College kind of sucks right now.


18 (100%)
This is the fifth day of orientation for me. Orientation for us is basically tons of info the first two days and then just doing nothing the last three.

So I know like 6-8 people and I've hung out with the same 4 every night, which was stupid. I went out last night with another friend, and it seems like fucking everyone knows each other already. I'm feeling really isolated, honestly, even though I have a couple friends here already.

Once classes start, clubs/sports get going, and routines set in, do you guys think I'll be able to meet more people? I'm making a conscious effort to walk around and talk to mostly everyone.

I know some people have said, "Don't worry about orientation. You'll meet people you'll never see again", but I can't help being worried.
You feel isolated, but are meeting new people, hmmm...

Anyway, you will definetly meet new people. Orientation is only for new students for the college so thats only a small percentage of the student body there. Some people don't even go to orientation, so there's a couple of more people to meet. You'll start meeting new people about a day or 2 before classes actually start, since that's when everyone else moves in.

It seems like the the recent people you met so far, that you don't enjoy their company or something, sorry to go into depth about that.
I never spoke to people I met at orientation again. I did, however make lifelong friends with people I met on my dorm floor the first week of classes (in 95). What you should do is find a student life office and look through a book of student clubs. You can usually find one or two that fit you perfectly and you will meet people who you have things to talk about with. There are lots of other ways to meet people (start playing cards in a lobby, play a guitar outside a bulding, etc.) Just use your college brain to be creative.

My first year of college was both fun and difficult, the second year and on are much better.

I wouldn't be worried. Freshmen year is always sort of weird in the begining, but it will get better.
Yeah, I remember I was hella nervous the first couple of weeks of college. It was all smooth sailing from there onwards.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Enjoy college while you can. Working for a living will suck far worse.[/QUOTE]Naw, I don't believe it. I'm a college student and all I do is work (even had a few 16 hour homework day). I did work over socializing, but that's me.

Anyway, a very small percentage of people go to orientation. I skipped out on orientation completely, but that was because I wasn't really into meeting new people at the time (I only came to college to get an education). Despite never going to any orientations, I still made some friends in the classroom AND Facebook at my college.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']This is the fifth day of orientation for me. Orientation for us is basically tons of info the first two days and then just doing nothing the last three.

So I know like 6-8 people and I've hung out with the same 4 every night, which was stupid. I went out last night with another friend, and it seems like fucking everyone knows each other already. I'm feeling really isolated, honestly, even though I have a couple friends here already.

Once classes start, clubs/sports get going, and routines set in, do you guys think I'll be able to meet more people? I'm making a conscious effort to walk around and talk to mostly everyone.

I know some people have said, "Don't worry about orientation. You'll meet people you'll never see again", but I can't help being worried.[/QUOTE]

You'll be fine. I hated my first 2 months of college, and I loved the next 3 years and 10 months.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Enjoy college while you can. Working for a living will suck far worse.[/quote]

Some people enjoy their jobs...
Yeh, don't worry about orientation. You will get to know dozens of people on your dorm floor whether you like it or not. I liked it, so I got to know a bunch of folks who I went around with for the next year. After that each of us met a few people here and there and it just snowballed. So yeah, no worries unless you finish first semester without knowing anybody.

Whatever you do, DO NOT sit in your room playing games all day, at least until you know people pretty well. There's no quicker way to get blackballed. Other than that, you'll be fine.
Just to clear up a few things, orientation is mandatory. Everyone goes.

The guys on my floor pretty much suck besides about 4 of them. The rest either sit in their room all day or they are just generic beer guzzling fratboys.

Hopefully it'll get better tomorrow when classes start.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Enjoy college while you can. Working for a living will suck far worse.[/quote]

fuck that... I want out of this hell hole. At least a job you GET money not flush it down the toilet. :roll:

BTW, I've heard the same thing about high school, that's a load of bull too.
Clubs. Clubs, clubs, clubs. Clubs.

Whatever you like, chances are there will be a club for it. What school are you at, anyway? The bigger it is, the more sports, clubs, and events you'll have for getting to know people (although your classes will be more anonymous).
drinking beer and partying also helps to meet people. it might not be your scene though so dont feel pressure. no matter what type of people you enjoy being around you will find that group at college.

[quote name='xghostsniperx']Just to clear up a few things, orientation is mandatory. Everyone goes.

The guys on my floor pretty much suck besides about 4 of them. The rest either sit in their room all day or they are just generic beer guzzling fratboys.

