Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot at them....


During the journalism conference event, I asked Hersh specifically about this meeting and if he could elaborate on what occurred. Hersh explained that, during the meeting in Cheney’s office, an idea was considered to dress up Navy Seals as Iranians, put them on fake Iranian speedboats, and shoot at them. This idea, intended to provoke an Iran war, was ultimately rejected:

HERSH: There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.

Might cost some lives. And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

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Breaking news: Person fails to follow through on an idea
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[quote name='Liquid 2']Why did you feel the need to make a second account, level1online? :whistle2:?[/quote]

hey dumb bitch, i don't have a second account.
And this is why crackpottery is a bad idea, kids -- because the one time you have something valuable to say, you present it like a nut-job, and everyone lumps it it with all the baloney you peddle the rest of the time. Too bad, because there's actually some stuff here worth talking about.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Hey "dumb bitch," you're not fooling anyone. :cool:[/quote]

what a lil bitch ass response.

You see, for Cheney & Co., the advantage of waiting until Obama or Mccain get "elected" in order to stage the next false flag (ie 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Oklahoma City) event, is because suckers like you will actually believe their innocence once again while calling Obama/Mccain your new hero patriot saviour. You see, right now too many people are awake to the criminality of this regime. That's ok with them if they have to wait a decade or two, because alot of these power players plan to outlive you.

They have enough teachers and college professors in place to continue the dumbing down & dehumanization.

So lets say Obama-Mama-Mia is elected and there's another staged false flag incident. What will happen is teenage scumbags like you will fall for the black-op propaganda once again all the way into adulthood and join the military/merc squads. Guys like me will stay home, eat cheetos, play xbox, type on internet message boards, and bang your girl. Well, minus that last part, most likely it'll be your best friend or neighbor. :D Yeap, some real interesting times ahead.

Don't worry, I'll put a little ribbon on the back of my luxury import car to show I care....

and on weekends, I'll pour one for my fallen homies....
It's amazing how people were hailing Cheney as a veep cause he would be an experienced, sound voice behind the "outsider" president.

And still this isn't surprising.
[quote name='level1online']what a lil bitch ass response.

You see, for Cheney & Co., the advantage of waiting until Obama or Mccain get "elected" in order to stage the next false flag (ie 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Oklahoma City) event, is because suckers like you will actually believe their innocence once again while calling Obama/Mccain your new hero patriot saviour. You see, right now too many people are awake to the criminality of this regime. That's ok with them if they have to wait a decade or two, because alot of these power players plan to outlive you.

They have enough teachers and college professors in place to continue the dumbing down & dehumanization.

So lets say Obama-Mama-Mia is elected and there's another staged false flag incident. What will happen is teenage scumbags like you will fall for the black-op propaganda once again all the way into adulthood and join the military/merc squads. Guys like me will stay home, eat cheetos, play xbox, type on internet message boards, and bang your girl. Well, minus that last part, most likely it'll be your best friend or neighbor. :D Yeap, some real interesting times ahead.

Don't worry, I'll put a little ribbon on the back of my luxury import car to show I care....

and on weekends, I'll pour one for my fallen homies....[/quote]

Yes, but you're still not fooling anyone.
Level1, I agree that the U.S. has done its fair share of shit in its history. Anyone with open eyes can see that. But I will also say I have never seen more of a coward in my life as well. You're honestly a very pathetic person as well, you're scripted and stereotypical and while you attempt to sound independent, in reality, your opinion is of another majority who could not handle two perspectives in one mind.

Enjoy your Cheetos! :)
[quote name='level1online']what a lil bitch ass response.

You see, for Cheney & Co., the advantage of waiting until Obama or Mccain get "elected" in order to stage the next false flag (ie 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Oklahoma City) event, is because suckers like you will actually believe their innocence once again while calling Obama/Mccain your new hero patriot saviour. You see, right now too many people are awake to the criminality of this regime. That's ok with them if they have to wait a decade or two, because alot of these power players plan to outlive you.

They have enough teachers and college professors in place to continue the dumbing down & dehumanization.

So lets say Obama-Mama-Mia is elected and there's another staged false flag incident. What will happen is teenage scumbags like you will fall for the black-op propaganda once again all the way into adulthood and join the military/merc squads. Guys like me will stay home, eat cheetos, play xbox, type on internet message boards, and bang your girl. Well, minus that last part, most likely it'll be your best friend or neighbor. :D Yeap, some real interesting times ahead.

