Circuit City has (pricey) Component Cables for the Wii

[quote name='soulwish2003']Whew... I'll stick w/ Nintendo store...[/quote]

Psyclone cables do tend to be pricey..but they're "top of the line" cables.....even when compared to Nintendo's brand.

Is it worth the premium? Depends on who you ask.....

I picked up a set because a) I could find them and b) I know their reputation for being very good cables in other products (the Xbox 360, for example).

Given it looks like everywhere else either a) doesn't have them or b) has them backordered, and seeing what some sets are going for on E-Bay....

With the frees's not TOOOO bad, IMHO.
[quote name='cisco49']Isn't CC going to start to carry the OEM cables in a while?[/quote]

Don't know. I've seen them in the system, online, at points, but can't seem to find them now.
[quote name='pilferk']Psyclone cables do tend to be pricey..but they're "top of the line" cables.....even when compared to Nintendo's brand.

Is it worth the premium? Depends on who you ask.....

I picked up a set because a) I could find them and b) I know their reputation for being very good cables in other products (the Xbox 360, for example).

Given it looks like everywhere else either a) doesn't have them or b) has them backordered, and seeing what some sets are going for on E-Bay....

With the frees's not TOOOO bad, IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Don't buy in to Snake Oil tales of "Premium" cables. The fact is that you are NOT going to see an increase in picture quality with them.

Just get Nintendo's cables.
If you are OK with paying extra (double!!!) for the 'convenience factor' then that is your call, but yeah don't let yourself fall for the 'they are high quality therefore worth more' BS. They won't give you any better of a picture than the N ones.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Don't buy in to Snake Oil tales of "Premium" cables. The fact is that you are NOT going to see an increase in picture quality with them.

Just get Nintendo's cables.[/quote]

I'm a home theater buff. The truth is you can see a marked difference, especially with HDTV displays, in picture quality with better cables. I've personally seen the difference between nickel/silver plated connections and gold plated connections and signal noise. I've seen the difference between a high quality constructed cable and a lower quality cable, both in color saturation and signal noise. I'll agree...many people don't notice the difference. And if you're one of those people...great. But don't pooh pooh the difference because you don't notice it. Trust me, it exists....even at 480P.

Now, I don't know the quality of the Nintendo cables, so can't speak to how MUCH of a difference there is.....but the gold plated connections (my reciever has gold plated inputs) alone suggest there is a difference.
I'm a home theater buff also, but these really aren't the kind of cables that would make a difference.
Also most people have MANY things that they could change/upgrade/tune in their systems that would
make a heck of a lot more difference than cables. Most people don't even have their display calibrated!

The main kind of cable you are going to see a difference with is loudspeaker cable...but even there
the law of diminishing returns strongly applies. Gold plated contacts are mainly for corrosion resistance
by the way, they don't have much if at all to do with signal quality, unless there is corrosion on the
non-gold plated cables you are comparing to.

YMMV I suppose...if it works for you then great.
[quote name='pilferk']I'm a home theater buff. The truth is you can see a marked difference, especially with HDTV displays, in picture quality with better cables. I've personally seen the difference between nickel/silver plated connections and gold plated connections and signal noise. I've seen the difference between a high quality constructed cable and a lower quality cable, both in color saturation and signal noise. I'll agree...many people don't notice the difference. And if you're one of those people...great. But don't pooh pooh the difference because you don't notice it. Trust me, it exists....even at 480P.

I've been a 'home theater' buff for 20 years and even had surround with laserdiscs.

With typical cables, people who think they can see a difference with most cables (excepting really cheap crap) fail a controlled, double-blind test.

Just because you think you can see a difference, doesn't mean it's really there.

Trust me.
[quote name='porieux']I'm a home theater buff also, but these really aren't the kind of cables that would make a difference.
Also most people have MANY things that they could change/upgrade/tune in their systems that would
make a heck of a lot more difference than cables. Most people don't even have their display calibrated!

