[Canada]Amazon.ca: Okami (Wii) $19.99

If this happened early last year, I would have jumped on it. Now tho, I just don't give a damn any more.

hmmmm, did Capcom change the boxart? I could have sworn the dog faced the other way around (with the infamous logo in its mouth).
IGN logo or no sale.
Oh and if you want to split for free shipping I'm game although I wanna wait until I earn some more gift cards through SwagBucks first >_>
Did anybody ever get their replacement cover art? I was waiting for that to show up before I bought myself a copy, but it's been so long I don't think it ever will now...
zzz I was waiting for Amazon.ca to restock them for serveral months, and ended up buying from Goomba on Amazon.com.

Now they restocked with cheaper price zzzzzzzzz
^ you and me buddy, same boat. oh well I'm happy to support Goomba! Plus he's getting me Ultimate Shooting Collection... HARD CORE!!!!
Yeah supporting Goomba is np, but I remember emailing amazon.ca about Fire Emblem and Okami on Wii to see when they will restock so i can use the 10 dollars off coupon. The CSR advised they will forward the request to warehouse stocker, but no guarantee etc. I waited for 2-3 months so I ended up buying Okami from Goomba, and getting FE from toys r us B2G1 free deal. Ebgames had FE on sale for 25 bucks on boxing day LOL.

Gonna be patient w/ games, both games are still sealed sitting on my shelf =x
[quote name='PuppetYuber']Yeah supporting Goomba is np, but I remember emailing amazon.ca about Fire Emblem and Okami on Wii to see when they will restock so i can use the 10 dollars off coupon. The CSR advised they will forward the request to warehouse stocker, but no guarantee etc. I waited for 2-3 months so I ended up buying Okami from Goomba, and getting FE from toys r us B2G1 free deal. Ebgames had FE on sale for 25 bucks on boxing day LOL.

Gonna be patient w/ games, both games are still sealed sitting on my shelf =x[/quote]
Fire Emblem is $19.89 new and $17.99 used at EB regular price.
Yeah, it said '1 copy left - more stock will be available soon' (or something like that). So if you're looking for Okami, I'd suggest to keep checking that link... I actually ordered a copy this morning, and at that time it also showed 1 copy left as well, I guess either they found a few more copies lying around in the warehouse, or people cancelled their orders? Anyways good luck!
Hi all, first time poster here. This game is now back in stock on Amazon if anyone was still interested but unable to grab a copy when the deal first appeared.
The controls are kinda crappy on the Wii, and I've heard they're better on the ps2, so I'd recommend against it.
Brush controls are MUCH better on Wii* than PS2, but the waggle for dodging is so-so at best and the color and graphic filter used on PS2 is probably a bit nicer (although that is personal opinion).

If you already own the PS2 version, then it's not worth buying the Wii version... but the complaints against the Wii version all seemed way overstated from my experience.

*Assuming you acutally know what the controls are. Several professional reviewers apparently didn't know that straight lines can be drawn by holding down a button while you draw... and if you don't know that, it could be quite a bit tougher.
btw the IGN logo is still on this one (at least I assume it's on these Amazon copies, since it was on the one I ordered from them last month), along with the more terrible "9.5 out of 10 - play" red & white circle thing.

Is it still possible to get the printed replacement covers? Did anyone even try requesting them from Capcom?
I requested one of those replacements. Nothing ever showed up.

They either:
1) Never sent them to Canada
2) Got flooded with requests (due to not requiring proof of purchase) and only sent out a couple to the first orders
3) Got flooded with requests (due to not requiring proof of purchase) and canned the entire replacement program...

Anyway you look at it, Capcom fucked up, and they're still selling new copies with screwed up covers...

Edit: Hey, they're giving out high-res pdf's at least:
bread's done