Chris hecker Hates Nintendo

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I don't think anyone's arguing that 3rd parties are being lazy with respect to Wii, but it's still early too. I don't think they (or anyone) predicted Wii to be such a success. The shitty ports we're seeing now are their attempts to cash in and test the controller quickly and cheaply.

It takes time to put original titles through development, and if Wii hardware keeps outpacing PS3 sales, you are going to see developers focus more attention on Wii. You can't argue with installed base. That's the bottom line.

That said the best thing you can do about this right now? DON'T buy Ubisoft's quick and dirty ports, and anything like them. DO buy EA's original titles like SSX Blur, Madden, also Sonic and the Secret Rings is a Wii original, buy those games, support them!

Ladies and Gentleman! Mr. Heckler backpeddling!

I don't know who has read the internet, yesterday. In a [unintelligible] panel I said a bunch of things. I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top—on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now.

When I'm on stage, I'm me. I'm talking talk from me. From me. I'm not representing EA or Maxis.

I want to make two things perfectly clear.

I do not think the Wii is a piece of shit. Nintendo needs to be applauded for trying to interface on the controller front, the user interface front, on making games accessible, on making a console that you don't need to mortgage your house to afford.

Secondly, it's totally obvious—and I'm sorry that I implied otherwise—that everyone at Nintendo is passionate at making great games. Some of the games give me hope that we will be seen as an art form on par with movies and books.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']
Ladies and Gentleman! Mr. Heckler backpeddling!


Looks like someone just ripped him a new ass. Any guesses?
[quote name='Blitz']Looks like someone just ripped him a new ass. Any guesses?[/quote]

The world. And probably Will Wright.
That's all he had to do, gained a lot of respect for the man, although his statement was probably more motivated by EA bringing hell down on him for talking so crudely about one of their biggest markets.
The whole games as art thing is one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard. He should just shut up and make games. Most of the art and music we refer to as classic now was done by artists who did their work not for the sake of being artistic, but because it was their job.
[quote name='whoknows']He hates Nintendo and the Wii? That's NOT allowed.

Lets instead imagine he said that about Sony and the PS3 "He is so right" "QFT" "lets put him in SSBB" "He rulez"[/quote]Finally, someone who isn't blind to Nintendo's seemingly God-like standing on this forum. People can't wait to bash Sony, "M$", or any other company, but as soon as someone else (especially a developer, who probably knows more about the Wii's technical limitations than Joe Q. Cheapass) bashes Nintendo, or the Wii, everyone jumps on him.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Finally, someone who isn't blind to Nintendo's seemingly God-like standing on this forum. People can't wait to bash Sony, "M$", or any other company, but as soon as someone else (especially a developer, who probably knows more about the Wii's technical limitations than Joe Q. Cheapass) bashes Nintendo, or the Wii, everyone jumps on him.[/QUOTE]

The great thing about this is that it is coming from Vargira.
No, he made himself look stupid.

I mean, 2 Gamecubes taped together? Yeah, right. He obviously hasn'tr even played any Wii games yet. If he had, he'd have realized the Wii is just one Gamecube and a sensor bar taped together with a new front end.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']
Ladies and Gentleman! Mr. Heckler backpeddling!


Someone asked him if he would like to retain his current job...

Now before someone bitches about someone getting in trouble for speaking out against Nintendo, remember that EA just bought a studio to support the Wii. This guy went out of his way to trash a company that EA just spent a good chunk of change to support. He is welcome to have his opinion, but perhaps it would be prudent to phrase your complaints better a week or two after your employer just spent a some serious cash to suppose the system you are critiquing.

Now I'm soapboxing from the position as someone currently in a job where its wise to think twice regarding company politics before running off at the mouth. This gentleman is no different and probably just learned a hard lesson to think twice before speaking.
[quote name='dothog']"Sementics" aside (that some porn thing?), what you're talking about is a broad definition of art, something that is many levels of generality removed from the discursive subtleties of semantics.

Art is very much a social, dynamic concept. At the core of art is a creative attempt to meld sensation and rationale and explore or inspire an experience. Art can both stimulate an experience and become the experience itself.