The main kind of cable you are going to see a difference with is loudspeaker cable...but even there
the law of diminishing returns strongly applies. Gold plated contacts are mainly for corrosion resistance
by the way, they don't have much if at all to do with signal quality, unless there is corrosion on the
non-gold plated cables you are comparing to.

YMMV I suppose...if it works for you then great.[/quote]

Impedence, even on a 6 foot cable, can degrade significantly, depending on how close to the 75ohm standard the cables are constructed. Component cable is no less susceptible to that than any coax cable is. Higher quality cables typically have more rigid engineering, and less variance from the 75 ohm standard.

I tend to optimize our setup as much as possible (and yes, it's been calilbrated by an ISF certified tech), and use the best price vs performance stuff I can find (using avsforums and hometheaterspot as great reference sites).

Yes, gold cables corrode less so, therefore, over time provide less signal noise. I should have been more specific when stating I noticed the difference when replacing those nickel/silver plated cables...which had begun to degrade/corrode.

And, again, part of it is certainly the convenience factor.
This thread is one of the reasons that I don't read all that much over at AVS anymore.

I like my HDTV. I like my gaming systems. Do I want to hear about how $60 video cables will give me significantly less impedence? Not really.

I appreciate that you're trying to help people out with the knowledge that you've gained... but you have to remember that this is There are people here that won't buy a $5 game online unless they can get a free shipping code.

Buying $60 cables that get closer to the 75ohm standard is not something that really resonates here.
[quote name='Beer Monkey']I've been a 'home theater' buff for 20 years and even had surround with laserdiscs.

With typical cables, people who think they can see a difference with most cables (excepting really cheap crap) fail a controlled, double-blind test.

Just because you think you can see a difference, doesn't mean it's really there.

Trust me.[/quote]

I've done the "double blind" test, both with friends and with the ISF technician who did our calibration. I was able to pick out the lower quality cable pretty quickly, both with a real world source and with his calibration DVD.

Just because YOU can't always see a difference doensn't mean there isn't one. Some people have "golden ears", some people have "golden eyes". I seem to be particularly sensitive to signal noise and color saturation differences and the signal noise, especially, annoys me...I've found that good cables (not necessarily EXPENSIVE cables) can make a difference, in "clean" sources especially (our digital cable signal contains noise on many channels no matter what I do...).

Again, I haven't SEEN the Nintendo cables in action, so can't say there is a definite difference. Looking at the two, I suspect there is one...but I can't say how pronounced it would be.
[quote name='pilferk']I've done the "double blind" test, both with friends and with the ISF technician who did our calibration. I was able to pick out the lower quality cable pretty quickly, both with a real world source and with his calibration DVD.[/QUOTE]

So you're telling me that you sat with a calibration technician for hours, using multiple sources, and switching back and forth from good cables to crappy cables? That the technician actually brought crappy cables along just so that you could compare? And that this is the kind of thing you do to your friends?

Wow. On a related note, the Gamecube Nintendo brand cables were of exceptional quality (gold plated and all!). I'd expect the same from the Wii cables, which you can now order from the NOA store and have shipped within a day or two.
[quote name='psunami']This thread is one of the reasons that I don't read all that much over at AVS anymore.

I like my HDTV. I like my gaming systems. Do I want to hear about how $60 video cables will give me significantly less impedence? Not really.

I appreciate that you're trying to help people out with the knowledge that you've gained... but you have to remember that this is There are people here that won't buy a $5 game online unless they can get a free shipping code.

Buying $60 cables that get closer to the 75ohm standard is not something that really resonates here.[/quote]

It doesn't have to....and notice the conversation didn't start that way. I was simply giving a heads up that there were cables to be found (and even said they were pricey). A couple people questioned why you would buy the more expensive cables, over Nintendo's. I gave my reasoning, in a very basic sense, and it, too, was questioned.

So I explained in more detail.

It's perfectly fine to "like" your things the way they are. Just like you "like" your car the way it is. There are other people who, for whatever reason, like to tweak, tune, modify, and generally play with their cars to get better performance...even if it's only 5 or 10 extra hp. And there's people in between. Ditto with home theater. AVS seems to cater to that group.
[quote name='psunami']This thread is one of the reasons that I don't read all that much over at AVS anymore.

