CheapyD on TV!

I've seen them preview videogames on Cold Pizza (They do that every thursday). They were playing the new Nascar game using Wheel-Controllers and they were all confused on how to work the thing.

So whatever you do...don't play Winning Eleven 7 with a wheel-controller!!

Good Luck.
I just saw cheapyD. It's kinda hard to see you sometimes unless they do a frontal shot cuz you get stuck between those 2 other guys.

Did anyone notice that one of the guys said the girl's name was Shamus when they were reviewing Metroid Zero? lol
You did fine. I have it recordede on Tivo. I can trsansfer this to the computer and then make some files for you to use.
Stay tuned,

Thanks was really fun.

Thanks to the ESPN Cold Pizza crew for a great time.

I hope to be invited back soon and maybe even talk about cheap ass gamer!
I just saw Cheapy (10:34 am). Apparently ESPN constanly re-runs this show just like SportsCenter.

I feel like such a starfucker now.

Cheapyd more than held his own today. He schooled Eric most of the time (i was too busy playing Metroid).

Anyyway man - it was great to meet you, I'll be sure to hit you up next time we have guest gamers on.

and thats the bottom line cuz "cheapy d" said so!!!!!

i left it recordin and it cut as soon as you were gonna start playing but i saw the first interview.....pretty cool lol.......u da man
[quote name='Sundance']HEY -

Cheapyd more than held his own today. He schooled Eric most of the time (i was too busy playing Metroid).

Anyyway man - it was great to meet you, I'll be sure to hit you up next time we have guest gamers on.


Actually, Eric beat me the first game 1-0. I was up the second game 1-0, but we didn't get a chance to finish.
Thanks for trying to make me look good on my own site, though :wink:

I had a great time and would love to come back anytime you would have me.

Thanks for all your support CAGs, and if someone has the video clips, drop me an email and I'll find a way for you to get them to me.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']

Did you read the link? It says...

E-mail us if you live in the New York City area and are interested in playing and previewing Konami's forthcoming Winning Eleven 7 live in our studio this Thursday, 2/5/04 with our Gamers duo Sundance DiGiovanni and Eric Kolovson.

Philly != NYC[/quote]

Did you read the link? It says...
"Are you a disgruntled sports fan? Do you root for teams that always seem to disappoint and aggravate you?"

That sounds like Philly to me....
Congratulations, CheapyD!

You did great! It was so cool to finally see the face behind this website that I love so much... 8)

Hope they ask you back again...and wishing you continued success!!!
I gotta admit C-Money, you're a lot better looking than I imagined. The THUG pic actually resembles you quite well. I love the comparison to Bill Laimbeer. He was the man!
CheapyD, congratulations. You really need to get a shirt made with the website URL though. That would be great advertising.
1) I'm 6'4".
2) osh kosh biotch, that picture is freaking me out.
3) WE7 is excellent. Its a soccer fan's dream.
4) I also got to try Metroid Zero Mission, it brought back some fond memories.
5) I got a Cold Pizza t-shirt and a WE7 jersey (the red one I was wearing).
i thought cheapyD would look like screech...he is my favorite tv character of all time...or maybe george constanza too
That was a nice performance on ESPN2. How did CheapyD end up getting on that show anyway? Does he work in the game industry?
One more question for CheapyD:

Were you uncomfortable watching yourself whenever they showed you from the camera on top of the TV? It looked like someone was taking aim at your babbalones!
The gentleman who is managing the PR for WE7 was kind enough to help get me on the show.

If you live in NYC and are willing to be there at 6:30AM, you can go to the Cold Pizza website and email them when they are looking for gamers.

When they were filming us playing the game, I really didn't know we were on TV...I was just trying to score!
I thought cheapy would resemble the mascot for monopoly, with the big black tophat, and a monacle.
bread's done