Castlevania LOS 2. U Excited Bro?


1 (100%)
I'm going to say something that may offend you. You most likely won't agree with me, but either way, here it is: Castlevania Lords of Shadow was better than God of War 3. Being a HUGE fan of both I am comfortable with my stance. With the recent announcement that LOS is returning I am ecstatic. Crap dlc aside LOS did everything I needed in a video game. If you've never played it, and you enjoy GOW-esque games, pick it up on the cheap side.
Tell me when they release a full scale 2D console Castlevania and not that multiplayer thing they tried to do.
[quote name='j-cart']Tell me when they release a full scale 2D console Castlevania and not that multiplayer thing they tried to do.[/QUOTE]

I was addicted to this game, it was bad, I must've poured over 100 hours into it. The rare drop system was annoying but it didn't stop me from trying to get all the good stuff.

The worst thing about the game was the elitist jerk community. After about a month of the game being released the casuals left and I was stuck playing with boot happy a-holes.

But I agree with OP, Lord of Shadows > God of War 3.
Yep, I'm a huge fan of LOS too and glad they made a second one. I actually quit playing 2 hrs into it and sold it, but tried it again when it went on sale and it just kept getting better as you progressed.
[quote name='Mistanelsin']I'm going to say something that may offend you. You most likely won't agree with me, but either way, here it is: Castlevania Lords of Shadow was better than God of War 3.[/QUOTE]

I'm so flustered right now because my emotions are easily rattled by others opinions of video games.
I think I need to see some actual gameplay first to get excited. A lot of my love for the franchise went out the window with the ending to the first game, so if they completely toss that out then I'm ok with this franchise continuing forward. However, if they fall into the same trap that God of War has with failing to innovate then I feel like they need to just go back to 2D since those games still rock.
[quote name='Mistanelsin']I'm going to say something that may offend you. You most likely won't agree with me, but either way, here it is: Castlevania Lords of Shadow was better than God of War 3.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='panzerfaust']I think you're with the majority.[/QUOTE]

Yes you are the majority. Less QTEs, faster and more complex combat system easily trump GOW series. People like GOW games only because of graphics and story. The gameplay is truly elementary in the hack n slash world. For the most complex gameplay in this genre, the Ninja Gaiden series (minus part 3) and Bayonetta are pretty much your only choices. The rest are just clones of GOW, be it a little better or a little worse.
[quote name='Jodou']I think I need to see some actual gameplay first to get excited. A lot of my love for the franchise went out the window with the ending to the first game, so if they completely toss that out then I'm ok with this franchise continuing forward. However, if they fall into the same trap that God of War has with failing to innovate then I feel like they need to just go back to 2D since those games still rock.[/QUOTE]

The thing with GOW was that it was never trying to innovate anything,it just does hack and slashing so well,along with it's greek mythology setting.

Now I loved LOS,but what the hell that did that do so new? It basically took a bunch of elements from other games and mashed them together.Still a great game though,and I am really looking forward to what they do with the sequel.
Hmmm I put down los about a year ago and never finished. Did the protagonist turn into a vampire or something? Also is the trailer full cgi or was that a live actor. Impresive tho.
I think a lot of people got frustrated with the swamp level early on thus quitting in the first few hours. Definitely not something people want to play right off the bat. Swamp level aside, I loved how the beastiary was so fleshed out, and the narrations were top notch. Yeah the gameplay has been done before spanning several popular series, but IMHO not to the degree LOS did. Maybe the newer Prince of Persia, but honestly, I cant take the prince seriously.
I'm surprised people like LOS over GOW3. I played both, and I liked the action of LOS, but I was really annoyed by the puzzles, (it went on a bit too long). There's some things that GOW could learn from LOS... but I still prefer GOW.
[quote name='themaster20000']The thing with GOW was that it was never trying to innovate anything,it just does hack and slashing so well,along with it's greek mythology setting.

Now I loved LOS,but what the hell that did that do so new? It basically took a bunch of elements from other games and mashed them together.Still a great game though,and I am really looking forward to what they do with the sequel.[/QUOTE]


Games borrowed: God of War, and Shadow of the Colossus
God of War is overrated, and although I have yet to play Castlevania Lord of Shadows, I wholeheartedly believe you when you say it is better.
I just beat that game. Very long but the ending was so epic. I just wish it wasn't cut up into different levels and chapters like it was. It could have done without the loading screens aswell. But I guess they were kinda trying to follow the old school stuff. The game was fair enough for me to beat it but not to go for the platinum. And I'm a BIG fan of greek mythology so I'm sticking to my GoW guns on this one.
I dedicated myself to finishing LoS after hearing that the trailer for LoS2 was super spoilery.

I've played most of the 2D Castlevanias, but this was my first 3D one. The learning curve was super steep, and I was reminded of why I quit in first place- I kept dying on normal to groups of regular enemies.

The story was good enough, and I enjoyed the twist/final boss... but for my taste, if you spend the final quarter of the game outside the castle, then why bother calling it Castlevania? I'm all for environmental variety, but the Baba Yaga chapter and Colossus graveyards were a huge departure.

Still, I look forward to LoS2.
bread's done