Cheapy, We Hope You Didn't Get Stabbed...


TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- A man ran over a group of people with his truck and then stabbed 18, killing at least 7, in a video game district of downtown Tokyo Sunday afternoon, according to a Tokyo fire official.


Rescue workers from the Tokyo Fire Department gather to help the injured in Tokyo's Akihabara district.

The dead included five men -- three aged 19, 47 and 74 -- and a woman, according to a Tokyo metropolitan police officer. The gender of the seventh person was not immediately known. Eleven others were wounded, police said, with two critically injured.

"The suspect told police that he came to Akihabara to kill people," Jiro Akaogi, a spokesman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, told The Associated Press.

"He said he was tired of life. He said he was sick of everything," Akaogi added.
Japanese media reported that the suspect told investigators he was 25 years old.

Nearly 20 ambulances rushed to the scene, with television footage showing rescue workers tending to victims in the street.

The Akihabara district, where the attack took place, specializes in electronic gadgets and video games and is popular with people interested in comic books and distinctive fashion.
Holy shit that is horrible!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm heading out to Tokyo/Akiba next weekend.....I wonder if there will be a big police presence?
that is disgusting.

''The suspect told police that he came to Akihabara to kill people...He said he was tired of life. He said he was sick of everything''

the fucker actually thinks this is a valid excuse. If your sick of life, why would you go and kill people? Horrible
[quote name='CheapyD']I'm 100% stab free.
Shit is fucked up though...[/quote]

Are you sure about that? I suggest to test this you drink water and see if it leaks out of you.
Seems really out of left field. Cheapy had mentioned on several CAGCasts that Japan is a really safe place to be. But I suppose that doesn't mean stuff like this won't happen there.
what the story doesn't say is that the guy posted on 2ch (huge japanese message board..largest in the world, I think) saying he was going to do it some days before. He described himself as an "Xbot" or something. Jakuru Tampuhsan is on the case.

shit doesn't happen too often in Japan, but when it does, it's always very unique and tragic in its own way...
Phew! Chapy is safe, That guy sure was crazy. Am I the only one who found this sentence a little weird? "The gender of the seventh person was not immediately known."
[quote name='horrorfilmkid']"He said he was tired of life. He said he was sick of everything," Akaogi added.
Japanese media reported that the suspect told investigators he was 25 years old. [/quote]

Then go kill yourself, don't kill/take innocent people with you. People are so fucked up these days.
How come anytime something happens in Japan, someone says "OMG I hope Cheapy is alright!" Yes, he lives there, we know, but stuff CAN happen in a country without it affecting 1 person.
[quote name='eliter1']Phew! Chapy is safe, That guy sure was crazy. Am I the only one who found this sentence a little weird? "The gender of the seventh person was not immediately known." [/quote]

Sounds good to me.
[quote name='mitch079']^obviously it can, but what's wrong with showing a little concern?[/quote]
Besides the obvious ass kissing, nothing really.
Interesting....the first thing *I* thought of when I saw this on CNN was "holy shit, I'll be that CheapyD guy went batshit crazy from hitting his forehead on everything and pulled a "Bald Guy Goes Nutzoid" on Tokyo!".

Of course I tend to be a "glass is half empty" kinda guy so.....
Cheapy I have a question.....

Since you live in Japan you should have a better view point of the incident. I mean to us its like looking at something from different planet, in which I mean it wont really effect us. But how are things there? Is it like how Virginia Tech was here? Is the mood generally sad?

I know these may be stupid questions...but I wonder how they handle these type of things in Japan....
Well if a person is incredibly bloody, it might be hard to tell. You could always have a flat chested girl with short hair and think it's a man. The first thing that EMTs do when reporting to an incident like a stabbing isn't to rip the victim's pants off.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Then go kill yourself, don't kill/take innocent people with you. People are so fucked up these days.[/quote]

Yes, it was a bit selfish to take the lives of innocents just because he felt suicidal.

[quote name='naes']:whistle2:#[/quote]

Hell, even I have a difficult time discerning guys from gals when I look at some of the girly Japanese - until the pants come off, and I either smile or flee. :hot:
[quote name='Rocko']Sounds good to me.[/quote]

Are you being sarcastic?
How do you not know the gender of a person when you see them?
Well if a person is incredibly bloody, it might be hard to tell. You could always have a flat chested girl with short hair and think it's a man. The first thing that EMTs do when reporting to an incident like a stabbing isn't to rip the victim's pants off.

Yes I *am* pretentious enough to quote myself.
bread's done