Can you tolerate going to the movie theatre?

I don't go all that much, but if I do its the first showing on a Saturday or Sunday a few weeks after the movie has been out. The theater generally gets 25% full. I can't stand a full theater. The thing I hate the most is people that have to comment on everything that happens on screen. Keep it to yourself, no one else cares what you think.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']You know what's funny, the last movie I went to where there was a guy like this was Gran Torino. Considering 80% of the jokes were laced with bigotry, it made the experience twice as annoying.[/QUOTE]

You know that was the point of the movie, right?
My family likes to goto movies during holidays, what a cluster-f.

They're in the suburbs so you get all the teens packing in the theatre. These freaking brats start cracking wise, wildly laughing during the serious parts (like when the falling building wipes out some guy) ruining the movie for the rest of us, and my mom starts shhhing them and going off about giving them a talking-to. Eventually we get popcorn thrown at us (and what are you going to do, it's a dark theater they always deny it) She doesn't understand that many of today's youth are garbage who don't care about manners or code of conduct, I know one of these days I'm going to get in a rumble due to it. Just try to enjoy yourself when a gang of punks are going off and you're wondering what trouble your family is going to get you into. Where's Dirty Harry and his hand cannon when you need it.

The city is no better, inner city teens are starting to come out more and more - they are the worst, I've been accosted and a female friend of mine has had popcorn thrown at her/been spit at when sitting alone. It is not worth it!

Fortunately we dont go to the theaters much any more. The only places I do go are the uptown and a place that serves beer and is over 21 only.
[quote name='Bretts31344']1. I am that 8 foot giant and hate going to packed theaters. Concerts are rough too.
2. My friends get a kick out of doing all that stuff except kicking peoples chairs. They think it is funny to be loud and obnoxious. I hate just being around them in theaters.
3. If you go to drive in theaters you avoid most the mentioned problems. You still have to deal with people leaving their lights on or arriving/leaving.[/QUOTE]

You seem like an ok guy - get new friends.
Cry me a freakin river. Movies are expensive cause they got bills to pay and profit to make. AMC used to and probably still lets you take in food, just not glass and beer (It was in the employee manual when I was there).

People laughing at parts you don't think are funny is not something you get mad at. Like when the horse fell off the boat and hit its head.

Alamo Drafthouses and Studio Movie Grills don't have teens or babies for the most part, go find something that style.

I hate kids in rated R movies cause it's just shitty parenting.

Gran Torino was hilarious. . . And then sad. . . :cry:
Man, some of you guys would LOVE going to a Japanese movie theater:

-they are UNBELIEVABLY clean! Everyone takes out their own garbage and NEVER spills anything.
-everyone is SILENT during the ENTIRE movie. Even kids!
-You choose your seat BEFORE the movie. If there are no good seats left, you can just choose a different show or save your money.

Yet, there are a few things that I hate too:
-No one EVER laughs! Anytime there is a joke/funny scene everyone is silent! It's strange.
-EVERYONE stays until the VERY end of the movie. I mean "post-credits, the-lights-are-back-on-after-the-movie". :shock:
-Movies are MORE expensive here. $18 for a movie! Ridiculous. How much are they in the States these days??
-Movie food costs more than caviar. $10 for a SMALL popcorn and a SMALL drink? Bah.
-The "Late Show" starts at 9PM. They want everyone to catch the last trains home. *sigh*
[quote name='Gameboy415'] How much are they in the States these days??[/QUOTE]

Regular - $10.50
Digital 3D - $14.00
IMAX - $15.50
IMAX 3D is more, not sure of the price

Matinees are cheaper, except IMAX.
Gameboy, I've noticed the same tendencies with Japanese wrestling matches as well. They all stay seated, are quiet and reserved until a big move which is followed by a strong round of applause. No constant chanting, no signs, very respectful.
You sound like you have a pretty terrible theater, OP.

