ChromeHounds - Gen. Discussion & Info

Do any of you guys want to get together sometime to get some GoW Ranked matches going? If you're trying to get the achievements the only way to get them is playing ranked matches. There is a way to get a group of friends playing it, if you have played plenty ranked matches you should have already ran into people that setup teams.

Here's how it works:

One of us creates a room and tells us before hand that he's creating it.
Choose Custom Ranked matches with the game type that the host will choose and the round settings. You will get a list of open matches. Find the name of the host and get in the room. After the match is over the system kicks everyone back to the main menu but before it does, you can chat, let everyone know that you're creating another room, and repeat the process.

So who's in?

EDIT: On another note, are any of you guys planning to get Bomberman, I'm hoping to get into some online matches with you guys.

:360: Bomberman: Act Zero $14.99
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Do any of you guys want to get together sometime to get some GoW Ranked matches going? If you're trying to get the achievements the only way to get them is playing ranked matches. There is a way to get a group of friends playing it, if you have played plenty ranked matches you should have already ran into people that setup teams.

Here's how it works:

One of us creates a room and tells us before hand that he's creating it.
Choose Custom Ranked matches with the game type that the host will choose and the round settings. You will get a list of open matches. Find the name of the host and get in the room. After the match is over the system kicks everyone back to the main menu but before it does, you can chat, let everyone know that you're creating another room, and repeat the process.

So who's in?

EDIT: On another note, are any of you guys planning to get Bomberman, I'm hoping to get into some online matches with you guys.

:360: Bomberman: Act Zero $14.99[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it really sux that you can't get online achievements unless it's a ranked game. The doctor and I tried it one nite, and it was a pain in the butt to get in the same room. But I'm down to try if others are willing (I got a paper due this week, so outside of friday's match, I won't be available till next week).

As for bomberman, I'm down to get it, but I'll probably have to wait until it's cheaper in store (got some store credit I could use for that).
I have bomberman coming if you want to set something up one day.

And you know I would love to get a few on the online ranked achievements. I can't wait for them to patch this game.

I would also like to get some terrorist hunt games in with the crew on Rainbow.
I heard bomberman was pretty terrible. And Im online alot at night. Just message me and Im down. Iv been getting piseed off playing Viva Pinata, so Ill probly be willing to stop to play with yall.
[quote name='darkrage']I heard bomberman was pretty terrible. And Im online alot at night. Just message me and Im down. Iv been getting piseed off playing Viva Pinata, so Ill probly be willing to stop to play with yall.[/quote]

For $50 it wasn't that great but for $15 hell yeah it is. The same basics as any of the classic bomberman titles are there, top view, power ups...etc. The game plays great and if you ever liked bomberman you'll like it, plus if we get a group of us together i'm sure it will be a blast :bomb: *pun intended*
I'm game for the GoW matches. Bomberman................not so much.

I'm always good for some TH on RS:LV

On a more Chromehound related note: Is anyone still paying in the Hostile Cag Squad?? If there are members still in the squad and need me to change nations or have question, anything please just let me know.
[quote name='Santurio']On a more Chromehound related note: Is anyone still paying in the Hostile Cag Squad?? If there are members still in the squad and need me to change nations or have question, anything please just let me know.[/quote]I'll jump on every once in a while. Still new to it and I'm trying to get more parts. It's possible to jump into an online mission alone correct? And even if I screw up it won't affect the squad in any way will it? I'm already running low on cash reserves so I need to do some missions.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I'll jump on every once in a while. Still new to it and I'm trying to get more parts. It's possible to jump into an online mission alone correct? And even if I screw up it won't affect the squad in any way will it? I'm already running low on cash reserves so I need to do some missions.[/QUOTE]
Yeah you can launch solo missions against AI or human players anytime. It doesn't affect the squad a bit. If you lose like a hundred matches against human players it may drop the squad in rank points but at this point I don't think it really matters. :lol:

[quote name='LinkinPrime']We should probobly setup a time to play this again. How about next week?[/QUOTE]
Lately my time for gaming has seemed to diminish but I think the problem is that it's more spread out. Like last night I planned on playing some Rainbow Six and ended up playing Wii sports for a few hours. If we set up a time for Chromehounds I'm game, I just hope I don't get distracted.
Nothing really. We haven't done the matches. I hosted GoW matches for about 3hrs last night with pure CAG's that was awesome. Maximo wouldn't join me though, he was too busy ranking up his Rainbow Six guy.
Matches were fun last night, except that damn chainsaw. Would love to get some ranked ones going one of these nights if you guys are all on again.
[quote name='halfbent']Matches were fun last night, except that damn chainsaw. Would love to get some ranked ones going one of these nights if you guys are all on again.[/quote]