Limitations placed on the media through which art is expressed or classifications brought about to determine "What Is Art?" are fancy means of dictating value systems and class politics. For instance, rap and hip-hop have been devalued in the music community because of their associations with a certain class, just as jazz and county/western were devalued decades ago. The same is true of the work of tribal artisans or cartooning--one was once scoffed at as the work of "savages," and therefore impossible of becoming capital-A Art, and the other was considered line drawings for children. Over time we have discovered the art in these forms and the dangers of discarding any form or medium as incapable of art.

Pixels are as much a palette as oils. It will be difficult for a video game to become art in the current manner of video game production, as most games are created by a committee and thus lack the intense creative focus needed to elevate elaborate craft into a shared experience between artist and audience. However, I would agree that some games (including a few by Nintendo) have exhibited the kind of craft and creative vision needed to achieve art. In the future, I'm sure that more tools will become available to allow fewer people to produce bigger, grander games, and these tools will enable the focus and energy needed for art.

30 years from now we may look back on some of the games mentioned in this thread as being seminal works of art. Who knows. But one thing I am absolutely positive of is that stating that something cannot be art is an empty judgment of value, a statement that can never be true given the nature of art.[/QUOTE]

You, good sir, are brilliant...and well on your way to an essay I'd love to see in a pop culture magazine such as Rolling Stone, Playboy, etc. I only mention those because people read them (Some people actually read Playboy, right?). I'm in a creative writing program and I wish they believed the way you do. So many people, artists included, believe that if it hasn't been officially labeled "art", or worse yet - hasn't been accepted as classic, then it isn't really art.
Moby Dick sold like shit and was considered as such when it was initially released - just more sailor drivel. Nobody wanted to publish A Confederacy of Dunces until the author had killed himself- no one wanted to publish a novel that went on to win a pulitzer. Movies? Fantasia had the same luck as Moby Dick. Oh, wait, that's a cartoon so it doesn't count. How about Evil Dead? Wait, no, that's schlocky horror. Um...Citizen Kane, now that is officially art. And it is, but not because some fathead somewhere said it was.
How to define art is vaporous. It's an eternal question. But you good sir, you are on the verge. And you deserved that acknowledgement. Thank you for making my week.
I was going to say a few posts back, that it won't be long until he is apologizing for his childish remarks.

Looks like I was correct. :lol:
[quote name='DQT']The whole games as art thing is one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard. He should just shut up and make games. Most of the art and music we refer to as classic now was done by artists who did their work not for the sake of being artistic, but because it was their job.[/QUOTE]
This is the biggest load of shit I have read in a long time.

Working in a coal mine is just a job to pay the bills.
Working in a factory is just a job to pay the bills.
Writing songs for the next American Idol is just a job to pay the bills, to buy a boat and a lake house.
Art is doing something that you really enjoy for others to enjoy if you make enough to pay the bills that is a bonus.
[quote name='dragonhunter']
How to define art is vaporous. [/QUOTE]

Totally agreed.

To clarify, incase it wasn't clear in my earlier post, what I said was nothing more than my personal opinion on what art is to me.

Other's can define it however they want, which is why I said it was semantics and not a point I bothered arguing with.

Games will likely never be art to me (and I have no desire for them to become so), but I won't begrudge anyone their opinion on them.

To me they are just fun, I don't want to be moved etc. by games, I just want to chill out and relax, and will pop in a movie, hit an art gallery or pick up a book for my art needs.

Others view it differently and may have interest in seeking those kind of experiences by games if they ever can get to that level. That's fine. To each their own. :D
[quote name='jer7583']Anyone who believes that generational jumps in technology happen to "broaden horizons" or to "increase expressiveness" is a tool.