The only problem you described that I ever experience is douchebags laughing at stupid shit that isn't funny. Other than that, my movie theater experiences are generally positive. I go to the theater a few times a month.
I keep reading people write, "If you are going to see a movie don't see it opening night or a midnight launch, wait a few weeks!" Are you serious? Opening is the best time to go - that is when the people that are serious about seeing the movie go. If you go a week or two after, you get those teen douche's that are just going because their parents wont let them go anywhere else, so they use it as a time to socialize and declare who is douchier (spoiler: they are all the winners).
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I keep reading people write, "If you are going to see a movie don't see it opening night or a midnight launch, wait a few weeks!" Are you serious? Opening is the best time to go - that is when the people that are serious about seeing the movie go. If you go a week or two after, you get those teen douche's that are just going because their parents wont let them go anywhere else, so they use it as a time to socialize and declare who is douchier (spoiler: they are all the winners).[/QUOTE]

I've been to four relatively recent midnight showings: Watchmen, The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man. Each time was spoiled to different degrees by the same douches that tend to ruin a regular movie experience. Dark Knight was by far the worst. Laughing at inappropriate times, obnoxious laughter meant to draw attention to themselves, loud bitching about the movie's runtime, cell phone talking, etc. If I didn't want to see the movie so bad, I would have walked out.

I like to go to the second-run theatre two towns over. $1.50 for all shows, and I get to watch a movie sitting next to real-life homeless people! WOW!
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I've been to four relatively recent midnight showings: Watchmen, The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man. Each time was spoiled to different degrees by the same douches that tend to ruin a regular movie experience. Dark Knight was by far the worst. Laughing at inappropriate times, obnoxious laughter meant to draw attention to themselves, loud bitching about the movie's runtime, cell phone talking, etc. If I didn't want to see the movie so bad, I would have walked out.

I like to go to the second-run theatre two towns over. $1.50 for all shows, and I get to watch a movie sitting next to real-life homeless people! WOW![/QUOTE]
Yea, I guess you are kind of screwed both ways. Opening night: More people, more chance of douche. Week after: less people, but more douches will go.

Answer: Be super selective about what theater if it is a movie you want to see and the plot is pivotal.
I saw The Proposal today and no, I cannot tolerate the movie theatre any longer. Everybody that laughs uncontrollably at the most unfunny thing can go fuck themselves.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I saw The Proposal today and no, I cannot tolerate the movie theatre any longer. Everybody that laughs uncontrollably at the most unfunny thing can go fuck themselves.[/QUOTE]

Like that entire movie? :lol:
I forgot to add:

I actually prefer going to the movie theater over sitting down at home with my family to watch a movie. I never have problems with douchebags in my theater. Most people know they're supposed to shut up and watch the movie. I rarely even hear a cellphone ring. However, it's awful watching movies with my family. With the exception of my dad, everyone has a little habit that completely destroys the experience.

My brother is the type of person who asks questions about the movie every five fucking seconds. Then, if the movie isn't lighthearted enough, he says it sucks and tells me I have shitty taste in movies. We just watched Gran Torino tonight, which he only liked because he thought it was "funny." He usually dismisses important morals/messages as crap that movies don't need. Normally, his tastes are strictly limited to Disney/Pixar/any comic book related films. He also raves about how Wild Hogs is a fantastic movie. A general American simpleton when it comes to film.

My other brother leaves the room every five minutes to do god knows what. When he's actually in the room, he's mostly preoccupied with texting. Then comes the end of the movie and he complains about not knowing what's going on. He generally has 'ok' taste in films, but this habit is incredibly disruptive.

My mother is completely incapable of understanding the subtext and deeper meanings of anything. She takes everything at face value and unfairly judges the whole film. Y'know, the type of person that thinks The Matrix is a shitty movie because they don't understand it. Meanwhile her favorite movies include Failure to Launch and How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. Again, average American moviegoer.

