Can i get a refund for this or something?


CAG Veteran
Hi, i'm new so forgive me if this is the wrong forum.

I'm here to ask about a problem i had when i got the dreaded E74.

Here's the story:
I was playing MW2 as usual, nothing out of the ordinary. In the middle of the match, i notice black and green columns of cubes take over the screen. This freaks me out, and i go to the tv to see what's wrong with the picture. As i do this, i hear the nastiest scraping sound comes from my 360 and i shut it off.

As i open the disk tray, i see a very deep scrape in the shape of a ring on my game. Then i see the 1 flashing light and the E74 message pop up.

After all of this, i do a request online and have since sent my 360 in (it is currently on the 'repair in progress' stage. Since, i have gone to Play N Trade and paid $5 for them to fix my game.

The disk still didn't work.

Now here is my question:
Is there any way i can get a refund or a replacement for my game from Mircrosoft?

Sorry for all the text, i figured i'd give as much info as possible.
Also, if it matters, i bought the game on the 17th of November from Gamestop.

Thanks in advance, and i'm looking forward to being a part of this Cheap Ass community :D
Sheeze, rings on the console, rings on the disc... It never ends does it? The whole console is based around you paying multiple times for everything.

I don't know, I'd start by asking PnT why the fix doesn't work. If the scratches were deep enough (however unlikely) it might have damaged the data. Who knows what M$ will do, besides require a stack of forms as proof.
Nope, always been too afraid to do that.

DPsx7, thanks for the input. Play n Trade will definately be revisited.

And Darkslime, the reason i chose the 360 was because everybody i know has it and i don't like to play games by myself.
If you want a new disc, call Activision CS. "(310) 255-2050 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Pacific Time) Monday through Friday except holidays" and it will cost you $20.

A work around that is cheap and easy (considering everyone and their mom has MW2) is to borrow or rent a copy and install it to the HDD. As long as the disc can still be verified you will be fine.
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[quote name='Nader']And Darkslime, the reason i chose the 360 was because everybody i know has it and i don't like to play games by myself.[/QUOTE]

I would have said the same abouit getting a PS3 but I think it's obvious now. You know, if you did get one you might show your friends the reward for switching as well. I may only know a few people with each console but I know the 360 players have less on their friends list than the PS3 users do. The winds are changing, someone just needs to lead the way. And with the problems surrounding the 360 hardware I still can't comprehend why people insist on keeping it.

In any case check the disc carefully. How did you test it if your console is being repaired? If other games are working and the trouble has been narrowed down to the disc then I'd certainly start asking who is going to cover the fix/replacement. Just because you have a 360 doesn't mean you should be paying all these extra costs.
[quote name='reddjoey']
A work around that is cheap and easy (considering everyone and their mom has MW2) is to borrow or rent a copy and install it to the HDD. As long as the disc can still be verified you will be fine.[/QUOTE]

This is the best advice.
Thanks for the answers guys and reddjoey that's a great piece of advice that i guess i'm gonna be going with.

DPsx7, i tested the game on my cousin's and friend's 360s. That's why i was pretty pissed off about the $5 wasted. You have valid points and i would have to agree, but again im too cheap and broke to get a PS3 now. Plus the 360 had more originals that drew me in (the 3 Banjo-Kazooie games and Halo among others :p)

Waka, i haven't played Uncharted but i heard it's badass and would definately like to play it, but i definately can't also afford a PS3 at the moment!
Not sure about being able to get a refund (I was always under the impression that if it happens, you're SOL), but did you have the game installed to a HD before the scratch happened?
Nope, i did not have it installed.

More information:
When i went to Play N Trade i asked them to test the game for me after they fixed it and they did. It went to the main menu and i was content.

However, when i headed to my cousin's house to show him that they fixed my game, i looked like an idiot. Sure enough, i was able to go to the main menu, but once i started a match i could only play for a maximum for a minute before the 'disk is unreadable' message.

