Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='GhostShark']I've never had a problem keeping track of Marvel books. I guess that's just me, I suppose.

And if anything, DC's new style of "events" are harder to follow since they don't have their own series anymore and they're spread across multiple books like "Wrath of the First Lantern," "Rot World," and that one between JL Dark and I, Vampire. Trinity War is doing that, but I don't read Justice League so I am basically forced to buy that if want to get the whole story. As compared to the old way of events where I could just buy the 6-12 issue event and select what tie-ins I wanted, if any. That was simple and it should stay that way. Though it seems Marvel is semi-adopting that now with a nearby Captain Marvel event so I will have to buy Avengers Assemble. And that sucks.[/QUOTE]
I don't usually have a problem with it, but with stuff like Civil War or Dark Reign there was a ton of inconsistencies that drove me nuts and I felt may have been resolved if they laid out a better road map for how to read the comics. I forget the exact event that it bothered me the most in, but whatever it was the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man titles directly contradicted each other in huge ways and it drove me crazy trying to make heads or tails of what was happening. I suppose that's partly my fault for attempting to read every tie-in, though.

I think Rotworld and Wrath of the First Lantern is pretty easy to keep up with. There's not really any lag between the books involved so you can read pretty seamlessly month to month. I actually prefer this method as to how they usually treat major events since it seems to be over faster (at least to me). It's not really a new way/old way. Comics have been doing this kind of thing for quite some time. It's like the Sinestro Corps War or War of the Green Lanterns.

[quote name='bardockkun']The only good thing to come out of 90's Superman, well, besides that Superman cover where you peel and stick on Lobo and Superman fighting all around the cover. That was pretty gimmicky, but goddamn awesome.

And if I question Marvel or DC continuity, then that just kind of opens up a rabbit hole of questions that continue to make no sense. So I basically read the story, but shut off a good chunk of my brain these days.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you so hard on all of that.

[quote name='Clak']Now I see what you guys were saying Zombies goes down hill pretty fast, they can't even keep their facts straight, like with the whole not feeling pain thing.[/QUOTE]
YEP! It gets pretty bad in the end. It's depressing. I wish they would bring it back and do it right.
It's not Old Man Logan is at fault. I got the hint that he just doesn't care for reading comics anymore. It wouldn't have mattered what I gave him. Still it's one of the only topics we share an intrest in. Unfortunately most our conversations about comics end up becoming debates.
[quote name='Rodimus']It's not Old Man Logan is at fault. I got the hint that he just doesn't care for reading comics anymore. It wouldn't have mattered what I gave him. Still it's one of the only topics we share an intrest in. Unfortunately most our conversations about comics end up becoming debates.[/QUOTE]

I had the same thing happen with my dad. He's a huge Star Trek fan, but he didn't appreciate anything I got him that I thought was special. Got him directors cut DVDs, he's like, oh I have these on VHS. Then proceeded to somehow lose the DVD cover insert. My brother bought him a blu-ray player and he returned it. We got it, and gave up.
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[quote name='DestroVega']I had the same thing happen with my dad. He's a huge Star Trek fan, but he didn't appreciate anything I got him that I thought was special. Got him directors cut DVDs, he's like, oh I have these on VHS. Then proceeded to somehow lose the DVD cover insert. My brother bought him a blu-ray player and he returned it. We got it, and gave up.[/QUOTE]

Sounds an awful lot like both my dad & brother. Both are terrible at receiving gifts. I would buy games for my brother which he never even puts in the system then just ends up them trading in (can't count how many times he did that.) My dad gives back almost every gift I bought him in the last several years. I stopped buying for both. Birthday's they get a card, X-Mas my bro gets a t-shirt and my dad gets a calender with pictures of my daugther.
I Wish Marvel gave a shit about their animated line like DC does and made an Old Man Logan DVD movie. It seems about the right pace for a 70-80 minute story. I Mean we got a goddamn M-rated Wolverine game, why the fuck can't we have that?

