Club Nintendo - Platinum & Gold Rewards


146 (100%)
I was surprised to see an e-mail from Club Nintendo letting me choose to 'prizes' for reaching Platinum Level by registering my games at the site. Out of the two items being offered, 1) an exclusive Punch-Out! DLC title which has a one-on-one fight vs Mac's trainer, Doc (where I presume you only get to play as Mac) and 2) A full-sized replica red Mario hat that can either be worn or collected.

My question is which sounds the most appealing?? I'm assuming with the DLC title it will load off a Wii Channel and does not require the disc, so that might be cool to boot up and play really quick to show a friend. However, there really isn't much tangible or monetary value associated with it other than the fact that it is a rare download not available to anyone else.

Now the Mario cap would have monetary value and could be a good collector's item in say 15-20 years, but it will inevitably be another thing collecting dust or stored in a box.

What is everyone else getting?
I opted for the DLC, because it will probally be gifted to my Wii- and I can buy a Mario hat on eBay from someone.

I want both :)
I stayed at gold level assuming once people reached gold they figure they might as well get the extra points to reach plat, meaning that the gold level gift would have a higher chance of being rare.

Only time will tell, but the calendar at least has its uses.

Given the choice between a foam hat and a calendar, I'm glad I did.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I stayed at gold level assuming once people reached gold they figure they might as well get the extra points to reach plat, meaning that the gold level gift would have a higher chance of being rare.

Only time will tell, but the calendar at least has its uses.

Given the choice between a foam hat and a calendar, I'm glad I did.[/QUOTE]

Rumor is, Platinum members get the gold item too.....
I don't know where you're getting that rumor from, apart from people disappointed at the prizes hoping to get more, but if so... damn.

But, I feel its safe to bet on Nintendo not delivering. A nice added bonus is that the calendar will be a new one for NA, so while the hat can already be gotten in Japan, the calendar cannot.
I'm not complaining about the hat. I think it's pretty cool and my kids are excited about it. I just have to somehow prevent them (6 and 8) from trashing it. :) If we get the calendar too that will be awesome. My kids want that too!
[quote name='Josef']OP should add a poll to justify this discussion being outside the Club Nintendo thread.[/QUOTE]

crap! how do I do that? I tried editing it and then read the FAQ, couldn't fine anything to add a poll.

sorry to mess up the Club Nintendo thread, I guess I should have 'last paged' that one...figured it was old, and this was just today, my bad!!
[quote name='token2k6']crap! how do I do that? I tried editing it and then read the FAQ, couldn't fine anything to add a poll.

sorry to mess up the Club Nintendo thread, I guess I should have 'last paged' that one...figured it was old, and this was just today, my bad!![/QUOTE]

I thought you could add a poll to an existing thread. Maybe you can only do it at the time the thread is created? Not sure.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I don't know where you're getting that rumor from, apart from people disappointed at the prizes hoping to get more, but if so... damn.

But, I feel its safe to bet on Nintendo not delivering. A nice added bonus is that the calendar will be a new one for NA, so while the hat can already be gotten in Japan, the calendar cannot.[/QUOTE]

That's how they did it in Japan in previous years.

However, I don't think they'll be doing that because they never said anything about it here.
[quote name='crunchewy']Dang - wish I had been able to manage two club nintendo platinum accounts so I could have gotten both. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

Me too! I actually started a second one for next year. Hopefully the prizes will be even better because the start up woes will be over.
[quote name='crunchewy']Dang - wish I had been able to manage two club nintendo platinum accounts so I could have gotten both. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

That's not a bad idea. I'll have to do that if I'm crazy over my head with points.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I stayed at gold level assuming once people reached gold they figure they might as well get the extra points to reach plat, meaning that the gold level gift would have a higher chance of being rare.

Only time will tell, but the calendar at least has its uses.

Given the choice between a foam hat and a calendar, I'm glad I did.[/QUOTE]

It's not a foam hat, chucklenuts.
The Classic Controller was NOT offered this year in Japan - that was last year. Just saying. I personally think the gold wheel they were offered this year is lamer than either of the U.S. rewards the plat members got offered. (yes I'm including the hat) You win some, you lose some.

It sucks that "controllers" won't be offered in the states, I mean controllers are nifty and everything, but the constant whining is getting grating. Besides, I had a Super Famicom back in the day - that's the controller I would want, and if Nintendo did release such a thing here, it would be the SNES iteration, so I'd have to import anyway...

I've let it go. :)

By the way (and someone already mentioned this) the hat is plush, not some kind of cheap foam. I opted for the hat because I already know someone getting the Doc Louis tech demo, so I'll be able to play it.
[quote name='Nohbdy']You can't wear a controller. Also, a hat is more accessible.[/QUOTE]
Although you have a valid argument, I don't see myself wearing the hat in everyday situation (like you would with a baseball cap). So most of the time it will just be stored somewhere.

I'm leaning towards the hat. The download is unique but I fear the gameplay is rather limited as if it's a demo with a single match.
[quote name='Nohbdy']It's not a foam hat, chucklenuts.[/QUOTE]
foam, plush, leather, magical threads woven from the pubic hairs of miyamoto treated with the tears of nintendo fans, whatever. its still a mario hat.
[quote name='crystalklear64']foam, plush, leather, magical threads woven from the pubic hairs of miyamoto treated with the tears of nintendo fans, whatever. its still a mario hat.[/QUOTE]

I love it when people on the internet pretend they're witty.
bread's done