I like my HDTV. I like my gaming systems. Do I want to hear about how $60 video cables will give me significantly less impedence? Not really.

I appreciate that you're trying to help people out with the knowledge that you've gained... but you have to remember that this is There are people here that won't buy a $5 game online unless they can get a free shipping code.

Buying $60 cables that get closer to the 75ohm standard is not something that really resonates here.[/QUOTE]

it so true ....i won't buy a $5 game if there's no free shipping
[quote name='gkrykewy']So you're telling me that you sat with a calibration technician for hours, using multiple sources, and switching back and forth from good cables to crappy cables? That the technician actually brought crappy cables along just so that you could compare? And that this is the kind of thing you do to your friends?

Wow. On a related note, the Gamecube Nintendo brand cables were of exceptional quality (gold plated and all!). I'd expect the same from the Wii cables, which you can now order from the NOA store and have shipped within a day or two.[/quote]
Multiple sources? Why? One source..a supposedly "clean" all you need to demonstrate the difference....since if you can measure less noise on the picture when you change the cables you can verify the noise isn't inherent to the source, to some extent.

I had the crappy cables, actually. I asked him (actually, I tipped the guy a bit extra to do this after he was done with the calibration) to do the test because I wanted to verify something about a signal issue I was having (that it was inherent to the source). When I was able to tell the difference, without being told, between the two cables, he wanted to see if I could do the same with his calibration DVD. I did. The whole process took about 30 - 45 min.

As for my friends...they're patient with me.....given it garners them a good seat on "movie night". Again, part of trying to isolate a signal issue (this time a different source) and determine it's nature.

The wii cables, at least from reports, are not gold plated. Not sure of their makeup, otherwise. I'd have to see them, in action, to comment on that.

NOA's web site, at least last time I checked, had them listed as backordered. Not sure if they still are or not....possibly not, at least for now.
[quote name='pilferk']NOA's web site, at least last time I checked, had them listed as backordered. Not sure if they still are or not....possibly not, at least for now.[/QUOTE]

They're listed as being in stock now. In any case, I'm not criticizing you for posting the availability, especially considering how sought after they've been.

EDIT: And reports are wrong. the Nintendo-brand cables ARE gold plated. Seen first here ( and verified through ebay listing checks.
[quote name='gkrykewy']They're listed as being in stock now. In any case, I'm not criticizing you for posting the availability, especially considering how sought after they've been.

EDIT: And reports are wrong. the Nintendo-brand cables ARE gold plated. Seen first here ( and verified through ebay listing checks.[/quote]
Awesome! But odd...because the first hand reports (both here at CAG and at other sites) from those that have recieved the cables from NOA have all said they are NOT gold plated. I wonder why?

Why would the Play Asia cables be different...or why would people not be able to tell their connectors are gold? Weird....

Wish I'd known but...ah well...

Edit: Would the Japanese versions be gold while the American version is not? I can't imagine they'd do that....
Well, one big difference is in length. The Psyclones are 12' if I remember correctly, while the React and NoA cables are only 6'. The React cables aren't gold plated either if I remember correctly..

However, if you need the length and can't bridge the gap with a receiver or switcher, it's an option. I wish somebody would hurry up with the sensor bar extension as well.. I'm too lazy to buy candles all the damned time.
[quote name='Skylander7']Well, one big difference is in length. The Psyclones are 12' if I remember correctly, while the React and NoA cables are only 6'.[/QUOTE]

The NOA cables are 8.2' long, not 6.

[quote name='pilferk']Edit: Would the Japanese versions be gold while the American version is not? I can't imagine they'd do that....[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. In looking at images from ebay auctions, you can see the gold tone in the boxed (Japanese) cables as well as the bagged (US) cables.


[quote name='Beer Monkey']I've been a 'home theater' buff for 20 years and even had surround with laserdiscs.[/quote]
Awesome! Is this the AVphile competition thread? I want in. Because I have Beer Monkey beat. Before we got the laserdisc, we had the old RCA Video Discs (CED, SelectaVision). You know, the ones that you had to load into the player, then you had to pull the big case out, and the disc remained in the player?