Don't worry, I'll put a little ribbon on the back of my luxury import car to show I care....

and on weekends, I'll pour one for my fallen homies....[/quote]

You sound pretty fucking stupid. And as the poster above me said, there are a fuck of a lot more "independent" wackjobs who sound exactly like you than your egotistical brain can handle.

Besides, why I really like Obama is that he's committed to peace - not war. I think that he is very Kennedy-esque not in that he's young or he has vigor - but rather that he's the kind of person that will keep us out of war at any cost.
[quote name='Unickuta']
Besides, why I really like Obama is that he's committed to peace - not war. I think that he is very Kennedy-esque not in that he's young or he has vigor - but rather that he's the kind of person that will keep us out of war at any cost.[/QUOTE]

What do you consider Vietnam & The failed Bay of Pigs invasion?

Sounds like you want Obama to screw up in Geogria and dig us deeper in Iraq.
Everybody understands level1 won't listen to government property, right?

Is there going to be another false flag operation or tragedy a politician uses to advance his or her agenda? Absolutely.

Is the American populace going to focus on trivial things like Hannah Montana or reality TV or celebrity deaths instead of hard news? Absolutely.

Are Obama and McCain part of some vast conspiracy intent on stripping more rights from the American people? It doesn't matter if the vast majority of Americans are more concerned about the fall season of TV shows instead of their Constitutional rights.

A lot of disturbing stuff is coming out about our government. Nobody cares because it isn't sexy.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']

A lot of disturbing stuff is coming out about our government. Nobody cares because it isn't sexy.[/QUOTE]

Sig material.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Everybody understands level1 won't listen to government property, right?

Is there going to be another false flag operation or tragedy a politician uses to advance his or her agenda? Absolutely.

Is the American populace going to focus on trivial things like Hannah Montana or reality TV or celebrity deaths instead of hard news? Absolutely.

Are Obama and McCain part of some vast conspiracy intent on stripping more rights from the American people? It doesn't matter if the vast majority of Americans are more concerned about the fall season of TV shows instead of their Constitutional rights.

A lot of disturbing stuff is coming out about our government. Nobody cares because it isn't sexy.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. You seem like you might be awake unlike some partisan hacks wearing blinders, coughmykevermincough.
Trq the same argument holds valid for Conspiracy Theories in general. Most are a load of crap however the media here engineers it that way, that you see all the looney one's covered so when one halfway or even quite legitimate comes up you don't give it a second thought. Instead you discard it by reflex as a matter of course.
[quote name='Sarang01']Bingo. You seem like you might be awake unlike some partisan hacks wearing blinders, coughmykevermincough.
Trq the same argument holds valid for Conspiracy Theories in general. Most are a load of crap however the media here engineers it that way, that you see all the looney one's covered so when one halfway or even quite legitimate comes up you don't give it a second thought. Instead you discard it by reflex as a matter of course.[/quote]

Exactly. Baby with the bathwater.

Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" is an entertaining expanse to this idea - these guys publish every conspiracy theory known to man, and suddenly they're being pursued. The problem is - which conspiracy theory was the real deal? I believe there was a Simpsons episode on this too :D

In the end though, I believe your analysis is correct. If one dismisses every conspiracy theory out-of-hand then they are the real fool, because it's more likely then not that one or more of those theories was in fact the truth.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Why did you feel the need to make a second account, level1online? :whistle2:?[/quote]

[quote name='trq']And this is why crackpottery is a bad idea, kids -- because the one time you have something valuable to say, you present it like a nut-job, and everyone lumps it it with all the baloney you peddle the rest of the time. Too bad, because there's actually some stuff here worth talking about.[/quote]

[quote name='M-PG71C']Level1, I agree that the U.S. has done its fair share of shit in its history. Anyone with open eyes can see that. But I will also say I have never seen more of a coward in my life as well. You're honestly a very pathetic person as well, you're scripted and stereotypical and while you attempt to sound independent, in reality, your opinion is of another majority who could not handle two perspectives in one mind.

Enjoy your Cheetos! :)[/quote]

[quote name='Unickuta']You sound pretty fucking stupid. And as the poster above me said, there are a fuck of a lot more "independent" wackjobs who sound exactly like you than your egotistical brain can handle.

Besides, why I really like Obama is that he's committed to peace - not war. I think that he is very Kennedy-esque not in that he's young or he has vigor - but rather that he's the kind of person that will keep us out of war at any cost.[/quote]



to hear your opinion on the real asshole, Dick Cheney....

forget about me, I want to hear what YOU people are going to do about it.

so how many people do you plan to tell about this Cheney matter?

are you brave enough to stand up to your family and confront the neo-cons & neo-libs in your family?

are you brave enough to tell your friends, co-workers, & boss while risking embarrassment or worse?

are you man enough to tell military folks to their face that the real movers & shakers in gov't treat them like dog meat?
It wouldn't matter anyway, talk is extremely cheap and comes dime a dozen nowadays. There are so many power-pushers in the government, such as:

1) Corporate officers and CEOs, along with them, big time investors.
2) Military officers and civilian armed forces secretaries.
3) Senators and significant officers of government positions.

