Cheap Home Theater in a box/surround sound system?


I don't know much about home theaters and surround sound systems, but since my current one is already aging and doesn't even have an digital optical input for audio (The thing still has cassete slots!), I figured I should at least look into getting one maybe before the end of this year to go with my PS3 and HDTV.

Is this one decent, or should I keep looking around? Is it better to pick up a separate receiver and speaker set than an all-in-one set like this?

My budget is between 200-350$, anything higher must be pretty damn good to convince me since I'm really short on cash. Receiver should at least have optical input, so I can use it with my ps3. If there aren't any, I might just keep saving up my money and wait around.

Thanks for reading
Buy Onkyo HTIB they rock!! I spent $400 on mine it sounds like a $20,000 system. Read CNET's reviews there the best for your money.
I would ask on either avsforum or audioholics (there are probably already posts about any system you find). Generally they'll say you won't get anything good for your price range, so just make sure you can easily upgrade the individual components. Your link doesn't work BTW.
most recievers with hdmi passthrough will get you the newer sound formats. the 09 denon recievers are supposed to be out soon which the cheapest one is supposed to have 2 hdmi inputs.
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