Hopefully it'll get better tomorrow when classes start.[/quote]
itll get better if you want it to. i didnt go to orientation for my college ( summer job and summer school lol) so when i got to college i didnt know but one person who had graduated from my high school a year before me. sad as it was i leeched onto her for the first few months and that got old quick and weird especially when she got a bf. long sotry short alot of my loneliness from that first month or so stemmed from me not just opening up and talkign to people.

before i knew it i was cool with most fo the gusy on my floor, met alot of cool and hott chicks in my classes and in my dorm and had tons of friends to hang out with. just talk to people if you see a group of people chattin in front of your dorm or in other places join in on the convo ( it may be intimidating to do at first but its not hard).

i hung out and was cool with damn near every kind of person you could think of jocks, sorority girls, stoners, hippies ( which those 2 may be the same thing) goths geeks, churchies, diff races of people ( man indian chicks are banging) and alot of us usually chilled out from or in someoens dorm room or in the tv room and we always welcomed anyone to join in. there ssure to be groups of people like that but youll have to step out of your comfort zone to meet them.

youll meet your share of assholes and bitches along the way but college is basically a small little world in its own especially if you live on campus. its fun to be able to sample what you can and meet all the diff types of people and create interesting bonds ad friendships. and do not be afraid to experiemnt with diff cultures and races of women . you can learn some interesting things and have tons of fun. im still regretting turning down that asian chick.........
Well our orientation was 2, 12 hour days. So nobody really cared about anything but sleep. Then I moved to my apartment early, roomates were still at home, and a hurricane hit 3 days later knocking power out for a week.

Long story short, I didn't meet anyone for a good month or so after getting settled. Personally I'd try to meet people away from the campus. Tends to offer more culture. Unless of course you're into that frat/dude/like totally scene. Honestly I don't remember anyone from my first year at college. Work, however, I know people I'll probably keep in touch with for years.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Enjoy college while you can. Working for a living will suck far worse.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that what you do after college?
You live as a broke person for 5-10 years as you pay off those college loans. Not everyone hates their job btw.
i went to pre-orientation at a ropes course, and I'm on last day of orientation now, every single aspect of college is amazing right now, and I haven't even gone to a party yet. and all my classes look amazing.
[quote name='javeryh']*sigh* Complaining about college? In the first week? Seriously? Freaking teenagers...[/QUOTE]

How about at least getting to your first exam before you go all emo, ok?

Definetly enjoy college. Work is forever, college is but a brief time to know who you are.
Orientation is always a mix of some fun activities, some absolutely lame ones, and things that some adult thinks is really hip for those teenagers to do but everyone just cuts out and does something else instead.

Basically, you won't really settle into the whole "socialization" aspect until at least two more weeks in. You've already met people, you're hanging out with some, and that's about that. Keep it up. And yes, there are plenty of schools where large groups of people already know one another, either because they were loosely related beforehand or everyone ended up in the same school. It happens.

Just keep going, you'll be fine.
[quote name='TahoeMax']
Whatever you do, DO NOT sit in your room playing games all day, at least until you know people pretty well. There's no quicker way to get blackballed. Other than that, you'll be fine.[/QUOTE]Haha, that's exactly what I did. :lol:
[quote name='TahoeMax']Clubs. Clubs, clubs, clubs. Clubs.

Whatever you like, chances are there will be a club for it. What school are you at, anyway? The bigger it is, the more sports, clubs, and events you'll have for getting to know people (although your classes will be more anonymous).[/QUOTE]
I agree. For me, college was 1 million times better than high school. I had a radio show, had some stuff published in the literary magazine, played intramural sports, took classes that were actually interesting....etc. Just look and ask around for things that interest you. There's bound to be a lot of things for you to do that will help you meet people. Also, drinking and girls can't be overlooked.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Enjoy college while you can. Working for a living will suck far worse.[/QUOTE]

nothing wrong with working and having your own money to do what you want, when you want, with your own clean place. it's the people who get married and have kids too early who sometimes get yearning for the glory days...even then, it's all relative. I know people who didn't really start living until long after college and see school as their "dark days."

OP-- everyone in orientation is going through the same thing you are more or less, so don't worry about it. everyone branches out in the first few weeks and before you know it, you'll have a nice network of people around.
Just be sure you're making decisions for yourself rather than following the cadence of what you feel you're "supposed" to be doing, and you'll be fine.
Honestly if I can meet people, I'm pretty sure you can too. I'm very antisocial, but I was hanging out with people a lot (usually to study).
Orientation? Wtf is that? I don't live on campus so I guess I missed that.

Is it a tiny tiny college or something? Why are you worried about not meeting people?

Maybe it's just because I don't like people, but I don't understand what your problem is, do you have a people quota you're required to meet or something?

It's a college, you've got like 4 years to meet anybody you want.
[quote name='smalien1']every time i come to the dormroom, my roommate is watching fresh prince of bel air on tv, no joke, every time[/quote]

better that then him watchin porn
[quote name='ighosty']better that then him watchin porn[/quote]

Guy #1: Uh, what the hell are watching? On my TV?!
Guy #2: NO! I swear, it is for the uh, Health Class.
[quote name='smalien1']every time i come to the dormroom, my roommate is watching fresh prince of bel air on tv, no joke, every time[/QUOTE]

That's crazy man, I had this roomate once, his license plate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror. if anything I would say that this cab was rare but nah forget it, yo holmes to bel-air
bread's done