Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Limited Edition and Release Date Confirmed-$79.99


2 (100%)
Yes this is MRSP, so I fully expect comments bitching about this thread, but for those of who are actually interested in Lords of Shadow and have heard practically NOTHING about in terms of previews or an actual release date, Gamestop may have some info for us as well as detailing this LE version of the game. Fun fact: Xbox 360 will have 2 game discs, so the game must be pretty damn huge to warrant that!

*UPDATED* Official Release Date is 10/5/10

*Preorder at Gamestop and get a T-shirt

The Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Limited Edition comes with:
  • Art book (estimated 30-40 pages)
  • Soundtrack (estimated 18-20 tracks)
  • PS3 game (1 game disc)/Xbox 360 game (2 game discs)
  • Special Packaging

Xbox 360:
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I saw one demo with NPCs waving torches against werewolves. That gave it more of an atmospheric quality.

... Welp, that about does it for the Castlevania-related puns. Sorry, but even as a Castlevania fan I'm not gullible enough to pay that much for so little.

... Welp, that about does it for the Castlevania-related puns. Sorry, but even as a Castlevania fan I'm not gullible enough to pay that much for so little.[/QUOTE]
Enough talk! Have at you! (dematerializes)
Really agree that this is in the wrong place on the forum... But worthy of posting about.

I have a 360 version lined up for 50.99 (Gold Box + ECA) but now I wonder if I shouldn’t just hold off till the LE goes on sale. I doubt this will be the one that sales out everywhere.
I'm rather new to the Castlevania franchise (Harmony of Despair was my first). I tried SotN and enjoyed it quite a bit- how is this one looking to compare and who are the playable characters?
[quote name='ssjmichael']Those are stock pictures not mock-ups. You think they aren't official enough? Unless there's another picture of some statue or some shit, there's a good chance this is all you're getting.[/QUOTE]

Most stock pictures *are* mock-ups.
[quote name='Moltres423']I'm rather new to the Castlevania franchise (Harmony of Despair was my first). I tried SotN and enjoyed it quite a bit- how is this one looking to compare and who are the playable characters?[/QUOTE]

If you have a Wii, I suggest you d/l all the Castlevania games or just d/l an emu and play it off your comp. Wii Virtual Console is made of awesome mainly because all the great REAL CV games are on it. May cost you about 50 or less to get them all but worth every penny imo.

I decided to just stick to the regular edition. I'm sure the soundtrack will be downloadable somewhere. I'll just d/l that and I'm not sweating about a 40 page art book even though I would love that case. Oh well, 70 I would of def. caved but 80? Wayyyyyyyy too much, it's just like what Capcom did earlier with the 360 games. Lost Planet's CE and DMC4's CE. Brings shit and a fucking rip off. Same can go for SF4 CE, the only thing worth it was the anime alone then again, you can download that too for free.
[quote name='Nightmare26']
Not to be nitpicking, sir, but Ayami Kojima didn't provide the artwork for Order of Ecclesia. It was Masaki Hirooka =)[/QUOTE]

Nice catch. I was thinking about Isaac's sister (who's name escapes me at the time being) and for some reason thought she was Shanoa.
Ayami Kojima hasn't done much Castlevania work for awhile, after it went anime-style post-Lament of Innocence.
This LE looks weak. I'm not a huge fan of the ever-changing Castlevania style... and a music CD??? I was gonna ask if anyone listens to those... but I loved the one that came with Portrait of Ruin - it was a compilation CD of all the music from all the games. Had a nice set.

I'd be more interested in this if it included a Belmont figure or something...

