[Canada] Not really gaming, but the Canadian dollar hit $1US!

[quote name='Skardee']Hopefully price adjustments ensue![/QUOTE]
Microsoft Business Analyst: Hey, did you hear? The Canadian dollar is only just .15 of a cent shy of our dollar. Maybe we should make some price adjustments to our console and accessories?

Whoever is in charge of pricing: *LALALALA* I can't hear you. Nope, didn't hear a thing. *turns on Zune*
Actuall they kinda made a price adjustement. When the 360s dropped there last month in teh US they droped by what 60 bucks for premium. Here they droped 100. Which made it someone better. Now if it will go the rest of the way cause theres no excuse for higher electronic prices here anymore....retailers will find people will order from the US if they dont drop the prices....espically if our dollar goes over a dollar...imaging a buck ten....1.10 cnd for 1.00USD....man id buy everything from the states

now only if books would be more on par...10.99US for a paperback and 13.50 cnd....i call BS
so it is almost a dollar? or it was a dollar for a short time, cause its not 1$ now. 99.somehting but not a buck. misleading title....lol
Just so you guys know, that means if you ordered anything from the US and is shipping today, I'm pretty sure you'll be charged the exact amount by your credit card. For example, if you have a $100 USD order, it becomes a $100 CDN order (I think).
[quote name='chimp69']so it is almost a dollar? or it was a dollar for a short time, cause its not 1$ now. 99.somehting but not a buck. misleading title....lol[/quote]

It was 1 CAD = 1.0003 USD earlier today so we were actually ahead by 0.03 cents. It is currently 1 CAD = 0.997 USD. If you round to the nearest cent we are on par ;)
should have thaught of that before voting him in 2 times to put you guys in debt over this now pintless war.....

and personally i would rather the US dollar go higher.

if the canadian dollar is worth more it will be cheaper to produce products in the us, and seeing as thats where the bigger market is it would just make sense to produce there anyways.... if all the US companies move out it will cause thousands, maybe millions of people to lose their jobs......

the US already has cheaper labor than we do and now its actually cheaper to produce products there.....
Damn effing wjfjwofjweifjwioefejw ... and I just made an order from play-asia just last night!

Ah well, it's just a buck. GO LOONY!
I totally want to go down to the US this weekend. There's a few games I've wanted but have been avoiding due to Canadain repackaging. I can get them for -$10 each easy in the States :D
[quote name='Underfoot']Quick, everyone in the Vancouver area rush to Bellhingham and buy all the games you can at Bestbuy and Furture Shop![/quote]

I dont think they have FS in Bellingham... :p
[quote name='magiic']I dont think they have FS in Bellingham... :p[/quote]

Do they even have a Best Buy there? At least not easily accessible from the I-5. Better off with Target or Fred Meyer.

Good luck at the borders, though.
I take it you guys have never been to Bellingham and visited a BB, CC or Target?? Now that the CDN Dollar is on par with the US I might head down and buy more games like crazy, as it's cheaper there than here, even with tax included in the States.
Is the savings really worth the hassle & wait at the border crossings? Hopefully, the prices here will match the US soon enough anyway.
[quote name='Azumangaman']Just so you guys know, that means if you ordered anything from the US and is shipping today, I'm pretty sure you'll be charged the exact amount by your credit card. For example, if you have a $100 USD order, it becomes a $100 CDN order (I think).[/quote]unfortunately that is not the case, whatever price you paid for that day, it will stay that price, exchange rate fluctuations after the moment of payment will not affect how much you paid for it

[quote name='nonrandomhero']should have thaught of that before voting him in 2 times to put you guys in debt over this now pintless war.....

and personally i would rather the US dollar go higher.

if the canadian dollar is worth more it will be cheaper to produce products in the us, and seeing as thats where the bigger market is it would just make sense to produce there anyways.... if all the US companies move out it will cause thousands, maybe millions of people to lose their jobs......

the US already has cheaper labor than we do and now its actually cheaper to produce products there.....[/quote]very true, our tourism industry will get slammed as well, since the USD is pretty much on par not as many Americans will come up for travelling

[quote name='GameDeals.ca']Is the savings really worth the hassle & wait at the border crossings? Hopefully, the prices here will match the US soon enough anyway.[/quote]ebay and online shopping is always a viable option, no tax, no need to leave your home and you're exempt from items $20 and less marked as "gifts" at the border

currently the Canadian dollar is worth 1.003 USD, gonna go pick me up about 1k USD tm, keep in mind guys that you'll be charged roughly 2-3% from the CC company or most money exchange places when you convert, unless of course you have contacts
I should say also that if your factoring gas price and mileage than it could be cheaper in Canada, but sometimes you do get sweet deals on some games down south. I'm heading south in 2 weeks, gonna visit the gf in WA, so I'll take a look at CC, BB, Target, Walmart and EBGames like I usually do to take advantage on any gaming deals or buying a game cheaper there than here.
As a consumer, I find this exciting. But with direct family ties to agriculture, and personally working for a company that does US contracts, this is really scary.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']As a consumer, I find this exciting. But with direct family ties to agriculture, and personally working for a company that does US contracts, this is really scary.

