Check this out pics of a Final Wii from under the retail box.


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Check this out a Final Wii from under the retail box. Atomix in Mexico got the Final version. Everything in the Link.

Wii pictures from Inside the Box!! Yes a mexican magazine ATOMIX, get the final version of Wii from Nintendo not the console for testing, so enjoy this pictures, Im waiting to do the same in a few weeks,,,Remember the best info,,and pics only here...


Thats Just a Preview Picture Enjoy!

I would just like to Thank Atomix Mag & Adolfobaja for posting these pictures originally.

You can also see the Pictures in a bigger and better view directly from This Link
OMG THAT'S AWESOME.....that they've got a Kasumi love pillow :p
[quote name='captaincold']WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's the nunchuck?

I could've sworn that was included also[/quote]

Click on the link. I think that's it in the 6th picture down near the middle of the picture.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Click on the link. I think that's it in the 6th picture down near the middle of the picture.[/QUOTE]

Oh ok,thanks for that. :)
Check out the pics on down that page where Nintendo has numbered the packaging to instruct how unpack the console.

I know Apple doesn't hold the rights to good product presentation and packaging, but goddamn. From the look of the console to the packaging, it's one hell of an homage. Which is to say somebody at Nintendo is "thinking different."

The only thing I don't like is that godawful blue sticker on the front that was showing up in earlier pics. Bad idea. It's not present in these pics, so hopefully it's been removed.

EDIT: Where's the nunchuck in the fully unpacked photo in the OP?

EDIT2: I found the nunchuck in the 6th photo down from the top. They must've forgot to include it in the fully unpacked photo.
ewwww.... look at that AC Adapter. it's like a brick.

how am i suppose to carry around the system with that size of a brick adapter. it will eat more space.
[quote name='topnotch97']ewwww.... look at that AC Adapter. it's like a brick.

how am i suppose to carry around the system with that size of a brick adapter. it will eat more space.[/quote] Consider how small the system is. That brick doesn't seem to be bigger than the GC's.
[quote name='topnotch97']ewwww.... look at that AC Adapter. it's like a brick.

how am i suppose to carry around the system with that size of a brick adapter. it will eat more space.[/QUOTE]

compared to the system it looks like it's about 4 or 5" x 2 or 3"

not bad compared to the xbox 360's supply, which is the size of a small child.
[quote name='ShimSham']Consider how small the system is. That brick doesn't seem to be bigger than the GC's.[/QUOTE]

I dunno. Looks pretty massive to me, especially considering the early reports cooing about how "surprisingly small" it is and that it was considerably smaller than the GC's. Looks the same size or bigger from here, but that could just be because the Wii itself is so tiny. In the big scheme of things, doesn't matter as it'll be shoved to the back of a shelf anyway.

Love how the guys are wearing PS3 and Gears of War shirts. "Si, we love Nintendo!"

And where's Wii Sports and/or the setup disc?
[quote name='mtxbass1']Any idea how long that sensor bar cable is? I need one to be at least 30 feet long. Do they offer an extension?[/quote]

30 feet? wth.
[quote name='Dingleberry']30 feet? wth.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people have their media equipment in a different spot from their TV (which is usually in the front) so it doesn't look cluttered. So if his media equipment is in the back, then he'd need an extra long cable to wire the sensor bar so he can place it up front.

As for the power brick being huge, it's not according to people who've seen it.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Any idea how long that sensor bar cable is? I need one to be at least 30 feet long. Do they offer an extension?[/QUOTE]

The cable is, I believe, 10 feet. However, Pelican has stated that it is working on an extention cable for the sensor. It's safe to assume other 3rd party accessory manufacturers are as well (though Nintendo itself does not appear to be producing such a cable). Whether these third party solutions will be available anywhere close to launch is anyone's guess.
[quote name='jalu6']I think its a fake. I mean c'mon. Everything is in Spanish!?![/QUOTE]
Very good observation. Also of note: these men are supposedly Mexican, and yet not a single person photographed wears a sombrero.

I also noticed a suspicious lack of bandoleras and pistols.
[quote name='sonderiaom']*raises hand* I have a question, where's Wii Sports?[/QUOTE]

Might not be included. The box doesnt have the "Includes Wii Sports" sticker you see in some pictures.
What is wrong with you people.

No one has asked the obvious question, which is

[quote name='Strell']What is wrong with you people.

No one has asked the obvious question, which is


Beat me to it! I WANT MINE NOW!
[quote name='Vinny']A lot of people have their media equipment in a different spot from their TV (which is usually in the front) so it doesn't look cluttered. So if his media equipment is in the back, then he'd need an extra long cable to wire the sensor bar so he can place it up front.[/quote]


I do rear projection, so everything sits behind my viewing area. I will have to mount the sensor bar on my wall, directly across from where I sit.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Awesome, everything is very slick.

I want my Wii NOW. :([/quote]Man, you sure get excited over packaging. YOU CAN SMELL THE BENZENE!
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Damnit that power brick is even bigger than the 360's!!!


I really hope that's fake or some kind of angle-related trickery because that thing is fucking monstrous[/QUOTE]

When you don't have a schoolbus of a console next to it, of course it looks big.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Damnit that power brick is even bigger than the 360's!!!


I really hope that's fake or some kind of angle-related trickery because that thing is fucking monstrous[/QUOTE]

:lol: no it's not. trust me. Instead of buying a bed for my apt, I just threw sheets on my 360 power supply.
[quote name='Altimateone2004']i started to check out the pics of the wii and then i saw the pic of the chick and thought man... i can wait on the wii and check her out first[/QUOTE]
That Wii packaging looks infinitely more easy to put the console and fixings back inside, unlike that Rubik's Cube called the GameCube box.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That Wii packaging looks infinitely more easy to put the console and fixings back inside, unlike that Rubik's Cube called the GameCube box.[/quote]

...which many of us will be contending with as we move our GCN into storage to make way for the Wii.
judging from the pics (from the Mexican gaming magazine), i don't think there are any stuff that would signal or confirm the "surprise" from Nintendo when Wii actually launches. i could be wrong, but what else could we expect prior to the release. anything additional would come out as accessories.

fuck! i want my Wii now.
[quote name='topnotch97']judging from the pics (from the Mexican gaming magazine), i don't think there are any stuff that would signal or confirm the "surprise" from Nintendo when Wii actually launches. i could be wrong, but what else could we expect prior to the release. anything additional would come out as accessories.

fuck! i want my Wii now.[/QUOTE]

i would imagne it to be something with wi connect 24

something to do with the interface maybe???

nothing hardware wise
[quote name='dothog']Very good observation. Also of note: these men are supposedly Mexican, and yet not a single person photographed wears a sombrero.

I also noticed a suspicious lack of bandoleras and pistols.[/QUOTE]

Is it gonna be called "El Nintendo NOSOTROS" in Mexico?

Where did Wii Sports go? I don't see it amongst the packaging or is this different from the retail packaging that everyone else will get?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Where did Wii Sports go? I don't see it amongst the packaging or is this different from the retail packaging that everyone else will get?[/quote]As far as I know, the Wii Sports thing on the package is just a sticker thrown on there, so I'm assuming the standard packaging won't necessarily include the game; it will just be thrown in the boxes heading to North American/European stores.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That Wii packaging looks infinitely more easy to put the console and fixings back inside, unlike that Rubik's Cube called the GameCube box.[/quote]Yep, perfect packaging, now it will be super easy to put the Wii back in it's box and take it back to the store. :)

But seriously, IT'S fuckING PACKAGING. Are you that hard up for new Wii details that you have to drool over pictures of plastic bags?
bread's done