[quote name='Dmonrei']Nice catch. I was thinking about Isaac's sister (who's name escapes me at the time being) and for some reason thought she was Shanoa.[/QUOTE]

I'm really shocked you can even distinguish characters. Every game they try and tell a "different" story, but it's all paraphrasing the same damn thing: Dracula has risen again, and it's time for a descendant to do some murderin'!
It'd be nice, if FOR ONCE, they'd do a story where the main character was half-assin' it. Like, a normal Joe who is suddenly tasked with killing the king of demons! At this point, it wouldn't hurt if Konami was a little self-deprecating over their ancient, repetitive franchise! :roll:
[quote name='Magikarp830']This LE looks weak. I'm not a huge fan of the ever-changing Castlevania style... and a music CD??? I was gonna ask if anyone listens to those... but I loved the one that came with Portrait of Ruin - it was a compilation CD of all the music from all the games. Had a nice set.

I'd be more interested in this if it included a Belmont figure or something...

I'm really shocked you can even distinguish characters. Every game they try and tell a "different" story, but it's all paraphrasing the same damn thing: Dracula has risen again, and it's time for a descendant to do some murderin'!
It'd be nice, if FOR ONCE, they'd do a story where the main character was half-assin' it. Like, a normal Joe who is suddenly tasked with killing the king of demons! At this point, it wouldn't hurt if Konami was a little self-deprecating over their ancient, repetitive franchise! :roll:[/QUOTE]

I am guess you haven't play Aria of Sorrow
[quote name='62t']I am guess you haven't play Aria of Sorrow[/QUOTE]
Soma's not your average Joe, though.

I dunno. I have faith in the new rendition. It looks like the vampires in the game are going to be quite scary.
[quote name='Magikarp830']and a music CD??? I was gonna ask if anyone listens to those... but I loved the one that came with Portrait of Ruin - it was a compilation CD of all the music from all the games. Had a nice set.[/QUOTE]

As I said earlier, the CoD CD was well worth the price tag as it's probably one of the best OST's I've heard. IMO, it easily rivals SotN's soundtrack and blows away the free PoR CD.

[quote name='Magikarp830']
I'm really shocked you can even distinguish characters. Every game they try and tell a "different" story, but it's all paraphrasing the same damn thing: Dracula has risen again, and it's time for a descendant to do some murderin'!
It'd be nice, if FOR ONCE, they'd do a story where the main character was half-assin' it. Like, a normal Joe who is suddenly tasked with killing the king of demons! At this point, it wouldn't hurt if Konami was a little self-deprecating over their ancient, repetitive franchise! :roll:[/QUOTE]

I don't know about anyone else here, but Castlevania's story never really mattered to me, the gameplay has always been where it's at. It's one of the reasons why I'm a little worried about Kojima's semi-involvement. I like the guy and his works, but I don't see it fitting in with Castlevania. That's like saying the next Mario game should be less about platforming and more on cutscenes.
[quote name='Dmonrei']I don't know about anyone else here, but Castlevania's story never really mattered to me, the gameplay has always been where it's at. It's one of the reasons why I'm a little worried about Kojima's semi-involvement. I like the guy and his works, but I don't see it fitting in with Castlevania. That's like saying the next Mario game should be less about platforming and more on cutscenes.[/QUOTE]
I'm sort of the opposite. Castlevania's story interests me, in the sense there's a whole legacy of Belmonts and related characters that you can follow with each incarnation. If Konami continued with the original canon, I'd be interested to learn whether or not Julius Belmont has any offspring, what becomes of Soma Cruz, or how Mathias Cronqvist spent those centuries after becoming a vampire. I think if I had any criticism of Castlevania, it's that there's not enough story and too much platforming (or maybe too many redundant enemies).

With Lords of Shadow, I think what's important is whether or not it feels like a Castlevania game.
[quote name='InFlames215']That shirt is pretty sweet. Anyone know if you can pick a size? It doesn't say anywhere on the product page.[/QUOTE]

I think it's usually one size (large maybe), it's been a while since I worked at Gamestop but I don't recall the shirts varying in size, anyone else can confirm?
[quote name='Sharkey1337']Just want to let you guys know the official release date is October 5 for NA, 7th for Europe. That's a lot earlier than I suspected![/QUOTE]
I love how the article claims an official release date and right under the credentials it says October 19 lol.

