City of Heroes or Champions Online


COH was good during the first 13 issues. The game is OK and fits the superhero genre well but the lack of end game content and the lack luster PVP offsets many of the positive things the PVE portion has going. Another huge problem there is 'farming and filling.' Spam in the game is horrible with 10 to 100 message sent per day to all characters by influence and XP farmers.

The story is good though and some of the powers are fun. Task Force and Trial are the only true challenges in that but with many SGs/VGs running them like farms (some 2 hour TFs can be done in 23 minutes or faster) that slowly if not already being destroyed.

Champions Online has a demo/f2p portion which is good. The big thing is that the instance mechanic makes the game feel devoid of life. Again this game does not have good end game content.
Megazell, thanks for your input. If you haven't played CoX recently, you may want to. They've really improved upon it. That's part of the reason why I put this up. I'm trying to decide if I want to give $15 to one or the other for some fun. i19 looks fantastic as well.
CoX will always have a special place in my heart as the only MMO I played for an extended time; however, I'd suggest waiting until DC Universe Online comes out.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']CoX will always have a special place in my heart as the only MMO I played for an extended time; however, I'd suggest waiting until DC Universe Online comes out.[/QUOTE]

With the 2011 delay for DCUO, I've put that on the backburner by necessity. :)

There's rumors from a Gamestop employee that CO and STO may go free-to-play by December. I absolutely LOVE CoX. I own both (save Going Rogue).

I'm just looking for other's opinions.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']I'd go with CoX because I have no faith in Cryptic's ability to sustain a game over a long period of time.[/QUOTE]

Good point.
[quote name='BlockheadBrown']Megazell, thanks for your input. If you haven't played CoX recently, you may want to. They've really improved upon it. That's part of the reason why I put this up. I'm trying to decide if I want to give $15 to one or the other for some fun. i19 looks fantastic as well.[/QUOTE]

I would have NP returning to COH at all. I mean seriously, I would not mind paying for it...if and only if they return base raids.

My SG was Dark Fallen on the Freedom server. When I left the game we was the number 3 sg on that server (as listed by the Atlas Park rep). Our base had 220 cannons, teleport to every zone, banks of 30 bins with purples and hami...we even had an influence system with over 40 billion influence. My sg was 99% adults and we use to run TFs and Trials super fast...I mean we had Positron's TF down to 28 minutes...which at the time was the record...not sure about now.

I played during the free weekend...along with a great many of my former sg mates...We blew through the new content in less than 2 hours. We tried PVP and that was still too broken....a lot of people still did not pick group TP as a power and bitched when I used it with my group.

Base raids was the only real challenge. We was one of the only sgs that did not use can freely walk through our base with no do have to fight our guns, robots and us though :)

We had to fight sgs that put exploits like false walls, prisons and holes in their base so that you lagged out of the server...and we still beat them - group TP for the win :)

Without base raids...that game has nothing to offer me. I'm not making an alt --- to replay the same content. I need something for my lvl 50 to chew on...Shit, we were the only sg at the time that use to mess with the Shadow Shard at all when I left. We had the Dr. Q TF down to 1 hour and 34 minutes.

That is probably the only MMO I have ever devoted a lot of time to. It was also the most fun I've had with group games since the beginning of MMOs back in the 90's but with lack of base raids....what's there to do?

Are base raids coming back in i19?
[quote name='BlockheadBrown']Wow - Impressive, Megazell! :) Here's a link to an MMORPG article. Nothing specific is mentioned about base raids though. :/

Here's the official overview:[/QUOTE]

Nice read. I have a lvl 50 Ar/Eng Blaster. My character is fully slotted out. Max Acc/Max End Recovery and Max recharge so I use to blow through content quick. Stealth, SS and TP to help scout and end missions as quickly as possible. As with this expansion, I will log on during the free event, say hi to any friends still playing it, burn through the content and get more badges. The only badges my character was missing were the offline time badges (alter egos) and paid subscription badges - If the badge gives a power or stat increase I'll be getting those first.


