Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

Show me where it says she's not in good mental health?

And, also, he wasn't sent to iraq in his first enlistment, so it is reasonable to assume he had no intention of being shipped off. It's also reasonable to assume that his desire to serve his country was based on false beliefs spread by bush administration lies and half truths.

And accusing people of using tragedies to their advantage is difficult. Bush (and many others) used 9/11, how much of it is a sincere attempt to prevent future tragedies and how much is just for political goals? Pro life people use images of aborted fetuses, people they accuse of being equal to born humans, for their political goals. And there are many other examples. Using a tragic event to benefit your cause, and therefore stopping or at least drawing attention an issue, is not necessarily the same as simply exploiting it for political purposes, it's a very fine line.

[quote name='vindicator']Casey Sheehan re-enlisted last August and planned to make a career in the military. According to his father, Casey "loved the Army because it gave him a chance to serve his country."

If you ask me, she is tarnishing the memory of her son and dishonoring him through her actions. This is no longer about a mother's sorrow, but a desperate attempt to disperse a radical agenda.

Besides, this shouldn't be a political situation in the first place, this woman is clearly not in a balanced state of mind, so you have, Michael Moore and other far-leftists using her mental state and her persona as a vehicle to push their viewpoints. Listen to her talk, everything she says is basically a Moore talking point.

EDIT: btw, this is Moore’s splash page as of 4:40PM Eastern on Aug.11, 2005:


Disgusting. What’s the exclamation point about? Glee? He revels in this shit. He’s never more happy or more in his element than when he can exploit death to make himself get noticed. What a particularly nasty example of our species this Mooreon is.[/QUOTE]
Her son apparently was proud of his service in the military,

Thats not the same thing as him approving of the Iraq war.

He did not want to be there.

She is just shaming his memory at this point.

She gave birth to him, I think she knows more of what he would have wanted than some random wanker like you.
[quote name='vindicator']Casey Sheehan re-enlisted last August and planned to make a career in the military. According to his father, Casey "loved the Army because it gave him a chance to serve his country."

If you ask me, she is tarnishing the memory of her son and dishonoring him through her actions. This is no longer about a mother's sorrow, but a desperate attempt to disperse a radical agenda.

Besides, this shouldn't be a political situation in the first place, this woman is clearly not in a balanced state of mind, so you have, Michael Moore and other far-leftists using her mental state and her persona as a vehicle to push their viewpoints. Listen to her talk, everything she says is basically a Moore talking point.

EDIT: btw, this is Moore’s splash page as of 4:40PM Eastern on Aug.11, 2005:


Disgusting. What’s the exclamation point about? Glee? He revels in this shit. He’s never more happy or more in his element than when he can exploit death to make himself get noticed. What a particularly nasty example of our species this Mooreon is.[/QUOTE]

:applause: :applause:
Here you go, PAD - you'll like this. This week's Top Ten Conservative Idiots list:


1. George W. Bush
All Cindy Sheehan wants to hear from George W. Bush is why the war that took her son's life was started, and why it is still going on. Unfortunately she's not going to get an answer from George W. Bush, because he's a yellow coward.

Last week, however, Bush did acknowledge Cindy's vigil, saying at a press conference:

You know, listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. I also have heard the voices of those saying, "Pull out now," and I've thought about their cry, and their sincere desire to reduce the loss of life by pulling our troops out. I just strongly disagree. Pulling the troops out would send a terrible message.

Um, wait a minute - that doesn't answer Cindy's question at all. Yes, as usual Bush completely missed the point and ventured off somewhere into Bizarroworld.

But there is one sure-fire way that Cindy Sheehan could get all the face-time she wants with the president - by simply donating $25,000 to the Republican party. See, while Bush is too chickenshit to meet with the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq, he did meet with a group of his rich buddies last week.

According to the Houston Chronicle, "Some 230 people were attending the fund-raiser at Stan and Kathy Hickey's Broken Spoke Ranch, a 478-acre spread next to Bush's ranch. All have contributed at least $25,000 to the RNC, and many are 'rangers,' an honorary campaign title bestowed on those who raised $200,000 or more for Bush, or 'pioneers,' those who have raised $100,000 or more."

Here's Bush driving past Camp Casey on his way to the party. He didn't bother to stop to talk to Cindy:


So there you have it. Want some accountability from the president of the United States? Dubya won't give you the time of day. Donated $25,000 to the Republican party? Step right up and shake hands with Our Great Leader! That, right there, pretty much sums up the "morals and values" of today's Republican party and the Bush administration.