As a result, i tried spec ops and SP but the same thing occurred: They would all work for just a couple of minutes before the message appeared.

So, i went home duped and short $5. Kudos Play N Trade for playing me.

Edit: I also had them do the first Halo (original xbox) for $2 and that experienced the exact same problem as MW2.
[quote name='Nader']Nope, i did not have it installed.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to say it was your fault or anything, but you could've totally avoided this with an install.
[quote name='lolwut?']Not trying to say it was your fault or anything, but you could've totally avoided this with an install.[/QUOTE]

You shouldn't have to install a game in order to prevent it from breaking though haha.
[quote name='sealionnn']You shouldn't have to install a game in order to prevent it from breaking though haha.[/QUOTE]

360 owners shouldn't have to repeatedly buy new hardware either......
this happened to my fallout 3 game disk, 1week after i got my coffin back. Microsoft said i was SOL since its not a microsoft game therefore they can't replace it even though the drive scrapped it to shit. long story short i did the installation method which works great since i have a 120gb hdd and dont mind always having that game installed.
Wow some of you guys sit here and complain about the 360 more than babies need milk. This isn't directed at the OP at all but GD guys, I have 2 brothers and multiple friends that play mine so you could imagine it gets some heavy play time. Especially since I've had it since about 9 months after launch. I've had 1 controller wear out on me (which I still use) , 2 battery packs, and one red ring. Never anything that serious. It's all a matter of how your crap is treated.

As to the OP ... rent or borrow a copy and install it to the hard drive. Easy fix.
Seriously, call Activision. Leave the guys at PnT alone. I hate hate hate when some customer comes back and yells because the buffer didn't fix the game 100%. It's not like the employee can do anything else, you know? Don't be that customer.
I agree with Scorch, don't hassel PnT. Buff machines are worth a shot, but they are not a cure all. Honstly, the guys at PnT should have looked at this disc and warned you it wasn't a 100% sure fire fix, but still you can't expect a miracle from them.
Thanks for all the responses.

On the note of PnT, here's the deal. I agree that i shouldn't hassle them (and i sure as hell won't), but i'm going to at least ask them to try buffering it again. I mean, if i paid $7 for them to do it, why not give it another go?

If, in the end, they either don't do it or it doesn't work again, i could always just borrow my cousin's and do the install (which unfortunately will take up a majority of my pro's space.)

Oh and the employee never warned me it wouldn't work, he said their machine was $10,000 and it fixes anything (which i found out was not the case.) Is the buffer machine seriously 10 grand? That seemed rediculous to me.
Maybe they just rent/lease it, and that's how much they are on the hook for if it's lost or stolen. When I worked retail, I had a 4 ft tall Capt. Morgan statue that was worth $10K. It was really only about $400-$500, but we were on the hook for that much to prevent us from selling/losing/stealing it.
Dont know if this has been suggested or not (and I am too lazy to read through the entire thread to know for sure) but if you have a family video around you, take it there, they will buff it, costs like 2 bucks to do.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']the only reasonn to have a ps3 is drake and blu ray free online and God Of War III. Other then that, the 360 is what you want.[/QUOTE]

Fixed that for ya.

As for me, too many horror stories of messed up discs are really having me contemplate taking back the new 360 Elite I just bought today with my $300+ in GS credit if some shlep doesn't offer me the $225 I put it up for on CL in my area.:D
Sh*tty free online^^. I love Gow and The show but saying that psn is free isn't saying much.

Just install your games and you will be fine. Why is that so difficult for people?
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']Why are all these ps3 d-bags posting in a 360 forum??[/QUOTE]

First of all, the specific section isn't listed when you follow the link from the main page. Second, how else will you kids know you're being left behind by refusing to give up the 360? The wealth of problems and fees should have been enough of a clue. Be thankful I gave a suggestion to the poor person who lost their game rather than say that's what happens when you own an Xbox.
[quote name='slickkill77']Sh*tty free online^^. I love Gow and The show but saying that psn is free isn't saying much.