Each one of them a niche, but each one of them being extremely powerful.

All you have done is used fear tactics, do you honestly believe Cheney alone dictated all that he did and wanted? It is nothing more than a man to pin the blame on. Not to say he does not deserve it, but maybe you need to look a little more indepth. If you do, you'll find it is a smogasboard of indivudals involved.

People put the blame on him because it is easy, but it is not the complete truth. You're only seeing a little bit of it, not everything. And everything you know comes from another man, probably with enough resources to create some kind of media to further his own agenda, however limited. That's where people like you come from.

Who's to say you are not being controlled?
Who is to say you are independent, that you have a free opinion?
Who is to say that your opinion is not of a another one's?

What you have addressed is nothing more than the same statements and comments that thousands have cried but all can be traced back to a few men who have vocal opinions but people accept as pure facts. Some of which ushered is true...some of which is false. But all of it is underneath a banner of fear.

The same tactics that people like you advocate that neo-cons/libs use and you condemn is the same tactics used again by people like you.

Which makes you no different. And it is a shame too.
[quote name='M-PG71C']It wouldn't matter anyway, talk is extremely cheap and comes dime a dozen nowadays. There are so many power-pushers in the government, such as:

1) Corporate officers and CEOs, along with them, big time investors.
2) Military officers and civilian armed forces secretaries.
3) Senators and significant officers of government positions.


Without complicit middle-men, they are nothing. There's lots of middle men on this forum. ;)

Anyways, I didn't even want to enter this forum, but I noticed some douchebag was accusing me making a fake second account, so i felt compelled to respond.

Let me ask, let's say someone in your immediate family was in the military, and Cheney ordered them killed in order to start more wars. And my attitude in response was, "Oh well... that's just the way things are... talk is cheap... who cares... :roll:" or better yet, "shut up tin foil hat bitch! why do you hate america! :twisted:"

How would you feel?

And yes, alot of people share my view, it's called being normal.
The problem is, I am techincally in the military. I am in the ROTC program, contracted. Albeit I have about two years to go but nonetheless, I'm locked in.

How would I feel? I would be angry considering things like that, if found out, can be overturned by leadership. That's probably one of the reasons they didn't go forward with it, there are many officers who have influence and connections and they have the power necassary to tear them down for it.

Hence, they'll have to find another scapegoat, eh?

Middle-men will always exist, there is no need to fight it. We're talking billions. If one bigot loses control, anoher bigot gains. That's history in itself.

If you want to change something, you have to do it yourself. There are things I don't like about the military. I don't sit here and bitch about it though.

I try to find ways to fix it, and within good reason, it can be.
M-PG how do you feel about being a Guinea Pig for those nasty vaccines? I personally don't trust the Pharmaceutical Industry any more then I can throw them.l
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']What do you consider Vietnam & The failed Bay of Pigs invasion?

Sounds like you want Obama to screw up in Geogria and dig us deeper in Iraq.[/quote]

Kennedy would never have gone into Vietnam - this has been constantly stated over and over and OVER again by guys like Ted Sorensen who were in his administration's inner circle. He resisted any attempts to escalate the U.S. presence in Vietnam, and while almost all of the war hawks in the Join Chiefs of Staff wanted to send the troops in, he fought back in every way he can.

And the Bay of Pigs invasion was engineered by the Eisenhower adminstration (mostly overseen by Richard Nixon). By the time JFK got into office, the plan was almost in place.

The main reason why JFK was hated by those at the top was that he was staunchly against the invasion. The CIA went behind his back for almost all of the planning of the invasion, too, and refused to let him in on most of the situation, and they basically went ahead with the invasion when they wanted to. The invasion was brought down by the CIA's arrogance.

Get your facts straight, you skeptical asshole.
A lot of "Democrat good, Republican bad" Kool-Aid going around here....

I suppose that's why the CIA killed JFK? Eh? Damn warmongering bitches, always trying to ruin things. All they care about is their bloodlust, while the level headed Democrats just want to talk it out for peace, right? Isn't that how the song goes?
[quote name='thrustbucket']A lot of "Democrat good, Republican bad" Kool-Aid going around here....

