Club Nintendo 2012 (Club Year Ends 6/30/12)

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[quote name='skiizim']I hope it's not a famicom controller, I already have two of them. An snes one would be cool though but I'm with admiralvic with the prize being zelda related. I would love for it to be Kirby related, my daughter would love a Kirby plush doll!!![/QUOTE]

I really hope not. There is an import store that has items like that (official) for around 8 - 20 usd depending on size. I rather it be something you just cant buy; not something thats uniquely designed like a special expression/color/size/side add on. However I will eat my words for a plush epic yarn kirby. Mostly since that would be interesting to see lol
Pouches are back in stock? Sweet. Time to spend some of the coins on my lady friend's account. ;) She already ordered her Star Messenger Bag, so I'm sure she won't mind.
Im at 560 and have 4 post play surveys hopefully that come up before the end of the month

Also, need to spend 880 coins. Any suggestions?
As long as it's something tangible and not something like that special version of Punch-Out, I'll be happy.

[quote name='admiralvic']Odds are Zelda related. You got to remember that the platinum reward is usually unique.[/QUOTE]

You're thinking the same as I am. My logic is that last year was one of Mario's big anniversaries and this year is Zelda's. Then again maybe NOA might just be satisfied with giving away the free OST and DSiWare game (for commemoration) and do something else.
[quote name='JokerCard']Im at 560 and have 4 post play surveys hopefully that come up before the end of the month

Also, need to spend 880 coins. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

I have to drop 700 coins , I have plenty more than that though.

Not sure if I should jump on the Hanafuda cards or just grab a few small things, really torn... and I've waited so long to spend them hoping something new would be added, which at this point I highly doubt anything will be.
[quote name='DQT']
You're thinking the same as I am. My logic is that last year was one of Mario's big anniversaries and this year is Zelda's. Then again maybe NOA might just be satisfied with giving away the free OST and DSiWare game (for commemoration) and do something else.[/QUOTE]

They did a LOT more for Mario. 2 special edition systems, special edition game (OST + artbook included), Japan got tshirts in the CN store, Both platinum reward items were 25th anny based (button/handkerchief), other promo items, we got a statue which im sure related to this theme too.

Now zelda has a OST which frankly was added to drive up sales of the 3ds version (mission successful btw) and Skyward Sword was stated to get an item for most likely the same reason. Zelda was stated to not get a compilation disc... so its very likely they will want to promote it further. Now club nintendo makes sense for two reasons. The first is that they're pulling THOUSANDS to view the program just over the OST and two they need a reason to force people to spend more items so a top platinum reward makes sense. I will be disappointed in all Zelda gets is a 25th anny insert in my game + a promo nintendo cant keep straight.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the reward related to 3DS systems as CN is completely useless for that system currently.
[quote name='admiralvic']Odds are Zelda related. You got to remember that the platinum reward is usually unique.[/QUOTE]

I would totally be down with something LoZ related, so long as it isn't like ya know a Link hat or something :whistle2:#
I don't need the reward to be a Super Nintendo VC controller, but I'd love for them to at least show up in the store.

Nintendo - I will buy even more stuff if you let me start spending coins on SNES controllers.
It says it somewhere on the Club Nintendo pages. Coin Summary or something like that. It'll say how many are expiring on a certain date.

EDIT - and now I can't find it. I could've sworn that I knew about a month ago that I had 80 coins that were expiring so I bought that Mushroom tote bag. Hmmm...
On the main page after you sign in. It's a column on the right-hand side. The earliest I have something expiring is 8/30/11 which is Mega Man X.
I linked my dsishop and eshop account with my club nintendo account but I didn't get any coins, can anyone help?

edit: the points were just late. I got the 40 coins for linking my 3ds, but there was no survey for me to take like the dsi one.
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[quote name='adriley313']
when do they announce the prizes?[/QUOTE]

Usually within a few days to a week after the Club Nintendo year ends IIRC.
My Game & Watch: Ball shipped.^_^

Had about 690 coins expiring this month, so I splurged.

[quote name='JokerCard']Also, need to spend 880 coins. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]Maybe one of the Game & Watch Collections and Grill-Off, that WiiWare game for 80 coins?
[quote name='maigoyume']Hum, I could've sworn that it takes at least a month till they announce anything[/QUOTE]

Even earlier than I remembered. I forgot that you have to go on the site to claim the reward which is possible to do right at the very start of the new Club Nintendo year.

I think you might be thinking of S-E rewards, they take forever to announce the prizes.
The first Club Nintendo year took some time for Nintendo to announce the Elite rewards... I think it was about two weeks.

The second year was amazingly quick.

Who knows what we're looking at this year.
The first Club Nintendo year took some time for Nintendo to announce the Elite rewards... I think it was about two weeks.

The second year was amazingly quick.

