Cheap Games At Best Buy


CAG Veteran
I noticed some decent games marked down to $9.99 at Best Buy today. I only checked out the Xbox 360 section though. I didn't see a post about this recently but I apologize if there is one.

The usual cheap crap was there but I thought these games were noteworthy (Vancouver area).

Brutal Legend
Infinite Undiscovery
Way of the Samurai 3
Rock Band 2
Guitar Hero World Tour
Tomb Raider Underworld
Tomb Raider Anniversary
King of Fighters 12
Final Fantasy 11 Online Ultimate Collection
Fable 2
Dark Void
Watchmen: The End is Nigh
Tekken 6
Mercenaries 2
Sega Superstars Tennis
Tornado Outbreak
Konami Classics Vol. 1 (includes Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)

Also Guitar Hero 2 and Guitar Hero Aerosmith were both priced at $4.99
Hmm tempting I wonder what they have for ps3? That's weird infinite indiscovery is still marked as 14.99 on the website.
KOF 12 ps3/360 has been $10 at BB for a couple weeks at least. GH2 360 is 1.99, must have 20 copies sitting at mine. Sega tennis is $5, PS3 i THINK. PS3 dragon ball burst limit $10
Nice find man, i'll pick up RB2 and Boarderlands (PC) for 9.99.

I'm tempted to buy Fable 2 but i kinda wanna see what the boxing day sales are like before i buy.

Previously played RB2 is 4.99 :D
[quote name='Mattblasto']Konami Classics Vol. 1 (includes Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)[/QUOTE]

Just to point out because I specifically hunted that game down months ago. It sucks. The games aren't installable. They're just the XBL versions, with constant disc spinning noise. Perhaps they're useful for users without hard drives, but 360's aren't made to play games from discs... So really the disc version is just for collecting purposes.

Castlevania has come up on several XBL sales (available to Silver members even) for $5. It seems likely we'll see it again.
[quote name='Faytz']That's weird infinite indiscovery is still marked as 14.99 on the website.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure this game was marked at $9.99 but I've been known to make mistakes though :)
I think i got lucky today. Last night I placed an in store pick up at the Ajax Bestbuy for Fable 2 and they gave me the platinum hits version. Are they the same or is there more content in the platinum one ?
[quote name='afterburn999']I think i got lucky today. Last night I placed an in store pick up at the Ajax Bestbuy for Fable 2 and they gave me the platinum hits version. Are they the same or is there more content in the platinum one ?[/QUOTE]

More content, it has all of the dlc included.

Also! when i was waiting in line to pick up borderlands, they busted a dude who had slipped 6 copies of fallout new vegas into afro samurai slipcovers! what a DOUCHE!
[quote name='Nukkus']More content, it has all of the dlc included.

Also! when i was waiting in line to pick up borderlands, they busted a dude who had slipped 6 copies of fallout new vegas into afro samurai slipcovers! what a DOUCHE![/QUOTE]

First of all, how'd he pull that off? And secondly, how'd they catch him? Sneaky trickster fail.
I'd like to get KOF12 on PS3 - not for trade fodder but to actually do what you're supposed to with games, you know, play them.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']First of all, how'd he pull that off? And secondly, how'd they catch him? Sneaky trickster fail.[/QUOTE]

The majority of slipcovers I have seen have a cutout for the UPC code, I don't see how this would have worked anyway.
[quote name='Rocky071']I'd like to get KOF12 on PS3 - not for trade fodder but to actually do what you're supposed to with games, you know, play them.[/QUOTE]

9.99$ at BB if you can find or PM at FS for 3.99$. Got it there.
[quote name='Corizzle']The majority of slipcovers I have seen have a cutout for the UPC code, I don't see how this would have worked anyway.[/QUOTE]

next time you get a chance, look at an afro samurai slipcover, it's got the upc on the slipcover itself, no cutout. anywya, they had him on camera i suppose.
what a jack ass, not only was he trying to steal but he made it worst by trying to buy 6 copies wow.

Arent those best buy games all in plastic security cases ? Both of the BB i go to have all their games except for used ones in individual plastic cases.
[quote name='ichit4k4_set0']9.99$ at BB if you can find or PM at FS for 3.99$. Got it there.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't look like it's available on PS3 from BB (was going on zoro69's comment). :(

But I would recommend this DS beauty to all my friends who have DS's.

Actually there's a couple other titles I'd like to get, who else PM's these days? I only know FS for sure.
Got Kof 12 for 360, not bad if you are an old school neo geo fan. Btw Stormrise was 3.75 new at the Deer Run Rogers in Calgary.
NO KOF12 in my area, but picked up Ninja Blade, Bourne Conspiracy (360) for 4.99 and God of War 1 for the same price.
Stopped by Best Buy this morning. Most of the cheap games are gone (in my area anyway). TONS of Guitar Hero 2 and 3 though.

Managed to grab the last copy of KOF12 and also Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Underworld, and Brutal Legend. Not bad for $40.

I also stopped by EB Games and noticed that they are selling USED copies of KOF 12 for $44.99 still. Don't get excited though, the trade in value is only $8 there. From the looks of it, all the games Best Buy had on for $9.99 were all more expensive at EB for the USED copies. Best Buy has really impressed me that last couple months. Hopefully they keep up with the cheap games in the new year.
bread's done