Castlevania Lords of Shadows PS3/360 $49.99 Free ship

I can see this hitting Amazon dotd for $20 or even get it used from Gamefly sub $20. Nothing screams "MUST PLAY" to me about the game, but I would like to give it a play through for the right price.

I hope it is great for all of you who are looking forward to it though.
[quote name='etcrane']Are you really going to bat for a game that has an initial setup that is 90% the same as Dante's Inferno.[/quote]
I'm not "going to bat" for anything. I'm saying that lots people are being incredibly stupid about this game, bitching about how it's different from SOTN or about how it's similar to God of War or how it doesn't have enough fanservice (which if you ask me, is actually a sign of the developers having some real balls, especially when you're dealing with some particularly stupid groups of Castlevania fans who could be more easily placated with stupid references and fanboy garbage, which is the lazy and cowardly option, rather than something actually new), when it is probably the best, most refreshing, most invigorated, and most daring and important game in the series since Lament of Innocence.

I'm not saying the final product won't be better than DI, but let's face it, I kind of cringed when they set up the story in the demo by showing that the main character is driven by his love for his dead wife and his need to resurrect her.
Oh yeah, Dante's Inferno totally invented the plot of someone seeking revenge for the death of a loved one. Lords of Shadow is soooo derivitive.

Also, if saying it's like Dante's Inferno is supposed to be a bad thing, I disagree. Dante's Inferno is a far, far better game than than, say, God of War, as far as I'm concerned.

The worst part was that the wife in DI was actually way more attractive and the character model for the woman in this game was a bit fugly.
Oh. Well, then. The game must suck, obviously.

but I don't think that IGN and Gamespot are completely off base in what their reviews have said.
Which is that it's terrific, but apparently deserves to be considered worse than it is on it's own merits, because it isn't like SOTN and the reviewer is afraid of change?
I agree 100% with you Coffee. Don't bother retorting to some people. They will never get it because they are either incapable or simply refuse to not understand...ever.

To those that aren't so easily swayed to jump on the dumbass band-wagon...this is an extremely well produced and outstandingly executed game. It takes the series in a new direction, new direction for visuals, sound, gameplay, and story...especially the characters. And it's awesome. That is all I will say.

To those that think no game exists today (or the past and future) that doesn't borrow concepts from other games, whether in small or grand fashion, are simply deluding themselves.

This game is awesome, not to mention highly polished. Few games are truly of this caliber, and it will not disappoint.

This thread is dominated by a few overzealous fanboys ... Coffee, you assumed I'm not a fan of DI, I actually enjoyed it for what it was, thought the ending and last few levels were somewhat lacking. Perhaps more people would be open to what you're saying about the game if you weren't rabidly attacking the points of anyone who happens to disagree with you.

I'm not saying this is a bad game, I am saying it's not a very original title and it wouldn't be my ideal direction for a re-invention of Castlevania. I'm sure it will be fun to play and have its moments, but it just doesn't strike me as the second coming of Castlevania that some are making it out to be.

And yes ... if I'm going to battle through hell or slay beasts for a woman ... she better damn well be attractive ...

I don't necessarily think the reviewers who knocked this game all have a hard on for SOTN ... but that was a great game, you can't deny that. This is different, but I would criticize it more for some of its technical flaws than anything else (camera, controls) and then the feeling it's a bit of a stretch calling it castlevania when it's missing some of the core castlevania mythos (I miss my fishmen, medusa heads and terrible nights for a curse ... what can I say).

But I can disagree with both you and Smiley without calling people names or raging on about points of disagreement.

To be honest, I just came into this thread after playing the demo to share my personal feelings about it, I couldn't actually care less about this game with New Vegas on the horizon and DR2 & Reach occupying my time now. More power to you if you love this game, it's just not exactly the way I had hoped it would turn out.
I'm a huge Castlevania fan, but I'll admit the majority of my experience from the the Metroidvania games, starting with SotN. I do wish LoS would've included more Castlevania tie-in's, but atleast we got what sounds like a good 3D game finally. LoI pretty good though.

