Calling for math/statistics junkies with some collection help


I'm seriously thinking that 3 hours a day for the next 50 years will not be enough to get through my collection. Can any math wiz out there check my collection to see if it should be suggested to add extra hours to my daily quota or/and if I should start getting rid of my mediocre-or-less games?

If I like your thoroughness and sincere attempts at deep analysis (doesn't have to be super exact), I could compensate you with some of my leftover media shwag. Not much quality admittedly (either I've Ebayed most of the quality or I'm keeping it). Heck, if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I could also compensate you by letting you check out some of the advance builds I'm reviewing/previewing (you would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement on some titles).

Here are a number things that should be factored in:
-My IGN collection list is about 40 short since I couldn't enter many imports
-My current and projected grow rate is about 70 added games every year: 40 next-gen, 30 pre-2001 titles. The pre-2001 title collecting should end in about 10 years
-My average completion level is between normal and hard. 2 out of every 3 games on hard, usually involving playing the game first on normal. My unlocking rate averages about 85% for all genres. For RPGs, I don't attempt perfect saves with maxed out levels but I do attempt all side quests.
-Since I started keeping track, I've fully completed about 100 games to the best of my abilities and to my satisfaction. 150 are works in-progress (about half-way done on the average)

If I wan't detailed enough, I certainly welcome questions.
i am a math major in my junior year but i dont know if i could be of any help except to say that you probably need some help. that is an honestly insane amount of video games.
Heh, anyway, here's the collection breakdown

179 Genesis
178 PSX
164 PS2
122 DC
72 SMS
63 Xbox
60 SegaCD
48 GBA
45 GC
39 N64
36 Saturn
21 Game Gear
11 32X
4 PC
3 GB
1 TG16
1053 TOTAL
If I'm understanding you correctly, you have 1053 games total. 100 you have completed and 150 are halfway finished.

Lets assume that on average it takes 20 hours to complete a game. Older, shorter games take 10-15. Longer more complex games take 25-30. (Seeing that you have so many older games, they may be shorter, so the average may be closer to 15) But for modern games I don't think a twenty hour average is far off the mark. Of course, if you speed through on easy level and just focus on completing a game that might drop down to around twelve even

803 unplayed games times 20 hours would be 16,060 hours. 150 50% completed games times 10 would be 1,500 hours.

That's a total of 17,560 hours of gameplay in your current collection. Assuming you spend three hours a day playing it would take you 5,854 days or 16 years to catch up.

Even if my hours are off, it's easy to adjust. If it takes on average 15 hours to complete a game it would still take around twelve years. If it takes ten hours to complete a game on average you'll be through in eight years.

Better get started...
Well, it's simple math. Seventy new games a year at 20 hours each on average. That's 1,400 hours.

at 3 hours a day that's 466 days.

If you actually want to play all your new games, assuming 3 hours of play a day, you should generally only buy one game a week. Then spend the week beating it. That would just break you even.

But you'd have to play 3 hours EVERY day.
yeah I've got too many games as well, I've given up on finishing most older gen games. I've always wanted a Saturn but I know I would never have time to play it so I've skiped it. I'll skip the Cube untill the next gen of consoles comes out and the games get cheap. I've got plenty of games that I want to play but won't buy untill I have the time.
I think Ackbar is being generous here. While I agree that 15 hours is the normal length of time it takes to beat a current gen game, I don't believe it is the average time to beat them. I believe that it is more of a modal number. There are far too many RPG's and adventure games that hit the 40+ mark and far too few 5 - 10 hour games out there to consider 15 to be the average. I would say that the average completion time for any given game is closer to about 22 hours.
Have you considered that once you hit certain age you might slowly lose interest in video games?

Well, continuing Ackbar's post, while using Tromack's number of 22 hrs per game on avg, with 803 unplayed games, x22 hrs will give you 17666 hrs. 150 half way thru games x11 hrs will give you 1650 hrs. So as of right now, you'll need approximately 18 years to complete your current collection. So by the end of your current collection, you'll be 1020 games behind since you purchase 70 games a year for the next 10 years and then 40 games for the rest of the 8 years. Assuming avg play time remain at 22 hrs a game for post 2001 releases and 15 hrs a game for pre 2001 releases, you'll be 19 years behind before you can complete the new collection of games you've collected in the next 18 years. For the rest of your 32 years of life, if you still plan to buy 40 games per year, and still assuming each game is 22 hrs avg, you'll need 26 more years to complete them.

So in summery, if you buy games at a constant rate (what you mentioned), you'll complete your current collection in 18 years. Then you'll complete games you've bought within those 18 years in another 19 years (confused? :) ), then the rest of the games you've collected in the 32 years after the initial 18 years will take another 26 yrs to complete. So, 18+19+26=63 years. That means that if you stop buying games in 50 years, you'll be able to finish your collection in 63 years.

All these assumptions are based on if the video game industry would not take a plunge somewhere down the road. If it is at a fairly constant rate as with the past 15 or so years, your current age + 63 years and you're a happy six feet under guy. Hopefully with all the games you've passed engraved to the tombstone.

I didnt double check my math, someone else can do it :)
Perhaps you ought to take a game, play it for 15 minutes and if you don't like it put it in the trade pile, that way you'll save time by only playing video games you really enjoy. This is what I've started doing and I've been amazed how much more enjoyment I get out of the games I do play.
This isn't really a topic about games, it's just about your vanity and ego surrounding your collection. Therefore I declare this thread to be in the WRONG FORUM.

And another thing: You have an enormous videogame collection and can't do simple algebra. You should probably pick up a good book now and again instead of forecasting your videogame playing. And I'm not talking about campfire fuel literature. Try some history, some classics, philosophy, or heck....maybe even a MATH or SCIENCE book once in a while !
bread's done