Clubhouse games


I'm thinking of purchasing the game but wondered what everyone's opinion was on it.

I've heard that many of the games aren't that good. For example, chess and checkers provide no challenge whatsoever from what I've read. Does the AI provide a challenge on any games? I know that it has wifi on some games for when i'm not traveling and people generally provide good AI lol.

Do any of the games keep stats? High scores, win/loss record, etc.

Any cheap ass deals? Amazon at $26.95 with free shipping is about as good I've seen right now.

Thanks for any advice.
It's great, especially online. Best Buy had the touch generations for $24.95 two or three months ago and that's when I got it, with GGC, for $20. You should've gotten it then :p.

I like the games and they're great to play wi-fi. I haven't been playing it lately though, so many other games....
The AI gets a nice boost when you raise the difficulty level. I noticed that the other day while I was playing. After slaughtering the machine over and over I raised the difficulty level and now I'm fairly even with the machine.

No cribbage is jsut wrong though...
I was totally surprised by this game--I wasn't expecting much, and I've been playing it non-stop since Christmas. It's fantastic. Some of the games have good AI when boosting the skill level of the computer. I'm not so good at some games--I've played multiple games of Turncoat (Othello) and Masami Shogi and have gotten crushed each time on the easy difficulty.
I agree with all the other comments - great all-around game. The "Stamp" mode makes you play through each game so you can unlock a few more... fortunately I think there are only 3 that are locked, so the vast majority of games are available as soon as you pop it in the first time.

It's also a great game for the john... usually takes me about 10 minutes to go through a game of backgammon.
I'm playing it just about every day. Working my way through all of the Missions has become quite a challenge for me. Still loving it.
I haven't played it lately due to FFIII, but agree with everyone else that it's a must-buy.

My fave is probably darts online. The games are quick, and yes it does keep your rank (out of 10,000 I believe).
you can play one cartridge and up to 4 DS I believe with people in the vicinity. On wifi, everyone needs the game.
I dont know what all these other people are talking abot but I thought it was pretty overrated. its a good game for shitting. But I dont even play it when I take a shit. Again I dont know why people think this game is so great.
I wouldnt go so far as to say its bad, Its just not that good. IMO.
No cribbage is a bummer.

Its a fun game all around. I love darts. I'm trying to figure out the old old Nintendo card game Hamafuda or in the game called Koi Koi
Absolutely a must-buy. I've never been much a fan of most of the games (had never played quite a few of the card games - never been a card fan), but since getting CG as a Christmas gift, I've fallen in love with so many. Really an incredible game. I have a hard time finding folks to play online for most titles, though. Bowling is usually a safe bet.
I loved it and played the hell out of it. I beat stamp mode on every difficulty, and then beat most of the mission challenges. Except of course for the games I cant understand, which is basically Hanafuda/Koi Koi, and that Japanese Chess type game.

The poker games are fun online, but its not really like real poker. You can go below $0 and still bet, its strange and changes the strategy totally.

Theres soo much in there that even if you like 1 out of 3 games, that still 10-12 games that you will enjoy. I definitely reccomend it.
I have also been thinking about buying this game recently. It just seems like a lot of fun, a good game to just pick up and play for a few minutes. I am getting tired of holding out for a good deal on it so I might just break down and go buy it sometime soon.
Of the games I own, I would say Clubhouse Games and Brain Age are the ones I pick up most often (Brain Age mainly for Sudoku). I love Ludo, bowling and darts and I'm also having a lot of fun with the card games (many of which I'd never played, or, in a couple cases, never even heard of).
whats the name of the game where you roll a die and try to move four little pieces around a playing field? If you land on your opponents piece it goes back to the beginning area... I freakin LOVE that game !

[quote name='Puffa469']whats the name of the game where you roll a die and try to move four little pieces around a playing field? If you land on your opponents piece it goes back to the beginning area... I freakin LOVE that game ![/quote]
The game is ok and glad I bought it.

However, they could have made it a lot better if they included high score tables for each game and let you enter your name for the score. Just counting wins for each is pretty skimpy. I like beating high scores and seeing how well I've done at each game. Tetris is a little better in that aspect but they only keep the highest score rather than top 20 and don't allow you put in who got the high score. Both of those games need something like in Mario Kart, which keeps top 5 race times for each track.

Only other gripe is with stamp mode. you can go through it without ever winning a game, although you go faster with winning. You shouldn't get a stamp for losing IMO.
Thats what I liked best about stamp mode, myself... I don't think it would be fair on a game like this to make people win everything in order to unlock the other games. It's a simple board game compilation, not something like an RPG or platformer or such... I think having to win things to unlock the icons is enough.

Of course, maybe I just feel this way because I know I will never ever win a game of Go/Othello/Reversi/whatever they call it :p
lol, I already won othello. Bowling is tough but now i'm finding it easier to just do a short stroke because I always veer to the side at the end.

I got a new background texture unlocked or something but not sure how to use it yet unless the change is automatic. Didn't pay much attention to it before.
Theres no way I could ever win a game of that Japanese Chess. And when I play Koi-Koi, I just click on the cards that are highlighted and sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose, but I still have no idea what Im actually doing. lol

For some reason I kick ass at the Othello game, Ive never lost afaik. I also cant lose at that 'connect five' game.
connect five is really fun. I thought easy mode was; well easy. Normal mode is a challenge for me. I win about 50% of my games against the computer. I played connect five online against someone who destroyed me 5 times in a row.
does difficulty go up on its own? I'm kicking butts in darts and played 4 games or so. My highest was 200 some to their 50.
[quote name='Swingman']does difficulty go up on its own? I'm kicking butts in darts and played 4 games or so. My highest was 200 some to their 50.[/QUOTE]

No and neither do the backgrounds get used on their own. Select a game and before you start that game choose options to look at diff backgrounds and change difficulty....

Hah... I haven't _won_ a connect 5 game yet! Just haven't figured out a way to force the AI into losing before it forces me into losing. The three-three rule kinda sucks IMO.
bread's done