Also finally read through all of Uncanny Avengers, holy shit. It's been awhile since I read a book where a villain feels like an actual threat as opposed to just a danger to an arc and nothing else after. That and I've always liked Havok/Alex ever since Mutant X.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Wish Marvel gave a shit about their animated line like DC does and made an Old Man Logan DVD movie. It seems about the right pace for a 70-80 minute story. I Mean we got a goddamn M-rated Wolverine game, why the fuck can't we have that?[/QUOTE]
When Marvel did the deals with Fox/Sony for the rights on Mutants/FF/Spiderman and others, did that just cover live action rights or all "move rights" as long as movies were made within a certain timeframe to keep the rights in their hands instead of reverting to Marvel? That could be part of the problem doing an animated movie line. Marvel seems to be trying to do better on the animated show line, and since Disney owns them it provides a decent partner/outlet for those shows now where as before it hit and miss.
[quote name='JP']When Marvel did the deals with Fox/Sony for the rights on Mutants/FF/Spiderman and others, did that just cover live action rights or all "move rights" as long as movies were made within a certain timeframe to keep the rights in their hands instead of reverting to Marvel? That could be part of the problem doing an animated movie line. Marvel seems to be trying to do better on the animated show line, and since Disney owns them it provides a decent partner/outlet for those shows now where as before it hit and miss.[/QUOTE]
I Think just live action since Marvel was able to release those "Wolverine/X-Men/Blade/Iron Man" anime titles all under the same distributor. That and the fact that characters like Wolverine also make cameos in the Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon as well alongside Spider-man.

Also way off topic, but I got to say I think I've made the best Adventure Time cosplay ever.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Wish Marvel gave a shit about their animated line like DC does and made an Old Man Logan DVD movie. It seems about the right pace for a 70-80 minute story. I Mean we got a goddamn M-rated Wolverine game, why the fuck can't we have that?[/QUOTE]

This topic came up in the last page or two. But I agree. I hope Disney does something progressive. Marvel 1602 maybe....? That would be different.

What's up with the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon? I've seen two episode and it's kiddy barf.

Marvel did that awful anime crap a few years back (Iron Man, X-Men, Wolvie) It just never sit right with me. Even the Mangaverse was shit. Japanese crossover stuff is best laid to rest. Unless you can make this:
When I think Japanese and X-Men I still just think of "X-Men! Welcome...TO DIE!" Then I just feel ashamed of myself.

For me if Marvel were to make their straight to DVD/Blu animated features on par with DC, I'd just like things I'll never see from their cartoons on TV or movies. 1602 would be amazing to see done, but for me I'd want things like Kraven's Last Hunt because there's no way we'll get a Spidey tale that dark or hell, maybe they can give a GOOD adaptation of Ultimates instead?
[quote name='bardockkun']I Think just live action since Marvel was able to release those "Wolverine/X-Men/Blade/Iron Man" anime titles all under the same distributor. That and the fact that characters like Wolverine also make cameos in the Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon as well alongside Spider-man.[/QUOTE]

Those were all television series not films or straight to video releases. The rights thy sold were for the movies, they didn't give up any TV rights. I'm just wondering if the movie rights also covered animated movies.

From what I've found it looks like the animated movies get classified as TV Movies since they aren't distributed via theater channels. It seems to get a little gray if Marvel wanted to make an animated feature using the characters others own and release it through the theatres. Obviously without a printout of what the deal shows it's impossible to know exactly.
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[quote name='Rodimus']This topic came up in the last page or two. But I agree. I hope Disney does something progressive. Marvel 1602 maybe....? That would be different.

What's up with the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon? I've seen two episode and it's kiddy barf.

Marvel did that awful anime crap a few years back (Iron Man, X-Men, Wolvie) It just never sit right with me. Even the Mangaverse was shit. Japanese crossover stuff is best laid to rest. Unless you can make this:

I kinda wish the old fox series had been Japanese, because the Japanese opening sequences are awesome.
Picked up my comics this week. Goddamn, I love Danger Club. 5 Issues in and I still don't know where the series is going, but I'm hooked and excited to see where it will be.

And for those not in the know, it's from Image and it's basically Teen Titans meets Lord of the Flies where superheroes have all disappeared from Earth and now only their sidekicks remain. Some of them have gone mad with power while others still try and fight and find out what happened to the heroes. Fantastic. Just wish it had more of a consistent schedule.
[quote name='bardockkun']Just wish it had more of a consistent schedule.[/QUOTE]
Yeah that is my only complaint with the series.
Dark Horse is doing a 50 free #1 issues like Marvel did but their website really sucks, it doesn't even tell you which issues you already own or not so it's kind of a pain. They also have a bundle with them all listed in it but that didn't seem to work for me as none were added to my collection.
I Prefer Daredevil stay far away from Avengers films as possible. Maybe make an in joke or something at most about "other heroes", but all the best Daredevil stories have always revolved around the self contained world of Hell's Kitchen and Matt Murdock and I prefer them not cramming Daredevil in a film with others just because they can.
[quote name='GhostShark']I'd like to see Daredevil in them. Well, not DD, but Murdock as a lawyer.[/QUOTE]
Like Trial of the Incredible Hulk TV movie?

