ChromeHounds - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Maximo1324']I usually put my missles in clusters of 3 more accurate. If that guy you are talking about is in the clan, he can actually give you his set up. Just go under trades.[/QUOTE]

No she is not in the squad. It just a person on my friends list in another squad. We were talking about the game the other day.

I will try working on the cluster of 3 missles later this evening and try to re-work my configuration a little bit. Thanks again for the help guys.
This guy is in hostile cag. I know he is.

Just wanted to say howdy to everyone in the CAG Chrome Hounds Clan! I work crazy hours, so I may not be on the CAG board all the time, but I will be gamming a couple nights a week with all of you.

See you all online,
Rx Man 911

Hound #30
Our squad ranked up to "Regular" now (used to be Rookie ++) and now we get 15 picks. To better our chances at getting some juicy parts we will be spliting them into 5's until further notice....

Brak - Brax0r - TODAY 8/11 (5)
Ultimate Matt X - TODAY 8/11 (5)
toper - Toper331 - TODAY 8/11 (5)


For the people that are not on CAG, please tell them when its their turn to do the lottery, do not just log in and take some one else's picks. Its a squad and we all need to work together!!!!!
New parts to come out 8/15:

From Software's mech action game, Chromehounds, has already seen three free downloadable parts up on Marketplace. Unfortunately, the next batch of downloads will come at a price. Hit read more for the details.

A variety of weapons, generators and spacers will reportedly be available on the 8/15. Weapons and generators (as well as a colour pattern) will cost 100 MS Points each, while spacers will cost 60 MS Points each. This is sure to be a disappointment to the Chromehound community, as these amounts of points for a single part are excessive.

Chromehound's Japanese website has the details. Despite being all in Japanese, the parts and costs are easily distinguishable.

2006年8月15日(火)より「Xbox マーケットプレース」にて、武装アイテムダウンロード販売を決定。

Light arms01特殊な内部機構により、3連射を可能としたライフル
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

Light arms03タラキアの速射機構を研究して作られた高速自動発射型マシンガン
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

Light arms04使用するロケット弾を変更した新型対HOUNDロケット。弾速は遅いが、威力が非常に高い
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

Light arms05砲身を延長し、精度を高めた改良型キャノン砲
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

Heavy arms02MS1000の改良機。推進剤を強化し、弾速を向上させた
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

マイクロソフト ポイント:100

マイクロソフト ポイント:60

マイクロソフト ポイント:60

マイクロソフト ポイント:60

Color Pattern03カラーパターン。WWII冬季迷彩
マイクロソフト ポイント:100

Get your points ready...
I want more parts but damn that's a lot of points. Who am I kidding...............I'll be right there buying them when they come out.
The machine gun and the heat seeking missiles have me interested, but if the penetration power on them isn't significantly better than anything I already have, I'll be keeping my points.

Thanks Linkin.
So since our super weapon came out today, how much damage did it do? How high up is our percenatage?

EDIT: Our weapon got destroyed

Unidentified Weapon Destroyed 2006-08-11 23:06:06
A crushing blow was dealt to the Morskovian military's new weapon that appeared in East Salma Woods and the weapon was destroyed. Forced to switch strategies, the Morskovian military has lifted the ban and mercenary units affiliated with them may now go to East Salma Woods.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Hey did anyone take my lotto picks? I forgot yesterday and will go today or when whoever used them is supposed to go.[/QUOTE]
We seem to still be having an issue with lottery picks. I am not sure who Cill Cupid is or who knows them but they need to get informed of the squad policies. I signed in yesterday to make some changes to my HOUND and noticed Toper and Brax had used theirs but Cupid had taken some as well. Linkin posts the daily lotto picks for the members as best he can. But when other random members are signing in and taking picks it makes it even harder than it already is to keep straight.

On a similar note, I'm not picking on you Matt this just goes in general to the whole squad, I know we can't get on and play every single day and may forget about our Lottery days. But, that is a problem we deal with individually. We can't hold up the squad or move members around just because you forgot. If you forget and miss your picks you may just have to wait for the next go around. Now, if a member says I'll take your picks today and you take mine on "Friday" or whatever then that can work but if you just forget and the picks go wasted, I'm sorry we can't help you there. I mean it really only takes like 5 minutes to sign on and go to the shop, pick 5 items and go about your business.

Now, if you do log-on and somebody has taken your picks on your day that is a major difference. Get on here and send Linkin, Maximo, Toper, Swift or myself a PM about the problem and who took the picks. This would have to be done ASAP so we can actually look online and double check. If you wait until the next day the lottery will have taken place and we will have no way of verifying.