And there's more - on Saturday, Bush made perhaps the least compassionate statement of his five year presidency:

Whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there's somebody who has got something to say to the president, that's part of the job. And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say. But I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life.

Well I'm glad that Our Great Leader finds it so easy to go on with his life, when his policies have ended the lives of so many others and wrecked thousands more. I guess he's finally given up even pretending to care.

2. The Right-Wing Smear Machine
Ah, those noble right-wing chickenhawks. For these folks, smearing the grieving mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq is all in a day's work. Last week conservative media shills did their best to drag Cindy Sheehan's name through the mud, and the usual suspects were leading the charge.

First, Matt Drudge lambasted Cindy for apparently approving of George W. Bush earlier in 2004, and then criticizing him later. Nice try. Not only was the story cobbled together by taking quotes wildly out of context, but as Cindy herself put it , "Why do the right wing media so assiduously scrutinize the words of a grief filled mother and ignore the words of a lying president?" Well quite.

Meanwhile, conservative talk radio hosts have been transporting their dittoheads to Camp Casey to jeer at Sheehan. Meet Mike Gallagher:


Mike Gallagher is the leader of Gallagher's Army, a "charitable organization" which appears to be mostly dedicated to promoting, um, Mike Gallagher. And in case you were wondering, no, Gallagher has never served a day in his life, and yes, he sure does like to play dress-up.

Mind you, these guys had nothing on Bill O'Reilly who enjoyed a backpatting smearfest with Michelle Malkin on O'Reilly's Fox News show last week. Here's Falafel Boy:

I think Mrs. Sheehan bears some responsibility for this and also for the responsibility of other American families who have lost sons and daughters in Iraq, who feel that this kind of behavior borders on treasonous. ... She has thrown in -- there is no question that she has thrown in with the most radical elements in this country. ... And, you know, there are some people who hate this government, hate their country right now, and blaming Bush for all the terrorism and all the horror in the world.

Congratulations, Bill. I think you might officially be the most black-hearted scumbag on the planet. And with the company you keep, that's saying something.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Show me where it says she's not in good mental health?
[/QUOTE] She is deeply distraut over the loss of her son, wouldn't you say it is clear evidence that she is not in a good mental state?

[quote name='alonzomourning23']
And, also, he wasn't sent to iraq in his first enlistment, so it is reasonable to assume he had no intention of being shipped off. It's also reasonable to assume that his desire to serve his country was based on false beliefs spread by bush administration lies and half truths.
[/QUOTE] If you VOLUNTARILY rejoin the military, I think you'd be well aware of the possiblities of being sent to Iraq.

[quote name='alonzomourning23']
And accusing people of using tragedies to their advantage is difficult. Bush (and many others) used 9/11, how much of it is a sincere attempt to prevent future tragedies and how much is just for political goals? Pro life people use images of aborted fetuses, people they accuse of being equal to born humans, for their political goals. And there are many other examples. Using a tragic event to benefit your cause, and therefore stopping or at least drawing attention an issue, is not necessarily the same as simply exploiting it for political purposes, it's a very fine line.[/QUOTE] I don't approve of Bush using 9/11 for politcal gain (if it is) any more than you do.

But then why except the help of Moveon, Moore, and other various radical leftists? It clearly is a case of exploiting political motives, but mostly on the part of moveon and Moore using her loss. To me, she is just being used.

At first I had sympathy for her, but it has been carried too far, and this whole mess has become an annoyance.

Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement my ass.

[quote name='Msut77']

She gave birth to him, I think she knows more of what he would have wanted than some random wanker like you.[/QUOTE]

And what exactly was it that he wanted?

He volunteered for the military, he voluntarily rejoined the military, he wanted a career out of the military as stated by his dad.

He went to Iraq (even though he didn't approve of the war) because he felt it was still his duty nontheless, as stated by Cindy herself.
And what exactly was it that he wanted?

To be alive.

At first I had sympathy for her, but it has been carried too far, and this whole mess has become an annoyance.

You self centered ignorant little prick. It boils down to you hearing the truth "annoys" you.
[quote name='Msut77']

To be alive.[/QUOTE] Then don't join the military! The military is not a babysitting service.