Same, my parents own a motel in Stratford. Many people come up from the states to travel and take advantage of the Stratford Festival Theatre ticket prices.

Parity helps consumers, but hurts business and tourism sectors.
Thanks to the rising dollar.. it makes it a bit cheaper to buy Wii points online with a credit card directly thru the virtual console. \\:D/
Gonna head down to the ol' US this friday, mostly to get clothing but if the TRU have the b2g1f deal on, i'll get a couple (three heh)

Even with duty its still alright, so meh
[quote name='nonrandomhero']should have thaught of that before voting him in 2 times to put you guys in debt over this now pintless war.....[/quote]

i did vote for kerryin 2k4. And bush won the 2000 election through massive amounts of election fraud(all the black people in florida got their ballots shredded so bush won florida, and as a result, the entire election, instead of gore). So dont blame us for shredding the black peoples ballots. BUt i digress.
[quote name='dracula']i did vote for kerryin 2k4. And bush won the 2000 election through massive amounts of election fraud(all the black people in florida got their ballots shredded so bush won florida, and as a result, the entire election, instead of gore). So dont blame us for shredding the black peoples ballots. BUt i digress.[/quote]

lol sry it was a smart ass remark that was made with very little meaning.... i dont want to start all the politics BS here. this community doesnt need that.
I took advantage of the dollar to buy two camera lenses for a total $1,000CAD. I saved about $500 by buying from across the border :)
I'm going with my mom to Bellingham on Sunday. Let's see what I can find =) Thinking of getting a PSP Slim at EB by trading in my old DS ($55 TIV with their promotion)
[quote name='mrelusive']I'm guessing PayPal still thinks our currency is worth .92 USD or something huh? ;P[/quote]the way exchange rate works is the credit card company and/or paypal takes a small portion of the exchange rate in order to make money, its usually 2-3%, for example the exchange rate is 1 CAD to 1.01 USD right now, if we used paypal to buy something it would probably give us an exchange rate of 1 CAD : .99 USD, if we got the exact exchange rate these companies would never make any profit
I haven't even looked at ebay for a couple of months... I bet US sellers are more accomodating of Canadians now than in the past.:lol:
[quote name='maigoyume']the way exchange rate works is the credit card company and/or paypal takes a small portion of the exchange rate in order to make money, its usually 2-3%, for example the exchange rate is 1 CAD to 1.01 USD right now, if we used paypal to buy something it would probably give us an exchange rate of 1 CAD : .99 USD, if we got the exact exchange rate these companies would never make any profit[/quote]

Paypal charges 3-4% (it seems to move sometimes), I've used them a fair bit since the dollar hit par. Yesterday they charged .977. I won't complain about that, it's still cheaper than a money order.

Although Paypal can easily make money even without this. They take a cut of every fund transfer, and they're holding unimaginable amounts of money which they invest as they please. Not to mention if they ever need it they can just seize any funds sitting in a account...

[quote name='cliffclaven2']I haven't even looked at ebay for a couple of months... I bet US sellers are more accomodating of Canadians now than in the past.:lol:[/quote]

You don't know eBay very well. The ratio of good to crap sellers hasn't changed. The crap sellers have probably increased their Canadian shipping because they're annoyed by having to carry our packages to the post office :roll:
The good sellers have always been good, and deserve the extra business they're picking up now :applause:
This is crazy! Just a few days ago I threw away a Canadian nickel someone slipped into the register at work thinking it was only worth 2 cents. If I had only known it was worth the full 5Cents....
My friend just told me that the stores in Bellingham will still charge you 1 USD = 1.20 CAD... So convert your money at a bank.

And it seems I'm not going today =[
im goin south for 2 weeks got my money changed at cibc and had to pay a little more for my money. i was confused, i paid more canadian than i got american.

anything i should pick up there for 360 or ds thats alot cheaper there? im not taking much spending money.
[quote name='Kekumba']In general, EB/Gamestop actually have some nice, cheap used games. Check 'em out.[/quote]

What's even better is that most games in the U.S. don't have that unremovable bilingual packaging :censored: that we have!
lol most notable on a very large recent release

no but i really dont care about the french on the packaging. its part of being canadian for me. it would seem weird if it wasnt there lol
bread's done