with having tanks and stuff in the game but they are poorly implemented in WaW.

Also, anyone feel like the Arty hurts your team way more than the opposing team? That shaky cam is brutal for your teammates to a point where it makes it almost impossible to do certain things. I have been killed by a shooting opposing player in the middle of a friendly arty strike.[/quote]

I hate people who don't know how to use the tanks to the team's advantage in HQ.

It should be at most one person in a tank for HQ but sometimes you got 3 or 4 guys on the same team in a tank and while they may be getting alot of kills, we're getting destroyed in the scoreboard 250-0.
How do i get better at this game? I am not sure what I am doing wrong. i know that i miss the scopes from Cod4 but are they available in this game? i am a level 14 and dont have a scope for any of my guns.
Actually, I have all the scopes and I barely even use them. I would suggest really learning how to use the iron sights for most of the guns, that way it will open up other things for ya.

Depending if you are playing non hardcore matches.
[quote name='mvp828']I will be sure to invite you although we probably won't be on the same team. Ender and I have just been getting in through the recently played list.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xcoax']Yeah Matt, I should be on late most every night this week excluding tonight because I need to write a 10 page paper. I've been more than willing to share the double XP love all this week since I'd rather be playing with you guys and having fun than with randoms.

Okay, cool. I wasn't able to get on last night myself, but tonight I will be on for sure. I did join some recent players after you guys left the other day, but that would only work for a while, and if I play any other games, the COD players would be removed from my list.
[quote name='Soodmeg']My problem with tanks is the fact that at certain times there are like 4 god damn tanks all rolling around at the same time. And once you blow them up another one will spawn within a few seconds.

And the risk reward for blowing them up is ridiculous, you get barely any points and if you do take them on half the time the driver will just jump out taking all of your points and wasting your ammo.

I am fine with having tanks and stuff in the game but they are poorly implemented in WaW.

Also, anyone feel like the Arty hurts your team way more than the opposing team? That shaky cam is brutal for your teammates to a point where it makes it almost impossible to do certain things. I have been killed by a shooting opposing player in the middle of a friendly arty strike.[/quote]

I agree with you. You should definately get some extra points (at least double but I would say even more) for killing a tank. And they do respawn too often. That being said, I still like them being in the game.

Artillery is so bad for your team that I will not drop it on a HQ unless I am the sole survivor. If you drop it where you think the enemy is going to come from in HQ its a little better cause it at least slows them down. It is pretty much useless in team deathmatch though.
[quote name='ivanctorres']How do i get better at this game? I am not sure what I am doing wrong. i know that i miss the scopes from Cod4 but are they available in this game? i am a level 14 and dont have a scope for any of my guns.[/quote]

Scopes can be unlocked for some guns. If you are in the low ranks, I recommend creating classes with the Thompson and SVT, and alternate equipping Stopping Power and Camouflage.

The key is to play with CAGs. It is difficult to build a rhythm while playing with randoms.
My weapon of choice right now is the STG 44 and a telescopic scope. Works great in close range or if I need to shoot across the map.

Otherwise I still stick with my silenced SMGs with Extreme Conditioning depending on the game type.
Anyone else think there are not enough weapons in the multiplayer? Im at level 62 right now and I have run out of weapon challenges to do (havent done the headshots yet but fuck that; no camo reward so no incentive). 4 had 26 weapons and 55 levels, I would not even have to do all the sniper rifles before I prestiged, but WaW only has 27 (may have miscounted) over 65 levels. They could have added in some brit weapons (bren, sten, and enfield) both for variety and to make the brit fans happy. Also, I would have liked to see the grease gun.
[quote name='Trakan']There's enough weapons, just too many levels. I don't know why they felt the need to raise it to 65.[/quote]

Most likely to prolong hours played to reach level 10 prestige. You wouldn't want to adjust the prestige level, say, to like 12 or 15 because they aren't really 'good' numbers. I thought getting to level 55 on COD4 was pretty easy; people that played COD4 a lot got to level 10 Prestige easily. Now that it's raised to 65, that's an extra 90 levels to gain for 10th Prestige, which, for the hardcore COD5 gamer, is a bigger timewaster.

What they could have done was add 'real' incentives for going Prestige, like costume colors or random skin shit. Then, raising the level would kind of make sense because there's actual stuff you're aiming for, instead of new custom slots or whatever stupid stuff comes with it when you prestige.
[quote name='Trakan']There's enough weapons, just too many levels. I don't know why they felt the need to raise it to 65.[/quote]

maybe to entice people into buying the special edition for the double xp. dicks. (activision/treyarch not the people who bought it)
There's a ton of weapons to choose from. Some are useless, others are too similar, but overall, most people tend to stick to the same few they always use. I always have just 1 weapon setup for each category of weapon.
My theory on the change to 65 is just to make it take longer to get. If you played COD4 on a regular basis from launch to when WaW came out it would be nearly inconcievable that you wouldn't get a gold cross. Going through prestiges in WaW takes an extrordinary amount of time, even during this double XP week.

