[Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List


16 (100%)
Update 3: The new website is http://www.tivs.ca thanks to neksus!

Update 2:

Lone Prodigy is awesome and made a new one: http://ebtradeinvalues.scribblewiki.com/Main_Page

Please update the wiki yourself. The new wiki is http://www.citgocapital.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

RFDers use/edit it as well.

Alright, the Americans have a wiki page with all the EB Games trade-in values and I figured we might as well start one for the Canadian EB. It's good reference for if we ever want to sell our soul or maybe take advantage of loopholes in their promos! I'll try and keep the list updated as much as possible.

If you have info to add, please do so in the following format:
*Game Name - $# - Month Day, Year
For example:
*Sonic Mega Collection - $8 - September 29th, 2006.

Group them by system please!

Wiki Link: http://wiki.cheapassgamer.com/index.php/EB_trade_in_values_-_Canada
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As of July 7th

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS) - $16 (traded in for $24 credit on DQIX)
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS) - $7
Assassin's Creed (360) - $4
[quote name='Rastafari']Ninja town........is that any good? I wouldn't mind to try it if it's available on the cheap.[/QUOTE]

10$ at HMV (5$ with a trade in)
Splinter Cell Conviction Collector's Edition (360) - $40
DiRT 2 (360) - $17.50

(the guy bumped my DiRT 2 up to $30 since I traded it towards Star Craft 2... really nice of him)
EB Games, July 11


Read Dead Redemption $40
Super Street Fighter IV $25
Overlord $7
Army of Two $4.75
Little Big Planet GotY $18
Uncharted $14
Ridge Racer 7 $12
The most I ever had on mine was $460 and that was just before I bought my PS3. I ended up getting it for free after trading in about 30 PS2 games, 2 DS games, and 2 360 games on the trade more, get more promo. Worked out nicely. Then I had about another $500+ in preorders when BBV did the buy 2 get 1, and did t3 towards them. Good times. I'll need to start heading in again with some stuff and preordering for the fall.
[quote name='Corizzle']Is anyone having problems getting to www.tivs.ca/mobile?

I use it on my phone since I don't have an iPhone but recently it has not been showing up on my phone and when I check on my PC it just redirects to www.tivs.ca[/QUOTE]

I think you need another trailing slash. If you try and use www.tivs.ca from your mobile it should redirect to the mobile site anyway, though.
[quote name='neksus']I think you need another trailing slash. If you try and use www.tivs.ca from your mobile it should redirect to the mobile site anyway, though.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, but I tried www.tivs.ca/mobile/ and it came up with "No content is available to be displayed". Then when I tried to go to www.tivs.ca it didn't redirect me and just took me to the main site.
[quote name='Corizzle']Thanks, but I tried www.tivs.ca/mobile/ and it came up with "No content is available to be displayed". Then when I tried to go to www.tivs.ca it didn't redirect me and just took me to the main site.[/QUOTE]
Same thing is happening for me too :(

Have you tried contacting the site owner yet?
Just to confirm, it is 'www.tivs.ca/mobile/', and it's working for me, thought maybe a file got messed up sometime but it still appears to be up.
What device(s) are you guys trying to view the site on? If it's not something relatively normal/mainstream my phone-checking script might be classifying you as a computer instead of a mobile device and not serving any content, but I doubt it's that because you said it worked before...
Your IP isn't blocked because the main site still loads...so I'm really not sure why it won't load for you guys :cry:
I don't have anything to add since I haven't tried to access the mobile site since the release of the iPhone app (use it on my iPod), but I did want to echo any of the positive comments about the app. Works just as you'd expect, happy it works offline, and as a future iPhone owner, also like how it makes clear in the options menu how much data it will use...

Only been having a little bit of an issue with updates (it'll sometimes hang in progress, but a restart will download the rest of the updates just fine).