I hope this all makes sense and doesn't come off as BS. If there are any issues or other ides please post them and we can make it a smoother running squad. For the most part I am truly happy with the sqaud. It has been working very well lately and we have been having some great games.
Here's the newest squad list. Yellow is Private rank or higher:
  1. Santurio - Ramo Z (Squad Leader)
  2. Maximo1324
  3. toper - Toper331
  4. LinkinPrime
  5. Swift900 - swift fix
  6. flybrione - BigMes
  7. Ultimate Matt X
  8. Crowbb - Crowbb Live
  9. Brak - Brax0r
  10. samuraiwahoo - Mr. Wahoo
  11. ???? - Kingyellow64
  12. Warlock TCK - Warlock TCK
  13. ???? - IGNIGKNOKT
  14. darkrage - DrStarkweather
  15. ???? - Andyeseous
  16. ???? - GB Man
  17. ???? - CiLLkuPID
I havent gotten any info from the people in green whether they have ranked up or not, till they rank up to Private they are excluded...

Here's the next picks:

  • Swift900 - swift fix (TODAY)
  • Santurio - Ramo Z (TODAY)
  • flybrione - BigMes (TODAY)
Hope its fair...again if anyone ranks up, PM me or post here. If your friend is not on CAG and can't read this, inform them on their day, tell them not to take them whenever they feel like it. Thanks.
I haven't been able to commit a lot of time to this game. Gotta wait 'til my shit-ass work schedule clears up, next-weekish.

Managed to get my lotto picks in, the other day.
Are you guys planning on changing alliances again after this season? I fixed my connection problem but don't want to switch to Morskoj if you're going to jump ship in a few days.
We are moving back to Tarakia after this war ends. So if this war isn't over yet and you join today then when we change you will go right along with the squad. Now if you want to wait and join up with us in Tarakia that would work too.
I probably will have to wait to catch up with you guys in Tarakia, since they won't let me change my alliance for another few days.

I don't expect anyone to wait on me or anything. The picks really aren't a big deal for me, but with as many people as we have in the squad I figured it was likely that one of them was on and could have taken my picks and I could just jump in their spot.

I know our pick deadline is like 1 EST, but honestly if anyone doesn't see me on by like 11:30 or so they could go ahead and take my picks so they don't go to waste.

I see I go tomorrow now though so I'll get those in early.
I'm around I have just been really busy. I got offered a new job and have been doing apartment hunting. I also got Dead Rising a couple of days ago so that has been sucking up some of my remaining free time. I'll definitely get on today at some point.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Santurio,

I don't expect anyone to wait on me or anything. The picks really aren't a big deal for me, but with as many people as we have in the squad I figured it was likely that one of them was on and could have taken my picks and I could just jump in their spot.

I know our pick deadline is like 1 EST, but honestly if anyone doesn't see me on by like 11:30 or so they could go ahead and take my picks so they don't go to waste.

I see I go tomorrow now though so I'll get those in early.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, I wasn't trying to single you out with that comment. Swapping days and taking late picks for someone and trading off your day is cool. The main point I wanted to make with my earlier post is that the new members that are not CAG's really need to be informed as to when their days are. So they won't jump on and take somebody's picks like in recent days. Lottery picks aren't the best part of the game but they are still nice to have and I would like every member to get them when they should.
Again, no one has informed me if they have ranked up to private yet. Here's the upcoming lottery picks:

Changes made see post #380

Im still a recruit, Ill get back in the game tuesday night when I get back from visiting my parents. Hopefully only another couple days till I get moves up.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Again, no one has informed me if they have ranked up to private yet. Here's the upcoming lottery picks:

Maximo1324 (TODAY 8/13)
toper - Toper331 (TODAY 8/13)
Ultimate Matt X (TODAY 8/13)

LinkinPrime (MONDAY 8/17)
Brak - Brax0r (MONDAY 8/17)
Crowbb - Crowbb Live (MONDAY 8/17)

???? - CiLLkuPID (MONDAY 8/17)
Swift900 - swift fix (MONDAY 8/17)
Santurio - Ramo Z (MONDAY 8/17)

flybrione - BigMes (TUESDAY 8/18)
Maximo1324 (TUESDAY 8/18)
toper - Toper331 (TUESDAY 8/18)[/QUOTE]
you have 2 groups for monday. I know that's not right.:lol:
[quote name='Santurio']you have 2 groups for monday. I know that's not right.:lol:[/quote]

:oops:fixed it.

So did you get my msg about the war being over?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']:shame: fixed it.

