Characters in SSBB Sakurai is considering

Possible the professor but it would probably not be a charecter you can use to fight with. After game and watch though you never know.
[quote name='seanr1221']What if you have to fight his large head in a challenge and he spits out numbers at you....oh the horror!![/quote]

Worse. He pauses the action and you have to count how many fighters go inside the castle and then leave again.
I just read Zero Suit Samus' bio again and noticed that that light saber thing is a whip. For some reason, this just screams the possibility of a Belmont in the game to me.
I dunno. There already IS one whip wielder now.

Also, the creator of Castlevania said the series wasnt going to be on the Wii, so I dont think they are THAT friendly.
Simon Belmont would be awesome(just as long as they don't model the Captain N version), and he was on the list of possible suggestions.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I dunno. There already IS one whip wielder now.

Also, the creator of Castlevania said the series wasnt going to be on the Wii, so I dont think they are THAT friendly.[/QUOTE]
With the Castlevania on the GBA and now DS the only games that get reviewed well and being the most well recieved by fans added to that fact that Simon was a NES charecter it's possible. Especially when you note Snake's never been on an exclusive game for Nintendo; Only ports and remakes.

That and did he say that. I thought he just said "I can't think of a way to use the Wimote for Castlevania."

I think it might happen regardless of what he want. If the Wii sells out here and in Japan I think it will happen. If he's truly that uncreative he could just copy Project HAMMER but with a whip in place it.
By the time Wii marketshare is established, I would imagine it would be kinda late in the game to be adding new characters. They DID want to put Snake in the last game after all.
I couldn't possibly see Sam Fisher in the game. With the 3rd party characters that are available and because snakes already in, it just doesn't make sense. It doesnt need anymore stealth kinda military characters that dont fit in. The one big reason snake will fit in somewhat is the humor through the metal gear games.
[quote name='hohez']I couldn't possibly see Sam Fisher in the game. With the 3rd party characters that are available and because snakes already in, it just doesn't make sense. It doesnt need anymore stealth kinda military characters that dont fit in. The one big reason snake will fit in somewhat is the humor through the metal gear games.[/QUOTE]

Then maybe we'll see Secret Agents Bob and Steve as characters? Maybe they'll work as Zelda/Shiek!!!111!1!
Who knows what they'll do. They have put some odd charecter in there in the past. Maybe the guy from Rygar, he was on the Nes, or Ulala from Space Channel 5 can make it. Or better yet Kain and Cecil from Final Fantasy 4/2. Or Terra and Celes from Final Fantasy 6/3. Or any of the other charecters from either of those games. The possibilities are endless. I for one hope they include at least a few more surprising cool charecters we wouldn't expect.
[quote name='j.elles']Possible the professor but it would probably not be a charecter you can use to fight with. After game and watch though you never know.[/QUOTE]

Game & Watch had to be one of the easiest characters to create, though. While everyone else required 3D animations, his are strictly 2D. That, and he had a huge catalogue of possible moves based on all of the hand-held games. Throw in the fact that he is already shaped like a human.

Now, look at the Professor. He's a giant floating head which needs it's own set of 3D animations and a completely new way of moving around. He has barely any plausible moves based on the Brain Age games, and I imagine it would be quite hard for a developer to create their own for such a character.

Taking all of this into consideration, Game & Watch and the Professor are in completely different leagues of creation difficulty.
Yes but it's on the list. I think he won't be a playable charecter but since theres so many Brain age games that are still selling extremly well in Japan I think something from the game will more then likely be in the game in some form.
[quote name='j.elles']Yes but it's on the list. I think he won't be a playable charecter but since theres so many Brain age games that are still selling extremly well in Japan I think something from the game will more then likely be in the game in some form.[/QUOTE]

If a Nintendog can make it in as an item, I have no doubt the Professor will make it in in some form.
[quote name='j.elles']Yes but it's on the list. I think he won't be a playable charecter but since theres so many Brain age games that are still selling extremly well in Japan I think something from the game will more then likely be in the game in some form.[/QUOTE]

I'm almost positive he'll be an item or there'll be some sort of Brain Age stage.
Here's a rundown of characters not mentioned in this thread that I'd like to see:
  • Spyro the Dragon
  • Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
  • King Hippo (Punch Out!)
  • Ash Ketchum/Brock/Misty (Pokemon)
  • Abe (Abe's Odysee)
  • Spinal/Fulgore (Killer Instinct)

Another one that would crack me up, but stands a snowball's chance in Hell of actually showing up: The Crazy Frog :)
[quote name='Longshot']Here's a rundown of characters not mentioned in this thread that I'd like to see:
  • Spyro the Dragon
  • Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus)
  • King Hippo (Punch Out!)
  • Ash Ketchum/Brock/Misty (Pokemon)
  • Abe (Abe's Odysee)
  • Spinal/Fulgore (Killer Instinct)