Just install your games and you will be fine. Why is that so difficult for people?[/QUOTE]

Actually aside from the mostly useless updates(Facebook, 20 PSN Store icons)and my woefully slow DSL connection it's not that bad. I actually get kicked from GTA IV's servers alot more than from PSN in general.

As for installing games, that's probably what I'll do, then just delete the install files once I'm done and leave the game saves.:D

And DPsx7, if I keep the Elite I bought today I plan on playing it strictly OFFline, so none of the 'zomg required' Xbox Live fees apply to me.:razz:

Even if I wanted to try out XBL, I have 10 months worth of XBL codes from original Xbox games I can use if I get bored of playing offline.

Personally, one of the big games I want is the 'Episodes' pack for GTA IV on the 360. THAT is probably my MAIN reason for buying one today.:D
[quote name='reddjoey']If you want a new disc, call Activision CS. "(310) 255-2050 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Pacific Time) Monday through Friday except holidays" and it will cost you $20.

A work around that is cheap and easy (considering everyone and their mom has MW2) is to borrow or rent a copy and install it to the HDD. As long as the disc can still be verified you will be fine.[/QUOTE]

That's the best advice.

[quote name='Chris Dillon']the only reason to have a ps3 is because it does everything. Other then that, the 360 is what you get repaired over and over again because the hardware is the worst I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

Fixed it for you. Have a nice day! Just speaking from experience. Do I love my 360? Of course I do. Do I love my PS3? Again of course I do. Do I love my Wii? Hell no. xD
[quote name='Chris Dillon']the only reason to have a ps3 is to play a diverse library of non shooter games and not look like poor racist trailer trash. Other then that, the 360 is what you want. Especially if you hate people of ethnic minority status and love rap.[/QUOTE]

Better and more truthful fix.
you can actually have microsoft replace the game disc but it'll take some time and several phone calls. they replaced halo 3 for my brother after him having a similar problem as you. you can also do a swap by buying a used game and changing it out and returning it.
Here's the truth about ALL 360 owners

[quote name='DPsx7']First of all, the specific section isn't listed when you follow the link from the main page. Second, how else will you kids know you're being left behind by refusing to give up the 360? The wealth of problems and fees should have been enough of a clue. Be thankful I gave a suggestion to the poor person who lost their game rather than say that's what happens when you own an Xbox.[/QUOTE]

You are so funny. Sad, but funny. Posting about your console in another console's forum just shows how little you think of yours.
[quote name='intoxicated662']you can actually have microsoft replace the game disc but it'll take some time and several phone calls. they replaced halo 3 for my brother after him having a similar problem as you. [/QUOTE]

That only works if it's a game MS published and if it's still available. Since it's a game from Activision, it won't work.
[quote name='slickkill77']What the hell's pc gaming?[/QUOTE]

It's 360 gaming with better controls and no poor people. That's PC gaming in a nutshell.
[quote name='DPsx7']First of all, the specific section isn't listed when you follow the link from the main page. Second, how else will you kids know you're being left behind by refusing to give up the 360? The wealth of problems and fees should have been enough of a clue. Be thankful I gave a suggestion to the poor person who lost their game rather than say that's what happens when you own an Xbox.[/QUOTE]

Sorry that I can afford my 2$ a month fee I guess to get a better online experience? Maybe you should take 10 extra minutes and collect more cans than normal I guess.

Haha I love the fanboy douches that come around, especially a PS3 owner. I have friends who play PS3 because it's "cool" ... it's like owning a Mac to them. They have something different so that means they're cool though it just sits there on the shelf. I hate to continue this fanboy war but I will. Wasn't it the PS3 that never worked in stores because they all burnt out in the first month when it got released?
I just saw the toothpaste post; I think i'm gonna give it a try (but how exactly do i do it without damaging the game?)

If even that fails then i'm just gonna give up and do the install.
bread's done