Captain Lou Albano (1933-2009) memorial wrestling topic

[quote name='OnyxPrimal']How can TNA NOT sign Hogan.[/QUOTE]

If it means Russo is out, I may actually give the show a chance again. That doesn't look like it's going to be the case though, so what we're left with is a near identical cast of characters that were runnin' the show for WCW 2000.

Ohhhh, this is gonna be sweet.
I am curious as to see how much interest Hogan will stir up for TNA, to be quite honest. I know how a lot of us feel about the guy, but you can't deny that he IS wrestling and people WILL pay money to see him in the ring.

Also, if Hogan being there does get Russo kicked out of the company, then this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
I'd say that history is repeating itself, but...fuck.

So are we going to finally see the continuation of the Jarrett-Hogan feud after Jarrett attacked Hogan in Japan years back? I doubt it.
If Great Khali can shop at Wal-Mart...I can shop at Wal-Mart!
I'm more interested to see what capacity Bisch will be in. I hope they give him something because TNA needs some fuckin direction.

As for Hogan, he's still a piece of shit, so probably expect to see him beating everyone under 30 on the roster with that lame ass leg drop. Still, it should be good publicity for the company, but there's no way it's going to have that WCW effect like it did back in the day.
One train wreck, comin' up!

[quote name='mykevermin']I'm going to dust off my "SLAP NUTS" t-shirt when I get home.[/QUOTE]

Mine's framed.
Say what you want about Hogan, but bringing him and Bischoff into TNA gives them some much, much, MUCH needed mainstream name value. Hogan's not the wrestler he once was, but he'll bring them some attention and provided he goes on the road with them, will increase their live attendance.

TNA's a company that draws a few hundred to a live event - they're as much as #2 company as ECW was when they were running shows in front of 300 drunken maniacs in South Philly.

If you're a wrestling fan that wants some actual competition, signing Hogan and Bischoff shows that TNA isn't going to back down lightly.
[quote name='Blackout']As for Hogan, he's still a piece of shit, so probably expect to see him beating everyone under 30 on the roster with that lame ass leg drop. [/QUOTE]
I highly doubt he's wrestling.
I don't buy it. How many times have we been duped by the "TNA's bringing in ______, this will surely see them skyrocket in popularity!" myth?

Also, Brak, fuck you for trying to tell folks I watch streams when I don't.
I guess this brings up a decent discussion question: what is WWE doing that TNA isn't?

WWE draws thousands to each and every television taping, and a few thousand to each live event. Their PPV buys, though not as high as they once were, are still at least somewhat respectable given their relative TV ratings. They've got a popular video game series, their merchandise sells extremely well, and even a mildly successful film company.

TNA appears to be the exact opposite despite their in-ring product not being vastly different from WWE. They're booking some of the same stars that were huge names in WWE just a few years ago (in Angle, Booker, and Foley), and though their gimmick matches are excessive, they're comparable to Vince's "Kiss My Ass" club and the exploding limousines.

Can TNA become a viable #2, and if so, how?
Shows are formatted and produced in largely the same way. Main event scenes are different, as TNA quickly shuffled people in and out of the main event, while WWE really runs a lot of feuds into the ground.

I think what hurts TNA is that they have virtually nothing in terms of a watchable in-ring product; I can't remember the last TNA tv match that I enjoyed watching.

It's more complex than "TNA doesn't do pro wrestling," but I think that's the bulk of it on their show.

That, and b/w 30 Rock and "It's Always Sunny...," TNA doesn't stand a chance of being watched in my household on a Thursday.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't buy it. How many times have we been duped by the "TNA's bringing in ______, this will surely see them skyrocket in popularity!" myth?

Also, Brak, fuck you for trying to tell folks I watch streams when I don't.[/QUOTE]
I could have sworn you do.
nope. maybe it's a six-of-one-half-dozen-of-the-other if I check out 2 clips on YouTube the next day, but I don't watch entire shows live.
Well, here comes the part where I hedge my bets. How far back do you gotta go to prove me wrong? If it's 2009, call me out. If you gotta go back to last year, or further than that, don't bother.
He barely plugged TNA, but that's probably because Larry King is a total shithead.
Larry King is hands down the worst show on CNN. I almost said the worst show on all of cable news, but there's Nancy Grace, Lou Dobbs, and all of Fox.
Grisham and Striker will call Smackdown until further notice - they've called up Byron Sexton from FCW to call ECW with Matthews.
Striker and The Grish? Solid. is reporting that former WWE Womens and Divas Champion Mickie James has signed a deal with Skyline Management Group, based out of Nashville, to pursue a career in country music. James has signed with agents Sherry and James Massaro, who specialize in developing country music talent. Additionally, it's being reported that Mickie James has also signed with Absolute Publicity to handle all of her public relations.
[quote name='mykevermin']Larry King is hands down the worst show on CNN. I almost said the worst show on all of cable news, but there's Nancy Grace, Lou Dobbs, and all of Fox.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, Larry King is pretty bad. He doesn't know zilch about his guests. At least if you watch Fox you can see Glenn Beck cry. With Larry King it's just awful.

Why the fuck does Tony Atlus still have a job?
Didn't Jarrett hit Hogan with a guitar the last time TNA tried to get him to come? It truly is the NWO all over again only thing missing is Hall.
[quote name='cdeener']Didn't Jarrett hit Hogan with a guitar the last time TNA tried to get him to come? It truly is the NWO all over again only thing missing is Hall.[/QUOTE]
Oh, they're not missing Hall. Not after that no-show.
This new announcer is the black Michael Cole.