[quote name='Msut77']
You self centered ignorant little prick. It boils down to you hearing the truth "annoys" you.[/QUOTE]
First "wanker", and now "self centered ignorant little prick" Should your ridiculous posts even be taken seriously anymore? Your childish antics definity point to no.

btw, you really need to learn to use quote tags.
Looks like a Sheehan protest group prayer meeting was broken up by a shotgun toting Texan who fired his gun in an effort to disperse the peaceful group.

Isn't this a great metaphor for what has truly happened in America - religion getting hijacked by gun-toting red state idiots anxious to stifle any opposing views which may inconvienience them or remind them of the true cost of war.
Nice try vindicator.
First off vindicator, if you had HEARD what was said later Cindy's HUSBAND is behind her as well as one of her sisters is with her. For the most part her immediate family is with her it's her in-law's that she's been the politically opposite of. She says she hasn't spoken to them since this letter or since they took the Right Wing's side, something like this.
Anyway, is using her for a political tool for the Left? Yes but technically she was a Liberal before this. She's not an idiot man which I think is the most telling of this. The Right Wing trying to paint her as an idiot that's just along for the Left Wing spin machine couldn't be further from the truth.
At the time she was to talk with Bush alonzo already made the point clear and perhaps the grief she has had made everything clearer to her. Personally I say we follow the Libertarian's plan and get the Hell out of Iraq. I don't care that Bush has failed, frankly I'm SICK of us putting our nose in the Middle East. In Iran we fucked around by installing the Shah to give us cheap Oil then Iran becomes WORSE than when Mohammed Mosadeq was in because of the Ayatollah's. Shouldn't we already realize that we make things WORSE in these countries when we interfere? Don't even try to tell me we're gonna pull out of Iraq because we aren't because they're building permanent military bases there.
You know I wonder how Americans would feel if the Saudi's, with cooperation from the Bush administration, managed to install a Fundamentalist Christian religious rule here. I'm serious too.
I'm sure you vindicator and PAD would be whining. Trust me when I say things would be worse.
[quote name='Sarang01']Nice try vindicator.
First off vindicator, if you had HEARD what was said later Cindy's HUSBAND is behind her as well as one of her sisters is with her. For the most part her immediate family is with her it's her in-law's that she's been the politically opposite of.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly what I posted and as stated in the letter.

Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.

I never made any mention of Cindy being the only family member in the protest. Nor that her immediate family is against her protest.
[quote name='vindicator']She is deeply distraut over the loss of her son, wouldn't you say it is clear evidence that she is not in a good mental state?[/quote]

So no one is thinking clearly if someone close to them dies? It's not like this happened yesterday. This accusation is baseless.

If you VOLUNTARILY rejoin the military, I think you'd be well aware of the possiblities of being sent to Iraq.

Well, recruiters go out of the way to explain why you won't be shipped off. And he went the whole time without being shipped off, not exactly that odd to think he wouldn't be shipped out if he re-enlisted. Not the best line of thinking, but not exactly an uncommon one.

I don't approve of Bush using 9/11 for politcal gain (if it is) any more than you do.

But then why except the help of Moveon, Moore, and other various radical leftists? It clearly is a case of exploiting political motives, but mostly on the part of moveon and Moore using her loss. To me, she is just being used.

At first I had sympathy for her, but it has been carried too far, and this whole mess has become an annoyance.

Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement my ass.

But every group uses events to draw attention to their cause. If someone exploits an event insincerely to draw attention to their causes, and to prevent similar events from reoccuring, I don't see the issue. It's when people feign concern that I have a problem. Schiavo is an example of this, people used it to benefit them politically but they didn't care unless it become a major media event (bush is a good example, previous signing a law in texas that allowed hospitals to remove life support despite family objections). Left wing groups, michael moore included, have repeatedly focused on families and other who want to speak out about deaths due to the iraq war.

Another way to really exploit it is to focus on an event and use that as justification for everything, even though you wanted to do it anyways (probably bush with 9/11 and iraq), but that didn't happen here either.

And what exactly was it that he wanted?

He volunteered for the military, he voluntarily rejoined the military, he wanted a career out of the military as stated by his dad.

He went to Iraq (even though he didn't approve of the war) because he felt it was still his duty nontheless, as stated by Cindy herself.