I suppose that's why the CIA killed JFK? Eh? Damn warmongering bitches, always trying to ruin things. All they care about is their bloodlust, while the level headed Democrats just want to talk it out for peace, right? Isn't that how the song goes?[/quote]

During the Cold War, it wasn't so much the Republicans as it was just plain war hawks. There were tons of pacifist Republicans just like there were war-mongering Democrats. Today, unfortunately, that's not the case - it's much easier to group conservatives as war hawks and liberals as pacifists.

Don't forget that the now-Republican South was heavily Democratic at the time.

But yes, the CIA was an arrogant bunch back then. So was the FBI. What's to be expected under J. Edgar Hoover, as much of a service as he did for our nation.
[quote name='thrustbucket']A lot of "Democrat good, Republican bad" Kool-Aid going around here....

I suppose that's why the CIA killed JFK? Eh? Damn warmongering bitches, always trying to ruin things. All they care about is their bloodlust, while the level headed Democrats just want to talk it out for peace, right? Isn't that how the song goes?[/QUOTE]

I don't know, the Israel theory could be valid as well. I could see any President who wants to cut funding to Israel being murdered before it happened. I mean Israel is like the one thing you NEVER speak of ill in political circles or you're automatically labeled an Anti-Semite before you can even get your reasons out why you have issues with them. I mean name me one big time Democrat or Republican who speaks ill of them. Pat Buchanan is gone and he was old guard so he could get away with it. He also never got the Presidency.

I personally have my own suspicions of Israel and the like. The Neo-Con's or Republican politicians in general like it because they see there what they want the U.S. to be: a Police State. Seriously imagine if New York became like Jerusalem, all the checkpoints, etc. We'd be checking papers of any Arabs constantly and anyone who looked Arab. I'm not marginalizing how terrible it is that our Civil Rights are being so blatantly ignored but we're not even close to hell compared to Jerusalem.
The biggest irony is the nonsense people like Netanyahu put out about Jews only being truly safe or at home in Israel. It was one of those two. Yeah I'd really feel safe in Jerusalem, Jewish or not. Note my eyes rolling. I don't even think Gay Jews or Jewish women wanna bother living there. I mean a man was considered justified in hitting his wife because he had a tough day on guard duty dealing with the Palestinians. Anyway I think most Jews that haven't should accept they have been led to a new promised land that's called the U.S. that is for all of us to live in.
[quote name='thrustbucket']A lot of "Democrat good, Republican bad" Kool-Aid going around here....[/QUOTE]

Like it or not, the reality is that Democrats have had little to do with the rotten shit coming out of our government for the past eight years. I'm not suggesting that the Dems are perfect saints or that they weren't otherwise derelict in their political duties, but the "all the Democans and Republicrats are the same" schtick is partly what enables these things in the first place. Don't trust *any* politicians ... but there are some you should trust even less, and in this case, the people who've abused that trust for almost a decade are Republicans. Sorry.

And you know, for a guy who likes to play the "I'm not talking about the past" card when we're talking about religion, you're quick to bring it up here. Just sayin'.
I was responding to comments about JFK, which is the past.

It's easy to blame Republicans, they've had majority control of the government the last 8 years. But that doesn't also mean that the Democratic solutions and attempts in the Senate and Congress that have failed, were any better, or often even a whole lot different, on paper.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I was responding to comments about JFK, which is the past.[/QUOTE]

Right-o. Carry on then.

[quote name='thrustbucket']It's easy to blame Republicans[/QUOTE]

Of course it is. It's their fault. ;)

[quote name='thrustbucket']they've had majority control of the government the last 8 years. But that doesn't also mean that the Democratic solutions and attempts in the Senate and Congress that have failed, were any better[/QUOTE]

Well, as you said, with majority control with the republicans, it's tough to really know whether they were any better, because not much of them actually made it through the republican gauntlet.

[quote name='thrustbucket']or often even a whole lot different, on paper.[/QUOTE]

In some cases, you're right, in other cases, less so. You're welcome to prefer one to the other, but it's not really accurate to say the Democrats and Republicans share the same views on, say, the environment, energy, the economy, most of the war, etc.
[quote name='trq']
In some cases, you're right, in other cases, less so. You're welcome to prefer one to the other, but it's not really accurate to say the Democrats and Republicans share the same views on, say, the environment, energy, the economy, most of the war, etc.[/QUOTE]

They are very different in their rhetoric. But in driving the good ship government, they aren't much different. Not with end results, usually.

