Clerks (15th Anniversary Edition) Blu-ray $14.99

Please let this hold until pay day.. oh god, please let Chasing Amy also drop to $15 so I can pick up both for $30 shipped.. please, please..
[quote name='Scorch']Please let this hold until pay day.. oh god, please let Chasing Amy also drop to $15 so I can pick up both for $30 shipped.. please, please..[/QUOTE]

Too bad Chasing Amy's video has a heavy dose of DNR applied to it. :cry:
I bought this the other day for $16.99 and thought it was a good deal. This is even better. Great deal especially considering this includes everything that the Clerks X 2-Disc DVD included.
[quote name='ticalmc2k2']I bought this the other day for $16.99 and thought it was a good deal. This is even better. Great deal especially considering this includes everything that the Clerks X 2-Disc DVD included.[/QUOTE]

haven't read any reviews on it, but are those included in SD or HD?
[quote name='Demolition Man']Too bad Chasing Amy's video has a heavy dose of DNR applied to it. :cry:[/QUOTE]

i have the kevin smith bluray set which includes chasing amy. having watched it i have to say its not noticeable. unless you are super anal about it and will bring in another tv and play it side by side and pause it screen by screen, you wont tell.

also, the bluray does look a lot better than the dvd edition did.

ditto for clerks.
Must buy Kevin Smith movies. Except Jersey Girl, that doesn't exist in my mind. Now would be a good time to pick up Dogma, but I can't remember if I already have it on Blu-ray. Going to have to stop by my place during lunch.
[quote name='postulio']i have the kevin smith bluray set which includes chasing amy. having watched it i have to say its not noticeable. unless you are super anal about it and will bring in another tv and play it side by side and pause it screen by screen, you wont tell.[/QUOTE]

I rented "Chasing Amy" so I could judge it myself. The DNR is quite noticeable. Its further insulting when you watch the "Tracing Amy" extra on the disc which shows clips from the movie that don't have the DNR applied to them. The quality is quite better. So I'll wait out a year or so for Disney to re-release "Chasing Amy" with a "remastered" transfer ala "Gangs Of New York."

Or that forthcoming "Gladiator" re-release for that matter.
i thought the movie looked better than the clips in tracing amy.

to each their own. it should be pointed out that the DNR debate is rarely black and white. while on some movies there is way too much and it drowns all detail, at times it actually looks great.

the debate is always anal videophiles vs casual viewers. in this case, in chasing amy's case, most moderate videophiles wouldnt even bitch about it.

i suppose when drama needs to occur, its all fair game. are you gonna complain about bluray cases with cutouts in the shape of the recycle symbol for conserving plastic, too?

PS: gladiator looks amazing.
[quote name='postulio']i thought the movie looked better than the clips in tracing amy.[/quote]

Disagree. The heavy use of DNR really took away the film look that the clips showed.

to each their own. it should be pointed out that the DNR debate is rarely black and white. while on some movies there is way too much and it drowns all detail, at times it actually looks great.

DNR is just like any other tool. When used correctly it does wonders and I'm not saying DNR shouldn't be used. But when used wrong it really shows. Chasing Amy and Gladiator are two examples of the wrongs of DNR. Kind of like how over compression really hurt Metallica's Death Magnetic, Rush's Vapor Trails, etc.

i suppose when drama needs to occur, its all fair game. are you gonna complain about bluray cases with cutouts in the shape of the recycle symbol for conserving plastic, too?

If it actually did bother me I can easily replace the case with another one. But it doesn't so I don't care. I do care however about if the Blu-Ray I am buying is the best it can look/sound. I can understand source limitations and what not. Sometimes there are things that can't be fixed or any fixing would make it look worse. But when a studio on purposefully does dumb things like go heavy on the DNR then they deserve to be called out for it. In this day and age with the technology that is around there is no excuse for a studio to need to re-release something that can and should have been done right the first time.

PS: gladiator looks amazing.

So amazing that its being re-released with a new transfer already. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']

So amazing that its being re-released with a new transfer already. [/QUOTE]


btw. arguing with you is pointless. youre just like the guy in your avatar.
[quote name='postulio']btw. arguing with you is pointless. youre just like the guy in your avatar.[/QUOTE]

Translation = "I got just owned and can't defend myself so I'll go to personal attacks instead." So I'll just say to you have a good day.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Translation = "I got just owned and can't defend myself so I'll go to personal attacks instead." So I'll just say to you have a good day.[/QUOTE]

You consider that owning someone? The real world called, they want you to venture into it.
[quote name='opterasis']You consider that owning someone? The real world called, they want you to venture into it.[/QUOTE]

Okay so I went a bit far with the usage of "owning" but at least I made a valid argument about the over use of DNR. You contributed what again to this discussion?
[quote name='postulio']
btw. arguing with you is pointless. youre just like the guy in your avatar.[/QUOTE]

Demolition Man didn't say anything wrong or unreasonable. And Postulio, Gladiator is the poster child for bad DNR/picture quality. It's been proven in a million reviews and forums. Praising it kind of shows that you're not able to differentiate between a good and bad transfer.

Yay for Clerks 1 & 2 getting so cheap! I can replace my Clerks 2 HD DVD at last.
i thought the poster child was gangs of new york (which is far worse than gladiator). i know gladiator has issues, but they are hard/impossible to see unless you pause the movie and get up close to compare. i have a 42" and i site about 12' away from it... i cant tell it's flaws (the disappearing arrow is literally a 2 second scene, if even). maybe my vision is bad (its not perfect...) or im just not apeshit anal about DNR.

either way, i'll be looking to replace my gladiator blu.

ps: that Translation comment is exactly something dwight would say, haha.
[quote name='postulio']ps: that Translation comment is exactly something dwight would say, haha.[/QUOTE]
HAHA yea as I was reading it I was hearing dwight's voice

Ok back on topic, I never got clerks on dvd so this seems like a good price. Might wait to see if it drops some more.
bread's done