Wonder if the hype machine will start soon for the game, because so far its been pretty quiet. Game better be good is all I can say.
[quote name='Sharkey1337']I think it's usually one size (large maybe), it's been a while since I worked at Gamestop but I don't recall the shirts varying in size, anyone else can confirm?[/QUOTE]

I suppose I can always shrink it myself if its too big.
ummm... looking at the picture, maybe the art book is somewhat of a collectible item. It seems to be hard-covered. Maybe it will have some sort of nice Castlevania engravings on it to make it really special (At least that's what I am hoping). And if it is really limited, it might just be worth getting it.
[quote name='Sharkey1337']I think it's usually one size (large maybe), it's been a while since I worked at Gamestop but I don't recall the shirts varying in size, anyone else can confirm?[/QUOTE]

They mostly come in one size, which is Large. Occasionally we get XXL and some Mediums as well. When we get varying sizes it's usually shirts for employees only. Pre-Order shirts are 90% of the time Large. However, the shirts that Gamestop gets run kinda small, especially in the chest.
[quote name='62t']I am guess you haven't play Aria of Sorrow[/QUOTE]

The first one with Soma Cruz? I can't keep the titles straight anymore... (Personally, I think the best DS title was the first one, which was basically an updated version of the GBA Soma games. Can't remember title...)

Regarding Aria... am I the only one that's somewhat uncomfortable with such a pretty man in a luxurious fur coat???

[quote name='sadboy'] I have faith in the new rendition. It looks like the vampires in the game are going to be quite scary.[/QUOTE]
I doubt it. Not to cast shadows or doubt... but games just aren't "scary", and since the new 'Vania is basically copying God of War... I'm not sure how it'll be scary, when GoW's premise is all action, not suspense or terror. But yeah, here's hoping the vampire battles are as impressive as some of the other bosses they've previewed! :D

[quote name='Dmonrei']
I don't know about anyone else here, but Castlevania's story never really mattered to me, the gameplay has always been where it's at. It's one of the reasons why I'm a little worried about Kojima's semi-involvement. I like the guy and his works, but I don't see it fitting in with Castlevania. That's like saying the next Mario game should be less about platforming and more on cutscenes.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree with your points. And I feel the same - story isn't as important... EXCEPT... they sort of shove it in your face. I mean, they stop the gameplay so that you can find out what happened to Maria or that some old mentor is acting funny... IMO, the story always feels forced. Like trying to convince your wife that strip joints are essential to male health. Just very awkward at best, and total FAIL at worst.

[quote name='sadboy']I'm sort of the opposite. Castlevania's story interests me, in the sense there's a whole legacy of Belmonts and related characters that you can follow with each incarnation. If Konami continued with the original canon, I'd be interested to learn whether or not Julius Belmont has any offspring, what becomes of Soma Cruz, or how Mathias Cronqvist spent those centuries after becoming a vampire. I think if I had any criticism of Castlevania, it's that there's not enough story and too much platforming (or maybe too many redundant enemies).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree with all of that, too. My problem is the whole ZELDA COMPLEX - does EVERY game need to feature a new story, bloodline, set of insignificant characters??? It'd be nice if they stuck to the Belmont's a little. I remember they randomly made a female Belmont for the first GB game... it was a cool idea, but it was so obviously a blatant ploy to add some value to a tired-and-true formula.
Consistency would make a world of difference. I'm hoping that's what Kojima adds... rather than some bizarre life lesson or anti-war message.

Overall, I was very impressed with the intro video. Patrick Stewart's voiceover and dialog was just inspired, for a Castlevania game. I feel like they've tried to be dramatic in the past but haven't quite hit the nail until now...
[quote name='segasaturnsnk']Same can go for SF4 CE, the only thing worth it was the anime alone then again, you can download that too for free.[/QUOTE]

You can steal it for free? By that measure, we should never pay for anything that's stealable.
bread's done