Jumps in technology happen because.. *GASP* Technology becomes cheap! Returns deminish! This is the entire reason for the next gen movie formats, because DVDs are becoming so cheap that the money is drying up, so they need a new format and new players to charge you $30 a disc and $500 for a player for, instead of $10 a disc and $30 for a player.[/quote]

Did someone already quote this and call him an idiot?
I'm tired of reading these posts, but someone just has to call this guy an idiot.
[quote name='dallow']Did someone already quote this and call him an idiot?
I'm tired of reading these posts, but someone just has to call this guy an idiot.[/QUOTE]

He may very well be an idiot, but he's right. Art may be the spark, but it's not the engine.
well - I have to admit I haven't read the entire thread...

But just the idea that we are all talking about video games as "art" is exciting to me. As an "artist" and educator with an MFA in studio art it's always been my goal to expand peoples ideas of what art can be *to them* Sure I teach the basic fundamental stuff but also let students know thats not the only way and that they are really the ones who can determine what is and isn't art. Sure - you have the big, stuffy NYC scene and the laid back but still deceptively stringent west coast scene but you don't have to rely on anybody really to tell you what is or isn't art - regardless of the scene. Confidence is so important when it comes to making AND viewing/discussing art.

I have all the last gen consoles but only the Wii for the current gen. But my DS gets by far the most gameplay lately - that, to me, is where Nintendo's creativity is really shining at the moment.
[quote name='The Crotch']I didn't want to add anything to this thread, but...

As the creator of the Simpsons Quote Thread, I believe you will appreciate what I am about to say to you:

Do shut up.[/quote]Thanks for proving my point. Shit, just the mention of someone POSSIBLY saying something bad about Nintendo gets most CAG's panties in a bunch.
[quote name='Strell']The great thing about this is that it is coming from Vargira.[/quote]Oh, what hilarious name will you call me neck? Maybe Vagino, Vajaro, Vagiro, Vapiro, Vajigo, Vanigo, Vagemo, Javira, Vagilla, Vampire, Vanipo, Ganilla, Vavage, Navilla, or Vagoni? I'm sure you'll think of something ever so clever.
[quote name='bmulligan']He may very well be an idiot, but he's right. Art may be the spark, but it's not the engine.[/QUOTE]

Totally. Art has nothing directly to do with advances in technology. The companies making and selling the technology care about 1 thing.....$$$$$$$.

If art earns them $$$$ then it indirectly drives technology, but I think we all know that isn't the case when the best selling games are sports, FPS and racing games.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Thanks for proving my point. Shit, just the mention of someone POSSIBLY saying something bad about Nintendo gets most CAG's panties in a bunch.[/QUOTE]

So what? That'd be different from the last ten years of people considering Sony bulletproof ... how? Don't give me that "Oh, we're not allowed to complain about Nintendo" happy horseshit. There are mountains of internet posts around here that prove otherwise. I'd love some good system agnostic discussions, but all I see are fanboy trolls like you who just can't wait to get back to sucking the pipe of YOUR favorite sacred cow instead of contributing something productive. fuck off already.
[quote name='trq']So what? That'd be different from the last ten years of people considering Sony bulletproof ... how? Don't give me that "Oh, we're not allowed to complain about Nintendo" happy horseshit. There are mountains of internet posts around here that prove otherwise. I'd love some good system agnostic discussions, but all I see are fanboy trolls like you who just can't wait to get back to sucking the pipe of YOUR favorite sacred cow instead of contributing something productive. fuck off already.[/QUOTE]

Holy damn. Even my balls hurt from that. Collateral damage to the extreme.
[quote name='Strell']Holy damn. Even my balls hurt from that. Collateral damage to the extreme.[/quote]
Do you ever say anything constructive or do you just try to be the "CAG Clown" and say witty one liners that only you and your lame ass CAG Possy laugh at?

Finally, someone who isn't blind to Nintendo's seemingly God-like standing on this forum. People can't wait to bash Sony, "M$", or any other company, but as soon as someone else (especially a developer, who probably knows more about the Wii's technical limitations than Joe Q. Cheapass) bashes Nintendo, or the Wii, everyone jumps on him.
That's definetally true. Seems like Nintendo Fans aren't able to handel some Random developer speaking his mind.

"I dont think they Wii is good..." ... "AHAHA! You loser you dont know shit!"