As far as getting better at the game goes, just mess around with the weapons you have until you find something you like. As Chase said the SVT is a good starting rifle. I also have a class for every weapon type (excluding shotguns as I'm more of a medium/long range kinda guy) so I can be ready to go with any situation presented. And like Hitman said the official CAG gaming group is listed under CAG CoD WatW just send a friend request to that and we'll be on most every night.
Next time I'm playing COD I am going to joing everyone playing this I have the CAG COD Watw. I hope everyone doesn't shun me bc I'm such a scrub at this game.

Also when does the double XP week end?
I'm going to try and get on tonight. I actually haven't really played much of the game but I would like to get in on the Online component.
The Stg 44 ruined multiplayer for me. I try to go through all the guns and unlock everything for them, and not stick to one gun. But there is no reason for me to use any other gun besides the stg. It does everything. It blows people alway at short range, has unbelievable stopping power, then Slap the telescopic on it and its just as good as a bolt action.

I tried to go back to other guns, and it just makes me sick.
[quote name='xcoax']My theory on the change to 65 is just to make it take longer to get. If you played COD4 on a regular basis from launch to when WaW came out it would be nearly inconcievable that you wouldn't get a gold cross. Going through prestiges in WaW takes an extrordinary amount of time, even during this double XP week. [/quote]

Speak for yourself. I played COD 4 almost every night from launch until the WatW beta and I was damn proud of getting through 1 full prestige. I'm not even thinking about prestiging in WatW, I wouldn't be back to 65 before the next one hits.

Also I'm cursed because the CoD Double XP events always come at the worst time for me. This time my podcast co-host (who just got an XBox last month) wanted to do Gears 2 Co-Op, which took up Friday/Saturday. Sunday I was working the Albert Pujols Family Foundation auction all day. Monday night we recorded the podcast. Tuesday is my VS System night.

I'm putting off doing laundry so maybe I can get some double xp in tonight and tomorrow.
Yeah Hitman, who needs clean clothes when there's Double XP to be had! ;)

And yeah, if you happen to join up with us be sure and say you're from CAG. I'm terribly unobservant like that and probably wouldn't even notice.
I just hit level 41 (thanks double xp!) and seriously, i am getting damn tired of playing it. I need to give myself a break but i keep making myself play it due to the stupid double xp since this doesnt come around too often. I completed all the challanges for every gun i like (i hate non-automatic guns), and i did a lot of the challanges 100%. I just hate that the next guns i have to max out are single shot and i end up getting 3-5 kills per match vs 10-25+ when using a automatic gun.
[quote name='blitz6speed']I just hit level 41 (thanks double xp!) and seriously, i am getting damn tired of playing it. I need to give myself a break but i keep making myself play it due to the stupid double xp since this doesnt come around too often. I completed all the challanges for every gun i like (i hate non-automatic guns), and i did a lot of the challanges 100%. I just hate that the next guns i have to max out are single shot and i end up getting 3-5 kills per match vs 10-25+ when using a automatic gun.[/QUOTE]

You might like some of the later weapons like SBPH (sp?) SMG, Browning LMG, and the flamethrower. The last sniper rifle is pretty strong as well
[quote name='hx214']The Stg 44 ruined multiplayer for me. I try to go through all the guns and unlock everything for them, and not stick to one gun. But there is no reason for me to use any other gun besides the stg. It does everything. It blows people alway at short range, has unbelievable stopping power, then Slap the telescopic on it and its just as good as a bolt action.

I tried to go back to other guns, and it just makes me sick.[/quote]

Are you playing hardcore?
I was really looking forward to unlocking the STG, I really liked it whenever I picked it up off the ground. Then when I finally unlocked it I was really disappointed in how week it was; I really felt like I was shooting BBs in core--even with stopping power.

Now if I play hardcore it's my gun of choice. But in core I avoid it like the plague.
Just my 2 cents. STG is ass through and through. That gun is horrid.

Any gun you are comfortable with can rape on hardcore but some guns just can not stand the test of Core and the STG is one of them. I am not saying you cant get a ton of kills with it, all I am saying this using 90% of a clip to kill a person W/O Stopping Power is ass.The damage over distance for that gun drops to spit ball level if you are more than 10 ft away.
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I've been playing pretty much nothing but regular TDM and using essentially nothing but the STG and occasionally the Kar98k for the larger sniper-friendly maps and I usually average around 20 kills a round. If you actually aim and don't just hold the trigger down you can get kills in 3-4 shots every time. As a matter of fact, I've started equipping bandolier just because I'm alive for so long that I need the extra ammo.
All the guns are good, I can get a lot of kills and do work with pretty much every gun. Once I get my 1000pts for that gun, besides the headshots, I move onto something else. Pretty much every gun is OK except for the type 100 and the shitty bar.
[quote name='slickkill77']Clicking the right or left stick[/quote]
Yeah I was being a smart ass, but ended up looking like a dumbass because I forgot that was what it was called...:applause:
[quote name='crave132']All the guns are good, I can get a lot of kills and do work with pretty much every gun. Once I get my 1000pts for that gun, besides the headshots, I move onto something else. Pretty much every gun is OK except for the type 100 and the shitty bar.[/quote]

