Canadian Toysrus Sale


5 (100%)
Just got back from this but only picked up Advance Wars DS it was 14 bucks. Here is a list of some of the games they should all be 14.97.


- Yoshi Touch and Go
- Kirby Canvas Curse
- Nintendogs (all 3)
- Advance Wars DS
- Trace Memory
- Lunar DS
- Bomberman
- Splinter Cell
- Star Wars
- Ultimate Spiderman DS
- Zoo Keeper
- Rayman
- Madden 2006
- Goldeneye Rouge Agent
- Wario Ware Touched!


- Devil May Cry 3
- Champions RTA
- Batman Begins
- Ace Combat 5


- Fatal Frame 2
- Metal Slug 3
- Dead Or Alive Ultimate
- Oddworld Stanger


- Warioware Inc.
- Fire Emblem
- Advance Wars 2
- Sword of Mana


- THUG 2
- Mercury
- Tiger Woods
- Spiderman 2
- MVP Baseball
- Metal Gear Ac!d
- Wipeout
- MC3
- Lumines
- Dynasty Warriors
- Darkstalkers
- Ridge Racer
- Untold Legends
Unbelievable as it is, King's report is absolutely true! Check out the website. Same deal there!

It seems that almost ALL DS and PSP games are $14.97 including new releases such as Burnout Legends, Nintendogs and Advance Wars: DS.

Seems like TRU Canada has gone mad.
Does anyone know how to make a purchase on the site with a US address. I can not figure it our but I am sure there ust be some way to get it to process.
I hope all of Canada's ice melts and they have no where to play hockey! *grumbles* Don't ship to U.S. *grumbles more*
Wow, that's some killer deals.

I wonder if it would be worth the gas money to drive there...Canada is about 4 hours away...what's the nearest TRU to the Canada/Michigan border? :D
Just a head's up - if your Toys r Us is sold out of some of these kick ass titles (and they likely will be) - just go to Future Shop and ask them to do a price match (tell them the website of

Not only do they have to match the also get a 10% additional discount.

I'm getting Fatal Frame 2 (Xbox), Devil May Cry 3 and Rise of the Kasai tomorrow....might pick up the XSN Challenger Pack (includes S-type controller, Top Spin and Links 2004)....I already have Top Spin though....been meaning to get Links for a while, and I like new controllers.....

edit: damn....just checked the website and Future Shop doesn't carry Fatal Frame 2 any more.....I think EB Games does a price match, but they're not as lenient as Future Shop.....
I don't even have a DS yet, but I'm tempted to pick up Wario Ware Touched!, Kirby Canvas Curse, Nintendogs, Advance Wars DS and Super Mario 64 DS....

at that price....this has to be the best video game sale Canada has witnessed. ;)
[quote name='True Kronic']I don't even have a DS yet, but I'm tempted to pick up Wario Ware Touched!, Kirby Canvas Curse, Nintendogs, Advance Wars DS and Super Mario 64 DS....

at that price....this has to be the best video game sale Canada has witnessed. ;)[/QUOTE]

Last year and early this year they had a ton of games clearanced in bins and specific sections. I got vandal hearts 2, hoshigami, hogs of war, rez (multiple copies), Robot alchemic drive (RAD), and azure dreams for 20 canadian or less each. I also got steel battalion for 100 cad. I do wish I was still in canada though.
I have a friend in canada who is picking DMC 3 and RTA up for me, if anyone wants to buy some tell me and give me what you'd offer :/ :)
I went this morning and picked up a ton of games. It's not really on the radar yet so there were tons of games left. God Bless Canada!!!
Any Canadian CAG willing to pick these up for a Texan CAG? PM me :)

- Kirby Canvas Curse
- Advance Wars DS
- Lunar DS
- Ultimate Spiderman DS
Damn my buddy just moved back from Canada. I would be all over the PSP games at $14.97. Just have to hope there are some decent PSP games on black friday...
Got :

Trace Memory
2x Nintendogs
Wario ware touched
Burnout Legends
Medievil Resurection
Ridge Racer
Twisted Metal
Pokemon leaf green
Sword of Mana
Metal Slug 3
Fire Emblem
Kirby Nightmare in dreamland

and will get some more tomorrow
what in the hell... how can they be doing this? Aren't they taking a hell of a loss on this (especially on new releases like Trace Memory and Nintendogs)?

If anyone in Canada feels like picking up some games I'd love Kirby's Canvas Curse and Trace Memory...
Well, I have $200 in my bank accoutn after blowing $200-ish last month on their damn clearance sale, which was great enough ALREADY, but this one is just amazing.

heading down there now, I'm almost hoping they have nothing, this is killing me.
Just got back today from TRU

-Thug 2 remix
-Wipeout pure
-Midnight club dub edition
-Twistd metal

-Rise of the Kasai

Total 151.00

Great sale over there if your near one go

Also Bunrout legends wasn't on sale where I was
i know right...damn i want to get :

-Trace Memory
- Yoshi Touch and Go
- Kirby Canvas Curse
- Ultimate Spiderman DS
- Advance Wars DS
- Lunar DS

If anyones willing to pick them up for would be greatly appreciated
Dang!... that's about $12.63 US

So tempting... the closest Canadian Toy's R Us is a little under 2 hours away (that's nothing for a Washingtonian), but gas would totally kill the deal. Will US Future Shops price match?