Wait, I had a different response untill I saw you say he didn't approve of the war. If you believe that, then what's wrong with his mother speaking out against a war, calling for other peoples sons and daughters to come home, when her son died fighting a war he didn't believe in? She wants the president to pull the troops out, the soldiers would still be doing their duty, they just wouldn't die because of it.
[quote name='camoor']Looks like a Sheehan protest group prayer meeting was broken up by a shotgun toting Texan who fired his gun in an effort to disperse the peaceful group.[/quote]

This poster is fine.

Isn't this a great metaphor for what has truly happened in America - religion getting hijacked by gun-toting red state idiots anxious to stifle any opposing views which may inconvienience them or remind them of the true cost of war.

This poster is insane.

Though he fired the gun in the air, apparently on his own property. He then put up a no parking sign. This is completely legal in texas. Also, it even said he originally supported her and why he changed

Mattlage said he was initially sympathetic toward the demonstrators, but that they have blocked roads in the area and caused traffic problems. He said he fired his gun in preparation for the dove-hunting season, but when asked if he had another motive, he said, "Figure it out for yourself."

Though she said she's been eating and drinking things brought to her by supporters, I was suprised she'd be so trusting, I would be afraid a nut would pretend to support me then try to poison me.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']
Well, recruiters go out of the way to explain why you won't be shipped off. And he went the whole time without being shipped off, not exactly that odd to think he wouldn't be shipped out if he re-enlisted. Not the best line of thinking, but not exactly an uncommon one.

Actually she's supposedly said herself, that when he re-enlisted, he knew he'd be deployed to Iraq.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Actually she's supposedly said herself, that when he re-enlisted, he knew he'd be deployed to Iraq.[/QUOTE]

Haven't seen that, though everything else still stands. His whole reasoning is still unknown.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']So no one is thinking clearly if someone close to them dies? It's not like this happened yesterday. This accusation is baseless.
[/QUOTE] She is still distraught. She is still greeving. At least according to her.

[quote name='alonzomourning23']
Wait, I had a different response untill I saw you say he didn't approve of the war. If you believe that, then what's wrong with his mother speaking out against a war, calling for other peoples sons and daughters to come home, when her son died fighting a war he didn't believe in? She wants the president to pull the troops out, the soldiers would still be doing their duty, they just wouldn't die because of it.[/QUOTE] It's the way shes going about it.

“And the other thing I want him to tell me is ‘just what was the noble cause Casey died for?’ Was it freedom and democracy? Bullsh*t! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We’re not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism,” she exclaimed.

Yes, thats it, Israel must have also been behind her sons death. It was George W. Bush along with the Jews that killed her son, not the insurgents hell bend on killing infidels. She's lost it, she has become a Moore-talking point-spewing mom from (shocker, the blue state of) California.
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font]
She says what she want's without any thought, makes impossible demands and then waves her son’s shattered corpse around holding it as a shield against rebuke, and criticism.

Sheehan needs to get off from standing on the "Soap Box" of her son's coffin.
[quote name='vindicator']She is still distraught. She is still greeving. At least according to her.[/quote]

That doesn't mean she isn't of sound mind. When someone close to you dies I don't think you stop thinking straight (Assuming they didn't die like an hour ago).

It's the way shes going about it.

“And the other thing I want him to tell me is ‘just what was the noble cause Casey died for?’ Was it freedom and democracy? Bullsh*t! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We’re not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism,” she exclaimed.

Yes, thats it, Israel must have also been behind her sons death. It was George W. Bush along with the Jews that killed her son, not the insurgents hell bend on killing infidels. She's lost it, she has become a Moore-talking point-spewing mom from (shocker, the blue state of) California.

She says what she want's without any thought, makes impossible demands and then waves her son’s shattered corpse around holding it as a shield against rebuke, and criticism.

Sheehan needs to get off from standing on the "Soap Box" of her son's coffin.

She's drawing attention to the war, and the americans it has killed.

Though, you read front page mag don't you? They linked an article from moonbat central that, from appearances, you basically parroted back to me, especially the whole "she hates jews" things. It's kind of absurd to think that the palestinian conflict does not aid extremists ability to recruit, but do you honestly believe that only anti-semites want israel out of the palestinian territories? That's the argument your making. Being against the occupation, and seeing a connection between that and the increase in extremism and terrorism, have nothing to do with anti-semitism.
[quote name='vindicator']She says what she want's without any thought, makes impossible demands and then waves her son’s shattered corpse around holding it as a shield against rebuke, and criticism.