To top it all off, I swear to god, all three of them must have severe hearing issues. Every movie we watch takes an extra half hour to finish because they keep mishearing/completely missing lines, so they keep pausing it and rewinding. Amongst all the confusion, they lose track of what's happening and my father and I have to explain what's going on.

This ended up a little longer than I intended, but my point is, (around here at least), people know to be quiet in movie theaters. Sitting in someone's home watching a movie makes people feel more comfortable about talking and asking dumbshit questions. I will never understand why people don't get it: If you shut the fuck up and watch the movie, everything will make sense...
^ this is why I watch movies at home alone or with someone who I know won't ruin the experience, like my brother. My dad is notorious for this. We were watching something on HBO, I think it was Twister or something, and my dad comes in and just starts talking about something that I really don't care about. I tried to make it clear to him, via body language, that I wanted to watch this movie, but he wasn't getting it. He even asked at one point what we were watching.

It wouldn't be a problem if he would catch on to what was going on, but he never does. If I were to tell him that I wanted to watch the movie, he's get EXTREMELY angry and stay that mad all day. I can't win, so I watch movies in my bedroom most of the time.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']^ this is why I watch movies at home alone or with someone who I know won't ruin the experience[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if I'm not in a theater, I generally watch movies by myself. I try not to even watch with friends, they don't cause problems, but it gives incentive to talk, which is not something I want to do if I'm trying to pay attention to a movie.

I take my movie watching very seriously. I don't want any bullshit; I want to be giving 100% of my attention to the film.
[quote name='neocisco']You know that was the point of the movie, right?[/QUOTE]

I understand that, it was just an odd experience. People were laughing, but this guy was literally a distraction to the point where the one black dude in there was getting pissed because he thought the guy was a Klan member or something. It was a combination of loud laughter and the context of the laughter.

Kinda off track, but I'm reminded of the time when me, my brother, and my dad went to see Outbreak. Dad had a cold and had a coughing fit during the scene in the movie where a guy spreads the virus in a movie theater by coughing. Everybody started giving my dad dirty looks like he was being some kind of smartass.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Yeah, if I'm not in a theater, I generally watch movies by myself. I try not to even watch with friends, they don't cause problems, but it gives incentive to talk, which is not something I want to do if I'm trying to pay attention to a movie.

I take my movie watching very seriously. I don't want any bullshit; I want to be giving 100% of my attention to the film.[/QUOTE]
Haha, I'm so with you. When I watch a movie, I watch a movie.

Watching movies with my girlfriends family is the WORST! Her dad always acts like the nazi of movie watching and is in charge of the remote. They ALWAYS watch with subtitles and the volume low and he always starts the movie before anyone sits down because (the start is always slow).

He also feels the need to point out the most random shit too... Example: A raccoon falls onto a mans head and the man swings his arms wildly to get it off, his comment would be like, "You really should not swing your arms if a raccoon is on your head they are attracted to movement. What is he doing!?!" THANKS FOR THAT INPUT!

I also made the mistake of watching the super bowl with my GF's dad and sisters. OMG! He would frequently MUTE the volume in order to talk and he would constantly turn the volume down during commercials and start talking about the commercial while it was muted. Also during the game he kept turning the volume off and started explaining things - once he explained why they have black under their eyes for like 10 minutes. And why have the volume so low!? We rented out a room to watch it and there are NO attaching apartments or anyone close by...

I can't watch movies with other people around either. Only with something I've seen before, like TV series you're trying to get someone hooked on. I guess because you want to see their reaction to stuff, because you can only watch something once and never get that same feeling. Like Fight Club or the first season of Heroes.
The Matrix trilogy really is a bunch of shitty films and not because I don't understand it, but because they're boring as fuck. [quote name='Chairman_LMAO']^ this is why I watch movies at home alone or with someone who I know won't ruin the experience, like my brother. My dad is notorious for this. We were watching something on HBO, I think it was Twister or something, and my dad comes in and just starts talking about something that I really don't care about. I tried to make it clear to him, via body language, that I wanted to watch this movie, but he wasn't getting it. He even asked at one point what we were watching.