I was going to pre-order this with Amazon for $20 off, but I just bought Dante's Inferno from Gamefly and still haven't played through GoW III and GoW Ghost of Sparta is coming in a month. So my action game queue is filled already. Along with that I'm going through Birth by Sleep, DQIX and Mass Effect before I start Mass Effect 2. Fallout New Vegas is coming soon as is AC Brotherhood. So my time is just too limited right now.

I did download the demo from the EU PSN last night and gave it a quick run through and I liked what I played and I'll get it down the road.
I'm a big Castlevania fan back from the day I picked up the neat looking little NES box at Toys'R'Us and bought it with no word of mouth. I liked the action ones, loved the SotN iterations, had alot of fun with the DS ones and actually enjoyed one of the 3d ones from the PS2 days. That all said, I'm really looking forward to LoS. I've played the other ones, I don't need to play them again in 3D with HD graphics or have the old music remastered in order for me to enjoy it.

The GoW games are great. Dante's Inferno is also fun. It's a pretty logical next step given their popularity and how well it seems to fit. If you want to play a game exactly like old school Castlevania, play old school Castlevania. SotN was a huge departure from the original Castlevania, and a step I think most of us are glad they took (alot of people complained back then too, I know I was sort of taken back by it at first). Metroid also took a big step away from the mold with the Prime series, which also turned out very well. Let them try something new and judge it on whether it is a good game, not how well it lives up to your memories. If it doesn't work, they will know it and they won't make another one.

Who knows, in 5 years we might be complaining that the latest Castlevania game isn't as good as Lords of Shadow. One of the biggest complaints about Other M is that it doesn't live up to Prime!
[quote name='sadboy']^ Dude, lay off the coffee. It's fucking annoying.[/QUOTE]

You're just upset that I called you out on having a limited knowledge of the series (the origins of the Vampire Killer, for instance).

[quote name='etcrane']Perhaps more people would be open to what you're saying about the game if you weren't rabidly attacking the points of anyone who happens to disagree with you.[/quote]
You mean maybe they'd be more open to it if I wasn't calling them out for wanting fanservice that doesn't even make chronological sense?

I'm not saying this is a bad game, I am saying it's not a very original title and it wouldn't be my ideal direction for a re-invention of Castlevania.
The last wildly original Castlevania was SOTN. The last five handheld games, though all exceptionally executed, have all been completely derivative of each other, and stuck closely to the formula.

I'm sure it will be fun to play and have its moments, but it just doesn't strike me as the second coming of Castlevania that some are making it out to be.
This would be at least the fourth or fifth coming of Castlevania, I'd say.

and then the feeling it's a bit of a stretch calling it castlevania when it's missing some of the core castlevania mythos
SOTN didn't even have the Vampire Killer. :/
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Wow, this game looks pretty sick.

Seems like you'll just have to overcome stupid JapaneseSpanish level design with little explanation and poor platforming. Fixed camera can get in the way too.

Personally I think the anime-inspired DS games with all of their aimless wandering are pretty weak-sauce but this new title seems like it might be a good $30 purchase.
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[quote name='etcrane']Perhaps more people would be open to what you're saying about the game if you weren't rabidly attacking the points of anyone who happens to disagree with you.[/quote]
You mean maybe they'd be more open to it if I wasn't calling them out for wanting fanservice that doesn't even make chronological sense?

I'm not saying this is a bad game, I am saying it's not a very original title and it wouldn't be my ideal direction for a re-invention of Castlevania.
The last wildly original Castlevania was SOTN. The last five handheld games, though all exceptionally executed, have all been completely derivative of each other, and stuck closely to the formula.