In any event, my NOA component cables came last week, and the picture doesn't show a difference with non-progressive format games. But playing one which is, like Odama or Metroid or RE4 is very, very sweet.
[quote name='pilferk']I've done the "double blind" test, both with friends and with the ISF technician who did our calibration. I was able to pick out the lower quality cable pretty quickly, both with a real world source and with his calibration DVD.[/QUOTE]

That's actually a single-blind test, which is scientifically invalidated.

Again, some cables are crap, but your average cable snob is just suffering from placebo effect.

[quote name='guinaevere']Awesome! Is this the AVphile competition thread? I want in. Because I have Beer Monkey beat. Before we got the laserdisc, we had the old RCA Video Discs (CED, SelectaVision). You know, the ones that you had to load into the player, then you had to pull the big case out, and the disc remained in the player? [/QUOTE]

Dude, I remember it very well, came out three years after laserdisc and died much quicker. :)
[quote name='Beer Monkey']That's actually a single-blind test, which is scientifically invalidated.

Again, some cables are crap, but your average cable snob is just suffering from placebo effect.[/quote]
When he's using 2 sets of MY cables (NOT the original cables being used for calibration, which were his) and doesn't know which is which? And he's doing the connecting? And I don't know which set I'm seeing?

Sounds like double blind to me....

I suppose you could argue the viewing of the Calibration DVD was single that point he knew the difference between the two cables...but didnt communicate a thing when he hooked them up so I still had no clue which was being used.

Oh, and there are perfectly valid studies conducted in a single blind manner....FYI. If you'd like I can put you in touch with the researchers I work with, every day, who use the methodology, to explain why. But there are valid reasons to use the methodology.

As for the "average cable snob", it sounds like you can only speak to what your eyes don't seems to be able to detect the difference. Bully for you.
[quote name='guinaevere']Awesome! Is this the AVphile competition thread? I want in. Because I have Beer Monkey beat. Before we got the laserdisc, we had the old RCA Video Discs (CED, SelectaVision). You know, the ones that you had to load into the player, then you had to pull the big case out, and the disc remained in the player?

In any event, my NOA component cables came last week, and the picture doesn't show a difference with non-progressive format games. But playing one which is, like Odama or Metroid or RE4 is very, very sweet.[/QUOTE]

haha I remember my first surround sound love - and what made me have to have it - seeing Terminator 2 on vhs in dolby pro logic in a little setup room through some big ol' klipschorns.

Ok trying to be on topic here - why not make your own - for those with the diy spirit:

(btw this isn't my site - I didn't make these but thought it was pretty smart)
[quote name='bordjon']

Ok trying to be on topic here - why not make your own - for those with the diy spirit:

(btw this isn't my site - I didn't make these but thought it was pretty smart)[/quote]

Back when I was starting out in my profession (10+ years ago) and I was the low man on the totem pole, I used to have to make RS-232 connectors for our mainframe (the things a Jr. Programmer has to do...). I hated it! I'd pay NOT to have to make my own cables (well, I guess I do, actually).
[quote name='pilferk']Back when I was starting out in my profession (10+ years ago) and I was the low man on the totem pole, I used to have to make RS-232 connectors for our mainframe (the things a Jr. Programmer has to do...). I hated it! I'd pay NOT to have to make my own cables (well, I guess I do, actually).[/QUOTE]

For once im going to agree with the expensive cables. Going by experience the quality of nintendo cables have been ass quality. I don't know who psyclone is but the cables are constructed well, vs the crap nintendo has got from the lowest bidder. These are probably overpriced and there are far better cables out there but not for the WII
$60 for a freaken cable??? o hells naw, i was tripping bout spending $38 for the NINTENDO cable, so screw this...
[quote name='BULL_Ship']For once im going to agree with the expensive cables. Going by experience the quality of nintendo cables have been ass quality. I don't know who psyclone is but the cables are constructed well, vs the crap nintendo has got from the lowest bidder. These are probably overpriced and there are far better cables out there but not for the WII[/QUOTE]

Your experience fails. Nintendo-brand GC cables (well... they were the only GC component cables) were top-notch.