All I know is regardless of which party is in control, two things are certain: More consolidated state power and higher taxes. That's enough for me to discount them both, regardless of how they achieve those things.
[quote name='trq']Like it or not, the reality is that Democrats have had little to do with the rotten shit coming out of our government for the past eight years. I'm not suggesting that the Dems are perfect saints or that they weren't otherwise derelict in their political duties, but the "all the Democans and Republicrats are the same" schtick is partly what enables these things in the first place.[/quote]

Yeah, I pretty much agree with this.

[quote name='trq']Don't trust *any* politicians ... but there are some you should trust even less, and in this case, the people who've abused that trust for almost a decade are Republicans.[/quote]

I totally disagree - I absolutely hate it when some people are skeptical of all politicians cause of the actions of a few.

Of course, there are a few bad apples, some who want "power," but really...these people have dedicated their lives to public service and their own ideals and beliefs. Most of them are very, very good people. I don't know why it's become popular lately to bash all politicians, but it isn't warranted.

Most of these people are more passionate about certain, important issues than anyone else in our country. I just think that's a really shitty attitude to have. Of course, Dubya has gone a ways in trying to make the attitude more popular, but don't let one idiot ruin your faith in the political system.

Don't forget that the United States has probably the lowest rate of corruption in public officials in the world.

[quote name='thrustbucket']They are very different in their rhetoric. But in driving the good ship government, they aren't much different. Not with end results, usually.[/quote]

Checks and balances, dude - there is never one person "driving the good ship." There is the executive branch (the prez), the judicial branch (the Supreme Court and all those other little courts), and the legislative branch (Congress).

So say the prez wants to legalize abortion (I know it's legal, I'm just giving an example.) He pressures a like-minded congressman to write a bill. But then Congress, which is generally of a different political leaning, doesn't pass it.

Or, they do pass it. Then, the president can sign it (or veto it) and then it becomes a law.

But then the Supreme Court questions the law, and rules it's...IDK, whatever, infanticide. But the law's no more.

So my point, even though you alrrady know this...the stars are almost never aligned in our political system for one party. And even when they are, there are still often policy differences in between the individual members - some are moderate, so in Congress they can team with the Republicans or Democrats if a bill is too liberal or conservative, respectively.

And in the end, the president can veto it or the Supreme Court can rule it unconstitutional anyways, so the whole thing is negated (unless 2/3 Congress vote).

So really...unless a ton of liberals (or conservatives) are elected to Congress, 3-4 members of the Supreme Court die (or all 9 live), and Obama is elected president (or John McCain) the good ship won't be driven that far off course. I'm just hoping it veers as far to the left as possible.
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[quote name='Unickuta']I totally disagree - I absolutely hate it when some people are skeptical of all politicians cause of the actions of a few.

Of course, there are a few bad apples, some who want "power," but really...these people have dedicated their lives to public service and their own ideals and beliefs. Most of them are very, very good people. I don't know why it's become popular lately to bash all politicians, but it isn't warranted.

Most of these people are more passionate about certain, important issues than anyone else in our country. I just think that's a really shitty attitude to have. Of course, Dubya has gone a ways in trying to make the attitude more popular, but don't let one idiot ruin your faith in the political system.

Don't forget that the United States has probably the lowest rate of corruption in public officials in the world.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not saying they're all corrupt or incompetent. But the mechanism by which we keep them from becoming so is our vigilance, our civic duty to be skeptical, critical. "Trust" was never part of the relationship we, as Americans, were supposed to have with our elected leaders.
[quote name='trq']Don't get me wrong -- I'm not saying they're all corrupt or incompetent. But the mechanism by which we keep them from becoming so is our vigilance, our civic duty to be skeptical, critical. "Trust" was never part of the relationship we, as Americans, were supposed to have with our elected leaders.[/quote]

Remember that I said that...

I absolutely hate it when some people are skeptical of all politicians cause of the actions of a few.

I didn't say that I hate the actual people - their hearts are in the right place and all.

But yes, I believe trust is part of the equation. Part of why America's been so successful is because we have a representative democracy instead of a direct one.

Often politicians have their constituents' best interests at heart, and are able to pass things through that wouldn't make it if the actual populace voted on it. Like what if there was this national measure to fund the rebuilding of schools, but we needed to raise our taxes a little bit. Of course it wouldn't pass in a direct democracy - people without children would vote in droves - but in our representative democracy it would probably make it through.

Hell, if our country was a direct democracy, our infastructure would probably be falling apart right now - our nation's people, unfortunately, often fail to see in the long-term.

So that's why our country has been so successful - we've placed our trust in people who can make the difficult decisions for us.

As John Witherspoon once said, "Pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into the departments of state — it is very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage."
bread's done