Charlie Sheen is the gift that keeps on giving.

[quote name='IRHari']Serves them right for stepping into his octagon.[/QUOTE]
That needs to become a meme. We need a picture of a cat in an octagon.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
Son, I am disappoint


I am disappoint.
He's just so damn professional. With insight like "duh" and "drug tests don't lie."

Does he have an axe to grind with CBS or AA? Goodness...

Then, toward the end we get the best quote of all "They picked a fight with a warlock"
Ask why hasent he overdosed yet

"No, thats for Amateurs, come on"

"To Qhote the great Allen Iverson, Practice. Come on guys were talking bout practice...practice"

"Defeat is not an option, CBS picked a fight with a Warlock"

[quote name='lokizz']itd be different if he had been fired for no good reason but with the way hes been acting im sure hes pissed off alot of fans of the show not to mention the people who work on the show. you can only get away with that so long before it bites you in the ass.

pluss they could always write him out of the show and take it into a whole other direction.[/QUOTE]

I didn't care one bit about his coke fueled escapades. He's an actor not a politician. Some producer got called out and cancelled the show because he could. Wow. Way to stick it to the man.

The show was awesome and will be missed. They could've done a episode or two to kill him off or have him run away with Rose but I'm OK with the abrupt ending. The latest storylines weren't going anywhere.

Like you guys said in prior posts, the Charlie Sheen reality show will be much better to watch over the next few coke fueled months.
I don't think he is insane. Over 80% of what he says is just hyperbole meant to stir up people who take their shit too seriously. Seriously. The guy is having a blast.
Charlie Sheen is the real life Stone Cold Steve Austin the way he is running his mouth. All his material is WWE Attitude Era-centric.
[quote name='Msut77']Sheen and Mel Gibson should get their own show.

Or star in a buddy comedy movie.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Clak']I'm imagning how awesome it would be to have Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, and Gary Busey in one movie. Give them enough drugs and alcohol and just sit back and film it.[/QUOTE]

My lawyers will be in touch with you soon.

Oh and I'm a Warlock, so watch yo shit.
[quote name='Clak']My lawyers will be in touch with you soon.

Oh and I'm a Warlock, so watch yo shit.[/QUOTE]

Shat, didn't see your post.

It would be like and fear and loathing in Las Vegas, but with antisemitism.
Meet the goddesses...

Those poor children... at least Denise Richards has the sense to keep their daughters away from all this.

EDIT: The more I think about it the more I think Charlie Sheen really is completely sober and is just doing one giant, elaborate troll on the world. If so it might be one of the most successful trollings in history. Still, the children should not be involved.
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just watched the cnn piers morgan interview yesterday. wow.
'i am a winner, and i will always be a winner and everyone else is losers'
he's my new hero ;)
As much as I'm laughing at these interviews, I do have some respect for the philosophy Sheen is trying to articulate. He must have had quite the life.
I will readily admit that I do not know what to think about this whole thing.

On the one hand, it really does sound like the guy is going to be found dead in his bathtub or something in the near future.

On the other, some of the things he says really sounds like it's made up. I know a few major addicts, and he's talking about doing major drugs. The fact he hasn't ended up in the hospital or dead from his supposed drug use suggests to me one of two things: 1. he's been building up a tolerance for a long time, meaning prolonged use, or 2. he's making it all up.

Charlie Sheen isn't that great an actor (I can stomach Two and a Half Men, but barely) so him playing everyone seems a bit unlikely. Then again, from what little I know of drugs and from what I have heard, he pretty much should be with Heath Ledger.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Meet the goddesses...

Those poor children... at least Denise Richards has the sense to keep their daughters away from all this.

EDIT: The more I think about it the more I think Charlie Sheen really is completely sober and is just doing one giant, elaborate troll on the world. If so it might be one of the most successful trollings in history. Still, the children should not be involved.[/QUOTE]
If that were true I would proclaim him lord of the internet, but I think it's more likely he's just lost his mind.
Charlie Sheen has clearly had a psychological break. He took a drug test and passed, it was basically random since they asked him to take it on the spot during his interview and he said yes. He is also training and looks like he is in incredible shape on the outside.