Great work!
[quote name='neksus']Just to confirm, it is 'www.tivs.ca/mobile/', and it's working for me, thought maybe a file got messed up sometime but it still appears to be up.
What device(s) are you guys trying to view the site on? If it's not something relatively normal/mainstream my phone-checking script might be classifying you as a computer instead of a mobile device and not serving any content, but I doubt it's that because you said it worked before...
Your IP isn't blocked because the main site still loads...so I'm really not sure why it won't load for you guys :cry:[/QUOTE]

I was using a crappy Samsung prepaid Telus phone, seems to be working now though. Maybe it was just a slight hiccup or something?
[quote name='neksus']Just to confirm, it is 'www.tivs.ca/mobile/', and it's working for me, thought maybe a file got messed up sometime but it still appears to be up.
What device(s) are you guys trying to view the site on? If it's not something relatively normal/mainstream my phone-checking script might be classifying you as a computer instead of a mobile device and not serving any content, but I doubt it's that because you said it worked before...
Your IP isn't blocked because the main site still loads...so I'm really not sure why it won't load for you guys :cry:[/QUOTE]
Yes, but I'll try again tomorrow. I have a Palm Pre which has a fully functioning browser but I thought the site would let me manually go to the mobile version, no?
Hey guys, I've created a lookup tool thats not meant to replace anything, but to...circumvent restrictions put in place at establishments that block the site. While an internet connection is required, that should be fine for people who can't access it at work because it's been blocked.

Send an email to "lookup" at tivs.ca, subject whatever you want, and the body of the email as follows:
system game name
So, if you were looking for say, Call of Duty for the 360,
360 call duty
Omitting the system will match all versions, so
Would return all the systems versions of Bayonetta.

The only thing that matters is where the system tag is - it has to be the first word, and here are the modifiers:


Everything is case insensitive, so go hard from whatever device you want. It's most likely faster using this when you only need a few titles, but please don't do all your lookups with it :)
If it gets hammered too much it'll be members only, you've been warned!

I'll post more details shortly on the site, but this should be enough to get you started.
Wow, that sounds incredible Neksus. Very, very useful when I'm at work and their idiotic blocking of your site!

I think I have most of the kinks worked out. If it doesn't work or you get an error message, re-send it with the subject 'debugging' (no quotes) and it will forward me a copy of your headers to see what's up.
[quote name='neksus']I think I have most of the kinks worked out. If it doesn't work or you get an error message, re-send it with the subject 'debugging' (no quotes) and it will forward me a copy of your headers to see what's up.[/QUOTE]

I said it on RFD, say it again: always have an edge on the competition. Nice stuff.

Congrats, it works well now for the requests that did not work earlier today.
I'm not too worried. Would have been nice to get the kind of feedback he's been getting though - I had to dig for weeks to get feature suggestions lol.
I've still got a few more thought up, just haven't gotten around to implementing them. Work has been slow, though, so maybe we'll see a few more come to fruition. On the immediate horizon is paginating the news page and making the turds/watch list, then I'm not sure...I'd like to add user accounts to the app but I've gotten SO many requests to make it on other platforms...guess we'll have to see.
[quote name='neksus']I'm not too worried. Would have been nice to get the kind of feedback he's been getting though - I had to dig for weeks to get feature suggestions lol.
I've still got a few more thought up, just haven't gotten around to implementing them. Work has been slow, though, so maybe we'll see a few more come to fruition. On the immediate horizon is paginating the news page and making the turds/watch list, then I'm not sure...I'd like to add user accounts to the app but I've gotten SO many requests to make it on other platforms...guess we'll have to see.[/QUOTE]

You mean initially when you first started you had to dig for weeks? The market is more mature now, people had months / 2 years to think about kinds of features they want. The more you use a sophisticated website, the more you expect I suppose (compared to old wiki stuff).


The automatic update for turds as an idea I got just today because of the Twitter feed idea from the other guy.

I was more thinking getting an update for games of current generation that get over or under $8, without need of a prior list.

The turd / watch list would be very good though. It could help limit the number of updates received, but it would not help to discover new turds unexpected.


i still think console info would not take much time (compared to other ideas). and would be useful to many users. It does not have to be separate from games, maybe "Accessories" in front of mainstream accessories names (Example: Accessories Wii Sensorbar) and "Console" in front of consoles (Example: Console Wii, Console DS Lite, Console DSi XL, etc.). This way, if you look for Accessories you go in "A", if you look for consoles, you go in "C".


For your debate about which platform(s) you should make an app on, I would think a poll (on RFD or tivs.ca) would give you an idea.

Palm Pre is popular for some people on RFD because of Bell's current deal, but I am unsure it's a good idea to develop for it (recently they gave $$$ to anyone developing for it though, some people created shit apps just to get $, gives an idea of the platform's state).

