Can someone explain this joke to me..


30 (100%)
There are two guys in a lunatic asylum. And one night... one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape! So like they get up on to the roof, and there, just across the narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in moon light... stretching away to freedom. Now the first guy he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend daren't make the leap. Y'see he's afraid of falling... So then the first guy has an idea. He says "Hey! I have my flash light with me. I will shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk across the beam and join me." But the second guy just shakes his head. He says... he says "What do you think I am, crazy? You would turn it off when I was half way across."

I must be stupid, because I seriously don't understand what the punchline or humor in this joke. Can someone explain this to me?
It's all in the delivery!

He says "Hey! I have my flash light with me. I will shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk across the beam and join me." But the second guy just shakes his head. He says... he says "What do you think I am, crazy?

In this section you know they are both crazy to some extent, seeing as they escaped from an asylum, so the "what do you think I am, crazy?" is a little reference to that, maybe the second guy isn't all that crazy! So, you say the joke up to that part and has a slight pause.

"You would turn it off when I was half way across."

Aha! It is revealed that man #2 is in fact crazy! They both believe light walking is possible. Ohohohoho.
You really can not walk across the light from a flashlight. No matter what your drinking buddies tell you, adamones, dont believe them:p
[quote name='musha666']You really can not walk across the light from a flashlight. No matter what your drinking buddies tell you, adamones, dont believe them:p[/quote]

Wave-Particle Duality anyone? ;)

Anyway, someone told me the BEST joke ever the other day.

So two polar bears are sitting in a bath tub. One asks the other "Could you please pass the soap?" and the other replies "No soap, radio!"
Man I AM a fucking idiot.

The part of the joke where the guy says "I'll walk across the beam" I was picturing a board/beam, like an actual structure that was connecting the two buildings together. I did not realize that he meant lightbeam.

Alright now I get it. Wow, I feel dumb. And that joke is pretty good.
[quote name='adamones']Man I AM a fucking idiot.

The part of the joke where the guy says "I'll walk across the beam" I was picturing a board/beam, like an actual structure that was connecting the two buildings together. I did not realize that he meant lightbeam.

Alright now I get it. Wow, I feel dumb. And that joke is pretty good.[/quote]

Sadly, you're not alone.
[quote name='adamones']Man I AM a fucking idiot.

The part of the joke where the guy says "I'll walk across the beam" I was picturing a board/beam, like an actual structure that was connecting the two buildings together. I did not realize that he meant lightbeam.

Alright now I get it. Wow, I feel dumb. And that joke is pretty good.[/quote]

How do you turn off a wooden beam.

Context - it's not just an SAT thing. ;)
[quote name='adamones']Man I AM a fucking idiot.

The part of the joke where the guy says "I'll walk across the beam" I was picturing a board/beam, like an actual structure that was connecting the two buildings together. I did not realize that he meant lightbeam.

Alright now I get it. Wow, I feel dumb. And that joke is pretty good.[/quote]

Ohhhhh.... wait what?

So is the joke that the first was saying there is an ACTUAL beam, but the second thinks hes talking about the Lighbeam? I read this in the Killing Joke as well and didn't full understand it. And my douche bag friend was telling everyone it laughing (knowing that its hard to understand) so he can laugh at everyone that doesnt understand it. I hate people like that...
[quote name='help1']Tell me, are you dumb? ;)[/quote]

You could assume there is no punchline.


You could get creative. With a little effort, you could deduce the polar bears are a pair of gay, super smart polar bears committing murder/suicide.
bread's done