Cameras on the corner.


What are ur feelings on haveing cameras installed on street corners.Do u think it's a good thing bad thing?What pros and cons can u see?Discuss.
I think it's stupid. They spend so much time trying to catch speeders and ones who run red lights. That time could be spent catching murders, rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers. Oh no, I went a mile over the speed limit! They're coming for me! And as I get a ticket a block over some little kid is getting the shit beat out of him by his abusive parent. But you know the police are just doing their job is all..... :?
i hang around garden grove, CA a lot and noticed that there's a new camera on a different corner every week! it's funny when you see 3 people run the red and the camera *flash* *flash* *flash* LOL.

i have noticed that less people are trying to run the red lights on the heavy streets compared to before.
i don't know about the camera thing, but one thing i am waiting for is them sticking it to you on those toll roads that you have to drive on every now and then. for instance, let's say you get on the ohio turnpike at Entry A, and you take your ticket from the booth and start driving. so you're cruising along, maybe listening to some real down south blues like Blues Hammer and eating some beef jerky, and you notice your exit is coming up. so you get off at Exit B, and hand the worker your ticket. they then grab a calculater, and do some math. if you had only done the posted speed limit of 65 MPH, you would have spent 1 hour on the road, however you were only on the road 45 minutes. so what do they do? give you a ticket.

is it likely? not really, but it's definitely conceivable. oh well, i just won't drive in ohio.
[quote name='thatstoobad']i don't know about the camera thing, but one thing i am waiting for is them sticking it to you on those toll roads that you have to drive on every now and then. for instance, let's say you get on the ohio turnpike at Entry A, and you take your ticket from the booth and start driving. so you're cruising along, maybe listening to some real down south blues like Blues Hammer and eating some beef jerky, and you notice your exit is coming up. so you get off at Exit B, and hand the worker your ticket. they then grab a calculater, and do some math. if you had only done the posted speed limit of 65 MPH, you would have spent 1 hour on the road, however you were only on the road 45 minutes. so what do they do? give you a ticket.

is it likely? not really, but it's definitely conceivable. oh well, i just won't drive in ohio.[/quote]

So let me get this straight. If you get from point A to point B on the Ohio turnpike faster than you should at the posted speed limit, they give you a ticket? WTF?! And I suppose they give you a refund if there is a traffic jam and it takes you twice as long to travel in the same scenario. Un-fucking-believable.
here in MI, we have them at most of the major and almost-major intersections. So far they have 2 GOOD uses. First off, one of the radio stations actually has acces tothem, so they can tell you exactly where the traffic is. Also, ive had a friend who was in a minor hit and run. it was cought on tape, and the perp was cought
[quote name='daphatty']So let me get this straight. If you get from point A to point B on the Ohio turnpike faster than you should at the posted speed limit, they give you a ticket? WTF?! And I suppose they give you a refund if there is a traffic jam and it takes you twice as long to travel in the same scenario. Un-fucking-believable.[/quote]

no, not yet at least. i was just saying that in theory it seems like a logical progression in "traffic law enforcement" or whatever, since these cameras have been instituted.

[quote name='Wshakspear']here in MI, we have them at most of the major and almost-major intersections. So far they have 2 GOOD uses. First off, one of the radio stations actually has acces tothem, so they can tell you exactly where the traffic is. Also, ive had a friend who was in a minor hit and run. it was cought on tape, and the perp was cought[/quote]

i don't think the cameras are around here, but then again, i wouldn't really know.
I'm all for the cameras. If someone runs a red light who's it hurt? Possibly my mom and two little brothers, my father, my girlfriend. If it cuts down on that I'm all for it.
I just don't like it because it's all about money. It's just a victimless crime (most of the time) that they can charge you a hell of a lot of money for so they figured a way to do it without having to acctually be there. Also, now they are giving out tickets to people who don't have their front license plate. The only reason they are doing this is because the camera's can't get your plate number if the front one is gone. So no matter what it's just a way to get money for the city and not about trying to "reduce crime".
But that money is going to reduce it, if even just a little bit, it helps my family and friends survive out there. If it's in the middle of the night with no traffic and an alert driver is behind the wheel I see no problem running a redlight, anytime there is traffic it's a different story.
it's stupid. it's not to say that it kind of invades your privacy because its public, but besides the fact to stop crime there's no real reason. i mean i suppose if they were on the lookout for like a guy who just robbed a bank or caught on tape a drug dealing then OK. but just to watch people.. is not ok. government can go and die because i dont like people just watching me on the streets. and what if they look down my shirt because there on the lampposts those perverts :shock: that's it from this day forward i will never go walking down the street unless i have a sweatshirt and 3 layers on!! :shock:

...not really :) :p
as far as traffic lights go. I remember a lawsuit not to many years ago against san diego for these things. As it played out they were found to have decreased the stadard yellow light duration in an attempt to increase the amount of sitations and corresponding revenue. What happened was an increase in accidents associated with red light infractions. It was interesting, I dont recall the actual numbers but they cut into the yellow light duration a whole lot.
I still think these lights are a revenue issue and not a safety issue.
I question the which side of the line between saving money on patrolling these higher risk intersections and being able to bump up the the income.

Thats my 2 cents, id rather have more cops on the streets than cameras hands down.
bread's done