Sheehan needs to get off from standing on the "Soap Box" of her son's coffin.[/QUOTE]

What are those impossible demands? To ask a question of the president? One would presume that, since he planned a $25,000 RNC donation minimum dinner complete with a meet-and-greet for the donors during this past week, he might have had time to meet with members of his constituency that weren't giving lavishly to his party.

Asking to speak to FDR? *That* is an impossible demand (though many psychics might disagree ;)). Asking to speak to the current president? That is an unlikely demand (and more and more unlikely as you show your ideological opposition to him).

We can assume that there are roughly 3,600 parents (not counting premature deaths, as well as the postnuclear family) of military members who died in Iraq. We can also assume that Cindy Sheehan is not alone in questioning the motives and need for this war, the strategy of this war, the effect it is having on global terrorist attacks. Most importantly, we know that the trend is that fewer and fewer United States Citizens support what is going on in Iraq (Just a taste of that trend here).

Because removing Saddam, WMD, installing democracy as a force of change, protecting women and children from extreme patriarchy, and the pain and fear of genocide did not resonate with the American public as valid reasons to stay in Iraq (because of increasing evidence that the administration emphasized the elements of connections to terror that turn out, in almost all cases, to be false), and this is a crucial point you need to pay attention to, the only thing that Republicans are doing to keep support on their side is fight and bray talking points against the left. Your substantive reasonings for going into Iraq have all been destroyed, so the only thing left is for people like Mike Gallagher to arrange a chant of "we don't care" at Cindy Sheehan. You and yours have nothing left but to mock and intimidate people from speaking out against what is going on in Iraq; that, in concert with the percentage of people against the war (and the momentum that brings with it) is going to be the downfall of you and yours. So please, by all means, continue to support telling the mother of a dead soldier "we don't care," and by all means drive to the rally in your automobile emblazoned with "support the troops" magnets, cursing under your breath about how liberals don't understand the various facets of freedom and how important they are.

Please do it; we need to wrangle that federal government from your rugged individualist damnfools of congresspersons who foolishly believe that this country and the market will solve its own problems, and thus we must give even more power to those who own and control the market. We need to replace them, and next year is our first opportunity. Keep flappin' your gums, buddy. I'm not kidding, either.
I personally don't give much credence to the "blood for oil" as a motivating force in the Iraq war; I'll chalk this one up to personal vendetta.

There are far better targets to eliminate if we want to go back to $1.50 a gallon than Hussein.
Hey vindi,

Your whole argument rests on your contention that people who are sad about their dead sons make you a sad panda.

Like anyone should care what you think.
It really boils down to this:

She has a right to protest. Her protest is unfortunately being used as an example of "How Bush is Evil" by the propagandists on the left.

Bush has a right to not speak with her. After all, he is a busy man. He wouldn't have time to speak with every relative of every killed soldier. Unfortunately, her protest is being written off as "Rantings of a Mad Woman" by the propagandists on the right.

Whether she agrees or disagrees with her son, he made the decision to re-enlist, he fought, he died. That DOES NOT; however, negate her right to be distraught over the death of a loved one.

Personally, I think it's dragging on a bit long. I think she's made her point. I don't know that there's that much to argue about, except who is more wrong in how they are portraying her, the right or the left.
[quote name='fanskad']Bush has a right to not speak with her. After all, he is a busy man.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't resist...

[quote name='fanskad']He wouldn't have time to speak with every relative of every killed soldier.[/QUOTE]
If we never invaded Iraq, he would have plenty of time for the families of saldiers killed in Afghanistan.
[quote name='CheapyD']I couldn't resist...
(pic removed due to size)[/quote]

Yeah, I agree. Five weeks of vacation a year? That's a little excessive. I would prefer a harder working president. But, that still doesn't mean that he would have time for every deceased soldier's relative.

[quote name='MrBadExample']If we never invaded Iraq, he would have plenty of time for the families of saldiers (sic) killed in Afghanistan.[/quote]

Granted. But that's also moot. We did invade Iraq. We can either bitch about it, or move forward to the next issue.
[quote name='Sarang01']Come on kevermin, truly what's a soldier's life when it comes to protecting that sweet bubblin' crude? ;-P[/QUOTE]