[quote name='gizmogc']$60 is not too bad when the Nintendo cables are going for over $100 on ebay.[/QUOTE]

Ebay prices have fallen like a rock. As previously posted, the cables are available for order from NOA right now, and are shipping continuously.
Are they still going for $100? I think my 3rd set is due any day now. I can seel the Nintendo ones and get the jerk-it city ones.
Aren't all tests of a "great" signal going to fail when testing better cables with the Wii? My reasoning is that only one end of the cables is actually gold plated. The other end is that hard plastic. You're not going to get a better signal passed along the cable than what is sent from the Wii. If both ends were gold plated, I might understand, but not with only one end (and us not knowing exactly what's inside the plastic sending the signal to the "better" component cables)
[quote name='Lampei']Aren't all tests of a "great" signal going to fail when testing better cables with the Wii? My reasoning is that only one end of the cables is actually gold plated. The other end is that hard plastic. You're not going to get a better signal passed along the cable than what is sent from the Wii. If both ends were gold plated, I might understand, but not with only one end (and us not knowing exactly what's inside the plastic sending the signal to the "better" component cables)[/quote]
It's not about the gold plating, entirely, really (the gold plating is good because nickel/silver plated corrode relatively quickly over time and you lose signal strength and get noise...since the "other end" is protected by the plastic, and is a pin out, you don't really have to wory about corrosion on the console end). It's about the quality of the coax, itself, and the sheilding on the cable.

Now, whether the psyclone cables are better constructed than the Nintendo "official" ones..I don't know. I'd have to get my hands on a pair of them and see. I have more confidence in their construction than the Nintendo stock cables mostly because of the reviews I've seen of their past products.....though Nintendo's cables may be fine, too.

FYI, the Psyclone Xbox, Xbox 360, and PS2 component cables have been gotten VERY good reviews.
Stop being retards. If you wanted the highest resolution, you would've just stuck with your 360 and P$3's. 480p has nothing to do with the Wii.... its a perk. If you bought a Wii just to see Zelda with better rez than the GC version, then you should be ashamed.

The Wii is all about the controls and the interactivity.

While I am A/V buff myself... I can assure you that Nintendo's cables will work perfectly. If you own the GC components you'll know that they are top notch.

By the way, Nintendo's store shipped mine out last Thursday, and you can pick up controllers as well, which are in stock.

Merry Holidays to all!!
[quote name='pilferk']I'm a home theater buff. The truth is you can see a marked difference, especially with HDTV displays, in picture quality with better cables. I've personally seen the difference between nickel/silver plated connections and gold plated connections and signal noise. I've seen the difference between a high quality constructed cable and a lower quality cable, both in color saturation and signal noise. I'll agree...many people don't notice the difference. And if you're one of those people...great. But don't pooh pooh the difference because you don't notice it. Trust me, it exists....even at 480P.

Now, I don't know the quality of the Nintendo cables, so can't speak to how MUCH of a difference there is.....but the gold plated connections (my reciever has gold plated inputs) alone suggest there is a difference.[/quote]

I'm a video engineer and I don't mess with expensive cables. 6ft is NOT going to make a difference. What will make a difference is peni-(ahem) cable envy and a wallet bleeding money. It also makes a difference where you buy as well. Buying at Tweeter/Bang & Olufsen? Might as well get a 2nd mortgage and a therapist when shopping for cables.

I buy cables through industrial (like TecNec) wholesale, and I've noticed that Monster's retail prescence is a lot less there. Wonder why?

Also consider, if you gotta be thourough in ripping "anti-cable" people apart...
This is where the people making your movies and TV shows buy their cables, and if they're skimping on cost (cause we do...) why doesn't it show?

[quote name='drone8888']Stop being retards. If you wanted the highest resolution, you would've just stuck with your 360 and P$3's. 480p has nothing to do with the Wii.... its a perk. If you bought a Wii just to see Zelda with better rez than the GC version, then you should be ashamed.