It wouldn't be a problem if he would catch on to what was going on, but he never does. If I were to tell him that I wanted to watch the movie, he's get EXTREMELY angry and stay that mad all day. I can't win, so I watch movies in my bedroom most of the time.[/QUOTE]Your dad sounds depressed. And The Proposal was somewhat funny.
[quote name='Dingleberry']I started going to the theater a ton after a moved to the small city of Delaware, OH. It's an old theater with three screens and tickets are $6 for students and only $4 on Tuesdays and early showings. The seats are a little uncomfortable, but I can't beat the fact that it's within walking distance and is only $4.[/QUOTE]

The Strand ahhh yes the seats are uncomfortable but its cheap! Wow someone who lives in the same town as me amazing!
I hate going to the theater and really see no benefit to doing so anymore. I use to go see a movie almost every week. Then with the release of DVD back in the late 90's, and the huge advances in home theater technology in recent years, there is really just very little incentive from an audio/visual standpoint to justify going to a theater.

15-20 years ago there was a huge difference between the audio/visual quality of the theater and what could be resonably purchased and setup in your home. That is just not true anymore with the exception of the 3D stuff; that the studios are starting to use more and more as an incentive to get people in the door simply because it is something that is not ready for the home video market.

The comfort and convenience of watching a BR in my home theater is just so much more appealing than going to a theater, paying $10 per ticket another $7-$10 for a regular size popcorn and drink, having to get there 30-45 minutes to get a decent seat, assuming the theater is actual clean, and then having to sit their waiting for the regular showtime to start.....and then having to sit through another 10-20 minutes of commercials and trailers before the actual move starts. On top of that you have the typical annoyances that come from crowds, the talking and giggling, the cell phones, the babies etc. I also don't find the seats to be all that comfortable and most theaters leave very little room between rows making it difficult to put my feet up or sit comfortably like I do at home.

IMO, the whole experience is just one dissapointment after another. The only thing the theater going experience has is exclusive content.....for a short period of time. You have to wait anywhere from 3-6 months for these movies to release on DVD/BR before you can watch them at home.

I use to have to see all these movies on day 1, just like I use to have to buy games on day 1......but I just don't really care anymore. I don't mind waiting for most movies to release on BR or even HBO.
I wait a few weeks after the movie comes out then see the earliest showing (it's around 11am and only costs 5.25 around here). When I saw Star Trek there were 4 other people there. When I saw Drag Me to Hell I had the entire theater to myself.
I hate seeing movies with people who ask questions every five minutes. A friend of mine and me watched Dark City the other night. I have seen it numerous times before and she never had and she kept asking me questions(though this was because she was distracted by phone calls at the beginning of movie). Most the time when I watch a movie from my collection with someone who is a "talker" I usually lie and say I have never seen the film or "not in years and I don't remember".

My movie theater experiences the past few times have been great. I watched Ironman two weeks after release at Rave and the crowd was not full of douchebags. The Dark Knight opening weekend and it was a pleasant experience! Watchmen(last movie I watched) opening day at around 2pm in IMAX at Marcus Theaters. It was great other than some bad parent bringing their kid(however the kid didn't scream or yell). Major kudos for no giggling about blue penis or the length of the film. :applause:
I hate going to the movies. It is a complete waste of money - especially since you can usually get the Blu-ray for the same price as 2 tickets. The sound and picture are better in my living room and since I hate the general public I'm much happier at home on the couch.

Anyways I am a movie lover so yea.... movies are pretty big for me. Especially the big ones which require opening night attendance (transformers, etc).

Most of the annoying things about movies went away with the arrival of Cine Bistro. (

IMHO, it is the best thing that has happenned to theatres. Fancy seating. Over 21 only. ASSIGNED SEATING!, Real Food and Alcohol, perfect date. Sure it is a little more expensive then a regular theatre ticket, but no annoying people plus no lines equals fucking win.

