Club Nintendo

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in for a mario hat! :D

punch-out is a good game, but a doc expansion will only be novel and entertaining for a day or two ... now if they were offering a luigi hat I may have chosen differently! :p
I wish there was more details or at least some screens of the DLC. Not really interested in the hat/calendar, but I don't want the DLC if it's lame.
BAD Nintendo!!!!! Give us the Hat AND the DLC!!!!!!!!!! Now you go sit in your Naughty Chair until you know how to treat people better!
= )~
I went for the Hat, If nothing else it'll look sweet on my Boba Fett Helmet.........
I'd rather have the calendar, but if for some stupid reason I really can't pick it as a Platinum member, then I guess I'm getting the Punch-out demo. I think I'd rather be shot in the knee than own a Mario hat.
[quote name='rabbitt']What the fuck am I gonna do with a DL code for a game I don't have?

Sigh. Hope these things are worth a lot on ebay...[/QUOTE]
You don't need the retail game. It's a standalone WiiWare game.

I'm leaning towards the hat right now, since I would think the Punch-Out retail game would be enough for me outside of the novelty of having the WW download. Hat is a little more tangible.
[quote name='rabbitt']What the fuck am I gonna do with a DL code for a game I don't have?

Reading, FTW!

[quote name='Rocksnake']A little underwhelming, with the Punch-out DLC (stand-alone, or whatever), I mean couldn't we at least get a disk? That would've make it a little more difficult deciding.
But the Mario Hat is still really nice, if it is for sure human and not cat sized![/QUOTE]

A disc for a single fight? It's essentially a demo, something to just keep on the Wii.

Both prizes are pretty weak, but better than nothing. I'm going with Punch-Out since that will actually have a use, even if it's only for a few days.

Here's the response for ordering Punch-Out (or how I won't be rocking out Doc Luis tonight)
Your Club Nintendo Elite Status reward order has been accepted.

You will receive an email by November 1, 2009 with more information
on how to get your digital reward.
Yeah, this one is a tough call.

The hat = guaranteed cuteness when my little son runs around doing the Mario 'Yippee!'
Punch-Out!! game = black box mystery (could go either way)

Do Plantinum members also receive the calendar in addition to their platinum selection? I think not, but does anyone know for certain?
To those considering Punch-out!! -- You will likely come home one day and find a message on your system saying you've been "gifted" a game.

In other words- don't get this thinking you are going to sell it on eBay like G&W, and REALLY don't get this if you aren't still using the Wii you have registered on club nintendo.
I'm a huge Punch-Out fan, but I think I'm going to go with the Mario hat. If it was a disc instead of a downloadable game I may have got it.
"Your Elite Status Reward will be delivered by November 1, 2009."

Long time... I ordered the hat. Disappointed as well, but I'm kinda of the feeling that they really didn't have to bring Club Nintendo here.
I was debating between the hat & dlc too, but considering I don't have Punch-Out or even a broadband connection to dl the content I think I'm going to go with the hat.
well it's their first year... maybe next year will be better.

but I kinda agree, that the prizes are a let down.

Ordered the HAT since it's somewhat more interesting than punching an old black guy.

And I thought all Plats get the gold Calendar too.... I sure hope so else it's lame duck with lame sauce all over it.
[quote name='xycury']well it's their first year... maybe next year will be better.

but I kinda agree, that the prizes are a let down.

Ordered the HAT since it's somewhat more interesting than punching an old black guy.

And I thought all Plats get the gold Calendar too.... I sure hope so else it's lame duck with lame sauce all over it.[/QUOTE]Some years will be better than others, it's not like this selection is any worse than what Japan got last year:
The hat is probably the best prize they could have done. I mean, it's a nice plush, physical prize. It's just the lack of choices that sucks.
I wish they had offered something more 'practical'. Maybe not an SNES classic controller, but something I can actually use to play games.
That SNES controller is absolutely beautiful, but for some reason, getting a nice plush hat will be nicer than receiving a cold, plastic, beautiful SNES controller for the Wii. Hmmm.
Hat for me, I never even turn on my Wii.

I was really hoping for an SNES controller...

Well, all I can say is that my kids are going to pretty much collapse from excitement overdose when they see the Mario hat tonight! So, to my mind, this is a great start! It's too bad they aren't giving us both prizes, though - then I'd be thrilled to get the Punchout download. Having to choose instead of the hat... that does suck a bit since it isn't a disc, which would certainly be more collectable then a download. I'd really like to have it, though, or at least get a chance to play it. Maybe my nephew will choose it? Doubtful, but I'll keep my fingers crossed....
I feel releasing Doc Louis' Punch Out as download-able content instead of a physical format is really a poor decision on Nintendo's behalf. I think it would've been fine had this been released on disc, but there's too much unknown out there with something digital. If your Wii bites the dust, what happens? There's no guarantee (yet) that you will have the ability to get this restored.

