Can someone please explain the appeal of Mass Effect?


122 (99%)
Is #2 that much better than the first? I am playing Mass Effect right now and I just don't get the hype over it. All I seem to be doing is running on "fetch" missions with very limited combat in between. The combat isn't even very good in my opinion. I don't get the hype over this game. Should I keep going? I am about 7 hours in and on some ice planet that starts with an N.
tbh I didnt play ME1, I just got ME2 because of the rave reviews and all the free DLC i got during that window of opportunity...but after playing I was hooked. The voice acting was great, graphics were really sweet, and the effects etc. I suppose the appeal is you're actions and words have a lot more affect than in traditional RPG's, this one having at least a slightly more dynamic combat system vs. just turn based combat. Also since Bioware made it and we won't be seeing any more KotR games, the gameplay and style resonated somewhat.

In the end, you either like a game or you don't. A lot of award winning rave review games just don't find themselves in everyone's gaming library because of preference. GTA series is a great game, but I just didn't enjoy my experience with it due to the controls, camera, and unless you're wearing spartan or elite armor and shooting at me...I don't enjoy running ppl over with cars.

Borrow 2 from a buddy since renting it would almost be half the cost of buying it new and see if you like the updated graphics and new characters. Games should be fun or an engaging experience...don't force yourself to try and enjoy it like RE5. Bleh.
The setting, story and characters are what make Mass Effect great. I would also argue that there is plenty of combat for an RPG, maybe not as much as say an old-school JRPG with random encounters but that's to be expected. Combat itself can be quite satisfying depending on your character built. The story gets better as you progress through the game (IMO the story was engaging right of the bat). I would say play for another 5 hours if you don't like it by then time to move on.

Merry Christmas!
[quote name='100xp']

Borrow 2 from a buddy since renting it would almost be half the cost of buying it new and see if you like the updated graphics and new characters. Games should be fun or an engaging experience...don't force yourself to try and enjoy it like RE5. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

I have 2 also. I got both of them during this blockbuster sale. Was wondering if I should just skip forward to 2. There are times where I like the fist one but other times where it is just frustrating. I really hate the inventory system and figuring out the upgrades. I also really really dislike the combat.
Go back to Call of Duty.

But seriously, it sounds like ME isn't your type of game if you're that far in and not having fun yet. It's very story and exploration driven rather than "kill everything that moves."
After playing ME2, I replayed ME1 (to do the character import...original character got lost when my HDD died) and it was painfully slow paced. ME2 is way better IMO. If you don't like ME1 after 7 hrs in, probably not going to get any better for you. A used copy of ME2 is $10 at Blockbuster Video right now ($5 actually, if you take advantage of their B1G1F sale) so cheap enough to give it a try if you're interested. Also there is a demo available.
[quote name='ddhex27']Star Trek meets Gears of War.[/QUOTE]

I think this might be the problem with it for me. I am playing Gears of War now also. I have never played it before and the controls for Gears of War blow Mass Effect out of the water. Obviously Gears is more action oriented but I just can't get into combat.
Mass Effect 1 is, and always has been, more about space exploration and moral choices. The pacing is deliberate, but it can be frustrating for some. Combat is an awkward, fumbling afterthought. Once you come to terms with that, you can start to enjoy the game. If you continue not enjoying it, then you may not enjoy Western RPGs as much as you think you do.

Mass Effect 2 is much more focused on shorter snippets of action packed gameplay. Exploration is an aside. The combat is much improved and the RPG elements have been neutered.

Thankfully, both have strong characters, powerful choices, and well written dialogue. ME1 just feels like part of a SciFi TV series, whereas ME2 feels like part of a SciFi blockbuster movie.
Bioware games are NOT for everyone -- it's just like no matter how popular or critically hailed a game/movie is, there are going to be those who like it and those who don't.

Personally, I find game reviewers' tastes to be more and more completely off from what I want. The problem I think is that game reviewers are all hardcore gamers who've played everything and anything. Sure, they know to call something as cliche or unique, but their views are based on endless playing -- to most of them, ME presents a whole new experience that's all about story and exploration and that's awesome to them because they've played the others.

There are gamers who don't have the time or patience for those types of games, and frankly, I'm one of them.

I bought KOTOR 1 and Jade Empire and hated the latter. The moment I saw ME, I was impressed, but the engine and gameplay design hasn't changed much. It's still heavily driven by NPC interactions and yeah, some people love that. I'm just not one of them.

That said, I get why ME is impressive and amazing. I think even those of us who find it monotnous or ho-hum can appreciate the level of passion put into the game. It's just that not all of us are sci-fi lovers or perhaps Trekies. ME's story is solid, especially for a videogame, but it still pales in comparison to great novels. Bioware sure is getting closer, though.