Hey Sarang, guess which one you are....
IMO she kind of becoming the liberal verison of Terry Shavio's parents. I even except to see her GOP-voting family become more vocal against her in the coming days.
If he'd just talk to her this would go away. I mean there's no risk that the mothers of dead soldiers are gonna start pouring in demanding the same, just do it once and get it over with, the attention will go away. Just don't be stupid enough to allow an audio or video tape to be made public.
Well like Alex Bennett or some other Liberal talk host said that now it would be like him giving into her. If Bush would've just talked to her in the first place all this would've been avoided. He stoked the fire like the IDIOT he is.
[quote name='Sarang01']Well like Alex Bennett or some other Liberal talk host said that now it would be like him giving into her. If Bush would've just talked to her in the first place all this would've been avoided. He stoked the fire like the IDIOT he is.[/QUOTE]

He did talk to her, directly at one point. She did and said nothing of importance then, in fact she said she'd rather not talk about the death of her son to him. Granted she may have still been distracted by the death of her (though that's odd because usually you'd be likely to take anger out on someone a month after a loved one's death than a year), but still he's the president, the larger majority of people who lost loved ones in Iraq will never even get to see him in person let alone speak to him.

Also I don't see how he "stoked the fire" really in this case. I think he's done everything possible with the exception of meeting with her a second time (which I don't really even think he should do personally).
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']He did talk to her, directly at one point. She did and said nothing of importance then, in fact she said she'd rather not talk about the death of her son to him. Granted she may have still been distracted by the death of her (though that's odd because usually you'd be likely to take anger out on someone a month after a loved one's death than a year), but still he's the president, the larger majority of people who lost loved ones in Iraq will never even get to see him in person let alone speak to him.

Also I don't see how he "stoked the fire" really in this case. I think he's done everything possible with the exception of meeting with her a second time (which I don't really even think he should do personally).[/QUOTE]

She was at a large meeting he had with other family members who lose loved ones. Actually, according to bloggers such as matt drudge (, under the criticism section) she spoke highly of bush up until the point she met him originally. So her opinion changed, and what she would say has changed.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']She was at a large meeting he had with other family members who lose loved ones. Actually, according to bloggers such as matt drudge (, under the criticism section) she spoke highly of bush up until the point she met him originally. So her opinion changed, and what she would say has changed.[/QUOTE]

Well I don't know if Matt Drudge is giving a totally unbiased outlook here, I wouldn't put it past him to be lying or at least exaggerating. Acoording to the interview I read not too long ago (the interview was from last october though) She never agreed with the war in Iraq because she didn't see that as a threat. also she said the president said something about not being able to imagine the pain she's in and she responded by asking him how he'd fell if it were his daighters and then telling him not to go there. To me, that would be an indication she wasn't happy about it at that time either or very satisfied with the president. So either she's lying or he is, to be honest I wouldn't put it past either of them now that I think about it.

Also in answer your question about her son's reason for re-enlisting earlier, in the same interview she said it was because he didn't want his friends to have to go to war without his help.
I'm leary of making Cindy Sheehan the public face of the Anti-Iraq War cause. Invariably the GOP attack machine will roll all over her and any flaw they find in her will be used to discredit all anti-Iraq war protesters. The longer her vigil goes on in Crawford, the better her chances of being seen as a kook (by more than just the rabid conservatives). I wish she would pack up and leave Crawford now then organize a march on Washington (or a silimar protest) in September when Congress is back in session. There needs to be more faces out there of family members who have lost loved ones in this war. They won't be able to discredit them all.
[quote name='fanskad']Here's something you'll see used as an attack tomorrow. Her husband is divorcing her.

There's a decent column on slate about this whole thing.[/QUOTE]

I'd divorce your shameful, lying, radical liberal ass too!

No way in hell I'd stay with a woman who dishonors our son over politcal bullshit.

It's obvious she doesn't give a damn about her son since she has no problems trashing everything he believed in and joined the military for and supports groups that would rather see her son die than see a terrorist in jail. What a wonderful mom! :puke:
[quote name='Scrubking']I'd divorce your shameful, lying, radical liberal ass too!

No way in hell I'd stay with a woman who dishonors our son over politcal bullshit.

It's obvious she doesn't give a damn about her son since she has no problems trashing everything he believed in and joined the military for and supports groups that would rather see her son die than see a terrorist in jail. What a wonderful mom! :puke:[/QUOTE]
See! The almost non-sensical partisan rhetoric is already using this bit of personal tragedy to it's advantage!
Some people deal with death in different ways. Some mourn and move on.

Some let their grief be exploited by anyone that claims they care.

I'll leave it to you to decide which one this woman chose.
[quote name='Scrubking']I'd divorce your shameful, lying, radical liberal ass too!