Who knows what we're looking at this year.
[quote name='nbballard']I'm calling it- It'll be the Ocarina replica. They focused on Mario 2 years in a row, and it's a Zelda year.[/QUOTE]

...I think you may have nailed it. At least, that's what I'm hoping for now. It would be sweet as hell to get a replica Ocarina, since they did two Zelda compilations already for Gamecube.
[quote name='Blade']...I think you may have nailed it. At least, that's what I'm hoping for now. It would be sweet as hell to get a replica Ocarina, since they did two Zelda compilations already for Gamecube.[/QUOTE]

I really hope not... I mean I seriously will be pissed if that's the case. UK get an "Ocarina" edition which had one and Greece had a ocarina toy. I believe other European regions got them and these came out as soon as a week ago. Seriously they could do more than release 40 different ocarina's for different values...
I hope its not the ocarina, not something that has easily been available and not only advertised in NP magazine for a seriously long time!!!!
[quote name='KingBroly']On the main page after you sign in. It's a column on the right-hand side. The earliest I have something expiring is 8/30/11 which is Mega Man X.[/QUOTE]

I still don't find what you're talking about. There's nothing that clearly labels this. Am I looking at the thing that talleys points earned in 2009? It seems to suggest I may have had something like 160 points left at the end of that year. So that means that many points will expire at the end of June?
[quote name='admiralvic']I really hope not... I mean I seriously will be pissed if that's the case. UK get an "Ocarina" edition which had one and Greece had a ocarina toy. I believe other European regions got them and these came out as soon as a week ago. Seriously they could do more than release 40 different ocarina's for different values...[/QUOTE]

Wow, really? Were any of them the full-sized, playable versions like the ones they used to show in ads in every issue of Nintendo Power? I'd buy an official Nintendo version on ebay if it was. Maybe they'll just give us boomerangs and Gold Skulltula tokens. ;) Or a replica Fierce Deity mask from Majora's Mask.
[quote name='Blade']Wow, really? Were any of them the full-sized, playable versions like the ones they used to show in ads in every issue of Nintendo Power? I'd buy an official Nintendo version on ebay if it was. Maybe they'll just give us boomerangs and Gold Skulltula tokens. ;) Or a replica Fierce Deity mask from Majora's Mask.[/QUOTE] It looks playable I cant find a solid picture of one being held (didnt look very hard though). I am sure there others were though.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I still don't find what you're talking about. There's nothing that clearly labels this. Am I looking at the thing that talleys points earned in 2009? It seems to suggest I may have had something like 160 points left at the end of that year. So that means that many points will expire at the end of June?[/QUOTE]

I think they only show if you have expiring coins, I remember I saw them somewhere with in my profile but were soon gone after I purchased the Game & Watch. I tried looking again but can't find it anywhere concluding in my assumption.
[quote name='skiizim']I think they only show if you have expiring coins, I remember I saw them somewhere with in my profile but were soon gone after I purchased the Game & Watch. I tried looking again but can't find it anywhere concluding in my assumption.[/QUOTE]

That may make sense, as I can't find anything obvious. I've gotten a few rewards from Club Nintendo, so I guess I don't have anything expiring from the first year.
I've got 1200 coins, 410 which expire on the 30th. Anyone know if the hanafuda cards are worth getting? Also how often are new items added?
[quote name='KingBroly']Question, if I connect my 3DS to my CN account, will I get my 40 coins right away or will it be 10 days?[/QUOTE]

you will get 40 within 3 days. There is no choice in the matter though. You just get it when the thing gets processed.
I'm saving for the blue towel, because I just bought a house and need it. What's the cheapest, quickest way to rack up coins other than buying from other people on ebay?

Do all DSi and 3DS Virtual console games have surveys, or only certain ones? I only have $2.92 in my account.
I've also been trying to figure out this expiring coin situation. I emailed customer service and was told that everything I earned between 7-1-08 and 6-30-09 will be expiring on 6-30-11. I figured as much, but in the same email the rep told me that I would be sent an email notification in advance of the expiration of my coins. I have not received this email, so I suppose it happens to be that I spent all of those 08-09 coins already.

Has anyone been sent a coin expiration email?
Like was mentioned earlier, I had coins expiring it showed under my name right where it said how many coins I had, the moment I ordered the Zelda posters they were gone. If it's not under your name I think you'll be okay, otherwise just order something anyway and those should be the first coins to go if you're that worried about it.

Also, I got an email about expiring coins at the beginning of the month, that may be what they're referring to.
We are Platinum again. I could also get a Gold in a second account again, but not sure I'm going to do that this time. I'll have to consult with my kids and see if they want the calendar again. it was pretty nice, but then it's just a calendar, and not one you can even do anything with other then look at it.
[quote name='Denbo32']Hmm I'm 100 points away from being plat, is it worth it to try and push for that last 100 in 2 days?[/QUOTE]
This is exactly the same situation I'm in. I'm just not sure if I want to put in the effort to achieve plat, though.
Achieving Platinum is going to make the difference between something good, like a limited edition Super Mario Bros PVC figure inside a Question Block, and a calendar. If you're only 100 coins away, you should go for it.
Under Current Balance, click "See Details"

I'm not 100% sure on that since I don't have any Coins expiring, so I can't be for sure.

The New OP will go live bright and early tomorrow morning (around 6-8am EDT). It will be 2 posts long, although most of the important information will be in the first post so it can be Wiki'd.
[quote name='Strell']I'm doing surveys right now.

Some coins expire today too I heard? How can I check that?[/QUOTE]

Should show on the left side if you have any that expire, You can also go to the MY Coins page and it will say when each year of coins expires.
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