Having said that, I think I'm going to spring for the hat.

For those of you who have already ordered a prize, can you check to see if you can change the shipped address? I'll be moving before this is shipped out, but I won't know my new address until after the deadline to select a prize is up.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Hat for me, I never even turn on my Wii.

I was really hoping for an SNES controller...[/QUOTE]

So you can hook it up to the Wii remote you never use? For you I would suggest selecting the Punch Out download, and then never bother to download it. That would be perfect for you.
True, it would be better if the Punch Out reward was a physical disc instead of dlc, but I understand why they chose to do it that way. It's cheaper to release and can't be resold, so it will stay exclusive to the club. You had to know these "rewards" were going to be disappointing. I have to choose between a game I'll only want to play once and a hat I will probably never wear? Great. I'll take what's in the box, Monty.
when nintendo gave out the zelda collection a few years back, that was awesome. These choices are disappointing.
Maybe what is more disappointing is they haven't cycled in new rewards to spend coins on.
I'd love to see vc, wiiware or points able to be purchased with coins.
[quote name='vherub']when nintendo gave out the zelda collection a few years back, that was awesome. These choices are disappointing.
Maybe what is more disappointing is they haven't cycled in new rewards to spend coins on.
I'd love to see vc, wiiware or points able to be purchased with coins.[/QUOTE]

Do you drink Pepsi? or Seirra Mist?
Do you have access to get the caps for the RockBand promotion?

because right there is an ENDLESS supply of Points.... Wii Points.

I've scored about 6000 points right now... all free from snatching caps from recycle bins. (they throw the caps in the trash anyways)
Im guessing we can expect them to continue on giving us the left-overs? I know it seems like it can be "no worse" than what they got last year... but in all honesty I'd much rather have a golden wii wheel than punch-out DLC that is tied to my Wii (which mine is on its last leg)... and we didn't even get that.

I was really hoping for something really nice. An OST... something. Oh well, free is free. I guess I'll take a hat that I will never wear... over DLC for a game I will probably not buy until it hits 20$ and then never play.
That's a bit year one fail for Nintendo. if the Punch Out reward was on a physical disc I would probably pick it, since it's not I guess I will go with the hat. Let's hope year two prizes are much better.
I would love to see a Luigi Gamecube Controller, an item at Japanese's Club Nintendo for us at North America for rewards to redeem so I could get that box displaying in English. Hence my username - green rocks. My favorite color. =P

Still haven't redeemed ANYTHING on either 2 accounts combining nearly 2,000 coins. Game & Watch collection is on my want list but not high priority.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I feel releasing Doc Louis' Punch Out as download-able content instead of a physical format is really a poor decision on Nintendo's behalf. I think it would've been fine had this been released on disc, but there's too much unknown out there with something digital. If your Wii bites the dust, what happens? There's no guarantee (yet) that you will have the ability to get this restored.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I'm worried about, and why I'll be getting the hat.
I have yet to redeem my points either - hoping for a refresh of rewards. I wouldn't mind the Animal Crossing cards but I can't remember the last time I played cards!

The caps for points thing... is that just for Pepsi - or do Coke rewards give Wii points also?
Reminds me of many years back when I collected enough Ovaltine UPCs and sent away for my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring (I used to listen to the radio program every Friday night). Anyway, I finally received the ring and was able to decode what Annie had be cryptically relaying to her loyal radio listeners all these past weeks. I turned the ring to match the alphanumeric characters that she'd provided on-air and gradually spelled out...


Come to think of it, that might not have been me after all. These things get cluttered and cloudy in my memory.
'Cube Daddy;6071486]Reminds me of many years back when I collected enough Ovaltine UPCs and sent away for my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring (I used to listen to the radio program every Friday night). Anyway said:
[quote name='rabbitt']Then let me correct myself:

What the fuck am I going to do with a game for a console I don't have?[/QUOTE]

:lol: That makes more sense.
I want both the Mario Hat and the Doc Lewis Punch Out!! game....I am going to get the Doc Lewis Punch Out!! game just incase it is not a pin number mailed/emailed, and rather a gifted WiiWare game.If someone does not want their Mario Hat- I will buy/trade for it!Please PM me and we can work out the details!Thanks.
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