Check this console damage test

Isn't this old? Ah, seen it before though.

But yeah, Ninty's products are built very well. The DS is pretty strong as well. See the touch screen pressure test.
Please note how they did not test wether or not the console still plays games. All they tested was wether or not it turned on. Also the test is flawed in other ways. Since layout is different for all consoles then the damage would have to be done in the relative same area for fairness.
They just tests whether it will start?

So, basically, it is just testing the probability that the impact pressure will be applied to CPU or PSU or just something that isn't vital to the boot process.

If they would have tested to see what console would play a game the Gamecube should have been the first one out. It looked like the whole laser eye popped out when they dropped the weight on it.
[quote name='Graystone']If they would have tested to see what console would play a game the Gamecube should have been the first one out. It looked like the whole laser eye popped out when they dropped the weight on it.[/QUOTE]QFT
It's a safe bet that that Gamecube will never play another game, but I still think is damn impressive that it even turned on after all that punishment it took.
We should send soldiers to Iraq equipped with Gamecube armor.

Tanks get NES armor. That shit is hardcore.

I have foiled many robberies with a well executed NES bitchslap.
[quote name='Strell']We should send soldiers to Iraq equipped with Gamecube armor.

Tanks get NES armor. That shit is hardcore.

I have foiled many robberies with a well executed NES bitchslap.[/QUOTE]

that's what they use. I've sold rumsfeld like 30 broken NES'. He also wants old Gameboys, says soldiers put them over their vital organs since kevlar vests are too expensive.
[quote name='Purple Flames']The crackin sound made me cringe. How could anyone hurt a DSLite like that?[/QUOTE]

it was a demo unit at a store, I have a feeling that the video was originally meant to show the DS lite get "owned" but the guys in the vid don't have the strength to break it. So they fliped it into the stress test we see here.
Yeah that def wasnt his DS. But still that crackin noise made me naseous.

I worry about my DS cos all the demo units for the old model I ever saw had scratched up to hell touch screens. So far the demo lite units I see still look good, so maybe Nintendo made the plastic over the touch screen on the lite stronger.
bread's done