I agree, I can use anyone gun and do all right. I really believe every gun is fairly equal and has a certain thing that makes it unique.
[quote name='mvp828']I agree, I can use anyone gun and do all right. I really believe every gun is fairly equal and has a certain thing that makes it unique.[/quote]


I've found it easier in this COD than COD4 to "level up" the guns.
[quote name='cmart05']+2

I've found it easier in this COD than COD4 to "level up" the guns.[/quote]

Well, you don't have to do a 3rd level for most guns.
[quote name='cmart05']+2

I've found it easier in this COD than COD4 to "level up" the guns.[/quote]

Alot of the guns only go to 25/100 kills instead of COD4 where every gun went to 150 kills.
[quote name='ivanctorres']Next time I'm playing COD I am going to joing everyone playing this I have the CAG COD Watw. I hope everyone doesn't shun me bc I'm such a scrub at this game. [/quote]

What is this CAG COD WatW thing? I think I need to start playing with CAGs, I got intentionally rifle grenaded by my teamates playing hardcore search today. I really hate random people on live.
After being on WaW for the better part of the last 10 hours (probably 8 and a half taking off when I went to eat, and time not in games) I can say I'm hooked again... for now. I've gone from 9 hours played to a little over 30 hours in the span of a few days. I just hope the magic is still there once double XP ends. I want to love this game like I did COD4, even though my other games get neglected.

[quote name='dropbearGSH']What is this CAG COD WatW thing? I think I need to start playing with CAGs, I got intentionally rifle grenaded by my teamates playing hardcore search today. I really hate random people on live.[/QUOTE]

It's a silver Gamertag that functions as a friends list for COD playing CAGs.
[quote name='Matt Young']After being on WaW for the better part of the last 10 hours (probably 8 and a half taking off when I went to eat, and time not in games) I can say I'm hooked again... for now. I've gone from 9 hours played to a little over 30 hours in the span of a few days. I just hope the magic is still there once double XP ends. I want to love this game like I did COD4, even though my other games get neglected.

It's a silver Gamertag that functions as a friends list for COD playing CAGs.[/quote]

I still don't get it. Can someone explain it to me like I am 5?
[quote name='dropbearGSH']I still don't get it. Can someone explain it to me like I am 5?[/quote]


Mommy and Daddy send a friend request to the COD:WAW gamertag. Once it's accepted, you click on that tag on your friend's list and click view friends. You can see/invite everyone who's on that tag's friend's list to play with you.
[quote name='Trakan']Haha.

Mommy and Daddy send a friend request to the COD:WAW gamertag. Once it's accepted, you click on that tag on your friend's list and click view friends. You can see/invite everyone who's on that tag's friend's list to play with you.[/quote]

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that, awesome. thanks
[quote name='Trakan']Haha.

Mommy and Daddy send a friend request to the COD:WAW gamertag. Once it's accepted, you click on that tag on your friend's list and click view friends. You can see/invite everyone who's on that tag's friend's list to play with you.[/quote]

And I update the list usually weekly so don't panic if your request isn't answered within a day.
I encountered an odd error today.

"Error: Your playlist data is newer than the host's. You will be unable to play with them until they restart to get the new playlists."

I was joining games of people I had encountered in Double XP rooms the night before. Weird.
Sorry for such a dumb question. But how do you unlock co-op splitscreen "Nazi Zombies" I beat the game in single-player, do I need to beat it co-op also? I can find the option to play "Nazi Zombies" in single-player but not in any form of mutiplayer options either co-op splitscreen or over X-Box Live.
[quote name='ajh2298']Sorry for such a dumb question. But how do you unlock co-op splitscreen "Nazi Zombies" I beat the game in single-player, do I need to beat it co-op also? I can find the option to play "Nazi Zombies" in single-player but not in any form of mutiplayer options either co-op splitscreen or over X-Box Live.[/quote]

Hmmm, it should be there. Go to co-op xbox live, then do find match and nazi zombies should be an option (I have not tried split screen)
[quote name='ajh2298']Sorry for such a dumb question. But how do you unlock co-op splitscreen "Nazi Zombies" I beat the game in single-player, do I need to beat it co-op also? I can find the option to play "Nazi Zombies" in single-player but not in any form of mutiplayer options either co-op splitscreen or over X-Box Live.[/quote]

Main Menu > Cooperative > Split-screen > Settings > Game Mode > Nazi Zombies

It should be there.
bread's done