Another one that would crack me up, but stands a snowball's chance in Hell of actually showing up: The Crazy Frog :)[/QUOTE]

Now that I think about it, I too would like to see Ash in there.
We'll see. I think Nintendo knows that with 3'd parties thrown into the mix people will expect some cool expected and unexpected charecters. And with the Fire Emblem guy included in Melee who hasn't even been in an american game I think anythings possible. I bought SSB Melee at $20. If they can bring some 1 or 2 more that are cool and unexpected I'll have to shell out full price.
I want Ryo Hazuki throwing capsule toys around. Raiden should compliment Snake as his rival along with a storyline that their feud has led them to the Super Smash Brothers universe. It better be M-rated with Snake in the mix.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki'] It better be M-rated with Snake in the mix.[/QUOTE]

I'm tellin' ya, he's gonna have a dirty magazine attack.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']By the time Wii marketshare is established, I would imagine it would be kinda late in the game to be adding new characters. They DID want to put Snake in the last game after all.[/QUOTE]

Just for clarification, when you say "They DID want to put Snake in the last game", you mean Kojima. It was Kojima that loved SSB enough that he said "Please, put Snake in your game." He just didn't express the view early enough in development.

And, after 6 months, the Wii marketshare couldn't be fully established. Maybe in 1-2 years? Even analysts, who err on the side of extreme conservatism (they still see the console "war" ending in Sony - MS - Nintendo order, just like last gen), think that there won't be a clear cut victor until 2008 or so.
I was told I was crazy for speculating that Nintendo wasn't going to include Ness... :/
[quote name='Brak']I was told I was crazy for speculating that Nintendo wasn't going to include Ness... :/[/QUOTE]

Could happen. Possibly replaced by a Mother 3 character.
I know it's not possible, but I would really like to see Alex from River City Ransom on the NES in SSBB. Though it would probably be unlikely he would be a playable character. But I hope he can at least make it in as an item. I'm psyched for Megaman, I hope he can actually make the final list of chars.
Where is all this talk about a bajillion third party characters coming from?

Is it just because Snake was included, and because fans voted on some other ones, or have other companies actually expressed interest in having their characters in SSBB?

Alot of these posts are making it sound like all these companies have agreed that Nintendo can use their characters, and Nintendo can just take who it wants.
[quote name='Roufuss']Where is all this talk about a bajillion third party characters coming from?

Is it just because Snake was included, and because fans voted on some other ones, or have other companies actually expressed interest in having their characters in SSBB?

Alot of these posts are making it sound like all these companies have agreed that Nintendo can use their characters, and Nintendo can just take who it wants.[/QUOTE]

Sakurai has said about 1 or 2 more 3rd Party characters max. And the rules are

-MUST've appeared on a Nintendo console
-No manga characters (Goku, Naruto, ect)

I'm betting on Mega Man first and foremost. His games were a signature of the NES and he has appeared on every Nintendo system since (sans VirtualBoy). Plus, the creator has shown interest in making the series Wii exclusive. And why wouldn't the 3rd Parties allow a character to be used in the game? For 1, it's a great honor. For 2, it's great publicity for your character to be included in Nintendo's biggest franchise.
I wouldn't go so far as to say greatest.

Anyway thay just might be unlocked from the start. There could be a few more that are unlockable as you go along. Like you beat the game with Snake and a new challanger sounds and Raiden Drops down and you fight him. So many possibilities. I really hope they blow everyone away with what they do. Especially since they apparently pushed it back from from being a launch title.
[quote name='j.elles']I wouldn't go so far as to say greatest.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about my last sentence? I said "biggest", which is true. It's a combination of Nintendo's greatest franchises, and it was the best selling Cube game by a mile.
Maybe they'll just include a really creative Create-A-Fighter system, with the templates and parts for some popular licensed characters available.
Best selling doesn't mean much. I mean Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec is the best selling PS2 game I don't hear that thats the biggest franshise on the PS2 very often. And if you do want to follow that vain I'd say it's going to be Mario Kart Wii since it's going to be online. After all the N64 version sold about 10 Million copies. And Super Mario Galexy if it's as good as some people have said it could do as well as Mario 64 and sell 12 million copies and become the biggest again. I'd say the Wii could do really really well if they can shoot these games out at a good pace over the first 6 months like they said they would.