Android will get more and more popular, dunno market share though.

Blackberry, you said already the pain it will be to make something for it.

As you probably know, I am iPod Touch user (future iPhone user), so I have a bias for sure regarding further development of iPhone app (in-app TIV update).


Tivs.ca Apple 1.1 update is live! 323 games updated with the update!

- maximum update threshold is nice, much less games to look for when filtering by location. Would have to do more testing to make sure it is accurate.

- searching is great too, but was surprised you had to choose console first, was expecting to have a button on main menu (no big deal, once you found it, you know where to look).
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[quote name='Clark.Griswold']Sweet, this is a nice workaround for my work which blocks tivs.ca! Thanks![/QUOTE]

I suggest you test it soon with your work email (the one you use most often at work) to make sure it is compatible with neksus's programming.

If it's not, neksus will probably be able to fix it.
Obligatory spam:
[quote name='Apple App Store']
What's New In Version 1.1

★ If your updates freeze, terminate the app (completely if you have multi-tasking!) and re-launch it to continue from where you were ★

» Now compatible with iPhone OS 3.x
» Database is now searchable!
» New date filtering option to allow omission of old updates when viewing promotional qualifiers by place (which can be changed in the settings page)
» Fix to remove a few duplicate titles
» Identified and corrected bug which allowed a few updates to not be stored correctly


[quote name='cashinstinct']I was more thinking getting an update for games of current generation that get over or under $8, without need of a prior list.[/QUOTE]

So just a list that says what qualifies and what doesn't? How would you want access to it?

[quote name='cashinstinct']The turd / watch list would be very good though. It could help limit the number of updates received, but it would not help to discover new turds unexpected.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking of creating a community pool where people could say what they found where, so you knew what to look for.

[quote name='cashinstinct']i still think console info would not take much time (compared to other ideas). and would be useful to many users. It does not have to be separate from games, maybe "Accessories" in front of mainstream accessories names (Example: Accessories Wii Sensorbar) and "Console" in front of consoles (Example: Console Wii, Console DS Lite, Console DSi XL, etc.). This way, if you look for Accessories you go in "A", if you look for consoles, you go in "C".[/QUOTE]

This will be done by the end of the month. Should I clump all the hardware together or put it on it's respective console page? Also, I don't even know where to start...anybody know anybody at EB that can acquire a list of hardware accepted?

[quote name='cashinstinct']For your debate about which platform(s) you should make an app on, I would think a poll (on RFD or tivs.ca) would give you an idea.

Palm Pre is popular for some people on RFD because of Bell's current deal, but I am unsure it's a good idea to develop for it (recently they gave $$$ to anyone developing for it though, some people created shit apps just to get $, gives an idea of the platform's state).

Android will get more and more popular, dunno market share though.

Blackberry, you said already the pain it will be to make something for it.[/QUOTE]

Android market is growing by 100 000 users a day, and I missed out on the Palm Pre cash for apps promo - I definitely would have made an app for some extra cash. Besides, if it didn't make the top 300 free or whatever it was I'd know what to abandon! At this point, the only thing convincing me to develop for other platforms is that it will look good on a resume. I'm not even coming close to breaking even when it comes to time/money.

[quote name='cashinstinct']As you probably know, I am iPod Touch user (future iPhone user), so I have a bias for sure regarding further development of iPhone app (in-app TIV update).[/QUOTE]

Me too :razz:
I'm committed to the platform now, and it's pretty convenient. I imagine it will be the forefront of my app market, unless I find the backend is simple on the Android/Palm.

[quote name='cashinstinct']maximum update threshold is nice, much less games to look for when filtering by location. Would have to do more testing to make sure it is accurate.[/QUOTE]
It's using the same stuff as the printable page, so it should be good.

[quote name='cashinstinct']searching is great too, but was surprised you had to choose console first, was expecting to have a button on main menu (no big deal, once you found it, you know where to look).[/QUOTE]
Hmm good call...get a few other people to voice this and I'll put it on the main splash.
[quote name='neksus']
This will be done by the end of the month. Should I clump all the hardware together or put it on it's respective console page? Also, I don't even know where to start...anybody know anybody at EB that can acquire a list of hardware accepted?