Man, I feel old just bringing that up and I'm in my mid 20's.
I'll be at C2E2 all day tomorrow if anyone wants to meet up. I'll be with a couple friends of mine so I'll see if they don't mind.
Why can't Hickman's Avengers be as good as his New Avengers? I know they're building toward Infinity, but Avengers has ranged from "meh" to just "OK" while New Avengers are been pretty much perfect so far. Black Swan is awesome.
[quote name='GhostShark']Why can't Hickman's Avengers be as good as his New Avengers? I know they're building toward Infinity, but Avengers has ranged from "meh" to just "OK" while New Avengers are been pretty much perfect so far. Black Swan is awesome.[/QUOTE]

Came here to say this exact same thing. It is weird how the same writer, writing a very similar storyline, can be so polarizing. I'm going to stick with it for a few more issues but Avengers is close to getting dropped.
I would drop it, but it ties into Infinity and that seems to be something I would find interesting because Thanos will be in it.
Alright Morrison, you win. I Tried dropping it, but now I'm reading Batman Inc again and I'll read it until this giant storyline is finished.
I was kind of interested with what Fox would have done with Daredevil. At least based off what Joe Carnahan was planing when he was attached.
[quote name='moon_knight']I was kind of interested with what Fox would have done with Daredevil. At least based off what Joe Carnahan was planing when he was attached.[/QUOTE]
The Born Again storyline where majority of the movie would have Murdock not in the costume? I Keep hearing about that one and knew it'd be too ballsy for any studio to do as a "superhero" movie. Though yeah I would've loved to seen that.
[quote name='GhostShark']Why can't Hickman's Avengers be as good as his New Avengers? I know they're building toward Infinity, but Avengers has ranged from "meh" to just "OK" while New Avengers are been pretty much perfect so far. Black Swan is awesome.[/QUOTE]
I actually love both books. Uncanny Avengers is the only thing I'm not absolutely in love with right now.

[quote name='bardockkun']Alright Morrison, you win. I Tried dropping it, but now I'm reading Batman Inc again and I'll read it until this giant storyline is finished.[/QUOTE]
Yesssss. This arc won't be finished until Morrison leaves.
[quote name='bardockkun']The Born Again storyline where majority of the movie would have Murdock not in the costume? I Keep hearing about that one and knew it'd be too ballsy for any studio to do as a "superhero" movie. Though yeah I would've loved to seen that.[/QUOTE]
This sizzle reel got me really excited.
Anybody seen this Iron Man: Technovore movie? It's like the anime series, not really digging it. Marvel just doesn't do animation well.
So C2E2 was a blast. Way better than Wizard World and now that WW raised its prices considerably, I can safely say I won't be attending this year.
I just wanted to say that the moloid Tong coming out as transgender in the most recent issue of FF was one of the most fun and heartwarming things I've encountered in comics. I just love that series SO much, it's very quickly becoming one of my all time favorite series, and that issue alone just gave it tons of extra points in my book.
[quote name='icebeast']I just wanted to say that the moloid Tong coming out as transgender in the most recent issue of FF was one of the most fun and heartwarming things I've encountered in comics. I just love that series SO much, it's very quickly becoming one of my all time favorite series, and that issue alone just gave it tons of extra points in my book.[/QUOTE]
I Think anything with Mike and Laura Allred on pencils and colors respectively gets total passing marks from me.
Mike and Laura weren't on the last issue, surprisingly enough. It's very hard to notice because the dude that subbed in this issue has a very similar style to Mike Allred. I like Ahura as a character. I'm glade they included him in the series.

And I must admit that while the first two issues of Young Avengers were pretty garbage, the latest two issues have been fucking fantastic. I'm glad I dropped Uncanny Avengers instead of this.
[quote name='GhostShark']And I must admit that while the first two issues of Young Avengers were pretty garbage, the latest two issues have been fucking fantastic. I'm glad I dropped Uncanny Avengers instead of this.[/QUOTE]

Probably a good call. Uncanny has been pretty meh so far. But I keep hearing good things about Young Avengers. I think it's time to jump on board.

But I'm pretty far behind in my comic book reading. I have a stack of 15 comics from last month I still need to get through.
I'm enjoying Young Avengers as well, but I'm a huge Young Avengers fan and the book has Loki too, and everyone is finally getting together so I'm sure the plot will start to take off more. :bouncy:

I'm also going to kind of go against the general consensus here and say I've been enjoying Uncanny Avengers, the most recent issues have been fairly cool with Kang the Conqueror doing time travel stuff and the tie into the Dark Angel Saga of Uncanny X-Force.