I recently got a Wii. And im sort of bored of it already... I mean its fun when I get a group of people together or my family to play it. But, damn... Minigames arent that fun alone.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Do you ever say anything constructive or you just try to be the "CAG Clown" and say witty one liners that only you and your lame ass CAG Possy laugh at?

Did you know that DumbAssBear rhymes with DarkNessBear? Because it does, you see.

If you want something constructive, I guess the 20+ page document regarding the Wii in my sig might be enough for your Comic Book Guy discerning tastes, fat and greasy that they might be.

Besides, I think you fail to understand just how much force is required and must be applied to my balls in order to cause a noticeable amount of pain. We're talking Jupiter-sized levels of momentum required here.
Well someone has to poke fun at angry nerds and oh man is this thread on fire.

It's funny that people are trying to define Art.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
I recently got a Wii. And im sort of bored of it already... I mean its fun when I get a group of people together or my family to play it. But, damn... Minigames arent that fun alone.[/quote]Then you probably shouldn't buy one of the 6 or 7 minigame-games on the Wii (I'm being generous and including Mario Party 8 and Cooking Mama, which aren't even out yet). Seriously, that's how many there are. While there are 40-plus games that aren't minigames.
He doesn't really have room to talk about there not being enough artsy games for the Wii. I mean it has only been out for about 3 months and thus far it has plenty of intrigueing games that have great art form, you just don't recognize it at first glance. For example, I thought Elebits was a game that had some artistic value involved. Its just that with games like that it isn't so obviouse where it is in games such as Shadow of the Colossus.

If he thinks the Wii's hardware is the problem, I highly doubt that. If Okami can be made for the PS2, I'm sure that even more artistic games can be made for the Wii. He's just pissed off at nothing.
[quote name='botticus']Then you probably shouldn't buy one of the 6 or 7 minigame-games on the Wii (I'm being generous and including Mario Party 8 and Cooking Mama, which aren't even out yet). Seriously, that's how many there are. While there are 40-plus games that aren't minigames.[/quote]
Then what should I play?

Have any suggestions? I already got Zelda on GC.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Then what should I play?

Have any suggestions? I already got Zelda on GC.[/quote]Should have gotten it on Wii. ;) I have found Trauma Center (much better than the DS version), Sonic, SSX Blur, Metal Slug, and Elebits to be enjoyable. Madden if you don't have it elsewhere, or maybe even if you do. Excite Truck if you like arcade racers. Super Swing Golf isn't bad, but I'm hoping Tiger Woods surpasses it. That should get you started.
Wow, the Nintendo forum had been mostly troll free for a while. What happened?

Strell, I blame you. It was your turn to watch the gate.
[quote name='daroga']Wow, the Nintendo forum had been mostly troll free for a while. What happened?

Strell, I blame you. It was your turn to watch the gate.[/QUOTE]

Well, what do you expect? This Nintendo forum is too fucking pro-Nintendo.
I basically agree with both counts in this flame war.

There is some annoying trolling in this forum, but many posters here are unabashed Nintendo fanboys who are overly sensitive to any criticism of their beloved Wii.

While I think this Decker guy was full of shit, even as a life long Nintendo fan, I'll freely admit that I'm hugely disappointed with the Wii thus far. It's just that the lack of power has nothing to do with it. I'm just not interested in mini-games and the controller has underwhelmed me to the point I have no interest in "full" motion control games like Sonic and SSX.

That said I can't wait for Paper Mario, Metroid, Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros.!
[quote name='dmaul1114'] even as a life long Nintendo fan, I'll freely admit that I'm hugely disappointed with the Wii thus far.[/quote]Careful now, that's the kind of comment that can git you lynched 'round these parts.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Careful now, that's the kind of comment that can git you lynched 'round these parts.[/quote]Definitely.
I'm not completely enchanted by the Wii yet, but isn't a little early to say all this?

His claim for not taking games seriously as an artform is completely ludicrous, and dare I say-- he just said it for attention?