I refuse to return to a regular theatre now..
[quote name='guyver2077']Most of the annoying things about movies went away with the arrival of Cine Bistro. (

IMHO, it is the best thing that has happenned to theatres. Fancy seating. Over 21 only. ASSIGNED SEATING!, Real Food and Alcohol, perfect date. Sure it is a little more expensive then a regular theatre ticket, but no annoying people plus no lines equals fucking win.[/QUOTE]That's fricking genius. They need to bring those to CA, ASAP.
[quote name='tiredfornow']The Matrix trilogy really is a bunch of shitty films and not because I don't understand it, but because they're boring as fuck.[/QUOTE]

I only meant the first one. The first was great, second was alright, and the third sucked. Whether or not they were boring is a matter of opinion, which I can't argue with.

I don't mind if people personally dislike something. What gets to me is when people confuse personal interest with quality. For example: my roommate last year hated The Dark Knight because he didn't understand the story/message. His mind was completely incapable of separating quality and opinion, so he would frequently cite The Dark Knight as a terrible movie. Again, I have no problem with a difference in opinion but I can't stand people who hate things because they're too dumb to understand them.
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[quote name='judyjudyjudy']That's fricking genius. They need to bring those to CA, ASAP.[/QUOTE]

There are some that are that same model all over CA. Where abouts do you live? (Ahh i see your location is san jose, yeah you are in an awkward spot)
LA has quite a few and they are popping up in smaller towns surrounding downtown.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']That's fricking genius. They need to bring those to CA, ASAP.[/QUOTE]
You'd think having "real food" is "fricken genius" until you go to the theater. We have a similar theater that JUST opened up around me - Muvico. Went to see Terminator there and I don't think I will go back. The entire time it smelled like Chicken Wings and Pringles... friggen disgusting.
I go to the theater about every other week or so with friends on opening weekends. We usually have no problems at all. The only time I've ever had a problem was when I went to see Transformers with a friend and this stupid couple brought their two little kids with them. Needless to say they would not shut up the entire time. About half way though the movie my friend told them they shouldn't bring their kids to a movie if they can't control them and keep them quite. The mom then proceeded to tell my friend to fuck off. What a wonderful parent. We finished watching the movie and went and complained to the manager. The manager told us that he was sorry to hear about our poor experience and gave us both free tickets. We came back to see another movie the next day.

As for watching movies with friends at home, most of my friends went to school with me and studied film, so they don't EVER talk during a movie because they know how much it fucks up the experience and can actually appreciate a good film.
I only go to the theaters for movies I really want to see. For most movies I just wait and buy the cheap used DVDs from Family Video's website a few weeks after the movie is released on DVD.
I absolutely cannot stand going to the movie theater after, say 4pm. On /any/ day of the week. I usually am forced to see a movie after 4pm once or twice a year, and usually that is when someone is paying for me, or someone has got a group of twenty or more of us together.

Even when I go to the theater that doesn't allow children in (they serve alcohol) there's always an obnoxious adult who has to shout out what's happening to the rest of us.

Before 4pm, in the seasons when all the kids are in school... the theater is paradise. It's usually me an a large number of senior citizens. They laugh! They gasp! They react to the film. They talk about how awesome or suck it was as they are leaving. The elderly women talk about how hot Christian Bale is. But they are /civil,/ and don't talk over the movie volume. I think older people treat movie theaters differently than a lot of people sub fifty, and I prefer to see movies with them.

Otherwise, I watch movies at home. I just finished putting a home theater together, and we have a wonderful popcorn popper. And when I do the math it will probably end up being cheaper to watch rentals on it over a five year period than going to the movies, buying two tickets and concessions every time.