Your character will get more powerful but for what? Did they ever fix the PVP glitches? Are the PVP zones seeing any life? Most ppl went to PVP zones to get free powers they offered by zone event and/or missions and move on. Is Arena still dead? Issue 6 and a little bit of 7 were the only issues in which PVP arena had any life. Use to do battles for 500 million influence a round back then...last free weekend PVP arena was dead...maybe that's just the freedom server, though?

Did they ever fix Hamidon? Man, I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I went to my first Hamidon raid...I was thinking comic-wise this was going to be like the coming of Galatcus or Starro...You know epic....Some of the trials leading up to Hamidon were awesome...Terra...Crystal Titan...then you get to Hamidon and he is an Oval....a....oval...with more ovals all around him... -.-

When inventions came out Hamidon was dead in the water because the drops you got from him were NOTHING compared to purples...So now you need 50 ppl to fight and oval and get a drop that is worth nothing.... -.-

At least the Statesman TF was decent for a time until ppl started finishing it in 20 minutes.
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I'm not sure. To be honest, I had issues with alt-itis and created far more characters than I ever fully gave a chance to grow to level 50. I have 3 in their 30s. 2 in their upper 20s. and 1 in the teens on the Hero side. For villains, I have 5 with only 1 in his 30s. The others, I can't remember off-hand. I mainly played on Triumph

I made a few on other servers, but I haven't logged in/tried them in ages.

Ever since CoX, I've limited myself to one character per MMO (mostly). Even with LotRO, my highest alt just made level 30. Truthfully though, I've been distracted with RL stuff and other games. Still, the most fun I had in any MMO is in CoX. I haven't done the Haimdon missions or many others. I haven't messed much with the crafting system. There's so much original content I've missed out on.
[quote name='BlockheadBrown']With the 2011 delay for DCUO, I've put that on the backburner by necessity. :)

There's rumors from a Gamestop employee that CO and STO may go free-to-play by December. I absolutely LOVE CoX. I own both (save Going Rogue).

I'm just looking for other's opinions.[/QUOTE]

I seriously do not put faith in rumors from a gamestop employee. Unless it's showing up on popular game sites, then I am not going to believe it. Star Trek online is starting to be micro transactioned to hell these days...and with major price drops for the actual game it looks like its going that way anyways.
Now that it's going to be free-to-play, I might pick up Champions. After the beta, I couldn't bring myself to pay $15 a month for it.
[quote name='Morphx2']just got the is free to play first quarter 2011

Silver kinda sucks though looking at the comparisons[/QUOTE]

[quote name='plasticbathmonki']Now that it's going to be free-to-play, I might pick up Champions. After the beta, I couldn't bring myself to pay $15 a month for it.[/QUOTE]

Like I said before sometimes when games have an 'unlimited demo' they usually go 'F2P.'

Wootie Flakes for all PC Gamers!
I thoroughly enjoyed CoX and wish I could have kept up with it, but household budget cuts put it up on the chopping block after Baby #3.
I read that posting on another site..... correctly if I am wrong, but isn't Star Trek Online made by the same people who did CO? If so perhaps STO will go free as well....but bet your ass they are going to charge an arm and a leg for stuff we would normally get for free! :| Want to get to that new sector?...that will cost you 5.99$.... Want to upgrade your ship? that will be 99 cents per upgrade! :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']I read that posting on another site..... correctly if I am wrong, but isn't Star Trek Online made by the same people who did CO? If so perhaps STO will go free as well....but bet your ass they are going to charge an arm and a leg for stuff we would normally get for free! :| Want to get to that new sector?...that will cost you 5.99$.... Want to upgrade your ship? that will be 99 cents per upgrade! :([/QUOTE]

They have an 'unlimited demo' that is F2P. It's on my list. I believe that game will be going 'F2P.' You're probably right about how they will do business but if it's not like DDO and LOTRO I don't see that game staying around for much longer.
bread's done