When a decent artist only has a pen and paper, he/she shouldn't say "this pen and paper are severely underpowered, thus I can't work with it." The quick retort is that it is a legit claim because the person may not be able to properly express themselves with a limited medium. My answer for that is that they could still come up with an amazing drawing with just the pen and paper if they utilized it correctly.

point is -- gaming isn't an artform that can only exist in the most maxed out machine possible. If he wanted to, he could make a great game without "complex A.I."

To me, he's just shouting "I don't understand the Wii" or he's just angrily saying that his ideas don't fit on which case, why make such a stink in the first place?

signed, PS3 Ambassador diplomat high priest,

I've had Wii fans on this board get mad at me and tell me that I know nothing because I said that the Wii has last-gen graphics
[quote name='Apossum']I'm not completely enchanted by the Wii yet, but isn't a little early to say all this?

Totally. Which is why his comments are full of shit IMO.

But I agree with the "trolls" that some of the other negative comments about the wii (game line up sucking, controls being glitchy, too many OS freezes, overpriced VC games) are lamely pounced upon by the Nintendo fanboys and apologists in this forum far to often and aggressively.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Totally. Which is why his comments are full of shit IMO.

But I agree with the "trolls" that some of the other negative comments about the wii (game line up sucking, controls being glitchy, too many OS freezes, overpriced VC games) are lamely pounced upon by the Nintendo fanboys and apologists in this forum far to often and aggressively.[/QUOTE]

I agree with a lot of that too...but none that stuff has anything to do with the OP.
[quote name='Rozz']I've had Wii fans on this board get mad at me and tell me that I know nothing because I said that the Wii has last-gen graphics[/QUOTE]
That's because it's not about graffix, its about innovation, having fun and getting 80 year old grandma's to buy one.
[quote name='whoknows']That's because it's not about graffix, its about innovation, having fun and getting 80 year old grandma's to buy one.[/quote]

Ok, I dont know if you're being sarcastic there or not but it was in a topic referring to the graphics and technology of the Wii and I meantioned the Wii not having good visuals and being comparable to those of a last-gen console and anyone who shared the same opinion as me got some angry responses by Wii fans.
[quote name='Rozz']Ok, I dont know if you're being sarcastic there or not but it was in a topic referring to the graphics and technology of the Wii and I meantioned the Wii not having good visuals and being comparable to those of a last-gen console and anyone who shared the same opinion as me got some angry responses by Wii fans.[/QUOTE]

It's comparable to a last gen console, considering it's roughly 1.5-2x the power of a gamecube (minus RAM improvements), but my question is if it really matters that much or not. It's not really addressing whether or not it can stack up to the 360 or PS3 in terms of raw horsepower.
[quote name='Rozz']Ok, I dont know if you're being sarcastic there or not but it was in a topic referring to the graphics and technology of the Wii and I meantioned the Wii not having good visuals and being comparable to those of a last-gen console and anyone who shared the same opinion as me got some angry responses by Wii fans.[/QUOTE]
Nah, I agree with you.

Although right now since it's still pretty early with the new consoles I don't think graphics will be a big deal for now. Eventually though, the Wii will fall behind with not being able to handle some of the things the 360/PS3 will be able to do.
[quote name='Apossum']I'm not completely enchanted by the Wii yet, but isn't a little early to say all this?

His claim for not taking games seriously as an artform is completely ludicrous, and dare I say-- he just said it for attention?
Exactly the point. Im not having that much fun with my Wii right now, but it is EARLY. AND I understand that. Its going to take a little while till really great games start coming out.

But Nintendo fans dont understand that. Thats WHY they always have to state that the "PS3 loses!!!"

Which I dont get. Both of the consoles are in the same type of deal. The lack of games... quality games plagues both consoles.

Its almost like Nintendo Fans use Sony as a way to take out their frustration on the matter without criticizing their Wii.

"DAMN You PS3 for your lack of Games! You stupid console!" Its easier then yelling at the Wii...

Nah, I agree with you.

Although right now since it's still pretty early with the new consoles I don't think graphics will be a big deal for now. Eventually though, the Wii will fall behind with not being able to handle some of the things the 360/PS3 will be able to do.

I have a feeling they will make an Upgraded Wii or Wii 2 once the difference is noticable..

I just have a hunch.
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