I have been accumulating all the hardware TIVs that have been posted to RFD over the last month or so. But I think the main list would just be consoles and controllers and xbox hard drives. That should be enough to start.
[quote name='neksus']So just a list that says what qualifies and what doesn't? How would you want access to it?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about Twitter (you suggested Text). I just had this idea today.

My idea: if a game goes from OVER $8 EB to UNDER, and vice-versa (from UNDER $8 to over), the appdatabase automatically sends a Twitter (or text or email, whatever) feed to subscribed people on a specific Twitter feed for this (or general tivs.ca feed if you wish, would think a specific one is better).

Goal: To know if a game fell in TIV under $8 level (to avoid buying / unwrapping it) or to know if a game is now a qualifier and wasn't (meaning you can probably still find some since hoarders did not buy them yet).

Imagine a twitter feed with updates, but selective of updates that really matter, and I think EB qualifier is the main thing.

Example 1: Beatles Rock Band falls from +- $10 to $7.50, since it fell in TIV from over $8 to under $*, it warrants a tweet (should be automatic, listing new TIV)

Example 2: TIV of Game X goes from $33 to $30: don't care, won't probably have much impact on anyone, no tweet.

[quote name='neksus']I was thinking of creating a community pool where people could say what they found where, so you knew what to look for.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that CAG or RFD already? I am unsure of added value... you were thinking messaging board?

[quote name='neksus'] This will be done by the end of the month. Should I clump all the hardware together or put it on it's respective console page? Also, I don't even know where to start...anybody know anybody at EB that can acquire a list of hardware accepted?[/QUOTE]

TripleQ list would be a good start, this July month has been a busy month for consoles and accessories. No need to be complete at all. Start slow with main consoles and controllers. If people have other stuff, they will list it on RFD-CAG.

I don't think you need an hardware section, console should be fine... too much different screens is not good in my opinion. I want to go at one place and find everything.

Hardware section would not be bad, but no necessary.

[quote name='neksus'] Android market is growing by 100 000 users a day, and I missed out on the Palm Pre cash for apps promo - I definitely would have made an app for some extra cash. Besides, if it didn't make the top 300 free or whatever it was I'd know what to abandon! At this point, the only thing convincing me to develop for other platforms is that it will look good on a resume. I'm not even coming close to breaking even when it comes to time/money.[/QUOTE]

I know overall Android market is up, but I am wondering about Canada where Android device choice seems much more limited than USA. Carriers in US (outside AT&T) only have Android to push for apps, so they push it really hard.
[quote name='TripleQ']I have been accumulating all the hardware TIVs that have been posted to RFD over the last month or so. But I think the main list would just be consoles and controllers and xbox hard drives. That should be enough to start.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the effort to make a list, I am sure it will be useful for neksus.

I agree it does not have to be complete, current-gen consoles + 1st party controllers + Xbox harddrives are enough.
[quote name='TripleQ']I have been accumulating all the hardware TIVs that have been posted to RFD over the last month or so. But I think the main list would just be consoles and controllers and xbox hard drives. That should be enough to start.[/QUOTE]

I assumed somebody would be. I could always troll through the past 30 days of posts or so. People have been hounding me forever, there just never seemed to be enough info to warrant a section...the console promo, as previously stated by TripleQ...seems to have brought those more to light.

[quote name='cashinstinct']I was thinking about Twitter (you suggested Text). I just had this idea today.

My idea: if a game goes from OVER $8 EB to UNDER, and vice-versa (from UNDER $8 to over), the appdatabase automatically sends a Twitter (or text or email, whatever) feed to subscribed people on a specific Twitter feed for this (or general tivs.ca feed if you wish, would think a specific one is better).

Goal: To know if a game fell in TIV under $8 level (to avoid buying / unwrapping it) or to know if a game is now a qualifier and wasn't (meaning you can probably still find some since hoarders did not buy them yet).

Imagine a twitter feed with updates, but selective of updates that really matter, and I think EB qualifier is the main thing.

Example 1: Beatles Rock Band falls from +- $10 to $7.50, since it fell in TIV from over $8 to under $*, it warrants a tweet (should be automatic, listing new TIV)

Example 2: TIV of Game X goes from $33 to $30: don't care, won't probably have much impact on anyone, no tweet.