No way in hell I'd stay with a woman who dishonors our son over politcal bullshit.

It's obvious she doesn't give a damn about her son since she has no problems trashing everything he believed in and joined the military for and supports groups that would rather see her son die than see a terrorist in jail. What a wonderful mom! :puke:[/QUOTE]

you are very disgusting person claiming she doesnt love her son, I think u have moved into the number 1 disgusting person at CAG congrats.
If anyone watched this woman on Hardball today you'll know why she isn't taken seriously by the White House. She's convinced her son died for nothing, period. Ask the vast majority of the other soldiers there or the families who have lost sons and daughters and they won't agree with her. She shook her head like a raving Howard Dead when told "you know the President would say the war was about security and installing democracy in the Middle East."

She doesn't believe it can work. Well, congratulations lady, you disagree with the President and tons of foreign policy advisors. That's no excuse to constantly seek attention and anger the rest of the military families.

For you raging libs that think this woman should get whatever she wants, spend some time with a military family and ask their opinion on her. It might open your eyes.
[quote name='kev']If anyone watched this woman on Hardball today you'll know why she isn't taken seriously by the White House.[/quote]

Because she disagrees with them?

She's convinced her son died for nothing, period. Ask the vast majority of the other soldiers there or the families who have lost sons and daughters and they won't agree with her.

More and more people, and a majority now as attitudes change, think that Iraq is hurting our efforts to stop terrorism. 22% of Americans think that our actions in Iraq have reduced the likelihood of being attacked on American soil, compared to 45% who think it has increased that. A majority of people (53%) think we should stay the course, however (and, since al qaeda is active in Iraq now, I'm fine staying there until something resembling a self-sustaining government emerges). This is all Americans, not military families, of course. I would like you to show me data on how the families of soldiers feel since you know so much. I'm going to guess that you're making arguments with nothing to back them up, of course.

She shook her head like a raving Howard Dead when told "you know the President would say the war was about security and installing democracy in the Middle East."

She doesn't believe it can work. Well, congratulations lady, you disagree with the President and tons of foreign policy advisors. That's no excuse to constantly seek attention and anger the rest of the military families.

So is she not a "real" military family because she questions the motives of an administration that exhausts its military removing a government in a country that had nothing to do with terrorist attacks on our own soil? Her feelings and opinions aren't legit because they don't fall in line with the braying sheep that take their hats off for the pledge, slather their automobiles in magnets, and, like you, want people who disagree with them to shut the fuck up? Please. You can't even fathom for a moment anything that contradicts your partyline, and you're frightened of knowledge. You're frightened that people will come to know this war is a fraud, has been a fraud from the very start, and that our military, who we should respect, has been used, fucking USED by an administration of corporate-loving service dodgers.

I love my sister, but if she was with an abusive spouse I'd tell every motherfucker that I knew who could do something to stop it. For her own good.

For you raging libs that think this woman should get whatever she wants, spend some time with a military family and ask their opinion on her. It might open your eyes.

Again, because she is opposed to the war, she is not a "real" military family? So who are the "real" families, then? Those people who react to everything they hear from the administration with Pavlovian acceptance and question nothing?

Administration opposition to the 9/11 commission? SHUT UP, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
Administration speaking in private and off the record to the commission? SHUT UP, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
Rumsfeld still in office? SHUT UP, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
$1-2 billion cost? SHUT UP, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
Cheney claiming they would embrace us with roses? SHUT UP, SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
Ad fucking nauseum.
He did talk to her, directly at one point. She did and said nothing of importance then

She was witha bunch of other people and did not have time to give his comeuppance.
[quote name='kev'] She's convinced her son died for nothing, period. Ask the vast majority of the other soldiers there or the families who have lost sons and daughters and they won't agree with her. [/QUOTE]

no shit sherlock. If you were over there or had loved ones over there, you would probably tell yourself the same lie just to make it through. No one wants to admit their loved one died for nothing. No matter the circumstance.

[quote name='kev']
She doesn't believe it can work. Well, congratulations lady, you disagree with the President and tons of foreign policy advisors.

well maybe not. Cindy might be more right that you think...

The Bush administration is significantly lowering expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq, recognizing that the United States will have to settle for far less progress than originally envisioned during the transition due to end in four months, according to U.S. officials in Washington and Baghdad.

