Cloverfield Movie Thread - DVD Out on April 22nd


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Here's a little more info about the film:

The mystery budget has been dubbed 'Cloverfield' but is also being known as '1-18-08' after the trailer and new website. Cloverfield began shooting in mind-June in New York with the tiny budget of just $30 million.

The flick stars a relatively unknown cast which includes Michael Stahl-David (The Black Donnellys), Odet Jasmin, Mike Vogel (Supercross) and Lizzy Kaplan (The Class). J.J. Abrams (Lost, Mission Impossible 3, upcoming Star Trek prequel) is producing and Matt Reeves (who co-created Felicity with Abrams is directing).

Official site:

Fan/Blog Site:

[quote name='becuzimbrown'] is a good website for cloverfield updates[/QUOTE]

Possibly related site:

Link to QT teaser trailer:

Cloverfield is the official name:

Link to QT trailer (11/12):
Thanks man, I was wondering WTF that flick was, seems very interesting. I just hope they don't spoil crap with millions of trailers. That one is all they needed to get me intrigued.
I gotta say they did a hell of a job with this preview. Everyone in the crowd was rambunctious and noisy and halfway through this you could hear a pin drop. When it ended you could hear a collective, "What was that?!". Which is probably exactly what the producers/creators wanted.
Either its going to be a huge hit, or it will be like the Blair Witch Project, making a bunch of money because the trailers looked cool, but being an awful movie overall.

Looks interesting, I hope the entire movie isnt the "Home Video Camera" style.
[quote name='life.exe']Either its going to be a huge hit, or it will be like the Blair Witch Project, making a bunch of money because the trailers looked cool, but being an awful movie overall.

Just got through the puzzles on ethanhaaswasright. Seems pretty interesting so far. Not normally one to get into these ARG things but maybe I'll try this one out.
[quote name='life.exe']Either its going to be a huge hit, or it will be like the Blair Witch Project, making a bunch of money because the trailers looked cool, but being an awful movie overall.

Looks interesting, I hope the entire movie isnt the "Home Video Camera" style.[/QUOTE]

First, before the insane hype, when Blair Witch was only being played in little tiny indy theaters, it was freakin' amazing. I worked at Tower Records at the time when a bunch of us went to see it. It was really creepy, to make things weirder, after the movie was over people started "remembering" all the crazy Maryland ghost stories they had heard (or thought they heard, I lived in Northern VA at the time).

Second, I hope the entire movie is in home video style.
[quote name='life.exe']Looks interesting, I hope the entire movie isnt the "Home Video Camera" style.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Halo05']Second, I hope the entire movie is in home video style.[/QUOTE]

Abrams has said in interviews that that's the plan.

For a while, because of some of the stuff hidden on those sites (mentioning "old ones" and "ancients," IIRC), I was thinking that it was somehow a Cthulhu movie. But, thinking about the trailer and the stylings of what was shown, I now highly doubt that it'll have anything to do with anything Lovecraftian. That's the problem with Cthulhu mythos's practically impossible to properly adapt any of it into a movie, in my opinion.

Oh, and before anyone else brings it up, NO, it's not a Voltron movie. I know that, to a reasonable person, it seems completely retarded to think that the trailer could even possibly have anything to do with this, and it is, but appearantly, mishearing the guy in the trailer screaming "It's alive! It's huge!" as "It's a lion! It's huge!" was alone enough to convince some dipshits that this was a movie about the good ol' defender of the universe, despite being on the complete other side of the spectrum, tonally. To further cement that it's not Voltron, one simply needs to see that "Cloverfield" is being made by Paramount, while the Voltron movie is being made at Universal. So, there ya go. Just wanted to put that out there.

Oh, and it's not Godzilla or The Host, either. There's some unsubstantiated evidence that it might be called "Parasite," but, that's just a rumor. I tell ya, pretty gutsy move by the studio, putting out a trailer for an unnamed movie. Can't say I recall ever seeing that before.
Man, I get goosebumps when I watch that. I'm a Lost junkie (well, season 3 wasn't so hot but 1 and 2 were awesome) so creepy, unexplained crap is right up my alley. This is probably a day one movie for me, I don't want it spoiled.
[quote name='dastly75']A trailer that doesn't spoil the movie but makes you want to see the movie, nice.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, its a rarity these days it would seem.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I know that, to a reasonable person, it seems completely retarded to think that the trailer could even possibly have anything to do with this, and it is, but appearantly, mishearing the guy in the trailer screaming "It's alive! It's huge!" as "It's a lion! It's huge!" was alone enough to convince some dipshits that this was a movie about the good ol' defender of the universe, despite being on the complete other side of the spectrum, tonally. [/quote]

I watched that part at least 5 times and I simply can't hear anything but "It's a lion!" Now, even if he is saying "lion," why that would be definitive proof that it's a Voltron movie is beyond me. It could just be a giant lion.