Who is this Yoshi dude? I haven't seen ECW in months.
[quote name='JJSP']I guess this brings up a decent discussion question: what is WWE doing that TNA isn't?[/QUOTE]

Part of it must certainly be brand affiliation - WWE has been *the* brand name since the early 1980's.

Part of it could be TNA's stupid as fuck name.

Part of it could be TNA not understanding the product, taking a forced-down-our-throats upper mid-carder like Lashley and pushing him as the next revolutionary babyface like they signed over Shawn Michaels, and not Jimmy Yang. WCW got over w/ the nwo because the crowds *hated* to see Hall and Nash at first. Outsiders were heels for a long time before they became "cool heels."

Turn Lashley heel. Do it now. He's not connecting with the crowd, they shit on him during his match with Samoa Joe, and they see him as a pretender to the throne that "the office" is pushing.

Just like Rocky Maivia.
/\ same way with Matt Morgan, he's not over as face or when he was heel, you can tell he's one of the guys who keep getting pushed down everyones throat, kinda feel the same way with that Drew Mcintyre guy. I'd love to see Impact go live and head to head with Raw, shit bring in Flair too. I hope the rumors are true on that.
I spoke to Capt. Lou on the phone as a kid. My sister worked at an electronics store at the time called 'Brick Church' and they were having some kind of convention at the Meadowlands in NJ. Well she called me and told me that he was there and then gave the phone to Capt. Lou. We spoke briefly. Damn! I was souped! Very beautiful human being. God bless his soul.
Hulkamania signs with TNA.....

Wow,seriously. The guy is in his mid-50's and had to walk with a walker earlier this year and people still see him as a draw. He admitted contemplating suicide and tried to get his son a TV deal while he was in jail.

Hogan is a piece of shit, all this reality TV bullshit is proof of it.

It is laughable to think that TNA is ready to go head-to-head with RAW on Mondays.
on a side note... i was at a TNA house show this weekend, matt morgan jobbed to Rhyno... but rhyno got tons of heat... maybe that will be their next angle.
[quote name='dkreegz515']on a side note... i was at a TNA house show this weekend, matt morgan jobbed to Rhyno... but rhyno got tons of heat... maybe that will be their next angle.[/QUOTE]

Tons of heat? At a TNA house show, that's gotta be what, six out of the nine in attendance booing him, right?
[quote name='pimpster4183']/\ same way with Matt Morgan, he's not over as face or when he was heel, you can tell he's one of the guys who keep getting pushed down everyones throat, kinda feel the same way with that Drew Mcintyre guy. I'd love to see Impact go live and head to head with Raw, shit bring in Flair too. I hope the rumors are true on that.[/QUOTE]

Morgan hasn't done himself any favors with the jailhouse-quality tattoo work he has had done over the years. Especially his back piece. One of the first things I thought when I saw Boris Alexiev debut as Santino (since he was in civvies on Raw) was "I wonder how they're going to cover up his corny as shit tattoos?" The guy has the Led Zeppelin angel on his arm, FFS.

The more I think about it, the more I think TNA's biggest problem is that they're opposite of WWE on one end: while we chastise WWE for shoving guys down our throat and rarely building stars, TNA does the opposite: they shuffle the card too much and pull the trigger on dudes, only to put them on ice a few weeks later. Amazing Red was a jobber with a household name and suddenly he's the X champ; Taz was a villainous mastermind, now he's a fat italian dude whose sole goal on the stick is to remind us he's from brooklyn; MCMG's best angle is to bitch on air about not getting airtime, and then not getting the airtime to prove their point; Jay Lethal was hot, but hasn't done anything of consequence in months. The championships (well, ok, this is like WWE) are hot shotted back and forth with nobody building up the belt at all.

Look at that roster and try to build a card that makes hierarchical sense in terms of how popular/over the wrestlers are with the fans. Not you as a smart mark, nerd, but if you were going to build a PPV that sold the most to TNA fans (i.e., don't book a Ring of Honor show), what would it look like? There are simply too many possibilities at the top of the card that there's no "diversity" in the roster. On WWE, you get what you pay for with a Santino Marella match. In TNA, a main eventer one month might be a 4-minute curtain jerker the next month. With no logical build. TNA staff thinks that it's self-evident in its presentation, or that an "equitable" card (where anyone can beat anyone at anytime) is a more ideal/realistic approach. What it's done is prevent individuals from standing out as individuals, and failed to build an upper card roster than fans want to see.

There's also the fact that I'd rather get hit in the head with a baseball bat than try to explain any of their gimmick matches. The King of the Mountain and reverse battle royale matches are still fuckin' absurd to me.
[quote name='mykevermin']Morgan hasn't done himself any favors with the jailhouse-quality tattoo work he has had done over the years. Especially his back piece. One of the first things I thought when I saw Boris Alexiev debut as Santino (since he was in civvies on Raw) was "I wonder how they're going to cover up his corny as shit tattoos?" The guy has the Led Zeppelin angel on his arm, FFS.


That's why I never have understood tattoos (good or bad). That's what novelty t-shirts are for. I can't think of one thing that I'd want on my body for the rest of my life. Well, I can think of at least two things but Salma Hayek is taken. :whistle2:#
[quote name='mykevermin']
Part of it could be TNA's stupid as fuck name.[/QUOTE]
It's simple as hell, but that is a huge reason why that company will never amount to shit no matter who they sign. The name of this wrestling company is TITS AND ASS for christsake.
bread's done