I'm not sure If I can be on tonight but If I can I'm in.
I bit on the Cheap Ass Gamefly deal on Chromehounds. Any of you guys still play at all? Mine should be getting here soon. Send me a friend request if anyone wants new chromehound blood to play with.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']I bit on the Cheap Ass Gamefly deal on Chromehounds. Any of you guys still play at all? Mine should be getting here soon. Send me a friend request if anyone wants new chromehound blood to play with.[/quote]I'd play, but I'm gonna guess everyone else has traded their copies in and moved on.
I still have my copy. I actually logged on yesterday to check on some parts and join the next war. The squad is still affiliated with Morskoj and all the lottery slots are for now still up for grabs since no one seems to use them.
Still have my copy, message me if you guys want to play. I can play tonight.
As long as I am not doing anything important in another game and you see me online and you want to play send me a message.

Also I think there are some newer member(s) of the squad not on my friends list send me a friend request.
If you're on and want to play - feel free to send me a message. I've only been logging in once every other week or so to snatch up a couple lotteries and MAYBE run a solo mission or two. =P
Heh, I bought the game, but never really tried Multiplay at all. I only got it becuase I'm a mech head (well, not really).

If you guys are playing, then please, send a message my way. I'd like to see how this game is really meant to be played.
My cousin has the game right now and he won't give it back!

Seriously, I'm interested in starting back up if I ever get it back.

If anything, the clan still lives on thru other games (GOW, R6, etc.)...I guess I'll see everyone during "Lost Planet Week". :)
Go ahead and add me to your friendslist if anyone wants to play, not sure when I'll be around. If theres a designated night to play, I can try and make it.
Any tips on hound construction? A lot seems to have changed in the months that I've been away, what worked then doesn't seem to be that great now.
[quote name='dafoomie']Any tips on hound construction?[/QUOTE]

I second that question. I just picked Chrome Hounds up at EB/GS and am working my way through single player before heading online.

I would appreciate any pointers to construction resources on the web (or your own advice if you are so inclined). Thanks--
CheapyD mentioned on the new CAGcast that he misses playing Chromehounds too. There should be a bunch of new CAGs playing Chromehounds with the gamefly deal. Let's see if we can get something going this weekend! I'm still waiting for my copy to get here, but it should be any day now. I'll send out a couple adds to you guys in the meantime.
Last night I jumped on and ended up playig for more than an hour when I only intended to play for a few minutes. I started the new War and changed the nation to Sal-Kar. I may start clearing out some names of people that no longer have an interest and make room for new members since I may start playing this again.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I was going to join you last night but I had a fresh copy of Lost Planet and I couldn't stop playing it. I do want to play some CH again though.[/QUOTE]
I saw you playing LostPlanet and figured there was no way you were getting of of that game last night.
[quote name='Santurio']Last night I jumped on and ended up playig for more than an hour when I only intended to play for a few minutes. I started the new War and changed the nation to Sal-Kar. I may start clearing out some names of people that no longer have an interest and make room for new members since I may start playing this again.[/quote]

I was just about to join you when you started playing some other game (FIFA I think), so I ended up playing for 20 minutes or so. I'm definitely still interested in the game.
[quote name='flybrione']How about some classic Chromehounds Tuesdays![/QUOTE]
Sounds good to me. I think I should be available after 9 or so Central.

[quote name='2Fast']I was just about to join you when you started playing some other game (FIFA I think), so I ended up playing for 20 minutes or so. I'm definitely still interested in the game.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I played FIFA after that. I played a few games in my Manager mode but I would have probably have joined you for a few matches in CH.
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive... but I'm all over Chromehounds when I get it. I'd definitely like to join if you can make space for me Santurio.
[quote name='Santurio']Sounds good to me. I think I should be available after 9 or so Central.[/QUOTE]

Alright Linkin and Ramo I'll see you guys Tuesday and I'll try to get RX to play I have not talked to him in a week as he has been extremely busy with work.
hello everyone i just got this game via the gamefly deal, mind if i join the squads? and i'm new to its online play so any tips will be appreciated.
bread's done