The United States no longer expects to see a model new democracy, a self-supporting oil industry or a society in which the majority of people are free from serious security or economic challenges, U.S. officials say.

"What we expected to achieve was never realistic given the timetable or what unfolded on the ground," said a senior official involved in policy since the 2003 invasion. "We are in a process of absorbing the factors of the situation we're in and shedding the unreality that dominated at the beginning.

Sound exactly like what us "raging" liberals were saying before the fucking invasion.
[quote name='Drocket']Most likely she was still stunned by the news of the death of her son, and far too devistated, emotionally, to do anything at all. Now that some time has passed, she's had some time to at least begin to heal and now wants to call to account those who cost her son his life.[/QUOTE]

Obviously she's looking in the wrong place. The people who killed him are in Iraq, maybe already dead, I have no idea. In any case, they most certainly are not living in Crawford, Texas.

It's sad that radicals and ratings-hungry media are willing to take advantage of a grieving mother like this, very sad. Knowing grief myself I can't blame Sheehan for any of this circus act, but dipshits like Michael Moore I certainly can.
[quote name='elprincipe']Obviously she's looking in the wrong place. The people who killed him are in Iraq, maybe already dead, I have no idea. In any case, they most certainly are not living in Crawford, Texas.

It's sad that radicals and ratings-hungry media are willing to take advantage of a grieving mother like this, very sad. Knowing grief myself I can't blame Sheehan for any of this circus act, but dipshits like Michael Moore I certainly can.[/QUOTE]

No, the person that sent him over to be killed is in Crawford, Texas. She, along with many other Americans, would just like to know the real reason why we are over there.

Also, if you are blaming Moore, you also have to blame Rush, Hannity, and the like for also contributing to the "circus."
You idiot liberals keep trying to push the sad, grieving mom act on everyone and it just isn't working anymore.

When she first met with Bush she said he was nice and everything went well, now she says everything went horrible. What a 360 huh??

This lady is long past her grief and is just another sleazy liberal using this grief act to try and push the radical agendas of, Micheal Moore and others. I just can't buy anymore that she is being taken advantage of. She is conducting herself like a professional radical activist NOT a grieving mom.

Grieving moms don't go on television and piss all over their sons memory and beliefs like this lady has. How sad can you be when you go on tv and basically say that your son was a person who died for nothing, killed innocent people and is guilty of war crimes?? That is what and Moore believe in and she fully supports them and their radical shit.

Now she thinks she deserves special treatment and wants ANOTHER meeting with Bush. Give me a fucking break. It isn't enough that she already met with him then lied about how the meeting went??

I'm long past giving this wacko lady any respect. She doesn't deserve it anymore.
[quote name='Scrubking']You idiot liberals keep trying to push the sad, grieving mom act on everyone and it just isn't working anymore.

When she first met with Bush she said he was nice and everything went well, now she says everything went horrible. What a 360 huh??

This lady is long past her grief and is just another sleazy liberal using this grief act to try and push the radical agendas of, Micheal Moore and others. I just can't buy anymore that she is being taken advantage of. She is conducting herself like a professional radical activist NOT a grieving mom.

Grieving moms don't go on television and piss all over their sons memory and beliefs like this lady has. How sad can you be when you go on tv and basically say that your son was a person who died for nothing, killed innocent people and is guilty of war crimes?? That is what and Moore believe in and she fully supports them and their radical shit.

Now she thinks she deserves special treatment and wants ANOTHER meeting with Bush. Give me a fucking break. It isn't enough that she already met with him then lied about how the meeting went??

I'm long past giving this wacko lady any respect. She doesn't deserve it anymore.[/QUOTE]

You complain about liberal bullshit, then you go spouting off how she accused her son of being a war criminal. Little hypocritical, aren't we?
[quote name='niceguyshawne']No, the person that sent him over to be killed is in Crawford, Texas. She, along with many other Americans, would just like to know the real reason why we are over there. [/QUOTE]

Sorry champ, Bush didn't send anyone over to be killed. Even if you disagree with the war, you have to at least realize the indisputable fact that the person(s) responsible for his death were the people over there who attacked him and killed him. That question is a fair one, why are we over there, but it's not like Bush sent him on a suicide mission.

[quote name='niceguyshawne']Also, if you are blaming Moore, you also have to blame Rush, Hannity, and the like for also contributing to the "circus."[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. People using Sheehan as a political pawn + people savaging Sheehan for being taken advantage of = CIRCUS.
bread's done