That's exactly what the email/text system was going to be. Twitter would be easy.

[quote name='cashinstinct']Isn't that CAG or RFD already? I am unsure of added value... you were thinking messaging board?[/quote]
What I meant was...another page, that only lists turds. So if you're at Blockbuster...BAM! You can see what games are there and which qualify.

[quote name='cashinstinct']I don't think you need an hardware section, console should be fine... too much different screens is not good in my opinion. I want to go at one place and find everything.

Hardware section would not be bad, but no necessary.[/quote]

I'm just not sure where to put them. I don't really want to clutter up the system pages.

[quote name='cashinstinct']I know overall Android market is up, but I am wondering about Canada where Android device choice seems much more limited than USA. Carriers in US (outside AT&T) only have Android to push for apps, so they push it really hard.[/QUOTE]

Might be that I'm generally surrounded by technical people, but Android devices are probably on a 1:1 with iOS mobile devices, not counting iPads (and who would use tivs with an iPad, anyway?!)

I'll have to look into the Web OS stuff. I just don't really like javascript haha...I'll have to see how hard it is to port some MySQL over to it - if it's easy enough, I can probably use alot of code from the main site as is.
[quote name='neksus'] I assumed somebody would be. I could always troll through the past 30 days of posts or so. People have been hounding me forever, there just never seemed to be enough info to warrant a section...the console promo, as previously stated by TripleQ...seems to have brought those more to light.[/QUOTE]

Well, when there is a console promo, people want this info a lot. I don't think it changes much over time (quick changes are when there are console promos). For example, DS Lite was $40 TIV for a long long time before it fell recently. Controllers for PS3 are often in $20-$25 range.

[quote name='neksus']That's exactly what the email/text system was going to be. Twitter would be easy.[/QUOTE]

I misunderstood your idea first then. I thought you said we had to make a list of games we want updates on.

You said on RFD "Essentially you have a list of games + your collection that you can receive text messages/emails/twitter mention about when they cross the threshold lines. "

Is the list of games = user-choice (user has to select games) ... or = all TIVS.ca current-gen games?

[quote name='neksus'] What I meant was...another page, that only lists turds. So if you're at Blockbuster...BAM! You can see what games are there and which qualify.[/QUOTE]

I see, people could click on the game's title and identify at which store to buy it cheap? I know users asked for this, dunno how much practical it will be. It can be tried for sure. Will it require much more time during the update process?

[quote name='neksus'] I'm just not sure where to put them. I don't really want to clutter up the system pages.[/QUOTE]

You could ask people on RFD thread where they think it should go. I don't think it warrants a separate section (it might be a little empty it's true, compared to the size of the game section)...

[quote name='neksus'] Might be that I'm generally surrounded by technical people, but Android devices are probably on a 1:1 with iOS mobile devices, not counting iPads (and who would use tivs with an iPad, anyway?!)[/QUOTE]

I don't hang with technical people, I don't know anyone with an Android phone. Still thinks it would warrant a poll between Android and Palm if you don't have any preference.
[quote name='cashinstinct']I misunderstood your idea first then. I thought you said we had to make a list of games we want updates on.

You said on RFD "Essentially you have a list of games + your collection that you can receive text messages/emails/twitter mention about when they cross the threshold lines. "

Is the list of games = user-choice (user has to select games) ... or = all TIVS.ca current-gen games?[/QUOTE]

It was actually a bunch of different stuff. I didn't really clarify it all that well, but the plan was to have a choice to receive updates on games you own, updates on a watch list that you might have access to, and access to a list of games that are commonly found at certain locations.

I'm still planning on making a trading calculator which tells you your best options, but first I have to implement a system that can intelligently identify qualifying games at places like Rogers that have a list rather than a set 'line'. I would also like to make another tracker for "My Game Collection" that tracks your current pre-orders - the benefit would be for people to know what they have (and maybe where, as well), as well as break down some numbers if you don't know what to pre-order. If 200 people all preorder a game you've never heard of, you might want to take a look at it.
For updates, the more options the better. Sounds good. I would be interested in under-over $8 threshold and not-on-list anymore (list of BBV, FS and BB).