Anyone want to help a guy out and pick up Trace Memory for me?
I asked the girl at the counter when the sale went to and she told me till next Friday.I am going to give another call tommorow just to make sure if so I will be making another trip this week because I didn't know ps2 and cube games were cheap.I am not fully certain when or if I will be going but I can pick you up a copy of trace memory if you want.If there is any left the psp rack at the one i go to was bare only games left were newest ones that were full price

Games that werent part of this sale was

-Death JR
-Medievil Ressusrection
-Hot Shots Golf
-Frogger (new)
-NBA 06 Live

I can pick up games if I do go pm me andlet me know and I will get back to you when I find out about when the sale ends and I can also ask prices on the phone.However if you are going to message me uderstand that I will ask you once more before I go and if you commit for me to pick you up the game you must pay don't message me if you are not sure make sure you are.If I do pick you up a game it'll be the full cost plus $3.00 shipping.Lastly I am not making any promises here I will be going if the sale is even still going and from what I saw quantities at the store were very low.That is all
I got

Trace Memory [DS]
Death Jr. [PSP]
Revenge of the Sith [DS]
Link to the Past [GBA]
Pokemon Fire Red [GBA]

pretty good, there were tons more I wanted but didnt have the cashola.
well, 14.97.
um, every PSP game besides the new SSX title was $14.97 at my TRU. burnout legends is the only sold-out one as of this morning.

edit: just noticed you said Medievel was full price. $14.97 at me:)
Which stores will pricematch? I think futureshop and eb will because they did that with the gb micro whenb walmart dropped the price to $99 for that one week. I don't know how to prove that the games are only $14.97, unless I take the webiste, but by now they might know about the sale, so would that affect anything? or would I still get the game pricematched and get the 10% extra off also? Because a burnout legends and/or advance wars ds(for those of you lucky people that had a TRU selling AWDS for $15.) would be pretty sweet right now. I was only able to get my hands on:

Pac N' Roll(DS) - Not bad, feels like a $15 game
NBA 06 - I thought it was live, but I was wrong, still good though
NBA Street Showdown - I have the other 3, might as well keep up

I asked the guys if they will be getting anything else or restocking and they said the back room is pretty much bare now. I might check back on the last day just to check out what is left behind to take.
I'll stop by there...wednesday? i think.

Should be good...what was the selection for PS2? or it is all handhelds?
mgs 3 is also listed on site.

update: I went today and all the good games were gone except for shadow hearts convenant, viewtiful joe, sudeki, resident evil outbreak file2, Tenchu Fatal Shadows, 2005 sports titles, full spectrum warrior, batman begins, rainbow six 3 (ps2), outlaw volleyball, outlaw golf, hots shots golf 3, and other not worth mentioning titles for various systems. The TRU i went to was in Toronto, Ontario (thornhill - yonge and steeles.).

I did grab the last shadow hearts btw :D.

For short, you must be there when TRU starts to get the goodies... any day after the 1st = reject titles.
it's over.

TRU's are being called, told that its a pricing error, and stopping the sale, even though previously my TRU said the sale was on until Friday. my TRU already stopped, and they said all the vancovuer area ones have as well.

glad i picked up the games i did -.-;
I went last night to mine sitll had it going on but there was nothing left except 2 baseball games a copy of MGA and some other game lol.For the people who asked me to pick up stuff I have messaged all of you unfortunately I wasn't able to find much of what people were looking for (burnout,dynasty warriors, untold legend, ridge racers) were nowhere to be seen the guy told me they went so fast.
[quote name='LaseK']it's over.

TRU's are being called, told that its a pricing error, and stopping the sale, even though previously my TRU said the sale was on until Friday. my TRU already stopped, and they said all the vancovuer area ones have as well.

glad i picked up the games i did -.-;[/QUOTE]

Wow, should've went earlier or told your boss you gotta appointment with doc. :D.

I knew I should've gone on the day-of, but I had no way of getting to the stores (other than public transport which is quite a ways)...

Bah, at least I made it for the one a couple weeks ago.

Oh well...congrats to those who could capitalize on this...

Let's hope we have one of these TRU "price errors" sometime in November...

(I hope this situation didn't change their mindset on this $14.97 business.)
Meh. I'm kinda dissapointed.

Trace Memory is pretty bland, Revenge of the Sith for DS is really generic and not fun, and Death Jr is just an overall horrible game. LTTP/Fire Red are awesome, of course, though.
[quote name='LaseK']TRU's are being called, told that its a pricing error, and stopping the sale, even though previously my TRU said the sale was on until Friday. my TRU already stopped, and they said all the vancovuer area ones have as well.[/QUOTE]

I find this hard to believe since it was in the flyer.
As do I. But my sale is called off, and almost every GameFAQer has heard similiar reports.

If your sale is still going on, thats pretty awesome. I wanted to pick up an AW:DS for my collection :(.
bread's done