I know it looks like everyone loves ME, but I don't, and I think it's important to realize where game reviewers are coming from before you just blindly agree with them.

As I've said, I've discovered that more and more what game reviewers complain about in games (short length but may be tight experience, simple control system, linearity, etc.) are not the deal-breakers for ME. They knock points off games for that when I actually may view those things as positives.

7s thus become 8s and 9s for me, and games that get 9s might actually be 7s. Bottomline: Just because people around you seem to love ME doesn't mean you will. And game reviewers shouldn't be the end-all be-all viewpoint, either.
One huge appeal of Mass Effect, and those of us that have played through the game more than once like that we can play through it repeatedly and make difference choices that give a different gameplay experience.

I've played through it twice, once as a Paragon-leaning Vanguard and the second time as a Renegade-leaning Adept. Both times were equally enjoyable games, mainly because I made the same decisions in two completely different ways, leading to completely different gameplay pathing in Mass Effect 2.

The story is extremely solid, though it's not a story for every one. Also, with the planned trilogy aspect of the Mass Effect games, you can see how your actions play out from ME1 to ME2 to ME3.
If you don't 'get' Mass Effect 1, I don't even know how to explain it. It's like trying to explain the color lavender to a blind person.
I don't follow Mass Effect so I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes ME2 and not the original. It's not really anything like Gears of War except that the combat may feel similar. Though in my opinion being like Gears of War isn't really a great thing.
Great story and characters. Love the dialogue options and decisions. Like the shooting combat over the typical turn based crap in most rpgs--though it is MUCH better in ME2 than ME1.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']If you don't 'get' Mass Effect 1, I don't even know how to explain it. It's like trying to explain the color lavender to a blind person.[/QUOTE]

I liked mass effect 1, took me 18 hours to complete and afterwards I thought, it felt more like a chore. I tried me2 but couldn't get into it so I sold it. If you're into single player games and want to put in lots of hours into a game then go for it.
I played through ME1 and was done. Then about a year later, replayed it and blew the game out and that's when I realized that it is the best game I ever played. It's a sci-fi epic that transcends gaming. The story is that good.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']If you don't 'get' Mass Effect 1, I don't even know how to explain it. It's like trying to explain the color lavender to a blind person.[/QUOTE]

Try to explain it. Don't tell me why I should like it, just tell me why you liked it. I don't think it is a bad game by any means, I just don't get how it could be considered Game of the Year material. In my opinion the combat somewhat ruins the experience. That is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I do like the story. I do like the choosing of how you react to things people say. I just think there is WAY to much of it and it takes to long to get in to the game.

That being said, I am going to finish the first one before I move on to #2.
[quote name='schuerm26']Try to explain it. Don't tell me why I should like it, just tell me why you liked it.[/QUOTE]

All of the things you don't like about the game, most people do. Or, at least, they don't feel as if they take away from the other elements. Mass Effect was an RPG with action elements to it, so most folks went into it realizing that shooting was not going to be its strength. It's all about the storytelling and, more importantly, the ability to make decisions and influence others through dialogue.

The sequel flipped the dynamic and made the game an action title with RPG elements. It was probably for the best, because it retained all of the great storytelling and influencing (even incorporating the decisions you made in Mass Effect), while making the shooting and use of powers tighter, thus bringing in new fans.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']All of the things you don't like about the game, most people do. Or, at least, they don't feel as if they take away from the other elements. Mass Effect was an RPG with action elements to it, so most folks went into it realizing that shooting was not going to be its strength. It's all about the storytelling and, more importantly, the ability to make decisions and influence others through dialogue.

The sequel flipped the dynamic and made the game an action title with RPG elements. It was probably for the best, because it retained all of the great storytelling and influencing (even incorporating the decisions you made in Mass Effect), while making the shooting and use of powers tighter, thus bringing in new fans.[/QUOTE]

How is Mass Effect 2 combat different? I really like the Gears of War cover system and combat. Anything like it?
[quote name='schuerm26']Try to explain it. Don't tell me why I should like it, just tell me why you liked it. I don't think it is a bad game by any means, I just don't get how it could be considered Game of the Year material. In my opinion the combat somewhat ruins the experience. That is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I do like the story. I do like the choosing of how you react to things people say. I just think there is WAY to much of it and it takes to long to get in to the game.

That being said, I am going to finish the first one before I move on to #2.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I think here's the problem. Those elements are not taking away from, or keeping you from, the "game"... you ARE playing the game. In Mass Effect 1, the story, exploration, and moral choices are the game. The combat is just there.