At the moment I'd say Xbox, Wii, PS3. And thats if Microsoft meets there 10 million before anyone else launches goal and Nintendo can transfer the DS momentum to the Wii and at the same time keep that steady flow of quality titles going. After all one of the biggest problems with the Gamecube is lack of games; overall and at launch. Something that is not going to happen with the Wii as far as I can tell.
[quote name='SMMM']Sakurai has said about 1 or 2 more 3rd Party characters max. And the rules are

-MUST've appeared on a Nintendo console[/QUOTE]

The Top Three

And if he goes against what he said...
Simon Belmont
Bomberman (Old School Style)

It's way too early in development for Sakurai's claim to hold water. That being said, I really can't see the amount of 3rd Party people being more than 5-6.

-No manga characters (Goku, Naruto, ect)

There's no chance in Hell that Ash'll be in it.
The list was officially updated:

Hammer Bros. (Super Mario Bros. - 1985)
Toad (Super Mario Bros. 2 - 1988)
Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - 1996)
Link (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 2002)
Ganon/Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda/The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 1986/1998)
Ridley (Metroid - 1986)
Diddy Kong & Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country/Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest - 1994/1995)
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country - 1994)
Ninten (Mother - 1989)
Jeff (Mother 2/"Earthbound" in the U.S. - 1994/1995)
Claus (Mother 3 - 2006)
Lucas (Mother 3 - 2006)
Lololo and Lalala (Kirby's Dreamland - 1992)
King Dedede (Kirby's Dreamland - 1992)
Oguma (Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi - 1990)
Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu - 1996)
Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005)
The Black Knight (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005)
Black Shadow (F-Zero X - 1998)
Little Mac (Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream - 1990)
Dragon Chan (Super Punch-Out!! - 1994)
Ray 01 (Custom Robo - 2004)
Captain Olimar (Pikmin - 2001)
Lip (Panel de Pon - 1995)
Takamaru (Nazo no Murasamejou - 1986)
Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight - 1993)
Professor Kawashima (Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day - 2006)
#111 Possibly "Cat-Eye Link?"
#145 Possibly "Zehi New Ogre?"
#147 Unknown
#149 Unknown

Third Party Suggestions

Mega Man (Capcom) (Mega Man - 1987)
G-Red (Capcom) (Gotcha Force - 2003)
Simon Belmont (Konami) (Castlevania - 1986)
Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (Konami) (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - 2004)
Lupus (Rare) (Jet Force Gemini - 1999)
Sora (Square Enix, Inc.) (Kingdom Hearts - 2002)
Princess Katia (From Software) (Lost Kingdoms - 2002)
Kalas (tri-Crescendo/Monolith Soft) (Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - 2003)
Translation of Suggestion #111
Translation of Suggestion #145
Translation of Suggestion #147
Translation of Suggestion #149

I'm likin' it a lot better now- especially Diddy, Lupus, Sora, and (best of all) Ridley. If anyone thinks they can figure out what the four unknowns mean, be my guest.
[quote name='j.elles']Best selling doesn't mean much. I mean Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec is the best selling PS2 game I don't hear that thats the biggest franshise on the PS2 very often. And if you do want to follow that vain I'd say it's going to be Mario Kart Wii since it's going to be online. After all the N64 version sold about 10 Million copies. And Super Mario Galexy if it's as good as some people have said it could do as well as Mario 64 and sell 12 million copies and become the biggest again. I'd say the Wii could do really really well if they can shoot these games out at a good pace over the first 6 months like they said they would.

At the moment I'd say Xbox, Wii, PS3. And thats if Microsoft meets there 10 million before anyone else launches goal and Nintendo can transfer the DS momentum to the Wii and at the same time keep that steady flow of quality titles going. After all one of the biggest problems with the Gamecube is lack of games; overall and at launch. Something that is not going to happen with the Wii as far as I can tell.[/QUOTE]

I'd certainly say Gran Turismo is one of the Playstation's biggest franchises. Afterall, they always use it to showcase each new system they have, and it's the best selling. And I wouldn't doubt Smash Bros. outselling Mario Kart.
[quote name='Greetard']The list was officially updated:

I'm likin' it a lot better now- especially Diddy, Lupus, Sora, and (best of all) Ridley.[/QUOTE]

Couple things that don't make much sense...

1. If Lupus is a Rare property, and Rare is owned by MS, then how..?
2. I know Sora was in Chain of Memories, but I'm doubting them including a character that first appeared on a current competitor's console..I have a hard time imagining the trophy saying "Kingdom Hearts (PS2)" in the bottom corner..
[quote name='SMMM']Couple things that don't make much sense...