So did you get my msg about the war being over?[/QUOTE]
yeah, but I couldn't make out the very beginning of the message. Something about me not showing up or something. Anyway, I already changed the nation this morning. I didn't win any of my lotto picks since the war ended..............that sucked. :bomb:
[quote name='Santurio']Like I said, I wasn't trying to single you out with that comment. Swapping days and taking late picks for someone and trading off your day is cool. The main point I wanted to make with my earlier post is that the new members that are not CAG's really need to be informed as to when their days are. So they won't jump on and take somebody's picks like in recent days. Lottery picks aren't the best part of the game but they are still nice to have and I would like every member to get them when they should.[/QUOTE]

I agree, if someone takes my picks we should boot em the hell out. :)
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Also, Wahoo is at least a rank above Private if you wanna give him a date for lotto picks.[/quote]

Ok, He should be in for Thursday. I'll update on Wed.
Found the full list of secret achievements:

  • Combat Award-Win 10 times outnumbered
  • Distinguished Service-Kill a superhound
  • Silver Patriot - Donate to affiliate nation 1 times
  • Bloodless Award-Win 5 times w/o attacking the enemy
  • Humane Award- End 5 times in a row without killing an enemy
  • Hound Specialist-Own one of each part (including the lotteries?)
  • TouringService-Deploy on every battlefield at least once
Establish a date for members. This would tone down the work load and new members would be easy to fit into the schedule. Single member would have maybe 2 days in a row and he would not have a pick until it is back to his rotation. I don't know how 2 days would work.
[quote name='Santurio']you have 2 groups for monday. I know that's not right.:lol:[/quote]
I have gone up to the rank of Corporal
[quote name='Mr Wahoo']I have gone up to the rank of Corporal[/quote]
I apologize for all the edits....

Here's what we got so far:

Maximo1324 (TODAY 8/13)
toper - Toper331 (TODAY 8/13)
Ultimate Matt X (TODAY 8/13)

LinkinPrime (MONDAY 8/14)
Brak - Brax0r (MONDAY 8/14)
Crowbb - Crowbb Live (MONDAY 8/14)

Mr Wahoo (TUESDAY 8/15)
Swift900 - swift fix (TUESDAY 8/15)
Santurio - Ramo Z (TUESDAY 8/15)

flybrione - BigMes (WEDNESDAY 8/16)
Maximo1324 (WEDNESDAY 8/16)
???? - CiLLkuPID (WEDNESDAY 8/17)

toper - Toper331 (THURSDAY 8/17)
Rx Man 911 (THURSDAY 8/17)
RX Man 911 ranked up yesterday while we were playing to private. Please include him in the lottery as well. I will give him a heads up.
[quote name='flybrione']RX Man 911 ranked up yesterday while we were playing to private. Please include him in the lottery as well. I will give him a heads up.[/quote]
Added for Thursday.

So how are you liking the game CheapyD, are you considering joining the squad?
I've completed the sniper campaign so far...and I like it.
I'd love to get in on the squad, if you have the room.
[quote name='CheapyD']I've completed the sniper campaign so far...and I like it.
I'd love to get in on the squad, if you have the room.[/quote]

We still have room. Look for HOSTILE CAG whenever you see any of the members online. We have to be online for the squad to show up and you can apply for it.
What class should i choose when i go online for the first time?
I know they give you some parts...does it even matter?
[quote name='CheapyD']What class should i choose when i go online for the first time?
I know they give you some parts...does it even matter?[/quote]

Whatever you want, we dont require different classes for different battles, just whatever you're confortable with. You start off with 50K i believe. Make sure you join the Nation of Tarakia, play on the garage, buy parts and build your hound. You can also unlock parts in SP and they carry over to XBL. When you finish the SP missions, try to get an "S" ranking to unlock the maximum amount of parts for that mission.
Sweet Cheapy. I fricking love this game. Iv been sitting here at my parents house in Michigan thinking about playing this game every day. Only one more day and Im back home.
[quote name='flybrione']Just to double check what is the daily cut off time to make your lottery picks? When is the latest I can take my picks???[/quote]

12am Central
[quote name='LinkinPrime']12am Central[/QUOTE]

Thanks Linkin! I will let RX know and keep this in mind for myself as well.

I will be online tonight about about 10:30pm CST if anyone wants to get some games going.
I see Swift900 - swift fix is on, but I can't seem to find the Squad...
Never mind...the search function doesnt seem to really have to type in the squad name in it!
[quote name='mtxbass1']I just got this game Saturday. I love it so far. If you guys need more members, I may be interested after I practice some.[/quote]

We could still use people, feel free to join.
I have 3 questiosn to ask about this game.

I am psyched to buy this game, but I have 3 questions about it.

1. In the GS review, they say that the customization is toned down fro mthe armored core series made by the same company. How? Anything important they simplified or got rid of?

2. Xbox live. How many players do you need per team? If it's 6 (I assumed it'd be six, because that's how many are listed on an ad for the game in my EGM mag) can you do something like 3 heavy mechs in front, 2 fast snipers with one long range gun and that's it, and one sneaker with a few machineguns, but moderately fast too?

3. How big are the maps?
bread's done