The Wii is all about the controls and the interactivity.

While I am A/V buff myself... I can assure you that Nintendo's cables will work perfectly. If you own the GC components you'll know that they are top notch.

By the way, Nintendo's store shipped mine out last Thursday, and you can pick up controllers as well, which are in stock.

Merry Holidays to all!![/quote]

I have a 360...with good component cables.

And if resolution, signal strength, signal noise, etc don't factor into your decision...don't buy component cables....or buy a set of REact component cables. But why bag on people that DO care? Seems pointless to me.

I'm sure that the Nintendo cables will work just fine. Even if they were not GREAT quality, I know that 99% of the world wouldn't care or notice. Just like 99% of the world wouldn't notice that little tweek to a car engine that netted out 2 or 3 more hp. I'm not bagging on people who want to buy Nintendo's cables. Go for it. I'm simply explaining the reasoning behind some people choosing different, possibly more expensive, cables.
[quote name='guinaevere']In any event, my NOA component cables came last week, and the picture doesn't show a difference with non-progressive format games. But playing one which is, like Odama or Metroid or RE4 is very, very sweet.[/quote]

Hokey smokes, I completely forgot about the GCN games that support progressive! Since my old GCN didn't have the progressive out, I'm even more eager to get these in now. Thanks, guinaevere for reminding me.

BTW, as for the general AVphile dickering in this thread--who cares? Most people won't, but if you think there's a difference and it matters to you, I could care less if you spend 100% more to buy your cables. Spend away...
[quote name='ajservo1']:roll:

I'm a video engineer and I don't mess with expensive cables. 6ft is NOT going to make a difference. What will make a difference is peni-(ahem) cable envy and a wallet bleeding money. It also makes a difference where you buy as well. Buying at Tweeter/Bang & Olufsen? Might as well get a 2nd mortgage and a therapist when shopping for cables.

I buy cables through industrial (like TecNec) wholesale, and I've noticed that Monster's retail prescence is a lot less there. Wonder why?

Also consider, if you gotta be thourough in ripping "anti-cable" people apart...
This is where the people making your movies and TV shows buy their cables, and if they're skimping on cost (cause we do...) why doesn't it show?


When TecNec carries a Wii cable that I don't have to create myself, drop me a line.

It's not about "expensive"'s about better quality cables. I wouldn't buy a monster cable if you paid me....they're overpriced and the quality difference between a stock cable is neglibable. But if you don't really think cables make ANY difference in your HT're just not paying attention to the data that's out there. Good quality cables DO make a difference. I've seen it. I've read the reviews on the Psyclone cables and their past products ARE quality matter what they cost.

I'm not "ripping anti-cable people". In fact, look at how the thread started....I've simply explained my reasoning after the "anti-cable" people questioned the benefits. If anyone is getting "ripped"'s yours truly.

And you can take your derogatory, inflamatory, combative, argumentative "peni-(ahem) cable envy" comments and file them appropriately. If you can't notice a difference, I'm happy for you. Buy a set of React cables and enjoy them...
[quote name='gunm']Ok, we've derailed the thread long enough--let's keep this on-topic from now on.[/quote]

I'm game if the rest of the brood is....
I got my cable today from NOA. It is gold plated like reported by others. I order my cable on 11-19-06. It came packed in a box.

The picture looks much much better over standard composite cable included with the WII. And one this people keep forget WII only supports 480P. So getting a super high quality cable is almost a waiste of money because most standard cables can push 480P signel fine as even cheap cable has more than enough bandwith.

If we were talking about 1080I or 1080P with long runs then cable quality could be an issue. But for low bandwith short runs the Nintendo stock component cable will more than likely produce either the same picture quality or any differneces might not be visable to naked eye anyways.
[quote name='pilferk']When TecNec carries a Wii cable that I don't have to create myself, drop me a line.