I'm sure it will be fun to play and have its moments, but it just doesn't strike me as the second coming of Castlevania that some are making it out to be.
This would be at least the fourth or fifth coming of Castlevania, I'd say.

and then the feeling it's a bit of a stretch calling it castlevania when it's missing some of the core castlevania mythos
SOTN didn't even have the Vampire Killer. :/
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Wow, this game looks pretty sick.

Seems like you'll just have to overcome stupid Japanese level design with little explanation and poor platforming. Fixed camera can get in the way too.

Personally I think the anime-inspired DS games with all of their aimless wandering are pretty weak-sauce but this new title seems like it might be a good $30 purchase.[/QUOTE]

But it's not a Japanese game.
Deal is over. Close this thread please. This just became a topic where fanboys bitch at other fanboys and getting pretty stupid.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're just upset that I called you out on having a limited knowledge of the series (the origins of the Vampire Killer, for instance).

SOTN didn't even have the Vampire Killer. :/[/QUOTE]

Oh man, since you mentioned this...I won't ruin anything for you, but let's just say Rinoldo Gandolfi + Vampire Killer + LOS = really cool part in story. This game, while delving into the new, does still maintain some original core aspects of the series that are fused very well into the new story.

OK, I'll just shut up now...don't want to say too much. ;)
Bleh, I stopped paying attention to IGN reviews after their Kingdom Hearts 2 review. They had to post a video explaining why it scored so low...
Btw, and I apologize if this is already known and/or has been mentioned previously, but has a sweet preorder deal still ongoing similar to Amazon's now dead deal. Preorder Castlevania: LoS and receive a $20 future game credit. ;)

I should also mention and give credit to SHC-Gamer who originally reported this in the Kmart Deals thread.

Also, is anyone planning on purchasing the Limited Edition version of C:LoS? I've got one preordered through Amazon, although I'm not entirely sure whether or not it's worth the $80 cost. Any thoughts?
[quote name='MaelstromB']Btw, and I apologize if this is already known and/or has been mentioned previously, but has a sweet preorder deal still ongoing similar to Amazon's now dead deal. Preorder Castlevania: LoS and receive a $20 future game credit. ;)

I should also mention and give credit to SHC-Gamer who originally reported this in the Kmart Deals thread.

Also, is anyone planning on purchasing the Limited Edition version of C:LoS? I've got one preordered through Amazon, although I'm not entirely sure whether or not it's worth the $80 cost. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

I ordered via Amazon for the $20 GC as well...but just the standard edition, as I didn't care for the extras in the LE. The game will definitely be worth it...but as for the extras in the LE, that's up to you.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
You mean maybe they'd be more open to it if I wasn't calling them out for wanting fanservice that doesn't even make chronological sense?

Having more than a passing resemblance to a Castlevania game and being loaded with fanservice are two different things. For instance, like Etcrane said, if there were more famous Castlevania enemies, that'd be something. I for one would definitely like at least a little Castlevania music and I'm disappointed that it's absent.

We get that you're excited for this game and think everyone should be, but that doesn't mean it's beyond criticism. I think it'll just be a great action game. If it does well, I hope they follow up with a sequel that addresses the lack of Castlevania-ness that many are noticing.
[quote name='KrizB']California taxes are the only thing stopping me from ordering these games from NewEgg (& GameStop).[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat

[quote name='eastx']Having more than a passing resemblance to a Castlevania game and being loaded with fanservice are two different things. For instance, like Etcrane said, if there were more famous Castlevania enemies, that'd be something. I for one would definitely like at least a little Castlevania music and I'm disappointed that it's absent.

We get that you're excited for this game and think everyone should be, but that doesn't mean it's beyond criticism. I think it'll just be a great action game. If it does well, I hope they follow up with a sequel that addresses the lack of Castlevania-ness that many are noticing.[/QUOTE]

Although it's missing a couple of things that nearly every Castlevania has, it still has the few things that I've always thought made Castlevania. Dracula, Death as Drac's bitch, a giant castle, and a Belmont.
bread's done