For Lists, it could be done on a checkmark basis (a column that has a checkmark if the game is on the list of qualifying games for current promo?)
- I wonder if there is any way to retrive Bestbuy or Futureshop lists automatically from their website ? Since their lists change quite frequently, manual retrieval could be a pain.
- For Blockbuster or Rogers, it would have to be manual retrieval I would think according to their PDF they use (only scanning a document, always changing name). At least, it does not change that often.

I didn't think you would want to deal with lists, seems like a lot of extra work.

Pre-order tracker would be good, currently have this in a Google Docs... not a top priority, but neat idea. The "where" portion is not relevant for other users to have ideas about pre-orders, but would make it much more useful and would give an incentive to use.

Having the possibility to state you have more than 1 copy of a game (either owned or pre-order) could be good , it would have an impact on the calculation of total TIV value of games.
The lists wouldn't be too bad - once a month just go through and add the games using some type of web-tool. Would probably only take 10-15 mins. Could always authorize a few users to have write access to keep it maintained.
With the other thread here that's long buried and talking to people and my own use there were a crap ton of features but not enough time.
Now that the front end has a look (even though I don't know if many people actually like it - but I had to keep it simple for bandwidth reasons) it's easier to make new features/tools.
I like the idea of being able to select if you want a text and/or twitter and/or email (hopefully you are able to select 1, 2, or all 3 of those options, if you so choose) for the games that go over or under $8. Good idea.

I'm not sure if I'd prefer it to be for games I have in a watch list or not. Perhaps both would be good. For instance, games in your watch list would say in the text/twitter/email:

"Game X (console) in your watch list has gone over/under $8 & is now $x.xx TIV as of (date)".

And for all games:

"Game X (console) has gone over/under $8 & is now $x.xx TIV as of (date)".

And you could choose to subscribe to whatever updates you want (i.e. Games in your watch list and/or all games).

Games that are say $16 TIV and over, I don't want updates for (or at least I'd like the option to choose not to receive them)!

Oh, and games in your collection... it would be good to not only be able to select whether you want updates or not, but to have the option to select the value threshold for when updates are sent (i.e. over/under $20, over/under $9) etc. I guess the same could be done for the general list and watch lists too. It would be good to be able to select the store too (EB, FS, BB, etc.).


Console/accessory TIVs would be nice, but not a priority, imo.


As for apps, I don't have a palm, blackberry, iPhone, or android phone, so my vote goes to making the mobile site easier to use and more functional. Currently, it only lists 360/PS3/Wii games that qualify at EB. It would be nice if it listed PSP and DS games as well. Dates would be nice also. Having each platform open in a new page would eliminate scrolling and load times for me as well. A search function would also be very handy.


Did you lost your contact for getting the FS TIV dump? I'm surprised there aren't any RFD/CAG members who are employees of either FS, Rogers, BBV, BB, or EB that are willing to get you TIV dumps. It's probably not possible for some of those placed, but still. If I worked there, I'd be checking and writing down at least a bunch of the key TIVs and posting them.


Maybe a message board exclusive to members with 50+ TIV updates would work? A place to share info on turds (where they found them, how much they cost, etc.) and any other general discussion, of course. That way, we can hopefully avoid any unwanted guests! This would also provide incentive to people to post TIVs to the site. No lurkers/non-contributors allowed! This would create more traffic and increase your profits from ads, correct?

There could also be a section (perhaps in the message board) for what games are good for transferring credit between stores.


A price tracker would be nice. Clicking on a game and finding out it's new and/or used price would be pretty sweet. There would be quite a few more retailers to add (WM, TSCC, RCSS, Zellers, etc.). Seems like a lot of work though.


To sum it all up - a lot of things would be "nice"! haha. Oh, and while I'm at it, I might as well take the opportunity to thank you (neksus) again for all the hard work you put into the site. I can't say thank you enough. Hope that feedback helps - I was hesitant in the past because I thought it would come across the wrong way (i.e. criticism) and didn't want you to get discouraged from providing us with such an awesome site (that only goes down a few times a day)! ;)


Oh, and one more thing; missing games that are suggested to you to be added to the site used to show up on the main page once they've been added, but haven't been recently - can you make that happen again? That way, I see them once they're added and then I can add them to my collection, or I can update the TIV if I forget to tell you what it is when suggesting for you to add it. *EDIT: Nevermind, looks like you're still doing this - didn't notice as it was a bit delayed - thanks!*
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