It's not about "expensive"'s about better quality cables. I wouldn't buy a monster cable if you paid me....they're overpriced and the quality difference between a stock cable is neglibable. But if you don't really think cables make ANY difference in your HT're just not paying attention to the data that's out there. Good quality cables DO make a difference. I've seen it. I've read the reviews on the Psyclone cables and their past products ARE quality matter what they cost.

I'm not "ripping anti-cable people". In fact, look at how the thread started....I've simply explained my reasoning after the "anti-cable" people questioned the benefits. If anyone is getting "ripped"'s yours truly.

And you can take your derogatory, inflamatory, combative, argumentative "peni-(ahem) cable envy" comments and file them appropriately. If you can't notice a difference, I'm happy for you. Buy a set of React cables and enjoy them...[/QUOTE]

It's all snake oil. Some people can't seem to understand that you can get cheaper, good quality cables for their ultra expensive HT stuff. Pretty much everyone on AVS are proponents of Monoprice, since they put out cheap, high quality cables.

Now, are you saying that Nintendo, the only console manufacturer that backs up it's products with a year-long warranty, is producing sub-standard levels of quality in their cables?

Yes, cables matter, but you seem to think that simply because the Psyclones got good reviews in the past, that means that, OBVIOUSLY, they must be far greater than the Nintendo cables. It's quite clear that you haven't examined Nintendo's cables yourself, nor do you know the technical specifications of said cables, yet you are quite adamant about your uninformed opinion that the Psyclone cables are superior to the Nintendo cables.
[quote name='dolmar']I got my cable today from NOA. It is gold plated like reported by others. I order my cable on 11-19-06. It came packed in a box.

The picture looks much much better over standard composite cable included with the WII. And one this people keep forget WII only supports 480P. So getting a super high quality cable is almost a waiste of money because most standard cables can push 480P signel fine as even cheap cable has more than enough bandwith.

If we were talking about 1080I or 1080P with long runs then cable quality could be an issue. But for low bandwith short runs the Nintendo stock component cable will more than likely produce either the same picture quality or any differneces might not be visable to naked eye anyways.[/QUOTE]

if we're talking about 1080p, we sure as hell better be using HDMI or DVI ;)

But as for picture quality from analog cables, for many people it does matter even @ 480. Granted you dont need the $100 monster cables but for some there is an issue.

But anyway that price is way too much for component, that's why I really appreciate that the PS3 has a non-propreitary connection.
[quote name='Skylander7']Well, one big difference is in length. The Psyclones are 12' if I remember correctly, while the React and NoA cables are only 6'. The React cables aren't gold plated either if I remember correctly..

However, if you need the length and can't bridge the gap with a receiver or switcher, it's an option. I wish somebody would hurry up with the sensor bar extension as well.. I'm too lazy to buy candles all the damned time.[/QUOTE]

I think it was IGN who reported that third parties plan to release wireless sensor bars powered by batteries, supposedly they will have a stronger IR signal as well. Unfortunately they didn't give anymore info than that really.
god much were the nintendo component cables originally when they were sold on nintendos site? expensive as well also?
guys...there is no way in hell you can tell a difference between cables for a gaming system...

maybe between some very high end compenents...(I could between a $2000 dvd player and appropriate tv with issf calibration) but not with a game consoles cheap ass internal cabling and cheap ass bunt connector in the back.

buy the cheapest thing you can find and have fun

PS HDMI is digital for a PS 3 and the cheapest cable is the same as the most expensive...
dolmar - you should let us all know how you are getting 480p over composite cables (yellow cable only)

component cables (red,green,blue connectors) are required for 480p+ btw.
Twylight I am not getting 480P over composite cables nor did I ever say that. If you would bother to re-read my post. I said you can tell a big difference between composite cables vs Component cables. I said because the WII only support 480P getting a high quality cable is a waiste of money. What I meant by that was getting a high quality compenent cable so sorry if i was not clear about what a high quality cable is.

I am willing to bet most people can not tell the difference between a cheap component cable vs an expensive one when you comparing a 480P signel on a short run.

Better cables help when you have a long run as the signel degrades less. But we talking about 6 foot run and 480P is not even coming close to what limits of this cable.
bread's done