In Mass Effect 2, the combat is much more refined. The characters have "weight" to them, it's faster paced, and it does feel more like Gears.
[quote name='schuerm26']How is Mass Effect 2 combat different? I really like the Gears of War cover system and combat. Anything like it?[/QUOTE]

Dude it's an RPG. It's nothing like Gears. The only thing it has in common with Gears is the guns and maybe the cover system. Mass Effect is about the story, exploration and a plethora of decisions that effect gameplay. You are expecting it to be something that it is not. If you are looking for gameplay similar to Gears try Transformers War for Cybertron.
[quote name='schuerm26']Try to explain it. Don't tell me why I should like it, just tell me why you liked it. I don't think it is a bad game by any means, I just don't get how it could be considered Game of the Year material. In my opinion the combat somewhat ruins the experience. That is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I do like the story. I do like the choosing of how you react to things people say. I just think there is WAY to much of it and it takes to long to get in to the game.

That being said, I am going to finish the first one before I move on to #2.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I liked it because I like grand, sweeping epics. Stories where the world is on your shoulders and it's you against the odds. That's why I always liked the old school JRPG's.

On the flip side, I've been a star wars fan since childhood and I love a good sci fi story. I also like the 80's idea of the future, somewhat glossy, somewhat rusty. A bit of bladerunner, a bit of star trek.

Mass Effect is a combination of both of those things. It's deep, it's engrossing, it's challenging, it's customizable (renegade vs paragon), it's well written dialogue wise, and it's just plain fun. The graphics had some problems, but they weren't bad. The music is and was phenomenal. Hearing M4 p2 by Faunts still gives me the goosebumps.

Sure, the combat wasn't the smoothest and Shepard ran like he had a buzz lightyear toy rammed in his butt, but I can get over those things when I look at the big picture.

ME2 improved on the graphics and gameplay immensely. However, it didn't capture that same epic scope. That's why I liked ME1 > ME2.

That being said, they are my first and second favorite games of all time and I've been gaming for 28 years.
[quote name='kill3r7']Dude it's an RPG. It's nothing like Gears. The only thing it has in common with Gears is the guns and maybe the cover system. Mass Effect is about the story, exploration and a plethora of decisions that effect gameplay. You are expecting it to be something that it is not. If you are looking for gameplay similar to Gears try Transformers War for Cybertron.[/QUOTE]

Yes I realize it isn't a straightforward action title. In my mind that doesn't excuse the combat as one could compare it to the gears of war action sequences. Not as in depth as the GEars of War action, but you are doing very similar things. As I stated I am going to continue to play it. I do like the story and the dialogue, so I am going to keep going.
[quote name='schuerm26']Yes I realize it isn't a straightforward action title. In my mind that doesn't excuse the combat as one could compare it to the gears of war action sequences. Not as in depth as the GEars of War action, but you are doing very similar things. As I stated I am going to continue to play it. I do like the story and the dialogue, so I am going to keep going.[/QUOTE]

You do realize that the combat system is designed so it can be played as turn base game. You can give specific commands to each character throughout a fight. The combat in Mass Effect is closer to FFXII than Gears of War. Also, keep in mind that most people who are playing RPGs are not looking for Gears of War like gameplay.
You get some extra money and start a higher level when importing a character. Bigger bonus for level 50 or 60 characters imported. But you don't keep all your credits etc. Start with none of the weapons etc.
[quote name='schuerm26']Does anything like credits, or weapons, etc... transfer to the 2nd game? Or is it just the choices you made and your character?[/QUOTE]
Credits, resources, people living or dying, paragon/renegade, and that's off the top of my head.
ME1 is crap compared to ME2. ME1 made me buy ME2 when it came out. That says a lot since I rarely buy games when they first come out.

Anyways... I personally enjoyed the story of ME1 and the continuation of it in ME2. I also liked how my decisions carried over.
I actually thought ME2 had Gears/Uncharted-quality combat (on the harder difficulty levels anyway) only with a magic system and awesome characters/story. Since it got rid of the inventory system you won't have that problem with that either. It practically plays itself in comparison to ME1, which can be a little plodding, and the combat is nowhere near as fun (but I love it anyway). I want to say you can just skip ME1 and jump right into 2, but I think if you just try to finish the game without doing any side-quests you can plow through it rather quickly for an RPG.
[quote name='chrisswiss83']I actually thought ME2 had Gears/Uncharted-quality combat (on the harder difficulty levels anyway) only with a magic system and awesome characters/story. Since it got rid of the inventory system you won't have that problem with that either. It practically plays itself in comparison to ME1, which can be a little plodding, and the combat is nowhere near as fun (but I love it anyway). I want to say you can just skip ME1 and jump right into 2, but I think if you just try to finish the game without doing any side-quests you can plow through it rather quickly for an RPG.[/QUOTE]

I finished it and am not starting Mass Effect 2.
bread's done