1. If Lupus is a Rare property, and Rare is owned by MS, then how..?
2. I know Sora was in Chain of Memories, but I'm doubting them including a character that first appeared on a current competitor's console..I have a hard time imagining the trophy saying "Kingdom Hearts (PS2)" in the bottom corner..[/QUOTE]

These are coming straight from the translations of the suggestions that Sakurai is considering. As hard as some of them are to believe (and I agree that they are), they're on the Japanese site regardless.
[quote name='Greetard']These are coming straight from the translations of the suggestions that Sakurai is considering. As hard as some of them are to believe (and I agree that they are), they're on the Japanese site regardless.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know. Wasn't commenting on the credibility, just commenting on how they don't make any sense...but having Sora would probably be another low blow to Sony, hah. What's next? Dante? King of all Cosmos? Honking car from Gran Turismo(I LOVE to see that somehow show up)?
[quote name='SMMM']I'd certainly say Gran Turismo is one of the Playstation's biggest franchises. Afterall, they always use it to showcase each new system they have, and it's the best selling. And I wouldn't doubt Smash Bros. outselling Mario Kart.[/QUOTE]
We'll see. We all like different genres to different degrees. I like and think Zelda and Mario will probably outsell smash bros for instance. As for who wins in sales Mario Kart or Smash Bros. I think there pretty evenly matched in that battle.

As for the comment on Kingdom Hearts. You don't think seeing a Troply that says Metal Gear Solid would be even stranger. At least Chain of Memories wasn't a port or remake. Strange comment IMO to make.
[quote name='j.elles']We'll see. We all like different genres to different degrees. I like and think Zelda and Mario will probably outsell smash bros for instance. As for who wins in sales Mario Kart or Smash Bros. I think there pretty evenly matched in that battle.

As for the comment on Kingdom Hearts. You don't think seeing a Troply that says Metal Gear Solid would be even stranger. At least Chain of Memories wasn't a port or remake. Strange comment IMO to make.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear originated on the NES, there, dunderhead.

And as for that first paragraph, you're letting favoritism cloud your judgement. Melee easily outsold Zelda and Mario this generation. It'll probably happen again.
[quote name='Greetard']Metal Gear originated on the NES, there, dunderhead.

And as for that first paragraph, you're letting favoritism cloud your judgement. Melee easily outsold Zelda and Mario this generation. It'll probably happen again.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear originated on the MSX, actually, the NES version was a port.

Also, I think that "All these characters Sakurai is considering" is pretty far from "Characters that Sakurai can actually use".

He can dream all he wants about Sora being in there, but as to Square actually letting Nintendo use him, that's another story. And yea, characters from Jet Force Gemini? Dream on.

How about Sakurai stops "considering" all these Nintendo characters and just adds them in..? Because whoever he now leaves out is just going to cause disappointment.
[quote name='Roufuss']Metal Gear originated on the MSX, actually, the NES version was a port.
Also, I think that "All these characters Sakurai is considering" is pretty far from "Characters that Sakurai can actually use".

He can dream all he wants about Sora being in there, but as to Square actually letting Nintendo use him, that's another story. And yea, characters from Jet Force Gemini? Dream on.

How about Sakurai stops "considering" all these Nintendo characters and just adds them in..? Because whoever he now leaves out is just going to cause disappointment.[/QUOTE]

Well....uh....yup. I'm an ass.
[quote name='Greetard']Well....uh....yup. I'm an ass.[/QUOTE]

Yea, but you're the only one on this entire site that can capably use the word "dunderhead" and lose absolutely no credibility afterward.

So you come out ahead.
The MSX was more of an early PC than a console, complete with keyboard. That, and it didn't have 1 set distributor (Goldstar, Philips, and Spectravision all sold MSXs the same way they'd sell a VCR). Thus, I wouldn't see a problem in Nintendo mentioning in Snake's trophy, compared to the PS2. That, and I doubt they'd mention it in the US trophy anyway since the MSX version was never released in the US.
[quote name='SMMM'] That, and I doubt they'd mention it in the US trophy anyway since the MSX version was never released in the US.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear Solid 3 Substience for PS2 features perfect (I believe) ports of both Metal Gear 1 and 2 from the MSX... in fact, it was a major selling point aside from the new camera in MGS 3.
[quote name='Roufuss']Metal Gear Solid 3 Substience for PS2 features perfect (I believe) ports of both Metal Gear 1 and 2 from the MSX... in fact, it was a major selling point aside from the new camera in MGS 3.[/quote]
Too bad online wasnt included.
[quote name='Roufuss']Metal Gear Solid 3 Substience for PS2 features perfect (I believe) ports of both Metal Gear 1 and 2 from the MSX... in fact, it was a major selling point aside from the new camera in MGS 3.[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected.
[quote name='Greetard']And as for that first paragraph, you're letting favoritism cloud your judgement. Melee easily outsold Zelda and Mario this generation. It'll probably happen again.[/QUOTE]
Well, in fairness, SSBM did have a head start on the other two franchises this past generation. It was essentially a launch game coming out a month late. But I get your point. I think it depends heavily on the quality of Zelda and Mario, and also won't Zelda's sales be split between two versions?
bread's done