But his mental health is truly fucked. He now has a mental disorder clearly. This is no act.

And it is odd. Some of the statements he makes within his insane ramblings actually make a whole lot of sense.

As for the "goddesses"... I've heard Bree Olsen on Stern and read what she writes on Twitter and always thought it was a total act. Now after this comes to light, it's easy to see her schtick is all an act.
I liked 2 and a half men, it's a shame to see it go.

Charlie Sheen's interview was terrible, he looks like he's on crack. IF that is how he is normally, he should stay hitting that rock.
Charlie Sheen is interesting for the trainwreck spectacle.

In regards to his "philosophy", he can go pound sand. The second someone thinks they are above criticism, and uses phrases like "adonis DNA" they have major superiority complex issues and have no credibility.

I respect his talent on screen, but as a human being he is a piece of shit. The only difference is that he is running his mouth now instead of being quiet.
Sorry, but I agree with just about everyone else who says this is clearly not an act. Charlie Sheen is not funny or creative enough to come up with this stuff. He's lost his mind, but frankly, we probably find him for more interesting and funny because of it. If I was running CBS, I would just have the cast for the program show up, give everyone else a basic outline, but have absolutely no script for Sheen.
I'm starting to get that Hunter S. Thompson vibe from all these ramblings, rather the Depperized version. Maybe Charlie (he doesn't sweat he) Sheen(s) watched Fear and Loathing and decided this is his new life.

The picture won't load on the perez site of "the goddesses" but I'm so curious to see them...
I read something where Emilio Estevez said something to the effect of "You get immuned to it eventually" in reference to Charlie's little meltdown here.
Like my boss says, they should not allow him to talk to the media any more. He's clearly lost his mind.

He doesn't even act on 2 1/2 men.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Sorry, but I agree with just about everyone else who says this is clearly not an act. Charlie Sheen is not funny or creative enough to come up with this stuff. He's lost his mind, but frankly, we probably find him for more interesting and funny because of it. If I was running CBS, I would just have the cast for the program show up, give everyone else a basic outline, but have absolutely no script for Sheen.[/QUOTE]

When does Curb start again? And can we get Charlie on that show instead?
I couldn't give a shit about Charlie Sheen, but if it's going to lead to people talking about Emilio Estevez as though he's the lesser brother (as witnessed here), fuck that noise.

Emilio was Otto in Repo Man. Who gives a shit what else EE's done, Otto alone is more of a career than you'll find in however many films, Chris Tuckers, and shitty sitcoms the F-18's been through.
I think the worst part is that he looks straight up coked out of his brain. Nevermind the nutso ramblings. All the meat from his face looks like it was sucked out with a vacuum.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Holy shit Autotune needs to die. It's gotten so bad I can't stand anything with it anymore.[/QUOTE]

This. 1,000 times THIS!
If any of you are subscribed to xm/sirius radio, they're having a 24 hour channel all about Charlie Sheen from today until tomorrow morning.

NEW YORK, March 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Sirius XM Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) today announced that it has created "Tiger Blood Radio," a 24-hour limited run channel that will explore the breaking news, facts, fallout and career implications of the Charlie Sheen controversy. "Tiger Blood Radio" will air from March 5 at 6:00 am ET to March 6 at 6:00 am ET on Sirius channel 108 and XM channel 139.
(Logo: )
"Tiger Blood Radio" was created in response to the national conversation sparked by the recent events surrounding actor Charlie Sheen.
"Tiger Blood Radio" will take listeners behind the headlines, exploring the media frenzy/media reaction, as well as the medical, psychological, psychiatric and pop culture and celebrity angles. Additionally, through a recap of news coverage, it will offer a timeline of recent events.
During the exclusive, limited run channel, SiriusXM listeners will hear archival Playboy Radio clips featuring "Goddess"/current live-in girlfriend Bree Olson, a Playboy Radio contributor. In addition, Sheen's ex-fiancee/Spice Radio host Ginger Lynn shares stories of her relationship with him on Tiffany Granath's Playboy Radio show; and adult film star Kacey Jordan talks to Playboy Radio's Night Calls about her times with Sheen.
For more information visit
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