Also, "It's alive!" doesn't really make sense to me. Granted, I don't know the context of that scene in the actual film, but why would the guy be running down the street screaming "It's alive!"? Unless it was some giant thing that they discovered and didn't know was alive, and then it came to life and started blowing up shit.

Conclusion: I hear "lion" not "alive".
[quote name='Halo05']I'm the exact opposite, I hear "it's alive" every time. Even when I listen for "it's a lion" I don't hear it.[/quote]

I can only hear "It's a lion." Them stating that "it's alive" doesn't make sense at all as there's no more description. As well there was mention by the reporter that there was "loud thunderous roaring".

If it's about gods/aliens like I'd heard somewhere else, then it's possible the lion could be a Shisaa, a mythical dragon / dog; it has a mane exactly like a lion does.
Thank you OP! I have been trying FOREVER to figure out what the movie was called and the trailer. This and I am Legend are two movies that I can't wait for.
The great war of the gods will come upon the earth; the fires and terror of their rule will return for a time, but the children of the gods may be thus prepared, themselves aware and powerful…they may stand along side the gods not as equals, but as allies, feared and ready.
I hear alive, and I think "alive" makes complete sense since the news reports it's an earthquake, which is most definitely not alive, like all other natural disasters. So they're running around shouting that because it isn't an earthquake or a bomb or something, but something living.

And huge.
Has anyone got anything to happen at You can drag the pictures around but nothing else seems to happen. I have noticed that after the pictures have been moved, they slowly continue to rotate like the hands of an analog clock. I tried overlapping the pictures so that one completely covers the other but nothing happened.

I'm such a sucker for end of the world type movies, nuclear wars, zombies, plagues, monsters, aliens... bring it on.
[quote name='Halo05']Has anyone got anything to happen at You can drag the pictures around but nothing else seems to happen. I have noticed that after the pictures have been moved, they slowly continue to rotate like the hands of an analog clock. I tried overlapping the pictures so that one completely covers the other but nothing happened.

I'm such a sucker for end of the world type movies, nuclear wars, zombies, plagues, monsters, aliens... bring it on.[/QUOTE]

I'm more confused by this page. After you get past the initial puzzle and watch the video it then takes you to a new puzzle.

In the video you can see some faint symbols in the bottom corner of the screen which may be the answer to the puzzle. And at the very end of the video it sounds like the dude says "press pause for the answer"
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I've only seen the trailer once (in the theater), and I definitely heard "it's a lion."[/QUOTE]

"It's alive!"
mannnnnnn that movie looks awesome

i also heard "Alive"

edit: i rewatched the trailer, and then stopped and replayed the "it's alive" part 4 times, and I have to admit that I can totally see how people are hearing "it's a lion". I think he says "it's alive" but I'm not totally sold that it isn't "it's a lion"
this was an awesome trailer. I cant wait to learn more abou't this project. My dopy friend missed it though.
Here's a letter from Abrams to AICN:

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your support of our little movie. I can't wait to talk to you more about it -- of course, knowing you, by the time we talk you'll know more than I will.

Regarding the online stuff you posted: yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us.

Stay cool the rest of the summer -- and thanks per usual for AICN!


The boards at AICN also mention this site might be connected:
I forgot about this trailer... I actually wondered if the movie had started abruptly when the trailer started.. I am excited to see what comes of it.

Good job marketing team.
[quote name='deadite76']The boards at AICN also mention this site might be connected:[/quote]

It's all in Japanese, so I'm thinking another Godzilla. I didn't see the entire suck-fest from 1998 with Matthew Broderick, but did they "kill" Godzilla in that film?
[quote name='shieryda']It's all in Japanese, so I'm thinking another Godzilla. I didn't see the entire suck-fest from 1998 with Matthew Broderick, but did they "kill" Godzilla in that film?[/QUOTE]

Yes, but there was one egg left at the end.


war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star’s rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape.
It looks like the Ethan Haas thing is a separate ARG from Cloverfield. Slusho might be connected though, someone in the trailer had a Slusho shirt.
[quote name='primetime']Slusho might be connected though, someone in the trailer had a Slusho shirt.[/quote]

Didn't see that. Good eye!
[quote name='shieryda']Didn't see that. Good eye![/quote]


That's not me, I've been looking at this a bit this morning. I only saw the trailer once at Transformers.

It's kinda intruiging and I'm sick, which eliminates my drive to do just about anything else but surf the net :)
[quote name='primetime']It looks like the Ethan Haas thing is a separate ARG from Cloverfield. Slusho might be connected though, someone in the trailer had a Slusho shirt.[/QUOTE]

The Ethan Haas ARG is supposed to be linked to this RPG: roducts.html
bread's done