So, yeah. You kids suck. Get offa my lawn.
Does anyone know what goes into the price of a movie ticket? I have seen the pricing behind gas, but the bastards spike the ticket prices by two bucks during the summer runs. :|
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']
I take my movie watching very seriously. I don't want any bullshit; I want to be giving 100% of my attention to the film.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. It's 2 hours of time that I don't want someone fucking up because they don't have the mental capacity or attention span to sit down and shut up.
[quote name='javeryh']I hate going to the movies. It is a complete waste of money - especially since you can usually get the Blu-ray for the same price as 2 tickets. The sound and picture are better in my living room and since I hate the general public I'm much happier at home on the couch.[/QUOTE]

I was about to post this exact same thing. Honestly being able to pause when you want a snack or drink is the biggest factor for me. If I do go, I go to this small but decent theater that's like $6.50 with a college ID, rather than paying 9 or 10 per ticket elsewhere which is outrageous. Movies are a horrible date idea anyway unless you are a teenager and that is the only place to be alone with your date, which is understandable.
I dont have cable and its hard for me to watch a DVD nowadays. I'm always soo distracted at home. So I prefer to go see a movie in the theater. I had a wonderful experience with Pixar's Up, the Hangover and to a lesser extent "Drag Me to Hell".
Seeing Drag Me to Hell in theaters was awesome because it was great to hear the audiences reactions, whether screaming or laughing, at what was going on in the flick. The energy was amazing. Certainly couldn't get that at home.
I usually wait, but if it's a comedy, I'll try to see it opening night (like The Hangover). The audiences are usually pretty great, plus you have like a 99% chance that there won't be some douchebag behind you going "this part's great, watch this"
Good Stuff...pretty much agree. I always sit in the back row to avoid the "kickers." Some theaters have two or three seats right in the back so that also eliminates the chatters in the same row and people getting up. Since they are usually towards the wall, if the movie isn't busy usually no one sits in front of me : ).

But yah, I don't go often anymore. What's up with being able to here the movie next door? I hate that, you go to see a comedy and the explosions in the action movie in the next theater are easier to hear than the dialog in my movie.

A bit of what I experienced from the midnight crowd of Transformers last night.

Found a good spot near the front of the theater because apparently 90% of the teenagers who bought there tickets ahead of time decided to start a wait line at 9pm so they can get a good seat. Coming in at 10:45 and waiting 20 mins for them to let us in was not a problem for me to find a good seat.

20 minutes of having a great spot ended up being ruined when a bunch of college kids were too lazy to walk around and decided to jump over the seats to their spot.

The guy next to me kept on:

-Checking his text messages every 45 seconds for the first 40 mins of the movie.

-Every * cool * scene he kept on either Fisting the screen kept on saying "Mike, Mike...did you see that? That was fucking awesome!!" and he said that to his friend who was 5 or 6 seats to his left. Each time he did this he jerked his chair. Who the fuck FISTS the screen during a movie!??!?!

-Every fucking time he and the rest of the audience saw Megan fuck, they went nuts. Shut the fuck up already. Come on, we have seen hotter women that her.

-He also went nuts during the scenes just before Devistator merged... kept on saying "Devistator......oh man I can't wait!!!"

And that was JUST that movie! :(

Here is some of the things I have experienced from the audience over the years.

-Check text messages/texting during the movie... that light can be so distracting when sitting near an asshole like this.

-Making loud comments about every scene in the movie.

-Couples bringing their babies to rated R movies/horror movies.

-A retarded black couple decided to change their baby's diaper during AvP1 and stuff the dirty diaper in the cup holder 2 seats to my left... enough for me to notice. I would hate to have been the one to have had to clean up that screen that day :(

-Spilling popcorn all over the floor.

So I guess FISTING the screen and Texting during the movie are my two newest gripes about going to the movies in the last two years.

Probably the two movies I have been to who had well behaved audiences were The Dark Knight and Star Trek.

I am starting to not want to see movies on their opening day/midnight showings anymore... too many fucking idiots with no respect towards other movie goers. :nottalking:
bread's done