Chaos Code (PS3) Giveaway from CAG - Winners in OP

I could use a new 2d fighting game right about now.  It's not like there are any other games coming out any time soon.  Oh, wait a sec...  :p

Actually never heard of this game, but the trailer looks neat. I've actually been craving a good fighting game recently. Thanks Cheapy!

Even if you don't win you should definitely check it out if you're into fighting games.  The controls are pretty streamlined, there are no complex motions, and the combo mechanics are pretty intuitive.  Also, Exceed Combos are fun to pull off.

I would love a free copy of this game.

Thanks for a shot at it.

Oh man, I would so like this. Though winning a contest is like a pipe dream, I hope that maybe fortune shines upon me for once. 

Oh phooey, you got rid of the bonus for tenure and added referral entries?

Hadn't heard of this game, but I love fighters.  Thank you for the chance.

bread's done