The most painful read for me right now is Avengers Arena which I'm really not enjoying at all but feel like I have to stick with since it's the only book with X-23 in it and the book also has Runaways and Avengers Academy characters, the concept for the book doesn't work for me at all since we're talking about well established comic book characters, and the writing for the characters has hardly been well done.
[quote name='GhostShark']Mike and Laura weren't on the last issue, surprisingly enough. It's very hard to notice because the dude that subbed in this issue has a very similar style to Mike Allred. I like Ahura as a character. I'm glade they included him in the series. [/QUOTE]
I Think the big tip off was when I saw how weird all the females looked in the last issue. That was what made me miss Mike Allred on pencil's for that issue.

And I'm still digging on Uncanny Avengers alot. I Love their reinvention of the Red Skull and I'm curious to how the Apocalypse Twins play out.
Anybody reading Avengers Arena?
It's been pretty awesome! Never read any of the Avenger Academy etc, but I'm digging this even though I know so few of the characters.
[quote name='JP']That leaves mutants and fantastic four at fox and spider-man at Sony and blade and punisher I can't remember. Any other rights that are outside marvels control?[/QUOTE]

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe both Blade and Punisher are still Marvel. I think those films were by New Line Cinema.
[quote name='GhostShark']I'm not entirely sure, but I believe both Blade and punisher are still Marvel. I think those films were by New Line Cinema.[/QUOTE]

That is correct both rights reverted back. Forgot that. Blade was new line and punisher was lions gate.
I hope Fox doesn't get the new Fantastic Four off the ground in time. I'd love to see that come back to Marvel, even though I personally found the two FF movies enjoyable enough.

It seems like Sony will never give up Spider-Man and Fox will never give up X-Men. I think the characters are just too popular. It would take a huge flop for them to be like "fuck it" and let the rights lapse.

X-Men have so many characters that they'll always be fine on their own - I actually think X-Men work better in a world without the other superheroes.

But I think eventually Sony is going to hit a wall with Spider-Man - After this inevitable trilogy concludes, what do they do? Try to go for 4? Reboot it AGAIN? I think they might want or need a bigger playground for Spider-Man, which means working with Marvel Studios and the rest of the Marvel Universe. Apparently they were close to teasing this with Avengers but it didn't happen.
Eh, Ghost Rider was always just a boring character. Outside of his look I can't think of anything memorable about the character ever. He's basically same league as Spawn for me, all looks and nothing else.

And is there anything from DC movie wise next year or really in the coming future that isn't Man of Steel? Justice League Dark is only thing I hear about and even still, I'm not even sure if that movie's anywhere near preproduction.
[quote name='bardockkun']
And is there anything from DC movie wise next year or really in the coming future that isn't Man of Steel? Justice League Dark is only thing I hear about and even still, I'm not even sure if that movie's anywhere near preproduction.[/QUOTE]

I keep hearing ramblings of a Flash movie, but nothing has come out of those ramblings yet. Same with that Lobo movie.

But actually in some sort of stage? Nope. Think the Man of Steel movie will dictate that.
I've been sucked back in.

The last thing I loved was Runaways and I heard about a few members popping up here and there. I picked up the two issues of Avengers Academy and The Runaways last year I think. Then a couple of weeks ago I heard about Avengers Arena.

Frankly, Avengers Arena blew me away. Having Chase and Nico in the book helps - but I love the Sentinel Kid - Juston I think? I hope he lives a little longer but things are looking not so good for him...

I also really like the uh ..."space girl" with all the weaponry - the girl who was teamed up with the Guardians of the Galaxy for awhile. I can't recall her name.

I get a pretty fair discount on Free Comic Book Day so I'm going to catch up on Young Avengers. I read a half a dozen of them back in the day. Thought it was alright. If this one grabs me, I'll probably add it to my pull.

Basically, I love the books that are about the kids learning their powers. Anything like Runaways or Young Avengers.

Random'ish Questions:

I always liked Cannonball - where is he these days?

When the All New XMen and Uncanny stories wrap - will they cancel one book or the other? Any idea where that is heading? I'll probably head where I like the most team members regardless but I'm just curious what the game plan is there. Has Marvel said yet?

What's a good Spidey title? I always liked Spider Man. I lost track of him shortly before the Brand New Day debacle.

Thanks in advance!
bread's done